14 resultados para telepsychiatry
A second-opinion child psychiatry service was piloted for six months in the northern-most two-thirds of Queensland. It provided specialist expertise by telehealth to local multidisciplinary teams of mental health staff. During the study period, 28 videoconferences were performed by the service: nine for administrative purposes, two for educational purposes, and 17 for direct and indirect clinical applications. The mean time between a referral being made and a consultation being performed was 4.7 days (range 1-13), A survey administered to referring and non-referring mental health workers showed that the major barriers to service implementation included the limited allied health applications that were offered, a perceived lack of communication during the implementation phase of the service, and the creation of a new referral network that did not conform to traditional referral patterns in the north of Queensland.
Telehealth is an exciting new technique for improving access to specialist care, especially in underserviced areas. As with any new health care intervention, proper evaluations must be carried out to ensure that limited health care resources are employed appropriately. Evidence suggests that the most successful telehealth initiatives are those that have focussed on organisational and deployment issues, rather than on the technology itself. In the right circumstances, telehealth offers a cost-effective alternative to the traditional methods of health care delivery Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Telehealth programmes are rather similar to humans in the way that they are planned, develop, grow and ultimately die or disappear. To achieve good life expectancy for a telehealth programme there appear to be three major needs: nurturing, which includes the provision of money, ideas, education, training and innovation; experience, which involves an integrated management process, the achievement of long and wide patterns of usage, the development of updated policies and procedures and the involvement of multiple disciplines; success, which involves evidence of outcomes, evaluation and research, and, most important, the sharing of information through scientific and popular press publications, and conferences and collaborations with internal and external groups. The future of telehealth in Australia is at a watershed. There are now a substantial number of programmes, and there has been a large amount of financial and human investment in telehealth around the nation. There is, however, no forum for national leadership, no national association and little support at federal government level.
A national survey of mental health telemedicine programmes was conducted and data collected on their catchment areas, organizational structure, equipment, clinical and non-clinical activity, and use by populations who traditionally have been poorly served by mental health services in Australia. Of 25 programmes surveyed, information was obtained for 23. Sixteen programmes had dealt with a total of 526 clients during the preceding three months. Of these, 397 (75%) were resident in rural or remote locations at the time of consultation. Thirty-seven (7%) were Aboriginals or Torres Strait Islanders. Only 19 (4%) were migrants from non-English-speaking backgrounds. The programmes provided both direct clinical and secondary support services. Overall, the number of videoconferencing sessions devoted to clinical activity was low, the average being 123 sessions of direct clinical care per programme per year. Videoconferencing was also used for professional education, peer support., professional supervision, administration and linking families. The results of the study suggest that telehealth can increase access to mental health services for people in rural and remote areas, particularly those who have hitherto been poorly served by mental health services in Australia.
We conducted a review to establish the range and scope of current telemedicine guidelines and standards. Published guidelines were identified by searching the Medline and Telemedicine Information Exchange (TIE) databases, and by performing a Google search using the term 'telemedicine guidelines'. Three types of guidelines were identified, namely clinical, operational and technical. Clinical guidelines included those for teleradiology, telepsychiatry, home telenursing, minor injuries telemedicine, surgical telemedicine, teledermatology and telepathology. Operational guidelines included those for email communication, Internet access and videoconferencing. Technical guidelines included those from the American Telemedicine Association and the US Office for the Advancement of Telehealth. The main standards relevant to telemedicine include those of the International Telecommunication Union and the DICOM standard. The scarcity of guidelines and standards suggests that telemedicine is not yet near to routine use. If an international telemedicine organization were to take responsibility for defining guidelines, under the direction of clinicians with appropriate telemedicine experience, this might speed up their development.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Telemedicine conducted via prerecorded interaction is more convenient than that using realtime interaction. On the other hand, a realtime consultation allows an immediate result to be obtained and there is likely to be a strong educational component for the remote practitioner. The use of the telephone is under-rated in telemedicine. Telephones have been used in outpatient follow-up, mental health, help lines and support groups. Telephones (fixed and mobile) have also been used for data transfer (e.g. for transmission of electrocardiograms). Realtime transfer of still images has been used in telepathology for many years, and more recently for rapid assessment of injuries. Realtime transfer of video images has been widely explored, perhaps most successfully in telepsychiatry. Some realtime telemedicine applications have been taken up with enthusiasm, even if formal evidence of cost-effectiveness may be lacking. Teleradiology and telepsychiatry are two examples where widespread adoption is beginning to occur. Other forms of realtime telemedicine represent 'niche' applications. That is, they appear to be both successful and sustainable in the centres where they were pioneered, but have not been adopted elsewhere. Teledialysis and teleoncology are examples of this type. The patchy diffusion of telemedicine is something that is not yet well understood.
Over the last decade, telehealth in Australia has been primarily facilitated and driven by government funding. The government now has a major policy initiative in online health. However, in pursuing the broad initiative there is a danger that some of the smaller components can get lost, and this is probably what has happened to telehealth. There appear to be a number of steps required if telehealth in Australia is to keep up the pace of development that occurred in the 1990s, as we move into what is now being called the era of e-health, involving broadband Internet health service delivery. This area is changing extremely rapidly and is increasingly migrating away from the public sector in Australia, where most of the developmental work has occurred, and into the private sector. Many of the issues that require consideration within the domain of e-health in Australia are also relevant to other countries. E-health will significantly change the way that health-care is practised in future, and it is clear that it is the human factors that are more difficult to overcome, rather than the technological ones.