971 resultados para theoretische Teilchenphysik, Extra-Dimensionen, Flavor, Higgs, Präzisionstests


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In this thesis, the phenomenology of the Randall-Sundrum setup is investigated. In this context models with and without an enlarged SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R x U(1)_X x P_{LR} gauge symmetry, which removes corrections to the T parameter and to the Z b_L \bar b_L coupling, are compared with each other. The Kaluza-Klein decomposition is formulated within the mass basis, which allows for a clear understanding of various model-specific features. A complete discussion of tree-level flavor-changing effects is presented. Exact expressions for five dimensional propagators are derived, including Yukawa interactions that mediate flavor-off-diagonal transitions. The symmetry that reduces the corrections to the left-handed Z b \bar b coupling is analyzed in detail. In the literature, Randall-Sundrum models have been used to address the measured anomaly in the t \bar t forward-backward asymmetry. However, it will be shown that this is not possible within a natural approach to flavor. The rare decays t \to cZ and t \to ch are investigated, where in particular the latter could be observed at the LHC. A calculation of \Gamma_{12}^{B_s} in the presence of new physics is presented. It is shown that the Randall-Sundrum setup allows for an improved agreement with measurements of A_{SL}^s, S_{\psi\phi}, and \Delta\Gamma_s. For the first time, a complete one-loop calculation of all relevant Higgs-boson production and decay channels in the custodial Randall-Sundrum setup is performed, revealing a sensitivity to large new-physics scales at the LHC.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this Letter we study the process of gluon fusion into a pair of Higgs bosons in a model with one universal extra dimension. We find that the contributions from the extra top quark Kaluza-Klem excitations lead to a Higgs pair production cross section at the LHC that can be significantly altered compared to the Standard Model value for small values of the compactification scale. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This chapter of the "Flavor in the era of LHC" workshop report discusses flavor-related issues in the production and decays of heavy states at the LHC at high momentum transfer Q, both from the experimental and the theoretical perspective. We review top quark physics, and discuss the flavor aspects of several extensions of the standard model, such as supersymmetry, little Higgs models or models with extra dimensions. This includes discovery aspects, as well as the measurement of several properties of these heavy states. We also present publicly available computational tools related to this topic.


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It is well known that experimental data, coming from solar and atmospheric neutrino detectors and also from experiments which look for neutrino oscillations. strongly suggest that neutrinos must have a mass different from zero. However at least the solar and/or the atmospheric neutrino data can be related to new flavor changing interactions beyond the standard model instead to the finite mass of neutrinos. This new physics may induce i) extra effects in neutrino-matter interactions, ii) CP violation in pion and lepton decays and, iii) muonium to antimuonium transition. We give two examples of models in which all those effects arise even with strictly massless neutrinos: the 331 model and multi-Higgs doublet extension of the standard model (mHDM) with flavor changing neutral currents in the charged lepton sector. It means that in this kind of models if neutrino masses were eventually needed, they will be independent of the parameters of the new interactions.


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In this Letter we study the process of gluon fusion into a pair of Higgs bosons in a model with one universal extra dimension. We find that the contributions from the extra top quark Kaluza-Klem excitations lead to a Higgs pair production cross section at the LHC that can be significantly altered compared to the Standard Model value for small values of the compactification scale. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This thesis is on loop-induced processes in theories with warped extra dimensions where the fermions and gauge bosons are allowed to propagate in the bulk, while the Higgs sector is localized on or near the infra-red brane. These so-called Randall-Sundrum (RS) models have the potential to simultaneously explain the hierarchy problem and address the question of what causes the large hierarchies in the fermion sector of the Standard Model (SM). The Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations of the bulk fields can significantly affect the loop-level processes considered in this thesis and, hence, could indirectly indicate the existence of warped extra dimensions. The analytical part of this thesis deals with the detailed calculation of three loop-induced processes in the RS models in question: the Higgs production process via gluon fusion, the Higgs decay into two photons, and the flavor-changing neutral current b → sγ. A comprehensive, five-dimensional (5D) analysis will show that the amplitudes of the Higgs processes can be expressed in terms of integrals over 5D propagators with the Higgs-boson profile along the extra dimension, which can be used for arbitrary models with a compact extra dimension. To this end, both the boson and fermion propagators in a warped 5D background are derived. It will be shown that the seemingly contradictory results for the gluon fusion amplitude in the literature can be traced back to two distinguishable, not smoothly-connected incarnations of the RS model. The investigation of the b → sγ transition is performed in the KK decomposed theory. It will be argued that summing up the entire KK tower leads to a finite result, which can be well approximated by a closed, analytical expression.rnIn the phenomenological part of this thesis, the analytic results of all relevant Higgs couplings in the RS models in question are compared with current and in particular future sensitivities of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the planned International Linear Collider. The latest LHC Higgs data is then used to exclude significant portions of the parameter space of each RS scenario. The analysis will demonstrate that especially the loop-induced Higgs couplings are sensitive to KK particles of the custodial RS model with masses in the multi tera-electronvolt range. Finally, the effect of the RS model on three flavor observables associated with the b → sγ transition are examined. In particular, we study the branching ratio of the inclusive decay B → X_s γ


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In this article, we perform an extensive study of flavor observables in a two-Higgs-doublet model with generic Yukawa structure (of type III). This model is interesting not only because it is the decoupling limit of the minimal supersymmetric standard model but also because of its rich flavor phenomenology which also allows for sizable effects not only in flavor-changing neutral-current (FCNC) processes but also in tauonic B decays. We examine the possible effects in flavor physics and constrain the model both from tree-level processes and from loop observables. The free parameters of the model are the heavy Higgs mass, tanβ (the ratio of vacuum expectation values) and the “nonholomorphic” Yukawa couplings ϵfij(f=u,d,ℓ). In our analysis we constrain the elements ϵfij in various ways: In a first step we give order of magnitude constraints on ϵfij from ’t Hooft’s naturalness criterion, finding that all ϵfij must be rather small unless the third generation is involved. In a second step, we constrain the Yukawa structure of the type-III two-Higgs-doublet model from tree-level FCNC processes (Bs,d→μ+μ−, KL→μ+μ−, D¯¯¯0→μ+μ−, ΔF=2 processes, τ−→μ−μ+μ−, τ−→e−μ+μ− and μ−→e−e+e−) and observe that all flavor off-diagonal elements of these couplings, except ϵu32,31 and ϵu23,13, must be very small in order to satisfy the current experimental bounds. In a third step, we consider Higgs mediated loop contributions to FCNC processes [b→s(d)γ, Bs,d mixing, K−K¯¯¯ mixing and μ→eγ] finding that also ϵu13 and ϵu23 must be very small, while the bounds on ϵu31 and ϵu32 are especially weak. Furthermore, considering the constraints from electric dipole moments we obtain constrains on some parameters ϵu,ℓij. Taking into account the constraints from FCNC processes we study the size of possible effects in the tauonic B decays (B→τν, B→Dτν and B→D∗τν) as well as in D(s)→τν, D(s)→μν, K(π)→eν, K(π)→μν and τ→K(π)ν which are all sensitive to tree-level charged Higgs exchange. Interestingly, the unconstrained ϵu32,31 are just the elements which directly enter the branching ratios for B→τν, B→Dτν and B→D∗τν. We show that they can explain the deviations from the SM predictions in these processes without fine-tuning. Furthermore, B→τν, B→Dτν and B→D∗τν can even be explained simultaneously. Finally, we give upper limits on the branching ratios of the lepton flavor-violating neutral B meson decays (Bs,d→μe, Bs,d→τe and Bs,d→τμ) and correlate the radiative lepton decays (τ→μγ, τ→eγ and μ→eγ) to the corresponding neutral current lepton decays (τ−→μ−μ+μ−, τ−→e−μ+μ− and μ−→e−e+e−). A detailed Appendix contains all relevant information for the considered processes for general scalar-fermion-fermion couplings.


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Compared to μ→eγ and μ→eee, the process μ→e conversion in nuclei receives enhanced contributions from Higgs-induced lepton flavor violation. Upcoming μ→e conversion experiments with drastically increased sensitivity will be able to put extremely stringent bounds on Higgs-mediated μ→e transitions. We point out that the theoretical uncertainties associated with these Higgs effects, encoded in the couplings of quark scalar operators to the nucleon, can be accurately assessed using our recently developed approach based on SU(2) chiral perturbation theory that cleanly separates two- and three-flavor observables. We emphasize that with input from lattice QCD for the coupling to strangeness fNs, hadronic uncertainties are appreciably reduced compared to the traditional approach where fNs is determined from the pion-nucleon σ term by means of an SU(3) relation. We illustrate this point by considering Higgs-mediated lepton flavor violation in the standard model supplemented with higher-dimensional operators, the two-Higgs-doublet model with generic Yukawa couplings, and the minimal supersymmetric standard model. Furthermore, we compare bounds from present and future μ→e conversion and μ→eγ experiments.


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In extensions of the standard model with a heavy fourth generation, one important question is what makes the fourth-generation lepton sector, particularly the neutrinos, so different from the lighter three generations. We study this question in the context of models of electroweak symmetry breaking in warped extra dimensions, where the flavor hierarchy is generated by choosing the localization of the zero-mode fermions in the extra dimension. In this setup the Higgs sector is localized near the infrared brane, whereas the Majorana mass term is localized at the ultraviolet brane. As a result, light neutrinos are almost entirely Majorana particles, whereas the fourth-generation neutrino is mostly a Dirac fermion. We show that it is possible to obtain heavy fourth-generation leptons in regions of parameter space where the light neutrino masses and mixings are compatible with observation. We study the impact of these bounds, as well as the ones from lepton flavor violation, on the phenomenology of these models.


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We classify all possible implementations of an Abelian symmetry in the two-Higgs-doublet model with fermions. We identify those symmetries which are consistent with nonvanishing quark masses and a Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark-mixing matrix (CKM), which is not block-diagonal. Our analysis takes us from a plethora of possibilities down to 246 relevant cases, requiring only 34 distinct matrix forms. We show that applying Z(n) with n >= 4 to the scalar sector leads to a continuous U(1) symmetry in the whole Lagrangian. Finally, we address the possibilities of spontaneous CP violation and of natural suppression of the flavor-changing neutral currents. We explain why our work is relevant even for non-Abelian symmetries.


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We study neutrino masses and mixing in the context of flavor models with A(4) symmetry, three scalar doublets in the triplet representation, and three lepton families. We show that there is no representation assignment that yields a dimension-5 mass operator consistent with experiment. We then consider a type-I seesaw with three heavy right-handed neutrinos, explaining in detail why it fails, and allowing us to show that agreement with the present neutrino oscillation data can be recovered with the inclusion of dimension-3 heavy neutrino mass terms that break softly the A(4) symmetry.


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Agência Financiadora: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PEst-OE/FIS/UI0777/2013; CERN/FP/123580/2011; PTDC/FIS-NUC/0548/2012


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We discuss theoretical and phenomenological aspects of two-Higgs-doublet extensions of the Standard Model. In general, these extensions have scalar mediated flavour changing neutral currents which are strongly constrained by experiment. Various strategies are discussed to control these flavour changing scalar currents and their phenomenological consequences are analysed. In particular, scenarios with natural flavour conservation are investigated, including the so-called type I and type II models as well as lepton-specific and inert models. Type III models are then discussed, where scalar flavour changing neutral currents are present at tree level, but are suppressed by either a specific ansatz for the Yukawa couplings or by the introduction of family symmetries leading to a natural suppression mechanism. We also consider the phenomenology of charged scalars in these models. Next we turn to the role of symmetries in the scalar sector. We discuss the six symmetry-constrained scalar potentials and their extension into the fermion sector. The vacuum structure of the scalar potential is analysed, including a study of the vacuum stability conditions on the potential and the renormalization-group improvement of these conditions is also presented. The stability of the tree level minimum of the scalar potential in connection with electric charge conservation and its behaviour under CP is analysed. The question of CP violation is addressed in detail, including the cases of explicit CP violation and spontaneous CP violation. We present a detailed study of weak basis invariants which are odd under CP. These invariants allow for the possibility of studying the CP properties of any two-Higgs-doublet model in an arbitrary Higgs basis. A careful study of spontaneous CP violation is presented, including an analysis of the conditions which have to be satisfied in order for a vacuum to violate CP. We present minimal models of CP violation where the vacuum phase is sufficient to generate a complex CKM matrix, which is at present a requirement for any realistic model of spontaneous CP violation.