939 resultados para the RNA recognition motif


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Due to limited available therapeutic options, developing new lead compounds against hepatitis C virus is an urgent need. Human La protein stimulates hepatitis C virus translation through interaction with the hepatitis C viral RNA. A cyclic peptide mimicking the beta-turn of the human La protein that interacts with the viral RNA was synthesized. It inhibits hepatitis C viral RNA translation significantly better than the corresponding linear peptide at longer post-treatment times. The cyclic peptide also inhibited replication as measured by replicon RNA levels using real time RT-PCR. The cyclic peptide emerges as a promising lead compound against hepatitis C.


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The shoot represents the basic body plan in land plants. It consists of a repeated structure composed of stems and leaves. Whereas vascular plants generate a shoot in their diploid phase, non-vascular plants such as mosses form a shoot (called the gametophore) in their haploid generation. The evolution of regulatory mechanisms or genetic networks used in the development of these two kinds of shoots is unclear. TERMINAL EAR1-like genes have been involved in diploid shoot development in vascular plants. Here, we show that disruption of PpTEL1 from the moss Physcomitrella patens, causes reduced protonema growth and gametophore initiation, as well as defects in gametophore development. Leafy shoots formed on ΔTEL1 mutants exhibit shorter stems with more leaves per shoot, suggesting an accelerated leaf initiation (shortened plastochron), a phenotype shared with the Poaceae vascular plants TE1 and PLA2/LHD2 mutants. Moreover, the positive correlation between plastochron length and leaf size observed in ΔTEL1 mutants suggests a conserved compensatory mechanism correlating leaf growth and leaf initiation rate that would minimize overall changes in plant biomass. The RNA-binding protein encoded by PpTEL1 contains two N-terminus RNA-recognition motifs, and a third C-terminus non-canonical RRM, specific to TEL proteins. Removal of the PpTEL1 C-terminus (including this third RRM) or only 16–18 amino acids within it seriously impairs PpTEL1 function, suggesting a critical role for this third RRM. These results show a conserved function of the RNA-binding PpTEL1 protein in the regulation of shoot development, from early ancestors to vascular plants, that depends on the third TEL-specific RRM.


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The importance of RNA as a mediator of genetic information is widely appreciated. RNA molecules also participate in the regulation of various post-transcriptional activities, such as mRNA splicing, editing, RNA stability and transport. Their regulatory roles for these activities are highly dependent on finely tuned associations with cognate proteins. The RNA recognition motif (RRM) is an ancient RNA binding module that participates in hundreds of essential activities where specific RNA recognition is required. We have applied phage display and site-directed mutagenesis to dissect principles of RRM-controlled RNA recognition. The model systems we are investigating are U1A and CUG-BP1. In this dissertation, the molecular basis of the binding affinity of U1A-RNA beyond individual contacts was investigated. We have identified and evaluated the contributions of the local cooperativity formed by three neighboring residues (Asn15, Asn16 and Glu19) to the stability of the U1A-RNA complex. The localized cooperative network was mapped by double-mutant cycles and explored using phage display. We also showed that a cluster of these residues forms a “hot spot” on the surface of U1A; a single substitution at position 19 with Gln or His can alter the binding properties of U1A to recognize a non-cognate G4U RNA. Finally, we applied a deletion analysis of CUG-BP1 to define the contributions of individual RRMs and RRM combinations to the stability of the complex formed between CUG-BP1 and the GRE sequence. The preliminary results showed RRM3 of CUG-BP1 is a key domain for RNA binding. It possibly binds to the GRE sequence cooperatively with RRM2 of CUG-BP1. RRM1 of CUG-BP1 is not required for GRE recognition, but may be important for maintaining the stability of the full-length CUG-BP1.


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Human La protein is known to be an essential host factor for translation and replication of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA. Previously, we have demonstrated that residues responsible for interaction of human La protein with the HCV internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) around the initiator AUG within stem-loop IV form a beta-turn in the RNA recognition motif (RRM) structure. In this study, sequence alignment and mutagenesis suggest that the HCV RNA-interacting beta-turn is conserved only in humans and chimpanzees, the species primarily known to be infected by HCV. A 7-mer peptide corresponding to the HCV RNA-interacting region of human La inhibits HCV translation, whereas another peptide corresponding to the mouse La sequence was unable to do so. Furthermore, IRES-mediated translation was found to be significantly high in the presence of recombinant human La protein in vitro in rabbit reticulocyte lysate. We observed enhanced replication with HCV subgenomic and full-length replicons upon overexpression of either human La protein or a chimeric mouse La protein harboring a human La beta-turn sequence in mouse cells. Taken together, our results raise the possibility of creating an immunocompetent HCV mouse model using human-specific cell entry factors and a humanized form of La protein.


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Human La protein has been implicated in facilitating the internal initiation of translation as well as replication of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA. Previously, we demonstrated that La interacts with the HCV internal ribosome entry site (IRES) around the GCAC motif near the initiator AUG within stem-loop IV by its RNA recognition motif (RRM) (residues 112 to 184) and influences HCV translation. In this study, we have deciphered the role of this interaction in HCV replication in a hepatocellular carcinoma cell culture system. We incorporated mutation of the GCAC motif in an HCV monocistronic subgenomic replicon and a pJFH1 construct which altered the binding of La and checked HCV RNA replication by reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR). The mutation drastically affected HCV replication. Furthermore, to address whether the decrease in replication is a consequence of translation inhibition or not, we incorporated the same mutation into a bicistronic replicon and observed a substantial decrease in HCV RNA levels. Interestingly, La overexpression rescued this inhibition of replication. More importantly, we observed that the mutation reduced the association between La and NS5B. The effect of the GCAC mutation on the translation-to-replication switch, which is regulated by the interplay between NS3 and La, was further investigated. Additionally, our analyses of point mutations in the GCAC motif revealed distinct roles of each nucleotide in HCV replication and translation. Finally, we showed that a specific interaction of the GCAC motif with human La protein is crucial for linking 5' and 3' ends of the HCV genome. Taken together, our results demonstrate the mechanism of regulation of HCV replication by interaction of the cis-acting element GCAC within the HCV IRES with human La protein.


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FUS/TLS (fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma) is a ubiquitously expressed protein of the hnRNP family, that has been discovered as fused to transcription factors in several human sarcomas and found in protein aggregates in neurons of patients with an inherited form of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis [Vance C. et al., 2009]. FUS is a 53 kDa nuclear protein that contains structural domains, such as a RNA Recognition Motif (RRM) and a zinc finger motif, that give to FUS the ability to bind to both RNA and DNA sequences. It has been implicated in a variety of cellular processes, such as pre-mRNA splicing, miRNA processing, gene expression control and transcriptional regulation [Fiesel FC. and Kahle PJ., 2011]. Moreover, some evidences link FUS to genome stability control and DNA damage response: mice lacking FUS are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation (IR) and show high levels of chromosome instability and, in response to double-strand breaks, FUS is phosphorylated by the protein kinase ATM [Kuroda M. et al., 2000; Hicks GG. et al., 2000; Gardiner M. et al., 2008]. Furthermore, preliminary results of mass spectrometric identification of FUS interacting proteins in HEK293 cells, expressing a recombinant flag-tagged FUS protein, highlighted the interactions with proteins involved in DNA damage response, such as DNA-PK, XRCC-5/-6, and ERCC-6, raising the possibilities that FUS is involved in this pathway, even though its role still needs to be clarified. This study aims to investigate the biological roles of FUS in human cells and in particular the putative role in DNA damage response through the characterization of the proteomic profile of the neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y upon FUS inducible depletion, by a quantitative proteomic approach. The SH-SY5Y cell line that will be used in this study expresses, in presence of tetracycline, a shRNA that targets FUS mRNA, leading to FUS protein depletion (SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells). To quantify changes in proteins expression levels a SILAC strategy (Stable Isotope Labeling by Amino acids in Cell culture) will be conducted on SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells and a control SH-SY5Y cell line (that expresses a mock shRNA) and the relative changes in proteins levels will be evaluated after five and seven days upon FUS depletion, by nanoliquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (nLC-MS/MS) and bioinformatics analysis. Preliminary experiments demonstrated that the SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells, when subjected to genotoxic stress (high dose of IR), upon inducible depletion of FUS, showed a increased phosphorylation of gH2AX with respect to control cells, suggesting an higher activation of the DNA damage response.


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Nrd1 is an essential yeast protein of unknown function that has an RNA recognition motif (RRM) in its carboxyl half and a putative RNA polymerase II-binding domain, the CTD-binding motif, at its amino terminus. Nrd1 mediates a severe reduction in pre-mRNA production from a reporter gene bearing an exogenous sequence element in its intron. The effect of the inserted element is highly sequence-specific and is accompanied by the appearance of 3′-truncated transcripts. We have proposed that Nrd1 binds to the exogenous sequence element in the nascent pre-mRNA during transcription, aided by the CTD-binding motif, and directs 3′-end formation a short distance downstream. Here we show that highly purified Nrd1 carboxyl half binds tightly to the RNA element in vitro with sequence specificity that correlates with the efficiency of cis-element-directed down-regulation in vivo. A large deletion in the CTD-binding motif blocks down-regulation but does not affect the essential function of Nrd1. Furthermore, a nonsense mutant allele that produces truncated Nrd1 protein lacking the RRM has a dominant-negative effect on down-regulation but not on cell growth. Viability of this and several other nonsense alleles of Nrd1 appears to require translational readthrough, which in one case is extremely efficient. Thus the CTD-binding motif of Nrd1 is important for pre-mRNA down-regulation but is not required for the essential function of Nrd1. In contrast, the RNA-binding activity of Nrd1 appears to be required both for down-regulation and for its essential function.


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Sm and Sm-like proteins are members of a family of small proteins that is widespread throughout eukaryotic kingdoms. These proteins form heteromers with one another and bind, as heteromeric complexes, to various RNAs, recognizing primarily short U-rich stretches. Interestingly, completion of several genome projects revealed that archaea also contain genes that may encode Sm-like proteins. Herein, we studied the properties of one Sm-like protein derived from the archaebacterium Archaeoglobus fulgidus and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. This single small protein closely reflects the properties of an Sm or Sm-like protein heteromer. It binds to RNA with a high specificity for oligo(U), and assembles onto the RNA to form a complex that exhibits, as judged by electron microscopy, a ring-like structure similar to the ones observed with the Sm core ribonucleoprotein and the like Sm (LSm) protein heteromer. Importantly, multivariate statistical analysis of negative-stain electron-microscopic images revealed a sevenfold symmetry for the observed ring structure, indicating that the proteins form a homoheptamer. These results support the structural model of the Sm proteins derived from crystallographic studies on Sm heterodimers and demonstrate that the Sm protein family evolved from a single ancestor that was present before the eukaryotic and archaeal kingdoms separated.


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Analysis of the 2.4-Å resolution crystal structure of the large ribosomal subunit from Haloarcula marismortui reveals the existence of an abundant and ubiquitous structural motif that stabilizes RNA tertiary and quaternary structures. This motif is termed the A-minor motif, because it involves the insertion of the smooth, minor groove edges of adenines into the minor groove of neighboring helices, preferentially at C-G base pairs, where they form hydrogen bonds with one or both of the 2′ OHs of those pairs. A-minor motifs stabilize contacts between RNA helices, interactions between loops and helices, and the conformations of junctions and tight turns. The interactions between the 3′ terminal adenine of tRNAs bound in either the A site or the P site with 23S rRNA are examples of functionally significant A-minor interactions. The A-minor motif is by far the most abundant tertiary structure interaction in the large ribosomal subunit; 186 adenines in 23S and 5S rRNA participate, 68 of which are conserved. It may prove to be the universally most important long-range interaction in large RNA structures.


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Stage specific activator protein (SSAP) is a member of a newly discovered class of transcription factors that contain motifs more commonly found in RNA-binding proteins. Previously, we have shown that SSAP specifically binds to its recognition sequence in both the double strand and the single strand form and that this DNA-binding activity is localized to the N-terminal RNA recognition motif domain. Three copies of this recognition sequence constitute an enhancer element that is directly responsible for directing the transcriptional activation of the sea urchin late histone H1 gene at the midblastula stage of embryogenesis. Here we show that the remainder of the SSAP polypeptide constitutes an extremely potent bipartite transcription activation domain that can function in a variety of mammalian cell lines. This activity is as much as 3 to 5 times stronger than VP16 at activating transcription and requires a large stretch of amino acids that contain glutamine-glycine rich and serine-threonine-basic amino acid rich regions. We present evidence that SSAP's activation domain shares targets that are also necessary for activation by E1a and VP16. Finally, SSAP's activation domain is found to participate in specific interactions in vitro with the basal transcription factors TATA-binding protein, TFIIB, TFIIF74, and dTAF(II) 110.


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Cytotoxic lymphocytes are characterized by their inclusion of cytoplasmic granules that fuse with the plasma membrane following target cell recognition. We previously identified a cytotoxic granule membrane protein designated p15-TIA-1 that is immunochemically related to an RNA-recognition motif (RRM)-type RNA-binding protein designated p40-TIA-1. Although it was suggested that p15-TIA-1 might be derived from p40-T1A-1 by proteolysis, N-terminal amino acid sequencing of p15-TIA-1 immunoaffinity purified from a natural killer (NK) cell line by using monoclonal antibody (mAb) 2G9 revealed that p15-T1A-1 is identical to the deduced amino acid sequence of NKG7 and GIG-1, cDNAs isolated from NK cells and granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor-treated mononuclear cells, respectively. Epitope mapping revealed that mAb 2G9 recognizes the C terminus of p15-T1A-1 and p40-T1A-1. The deduced amino acid sequence of p15-T1A-1/NKG7/GIG-1 predicts that the protein possesses four transmembrane domains, and immuno-electron microscopy localizes the endogenous protein to the membranes of cytotoxic granules in NK cells. Given its subcellular localization, we propose to rename-this protein GMP-17, for granule membrane protein of 17 kDa. Immunofluorescence microscopy of freshly isolated NK cells confirms this granular localization. Target cell-induced NK cell degranulation results in translocation of GMP-17 from granules to the plasma membrane, suggesting a possible role for GMP-17 in regulating the effector function of lymphocytes and neutrophils.


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The heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 is a multi-tasking protein that acts in the cytoplasm and nucleus. We have explored the possibility that this protein is associated with telomeres and participates in their maintenance. Rat brain hnRNP A2 was shown to have two nucleic acid binding sites. In the presence of heparin one site binds single-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotides irrespective of sequence but not the corresponding oligoribonucleotides. Both the hnRNP A2-binding cis-acting element for the cytoplasmic RNA trafficking element, A2RE, and the ssDNA telomere repeat match a consensus sequence for binding to a second sequence-specific site identified by mutational analysis. hnRNP A2 protected the telomeric repeat sequence, but not the complementary sequence, against DNase digestion: the glycine-rich domain was found to be necessary, but not sufficient, for protection. The N-terminal RRM (RNA recognition motif) and tandem RRMs of hnRNP A2 also bind the single-stranded, template-containing segment of telomerase RNA. hnRNP A2 colocalizes with telomeric chromatin in the subset of PML bodies that are a hallmark of ALT cells, reinforcing the evidence for hnRNPs having a role in telomere maintenance. Our results support a model in which hnRNP A2 acts as a molecular adapter between single-stranded telomeric repeats, or telomerase RNA, and another segment of ssDNA.


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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe Mei2 gene encodes an RNA recognition motif (RRM) protein that stimulates meiosis upon binding a specific non-coding RNA and subsequent accumulation in a “mei2-dot” in the nucleus. We present here the first systematic characterization of the family of proteins with characteristic Mei2-like amino acid sequences. Mei2-like proteins are an ancient eukaryotic protein family with three identifiable RRMs. The C-terminal RRM (RRM3) is unique to Mei2-like proteins and is the most highly conserved of the three RRMs. RRM3 also contains conserved sequence elements at its C-terminus not found in other RRM domains. Single copy Mei2-like genes are present in some fungi, in alveolates such as Paramecium and in the early branching eukaryote Entamoeba histolytica, while plants contain small families of Mei2-like genes. While the C-terminal RRM is highly conserved between plants and fungi, indicating conservation of molecular mechanisms, plant Mei2-like genes have changed biological context to regulate various aspects of developmental pattern formation.


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Three conformationally locked fluorinated polycyclitols have been specially crafted on a rigid trans-decalin backbone, employing a surprisingly facile pyridine-poly(hydrogen fluoride)-mediated stereospecific epoxide ring opening as the key reaction. Molecula design of the three fluorinated probes under study focused on providing an efficient platform for (a) evaluating the ability of covalently bonded fluorine, vis-a-vis the isosteric hydroxy group, to act as a H-bond acceptor and (b) examining the possibility for an organic fluorine moiety, placed suitably in a spatially invariant position, to engage an 1,3-diaxial OH functionality in a purported intramolecular O-H center dot center dot center dot F hydrogen bond. The present endeavour reveals that C(sp(3))-F center dot center dot center dot H-C(sp(3)) hydrogen bonds, though weak and lesser investigated, can indeed be observed and supramolecular recognition motifs, involving such interactions, can be conserved even in crystal structures laden with stronger O-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds.


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The synthesis and incorporation into oligonucleotides of C-nucleosides containing the two aromatic, non-hydrogen-bonding nucleobase substitutes biphenyl (I) and bipyridyl (Y) are described. Their homo- and hetero-recognition properties in different sequential arrangements were then investigated via UV-melting curve analysis, gel mobility assays, CD- and NMR spectroscopy. An NMR analysis of a dodecamer duplex containing one biphenyl pair in the center, as well as CD data on duplexes with multiple insertions provide further evidence for the zipper-like interstrand stacking motif that we proposed earlier based on molecular modeling. UV-thermal melting experiments with duplexes containing one to up to seven I- or Y base pairs revealed a constant increase in T(m) in the case of I and a constant decrease for Y. Mixed I/Y base pairs lead to stabilities in between the homoseries. Insertion of alternating I/abasic site- or Y/abasic site pairs strongly decreases the thermal stability of duplexes. Asymmetric distribution of I- or Y residues on either strand of the duplex were also investigated in this context. Duplexes with three natural base pairs at both ends and 50 % of I pairs in the center are still readily formed, while duplexes with blunt ended I pairs tend to aggregate unspecifically. Duplexes with one natural overhang at the end of a I-I base pair tract can both aggregate or form ordered duplexes, depending on the nature of the natural bases in the overhang