3 resultados para thecoma


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Thecomas are tumors originating from the ovarian stroma and of rare occurrence in the equine species. Clinical, ultrasonographic, endocrine, and histopathologic descriptions of thecoma are scarce. This article aims to describe a case of ovarian changes in a mare with anomalous growth of the right ovary and anestrus for 1 year. After surgical removal, the ovarian growth was diagnosed as a thecoma. Histopathological findings were consistent with the findings previously described in the literature, characteristic of a thecoma, and decisive for the correct diagnosis. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Os tecomas são tumores raros do ovário, do grupo dos tumores dos cordões sexuais, de natureza sólida e frequentemente unilaterais. Têm maior incidência no período pósmenopausa e normalmente são silenciosos. Quando sintomáticos traduzem-se por dor pélvica e metrorragia (condicionada pela habitual natureza produtora de estrogénios do tumor). Podem ser concomitantes a síndrome de Meigs e/ou de Golin-Goltz e associaremse a transformação benigna ou maligna do endométrio. Embora a ecografia possa ser inespecífica neste contexto, uma avaliação multiparamétrica abrangente em ressonância magnética, incluindo por estudo dinâmico e com ponderação em difusão, permite frequentemente orientar de modo favorável a marcha diagnóstica. Apresentamos um caso raro de tecoma do ovário, com espessamento associado do endométrio, avaliado por ecografia ginecológica por vias supra-púbica e transvaginal bem como tomografia computorizada e ressonância magnética, confirmado cirurgicamente. Tratou-se de uma examinada caucasiana de 61 anos de idade, apresentando-se com metrorragia pósmenopáusica, sem outros sintomas nem contexto familiar relevante. Procedeu-se, a este propósito, a uma revisão da literatura focada no diagnóstico multimodal diferencial, apresentação clínica, tratamento e prognóstico destes tumores.


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Elevated blood testosterone concentrations, often accompanied by male-typical behaviors, is a common signalment of mares with granulosa-theca cell tumors (GCTCs), but no definitive information exists regarding the cellular differentiation of tumors associated with androgen secretion. This study was conducted to localize and thereby define the cellular expression of 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase cytochrome P450 (P450c17), the enzyme most directly responsible for androgen synthesis, in 30 GTCTs and control tissues (gonads and adrenal glands) using immuno-histochemistry (IHC). Immuno-reactivity for P450c17 was evident in approximately half of 30 specimens examined, was most consistent in the interstitial cells surrounding existing or developing cysts, and was less intense in cells within cysts in the smaller proportion of specimens where this was observed. In control tissues, the expression of P450c17 was localized primarily in theca interna of normal ovarian follicles, in theca-lutein cells of some corpora lutea, but not in granulosa-lutein cells. Testicular interstitial cells and islands of adreno-cortical cells located in the adrenal medulla of the adrenal cortex further established the specificity of the antisera used. These data provided the first substantive evidence that polyhedral cells identified previously in GTCTs by histopathology have the potential to synthesize and secrete androgens, similar to theca interna and theca lutein cells in normal equine ovaries. © 2010 Elsevier Inc.