909 resultados para textile effluent


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Sustainable development encompasses environmental, social and
economic considerations. As such the stakeholders include industry, government, individuals and communities. When designing or operating an industrial plant, it is Insufficient to consider only the economic viability of the facility. This paper examines the background to current sustainability awareness and presents a case study that incorporates sustainability principles in the design of an efluent treatment plant for a textile plant. The likely design of the treatment system (electro flotation followed by filtration) will do more than just meet regulatory requirements, it will maximise possible reuse of water and so minimise environmental impact of the facility.


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During the reactive dyeing of cotton, salts such as sodium chloride (NaCI) are placed in a dyebath to aid the exhaustion of various dyes onto the fabric while bases are added to raise the pH from around neutral to pH 11 to achieve fixation. Afterwards, the used dyebath solution, called dyebath spent liquor, is discharged with almost all the salts and bases added as well as unfixed dyes. Consequently, many raw materials are lost in the waste stream ending up in the environment as pollutants. In this study possibilities of reusing the water and salts of dyebaths were investigated using a nanofiltration membrane. When the NaCI concentration in the spent liquor was increased from 10 to 80 g/L, the NaC1 rejection by the membrane was found to decrease initially; however, the NaC1 rejection increased over time, which was not expected. The aggregation of dye was also studied and found to decrease in the concentrate when the salt concentration was increased. This information is useful for the textile industry in evaluating the treated water quality for the purpose of reuse.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work involved the treatment of industrial wastewater from a nylon carpet printing plant which currently receives no treatment and is discharged to sea. As nylon is particularly difficult to dye, acid dyes are required for successful coloration and cause major problems with the plant's effluent disposal in terms of color removal. Granular activated carbon Filtrasorb 400 was used to treat a ternary solution of acid dyes and the process plant effluent containing the dyes in a fixed-bed column system. Experimental data were correlated using the bed depth service time (BDST) model to previously published work by the authors for single dye adsorption. The results were expressed in terms of the BDST adsorption capacity, in milligrams of adsorbate per gram of adsorbent, and indicated that there was a 12-25% decrease iri adsorption capacity in the ternary system compared to the single component system; This reduction has been attributed to competitive adsorption occurring in the ternary component system. Dye adsorption from the process plant effluent showed an approximate 65% decrease in adsorption capacity compared to the ternary solution system. This has been attributed to interference caused by the other colorless textile effluent pollutants found in the process wastewater. A chemical oxygen demand analysis on these components indicated that the dyes accounted for only 14% of the total oxygen demand.


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The present paper presents the study of the decolourisation of real textile effluent by constant current electrolysis in a flow-cell using a DSAO type material. The effect of using different anode materials (Ti/Ru0.3Ti0.7O2; Ti/Ir0.3Ti0.7O2; Ti/RuxSn1-xO2, where X = 0.1, 0.2 or 0.3) on the efficiency of colour removal is discussed. Attempts to perform galvanostatic oxidation (40 and 60 mA cm(-2)) on the as-received effluent demonstrate that colour removal and total organic carbon (TOC) removal are limited. In this case the greatest degree of colour removal is achieved when anode containing 90% SnO2 is used. If the conductivity of the effluent is increased by adding NaCl (0.1 mol L-1) appreciable colour/TOC removal is observed. The efficiencies of colour and TOC removal are discussed in terms of the energy per order (E-EO/kWhm(-3) order(-1)) and energy consumption (E-C/kW h kg(-1) TOC), respectively. Finally, the extent of colour removal is compared to consent levels presented in the literature. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) process is an effective way to deal with organic pollutants in wastewater which could be difficult to be degraded by conventional biological treatment methods. Normally the TiO2 powder in nanometre size range was directly used as photocatalyst for dye degradation in wastewater. However the titanium dioxide powder was arduous to be recovered from the solution after treatment. In this application, a new form of TiO2 (i.e. pillar pellets ranging from 2.5 to 5.3 mm long and with a diameter of 3.7 mm) was used and investigated for photocatalytic degradation of textile dye effluent. A test system was built with a flat plate reactor (FPR) and UV light source (blacklight and solar simulator as light source respectively) for investigating the effectiveness of the new form of TiO2. It was found that the photocatalytic process under this configuration could efficiently remove colours from textile dyeing effluent. Comparing with the TiO2 powder, the pellet was very easy to recovered from the treated solution and can be reused in multiple times without the significant change on the photocatalytic property. The results also showed that to achieve the same photocatalytic performance, the FPR area by pellets was about 91% smaller than required by TiO2 powder. At least TiO2 pellet could be used as an alternative form of photocatalyst in applications for textile effluent treatment process, also other wastewater treatment processes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The feasibility of the photobleaching of a textile azo dye, reactive orange 16 (C.I. 17757), in aqueous solution using titanium dioxide thin-film electrodes prepared by the sol-gel method was investigated. The best conditions for maximum photoelectrocatalytic degradation were found to be pH > 10 for Na2SO4 medium and pH < 6 for NaCl. In both situations, an applied potential of +1.0 V and low dye concentration are recommended, when 100% of color removal is obtained after 20 min of photoelectrocatalysis. The effects of side reaction pathway on the degradation rate of dye in sulfate and chloride medium were presented and the best performance are optimized to situations closed to that verified in the textile effluent. The influence of variables as applied potential, pH, supporting electrolyte and dye concentration on the kinetics of photoelectrochemical degradation also were investigated. Oxalic acid is identified by HPLC and UV-Vis spectrophotometric methods as the main degradation product generated after 180 min of photoelectrocatalysis of 4 x 10(-5) mol l(-1) dye in sodium sulphate pH 12 and NaCl pH 4.0 and a maximum reduction of 56 and 62% TOC was obtained, respectively. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The renovation of biomass waste in the form of date seed waste into activated carbon and biofuel by fixed bed pyrolysis reactor has been focused in this study to obtain gaseous, liquid, and solid products. The date seed in particle form is pyrolysed in an externally heated fixed bed reactor with nitrogen as the carrier gas. The reactor is heated from 400◦C to 600◦C. A maximum liquid yield of 50wt.% and char of 30wt.% are obtained at a reactor bed temperature of 500◦C with a running time of 120 minutes. The oil is found to possess favorable flash point and reasonable density and viscosity. The higher calorific value is found to be 28.636 MJ/kg which is significantly higher than other biomass derived. Decolonization of 85–97% is recorded for the textile effluent and 75–90% for the tannery effluent, in all cases decreasing with temperature increase. Good adsorption capacity of the prepared activated carbon in case of diluted textile and tannery effluent was found.


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Os processos de beneficiamento têxtil, como o alvejamento, a purga, o tingimento e as lavagens são reconhecidamente impactantes ao meio ambiente, tanto do ponto de vista de consumo de água, quanto da geração de efluentes. Os efluentes têxteis oriundos dos processos de beneficiamento se caracterizam por apresentarem elevadas concentrações de substâncias emulsificantes, íons cloreto, sólidos e matéria orgânica, além de alta toxicidade. Mas sem dúvida, o maior problema desses efluentes deve-se a presença de corantes e pigmentos. Alguns parâmetros físico-químicos importantes no controle da poluição hídrica são de difícil medição e consequente monitoramento, principalmente pela ausência de legislação que expresse de maneira clara e objetiva os limites destes parâmetros. Este fato permite avaliações dúbias e contestações aos órgãos ambientais. Especificamente no caso do parâmetro cor, esta subjetividade obriga muitas indústrias a empregarem valores de controle de cor oriundos de outros estados, ou até mesmo de outros países. No Rio de Janeiro, de acordo com a NT-202-R-10 do INEA, o critério para cor é estar virtualmente ausente no efluente. Neste contexto, este estudo avaliou algumas metodologias empregadas na determinação da cor em um efluente têxtil. Para a medição de cor, foram empregadas três metodologias descritas na literatura. A primeira metodologia desenvolvida para análise de água, também utilizada para efluentes líquidos, se baseia em medições espectrofotométricas em um único comprimento de onda padrão (450nm ou 465nm), tendo como referência soluções de Pt-Co. Essa metodologia não abrange todas as tonalidades do espectro de cores possíveis para os efluentes têxteis. O segundo método se baseia na medição em três comprimentos de onda (436, 525 e 620nm), denominado índice DFZ. O último método investiga os valores máximos de absorbância, na faixa entre 350 e 700nm, na amostra. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as correções dos valores de medição de cor utilizando os valores máximos de absorbância expressaram melhor a realidade dos dados experimentais, visto que eliminam um possível erro causado pela restrita faixa de detecção do método tradicional, numa região do espectro típica para tonalidades encontradas na água.


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The photocatalyst TiO2 with UV irradiation was used to degrade dyes in textile effluent in a flat-plate photoreactor. A test system was built with the reactor area of 1 x 0.3m2, UV light of six 36W-blacklight. TiO2 powder P25 with BET surface area 50±15m2/g, average primary particle size 21 nm, purity> 99.5% and content of 83.9% anatase and 16.1 % rutile was used as the photocatalyst. A number of dyes commonly present in dyeing wastewater were tested in this study. The different operating parameters, such as dosage of photocatalyst, the structure of the reactor, flow rates through the flat-plate reactor, UV radiation intensity and tilted angle of the reactor, were investigated. The results showed that the photocatalytic process could efficiently remove most of the colour contained in the dyeing wastewater. It was experimentally observed that first-order kinetics was adequate for characterising the process. The flow rate and the tilted angle had some influence on the film thickness of the fluid in the reactor and the empirical correlation between the film thickness of the fluid and these two parameters was developed. The photoreaction rate was mainly determined by the film thickness of the fluid on the reactor surface and the dosage of the photocatalyst. Optimum operating parameters of the system were found to be at the film thickness of about 1.4mm and a TiO2 dosage of 1 gIL. The higher the UV intensity, the faster the reaction rate was. The results of these experiments showed that this method has the great potential for colour removal from wastewater at commercial scale.

To overcome the common difficulty of separating the used TiO2 suspension after treatment precipitation followed with filtration was used in this study to determine the separation efficiencies. On the other hand, TiO2 in a small pillar shape was also studied for photocatalytic degradation of textile dye effluent. The pillar pellet was made in Oegussa Company, Germany ranging from 2.5 to 5.3mm long and with a diameter of 3.7mm. It was almost pure TiO2 (83.2% anatase and 16.8% rutile), with a S-content of <20 ppm and a CI content of the order of 0.1 wt. %. No further elements are present in contents above 0.05 wt.%. The TiO2 pillars were placed on the flat-plate reactor that was divided by the rectangular slots and irradiated under UV light when the treated solution went through the reactor. Four dyes and their mixtures were tested. The results showed that the photocatalytic process under this configuration efficiently remove the colour from textile dyeing effluent, and pillar shape TiO2 photocatalyst was not dissolved in water and very easy to be separated from solution, enabling it to be reused many times. The first-order kinetics was adequate for characterising the photocatalytic degradation process and the photocatalytic performance was comparable to TiO2 powder. It is believed that the TiO2 pellet would be a preferable form of photocatalyst in applications for textile effluent treatment process, and other wastewater treatment processes.


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Colour removal and the flux behaviour of nanofiltration (NF-DOW FILMTEC-NF245) and forward osmosis (FO-a flat sheet cellulose triacetate membrane with a woven embedded backing support) membranes were investigated in this study. The NF membrane was employed to perform dye removal experiments with aqueous solutions containing 15 g/L of NaCl and different concentrations of Acid Green 25, Remazol Brilliant Orange FR and Remazol Blue BR dyes. The increase in dye concentration resulted in a decline in water permeability and an increase in colour removal. When the concentrations of dye solutions varied from 250 to 1000 mg/L, at 0.8 bar of trans-membrane pressure, the NF system exhibited a steady permeate flux of more 30 L/m2h and a colour removal of more than 99%; salt rejection was more than 20.0%. Furthermore, the FO system possessed high dye rejection efficiency (almost 100%), with low permeate flux of around 2.0 L/m2h, when using dye solutions as feed streams and seawater as draw stream. The mode of operation (either FO or pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) did not change the flux significantly but PRO mode always produced higher fluxes than FO mode under the operating conditions used in this study. While both NF and FO can be used to reduce the volume of effluent containing dyes from textile industries, the energy spent in NF on applied pressure can be substituted by the osmotic pressure of draw solution in FO when concentrated draw solutions such as sea water or reverse osmosis concentrate are readily available.