36 resultados para tensiometer


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The eyelids play an important role in lubricating and protecting the surface of the eye. Each blink serves to spread fresh tears, remove debris and replenish the smooth optical surface of the eye. Yet little is known about how the eyelids contact the ocular surface and what pressure distribution exists between the eyelids and cornea. As the principal refractive component of the eye, the cornea is a major element of the eye’s optics. The optical properties of the cornea are known to be susceptible to the pressure exerted by the eyelids. Abnormal eyelids, due to disease, have altered pressure on the ocular surface due to changes in the shape, thickness or position of the eyelids. Normal eyelids also cause corneal distortions that are most often noticed when they are resting closer to the corneal centre (for example during reading). There were many reports of monocular diplopia after reading due to corneal distortion, but prior to videokeratoscopes these localised changes could not be measured. This thesis has measured the influence of eyelid pressure on the cornea after short-term near tasks and techniques were developed to quantify eyelid pressure and its distribution. The profile of the wave-like eyelid-induced corneal changes and the refractive effects of these distortions were investigated. Corneal topography changes due to both the upper and lower eyelids were measured for four tasks involving two angles of vertical downward gaze (20° and 40°) and two near work tasks (reading and steady fixation). After examining the depth and shape of the corneal changes, conclusions were reached regarding the magnitude and distribution of upper and lower eyelid pressure for these task conditions. The degree of downward gaze appears to alter the upper eyelid pressure on the cornea, with deeper changes occurring after greater angles of downward gaze. Although the lower eyelid was further from the corneal centre in large angles of downward gaze, its effect on the cornea was greater than that of the upper eyelid. Eyelid tilt, curvature, and position were found to be influential in the magnitude of eyelid-induced corneal changes. Refractively these corneal changes are clinically and optically significant with mean spherical and astigmatic changes of about 0.25 D after only 15 minutes of downward gaze (40° reading and steady fixation conditions). Due to the magnitude of these changes, eyelid pressure in downward gaze offers a possible explanation for some of the day-to-day variation observed in refraction. Considering the magnitude of these changes and previous work on their regression, it is recommended that sustained tasks performed in downward gaze should be avoided for at least 30 minutes before corneal and refractive assessment requiring high accuracy. Novel procedures were developed to use a thin (0.17 mm) tactile piezoresistive pressure sensor mounted on a rigid contact lens to measure eyelid pressure. A hydrostatic calibration system was constructed to convert raw digital output of the sensors to actual pressure units. Conditioning the sensor prior to use regulated the measurement response and sensor output was found to stabilise about 10 seconds after loading. The influences of various external factors on sensor output were studied. While the sensor output drifted slightly over several hours, it was not significant over the measurement time of 30 seconds used for eyelid pressure, as long as the length of the calibration and measurement recordings were matched. The error associated with calibrating at room temperature but measuring at ocular surface temperature led to a very small overestimation of pressure. To optimally position the sensor-contact lens combination under the eyelid margin, an in vivo measurement apparatus was constructed. Using this system, eyelid pressure increases were observed when the upper eyelid was placed on the sensor and a significant increase was apparent when the eyelid pressure was increased by pulling the upper eyelid tighter against the eye. For a group of young adult subjects, upper eyelid pressure was measured using this piezoresistive sensor system. Three models of contact between the eyelid and ocular surface were used to calibrate the pressure readings. The first model assumed contact between the eyelid and pressure sensor over more than the pressure cell width of 1.14 mm. Using thin pressure sensitive carbon paper placed under the eyelid, a contact imprint was measured and this width used for the second model of contact. Lastly as Marx’s line has been implicated as the region of contact with the ocular surface, its width was measured and used as the region of contact for the third model. The mean eyelid pressures calculated using these three models for the group of young subjects were 3.8 ± 0.7 mmHg (whole cell), 8.0 ± 3.4 mmHg (imprint width) and 55 ± 26 mmHg (Marx’s line). The carbon imprints using Pressurex-micro confirmed previous suggestions that a band of the eyelid margin has primary contact with the ocular surface and provided the best estimate of the contact region and hence eyelid pressure. Although it is difficult to directly compare the results with previous eyelid pressure measurement attempts, the eyelid pressure calculated using this model was slightly higher than previous manometer measurements but showed good agreement with the eyelid force estimated using an eyelid tensiometer. The work described in this thesis has shown that the eyelids have a significant influence on corneal shape, even after short-term tasks (15 minutes). Instrumentation was developed using piezoresistive sensors to measure eyelid pressure. Measurements for the upper eyelid combined with estimates of the contact region between the cornea and the eyelid enabled quantification of the upper eyelid pressure for a group of young adult subjects. These techniques will allow further investigation of the interaction between the eyelids and the surface of the eye.


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Background and Objectives Laser tissue repair usually relies on hemoderivate protein solders, based on serum albumin. These solders have intrinsic limitations that impair their widespread use, such as limited tensile strength of repaired tissue, poor solder solubility, and brittleness prior to laser denaturation. Furthermore, the required activation temperature of albumin solders (between 65 and 70°C) can induce significant thermal damage to tissue. In this study, we report on the design of a new polysaccharide adhesive for tissue repair that overcomes some of the shortcomings of traditional solders. Study Design/Materials and Methods Flexible and insoluble strips of chitosan adhesive (elastic modulus ~6.8 Mpa, surface area ~34 mm2, thickness ~20 µm) were bonded onto rectangular sections of sheep intestine using a diode laser (continuous mode, 120 ± 10 mW, = λ 808 nm) through a multimode optical fiber with an irradiance of ~15 W/cm2. The adhesive was based on chitosan and also included indocyanin green dye (IG). The temperature between tissue and adhesive was measured using a small thermocouple (diameter ~0.25 mm) during laser irradiation. The repaired tissue was tested for tensile strength by a calibrated tensiometer. Murine fibroblasts were cultured in extracted media from chitosan adhesive to assess cytotoxicity via cell growth inhibition in a 48 hours period. Results Chitosan adhesive successfully repaired intestine tissue, achieving a tensile strength of 14.7 ± 4.7 kPa (mean ± SD, n = 30) at a temperature of 60-65°C. Media extracted from chitosan adhesive showed negligible toxicity to fibroblast cells under the culture conditions examined here. Conclusion A novel chitosan-based adhesive has been developed, which is insoluble, flexible, and adheres firmly to tissue upon infrared laser activation.


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Lack of physical activity and low levels of physical fitness are thought to be contributing factors to the high prevalence of obesity in African-American girls, To examine this hypothesis, we compared habitual physical activity and physical fitness in 54 African-American girls with obesity and 96 African-American girls without obesity residing in rural South Carolina, Participation in vigorous (greater than or equal to 6 METs) (VPA) or moderate and vigorous physical activity (greater than or equal to 4 METs) (MVPA) was assessed on three consecutive days using the Previous Day Physical Activity Recall, Cardiorespiratory fitness was assessed using the PWC 170 cycle ergometer test, Upper body strength was determined at two sites via isometric cable tensiometer tests, Relative to their counterparts without obesity, girls with obesity reported significantly fewer 30-minute blocks of VPA (0.90 +/- 0.14 vs. 1.3 +/- 0.14) and MVPA (1.2 +/- 0.18 vs. 1.7 +/- 0.16) (p<0.01), Within the entire sample, VPA and MVPA were inversely associated with body mass index (r=-0.17 and r=-0.19) and triceps skinfold thickness (r=-0.19 and r=-0.22) (p<0.05), In the PWC 170 test and isometric strength tests, girls with obesity demonstrated absolute scores that were similar to, or greater than, those of girls without obesity; however, when scores were expressed relative to bodyweight, girls with obesity demonstrated significantly lower values (p<0.05). The results support the hypothesis that lack of physical activity and low physical fitness are important contributing factors in the development and/or maintenance of obesity in African-American girls.


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A cultura do feijoeiro apresenta elevada importância no contexto agrícola nacional. Além de ser uma cultura que atende às características da agricultura familiar, também é cultivada em áreas extensivas com alta tecnologia. Pesquisas relacionadas ao desenvolvimento do feijoeiro frente às variantes edafoclimáticas regionais vêm assumindo papel de destaque, principalmente por se tratar de uma planta sensível tanto ao déficit quanto ao excesso hídrico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a cultura do feijoeiro de 'inverno' submetida a dois métodos de manejo de irrigação, em pivô central, um via solo por meio de tensiômetros, outro via clima por meio do tanque Classe 'A', em dois sistemas de plantio, convencional e direto, no primeiro ano. Foram avaliados o índice de área foliar (IAF), massa seca total (MS) de plantas e a variação do potencial mátrico de água no solo. Concluiu-se que os manejos de irrigação e os sistemas de plantio não resultaram em diferenças no IAF e nem no acúmulo de matéria seca total ao longo do ciclo da cultura; o manejo da irrigação por tensiometria acarretou maior variação no potencial mátrico de água no solo do que o método via clima por meio do tanque Classe 'A'.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o consumo e o custo de energia elétrica em cultura do feijoeiro irrigado por pivô central, cultivar IAC-Carioca, submetida a dois manejos de irrigação: TENS - tensiometria; TCA - balanço hídrico-climatológico, baseado no tanque Classe A; e dois sistemas de cultivo em Latossolo Vermelho: PD - plantio direto; PC - plantio convencional, no ano de 2002. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na Área Demonstrativa e Experimental de Irrigação - ADEI da FCAV/UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal - SP. O consumo de energia elétrica do sistema de irrigação foi monitorado, e seu custo, analisado para dois grupos tarifários: A e B, sendo os preços do kWh dos sistemas tarifários de energia elétrica obtidos na CPFL (Companhia Paulista de Força e Luz). Os tratamentos em que o manejo da irrigação foi realizado pelo método do tanque Classe A, ocasionaram os maiores consumos e custos de energia elétrica, em relação aos tratamentos em que o manejo foi realizado por tensiometria; entre os sistemas de plantio, não foram observadas diferenças. A tarifa Horo-Sazonal (verde e/ou azul), com desconto, foi a melhor opção para os quatro tratamentos.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito de surfatantes em soluções aquosas sobre a tensão superficial dinâmica e ângulo de contato das gotas em diferentes superfícies: artificiais (lâmina de vidro e de óxido de alumínio) e naturais (superfícies adaxiais de folhas de Euphorbia heterophylla, Ipomoea grandifolia e Brachiaria plantaginea). Seis formulações de surfatantes (Antideriva®; Uno®; Pronto 3®; Li-700®; Supersil® e Silwet L-77®), respectivamente nas doses recomendadas do produto comercial (0,050; 0,025; 0,100; 0,250; 0,100 e 0,100 % v v-1) e o dobro delas, foram avaliadas em soluções aquosas. A tensão superficial dinâmica e o ângulo de contato formado sobre as superfícies naturais foram medidos por tensiômetro. Os ângulos de contato formados pelas gotas nas superfícies artificiais foram obtidos por análise de imagens capturadas por uma câmera digital. Os surfatantes influenciam nas propriedades físico-químicas de soluções aquosas. As soluções contendo os surfatantes Silwet L-77® e Supersil®; nas doses de 0,100 e 0,200% v v-1; proporcionaram maiores reduções na tensão superficial dinâmica e menores ângulos de contato das gotas sobre as superfícies artificiais e naturais. Os surfatantes organossiliconados em solução aquosa foram mais eficientes na redução da tensão superficial e proporcionaram maior molhamento de superfícies natural e artificial. em alvos naturais, essas propriedades obtidas com organossiliconados são dependentes das características de superfície das espécies vegetais.


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da época da semeadura no comportamento de diferentes cultivares de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) de sequeiro (IAC 201, Carajás, Guarani, IAC 202, CNA 7800, CNA 7801, Caiapó, Rio Paranaíba e Araguaia) irrigados por aspersão, quanto à produção e qualidade dos grãos. As sementes foram semeadas no início da segunda quinzena dos meses de setembro, outubro, novembro, dezembro, janeiro e fevereiro. Os experimentos foram instalados no Município de Selvíria, MS, durante os anos agrícolas 1995/96 e 1996/97. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. O controle da irrigação foi realizado por meio de tensiômetros, e a suplementação hídrica foi realizada quando o potencial matricial atingiu -0,033 MPa, durante a fase reprodutiva e -0,058 MPa, nas demais fases. de acordo com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que as cultivares CNA 7801, Carajás, IAC 201, CNA 7800 e IAC 202 apresentaram comportamento superior; a semeadura realizada em novembro propiciou produtividade mais elevada; semeaduras antecipadas (setembro-outubro) ou retardada (fevereiro) resultaram em menores índices de acamamento; as cultivares IAC 202, CNA 7800 e CNA 7801 apresentaram ausência ou baixo índice de acamamento, nas diferentes épocas de semeadura e, a semeadura retardada (fevereiro) proporcionou a obtenção de maior rendimento de inteiros.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the tensile strength of orthodontic wires bonded onto the enamel with cyanoacrylate ester. To obtain the specimens, 120 human premolars (extracted for orthodontic or periodontal reasons) were included in acrylic blocks of rapid polymerization with three teeth each. Four groups were formed with ten specimens each. In the specimens, a dental splint model was made with cyanoacrylate ester and round stainless steel wire. In groups I, II and III, cyanoacrylate ester was used with round steel wires, with variation in diameter: 0.014 inches; 0.016 inches and 0.018 inches, respectively. In group IV, round steel wire 0.018 inches was used with photo polymerizing resin composite with previous acid etching. The adhesive force of the materials was measured in two points under the action of the tensiometer (ETM-USA). The number of loose wires was counted along with those that remained fixed according to the different levels of force applied because of the direction of the tensile force (vertical or horizontal) and the diameter of the wire used. The data obtained were first submitted to a descriptive analysis and then submitted to a statistical analysis (Friedman's Test and Dunn's Test of Multiple Comparison - Epi-info 3.2). Within the limitations of the experimental conditions presented, the cyanoacrylate ester or 'Super Bonder (R)' maintained bonded to enamel and steel wires (0.016 and 0.018 inches) during the tensile strength tests under different levels of applied forces.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the histological alterations occurred in the periradicular region of rat molars after intentional subluxation using an experimental method to induce dentoalveolar trauma. Eighteen adult male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) were selected for the study. The dentoalveolar trauma was experimentally induced by the application of an occlusogingival force on the occlusal surface of the maxillary right first molar using a tensiometer secured on a fully articulated support with adjustable steel shafts. The animals were assigned to six groups (n = 3), according to the intensity of the force applied to induce trauma: Group I (GI, control) - no force application; Groups II-VI (GII-GVI) - the animals were subjected to 600, 700, 800, 900 and 1000 cN force, respectively. After experimental induction of trauma, the animals were sacrificed by anesthetic overdose and the right maxillas were removed and processed for histological analysis under light microscopy. In the animals of GII, GIII and GIV, the histological alterations were similar to those described for GI. GVI (1000 cN) presented the most severe alterations, with the occurrence of buccal bone plate fracture, alveolar fracture and root fracture, which are not present in mild traumatic injuries like subluxation. The 900 cN force (GV) was capable to produce clinical and histological alterations in the gingival and periodontal tissues compatible with those observed in subluxation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A análise de crescimento de plantas pode ser considerada um bom indicativo para a avaliação das bases fisiológicas de produção e da influência exercida por variáveis ambientais, genéticas e agronômicas. Avaliou-se o crescimento da figueira 'Roxo de Valinhos', submetida a irrigação e cobertura morta (bagacilho de cana-de-açúcar triturado), em Botucatu (SP). O experimento utilizou blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2x2 (cobertura morta x irrigação), com 4 repetições, sendo cada repetição constituída por 3 plantas, com caracterização dos seguintes tratamentos: T1 - sem irrigação e sem cobertura morta; T2 - sem irrigação e com cobertura morta; T3 - com irrigação e sem cobertura morta; T4 - com irrigação e cobertura morta. Foram realizadas análises destrutivas e não destrutivas, aos 7, 55, 76, 97, 114, 135, 156, 176, 198, 219, 240, 254 e 275 dias após o transplantio, com base nos seguintes parâmetros: diâmetro do ramo e do caule, comprimento do ramo, número de folhas, número de entrenós e número de frutos. Foram particionados os diferentes órgãos da planta, para obtenção da massa seca e fresca das partições isoladas. As medições da área foliar (cm²) foram realizadas com aparelho integrador fotoelétrico. O manejo da irrigação foi realizado com o auxílio da técnica de tensiometria, mantendo o potencial matricial do solo próximo a -30 kPa. O uso de cobertura morta e irrigação favoreceu o desenvolvimento das plantas (diâmetro do caule de 36,60 mm e comprimento do ramo de 1,28 m), e as taxas de crescimento, crescimento relativo e assimilatória líquida da cultura foram de 7 g m-2 dia-1, 0,015 g g-1 dia-1 e 17 g m-2 dia-1, respectivamente. As taxas indicaram que a cobertura morta ofereceu condições hídricas satisfatórias ao rápido estabelecimento das mudas.


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O objetivo deste experimento foi comparar a sutura contínua e a sutura com pontos separados no fechamento da parede abdominal. Foram utilizados 48 ratos machos Wistar, submetidos a laparotomia com técnica de diérese padronizada, 24 submetidos a sutura da parede abdominal por técnica contínua e 24 com pontos separados, com fio polidioxanona. No 7º e 14º dia de pós-operatório foram submetidos a eutanásia 12 animais de cada grupo e deles retirados a camada músculo-fascial abdominal envolvendo a cicatriz operatória e dividida aleatoriamente em dois segmentos (cranial e caudal), um para ser submetido a avaliação da força de rotura mediante o uso de tensiômetro e outro para exame histológico, onde foi realizada a avaliação quantitativa de colágeno na linha de sutura. Os resultados encontrados foram analisados estatisticamente. Concluiu-se que no 7º dia de pós-operatório a parede abdominal suturada com pontos separados é mais resistente, porém sem diferenças significantes na quantidade de colágeno, do que a suturada por técnica contínua, e no 14º dia, ambas se equivalem nos dois parâmetros estudados, em ratos.


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An experiment with four treatments was carried out on the experimental area of ADEI to compare three methods of water use requirement: ETc (T1) - irrigation based on crop evapotranspiration (ETc); Tensiometers (T2 and T3) - irrigations were made through reading of tensiometers installed at 40 cm deep and, Control (T4) - only one irrigation to promote the seedlings emergence. Both Class A pan and soil water depletion methods presented good results when the crop was developed without restraint of water. The Katerji method can be utilized in conditions of water restriction. Irrigation frequency was more important than amount of applied water for higher yield.