933 resultados para theatrical productions
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a atuação de intelectuais entendidos como mediadores culturais, ou seja, aqueles que têm como objetivo a divulgação de conhecimento histórico para o grande público. Para tanto, escolhemos como objeto de estudo o intelectual Viriato Corrêa (1884-1967), que entendemos ser exemplar nesse tipo de atuação intelectual. Mais especificamente, buscaremos nos ater às suas peças teatrais, escritas entre as décadas de 1910 e 1940, que, como todo o resto de sua obra, são marcadas por um intenso discurso de valorização do nacional. É preciso lembrar que o período em questão é estratégico no que concerne à construção de uma identidade nacional republicana. Assim, buscaremos demonstrar como o escritor contribuiu e esteve engajado no projeto de construção de uma história e memória nacionais através de suas produções teatrais, utilizando-as como vetores culturais de difusão de uma história de cunho cívico-patriótico.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Herman Stein, President of the International Association of Schools of Social Work from 1968 - 1976, has for more than sixty years excelled as an educator, scholar, internationalist, university administrator, and leader in a variety of professional associations. From almost the beginning of his career, the world has been the stage on which he has played those many roles, all of them with an abundance of talent. In fact, while he was in the graduate program of what is now the Columbia University School of Social Work, he had to decide whether to become a social worker or an actor. As an undergraduate he became involved in student theatrical productions, where he teamed up with the famous comedian, Danny Kaye, who became a life-long companion and friend. At the end of Steins first year in the social work program, he was invited to join an off-Broadway variety show that helped to launch Kaye on his meteoric rise on both stage and screen. "If I´d joined," Stein has said, "the theater probably was going to be where I would make my career as a character actor." Fortunately for social work and social work education, he chose instead to continue his studies at the School of Social Work, from which he received his master's degree in 1941 and the doctoral degree in 1958. While the world has been his stage, education has been at the heart of his manifold activities. Following a period of direct service practice as a caseworker in a well-known private agency in New York City, he was recruited by the Columbia School of Social Work in 1945 as a faculty member. With an interruption for a significant overseas assignment from 1947 to 1950, he continued at Columbia for another fourteen years, rising through all professorial ranks to Professor and Director of the School's Research Center.
On verso: Alice Lloyd - later Dean of Women, had leading man's part. Catherine Reighard - other male lead - was Pres. of the Women's League. Dorothy Roehm - leading female role, was the 1915 class Sec'y. Nona Fogerty - pirate with black eye patch - AA girl - later of Fogerty Hat Shop, Liberty St. Abigail Shay Bassett - AA, an active and loyal alumnae, who donated this picture (A.B. '15, A.B.L.S. '28). Prof. Kenyon was the play producer and director. No men were ever allowed to see these plays!
The article examines the early 20th century Australian actor, theater director, and writer Oscar Asche and how various aspects of his work are expressive of an aesthetic modernism. His theatrical productions with his wife Lily Brayton are discussed, as well as his solo projects like the highly acclaimed musical "Chu Chin Chow." Asche is described as a "vitalist."
Inscription: Verso: "Nefertiti/Deuonia Evangeline" New York.
The novels of Daniel Cortezón, which have not attracted as much critical attention as his theatrical productions, are of contemporary interest as they develop his ideas on identity, history and politics. The purpose of this article is to show, through an analysis of the complex arrangement of the above three concepts, how A vila Sulagada is a metaphor for the historical failure of Galicia.
The present study is a brief personal enquiry into the teaching and learning of EFL in the classroom with an orientation to action and personal professional development. It focuses on teacher talk, making special emphasis on questions, as well as on students’ resulting oral productions. The research contains samples of empirical data, which include their interpretations in the light of relevant research literature, and a more personal overall reflection of the teaching practice. Both the analysis and the reflections derive to a large extent from the self-observation paper 1 (SO1) and the Practicum portfolio (PP) developed within the TED Masters Degree practicum stages
Water fact sheet for Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Geological Bureau.