992 resultados para technology forecasting
This master's thesis coversthe concepts of knowledge discovery, data mining and technology forecasting methods in telecommunications. It covers the various aspects of knowledge discoveryin data bases and discusses in detail the methods of data mining and technologyforecasting methods that are used in telecommunications. Main concern in the overall process of this thesis is to emphasize the methods that are being used in technology forecasting for telecommunications and data mining. It tries to answer to some extent to the question of do forecasts create a future? It also describes few difficulties that arise in technology forecasting. This thesis was done as part of my master's studies in Lappeenranta University of Technology.
Para a diminuição da dependência energética de Portugal face às importações de energia, a Estratégia Nacional para a Energia 2020 (ENE 2020) define uma aposta na produção de energia a partir de fontes renováveis, na promoção da eficiência energética tanto nos edifícios como nos transportes com vista a reduzir as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa. No campo da eficiência energética, o ENE 2020 pretende obter uma poupança energética de 9,8% face a valores de 2008, traduzindo-se em perto de 1800 milhões de tep já em 2015. Uma das medidas passa pela aposta na mobilidade eléctrica, onde se prevê que os veículos eléctricos possam contribuir significativamente para a redução do consumo de combustível e por conseguinte, para a redução das emissões de CO2 para a atmosfera. No entanto, esta redução está condicionada pelas fontes de energia utilizadas para o abastecimento das baterias. Neste estudo foram determinados os consumos de combustível e as emissões de CO2 de um veículo de combustão interna adimensional representativo do parque automóvel. É também estimada a previsão de crescimento do parque automóvel num cenário "Business-as-Usual", através dos métodos de previsão tecnológica para o horizonte 2010-2030, bem como cenários de penetração de veículos eléctricos para o mesmo período com base no método de Fisher- Pry. É ainda analisado o impacto que a introdução dos veículos eléctricos tem ao nível dos consumos de combustível, das emissões de dióxido de carbono e qual o impacto que tal medida terá na rede eléctrica, nomeadamente no diagrama de carga e no nível de emissões de CO2 do Sistema Electroprodutor Nacional. Por fim, é avaliado o impacto dos veículos eléctricos no diagrama de carga diário português, com base em vários perfis de carga das baterias. A introdução de veículos eléctricos em Portugal terá pouca expressão dado que, no melhor dos cenários haverão somente cerca de 85 mil unidades em circulação, no ano de 2030. Ao nível do consumo de combustíveis rodoviários, os veículos eléctricos poderão vir a reduzir o consumo de gasolina até 0,52% e até 0,27% no consumo de diesel, entre 2010 e 2030, contribuindo ligeiramente uma menor dependência energética externa. Ao nível do consumo eléctrico, o abastecimento das baterias dos veículos eléctricos representará até 0,5% do consumo eléctrico total, sendo que parte desse abastecimento será garantido através de centrais de ciclo combinado a gás natural. Apesar da maior utilização deste tipo de centrais térmicas para produção de energia, tanto para abastecimento das viaturas eléctricas, como para o consumo em geral, verifica-se que em 2030, o nível de emissões do sistema electroprodutor será cerca de 46% inferior aos níveis registados em 2010, prevendo-se que atinja as 0,163gCO2/kWh produzido pelo Sistema Electroprodutor Nacional devido à maior quota de produção das fontes de energia renovável, como o vento, a hídrica ou a solar.
El present projecte, de caire teòric, pretén ser una aproximació als conceptes de vigilància tecnològica o intel·ligència competitiva, la seva relació amb la gestió del coneixement, el que signifiquen i quina és la situació d'aquestes disciplines en el nostre entorn proper. Tan mateix, i partint d'aquesta base de coneixement teòric, també s'ha treballat en el plantejament del que podria ser una metodologia d'aplicació en una organització del concepte d'inteligència competitiva, les seves etapes a seguir i el que cal coordinar o tenir present en cadascuna d'elles.
This piece of work which is Identification of Research Portfolio for Development of Filtration Equipment aims at presenting a novel approach to identify promising research topics in the field of design and development of filtration equipment and processes. The projected approach consists of identifying technological problems often encountered in filtration processes. The sources of information for the problem retrieval were patent documents and scientific papers that discussed filtration equipments and processes. The problem identification method adopted in this work focussed on the semantic nature of a sentence in order to generate series of subject-action-object structures. This was achieved with software called Knowledgist. List of problems often encountered in filtration processes that have been mentioned in patent documents and scientific papers were generated. These problems were carefully studied and categorized. Suggestions were made on the various classes of these problems that need further investigation in order to propose a research portfolio. The uses and importance of other methods of information retrieval were also highlighted in this work.
Choice of industrial development options and the relevant allocation of the research funds become more and more difficult because of the increasing R&D costs and pressure for shorter development period. Forecast of the research progress is based on the analysis of the publications activity in the field of interest as well as on the dynamics of its change. Moreover, allocation of funds is hindered by exponential growth in the number of publications and patents. Thematic clusters become more and more difficult to identify, and their evolution hard to follow. The existing approaches of research field structuring and identification of its development are very limited. They do not identify the thematic clusters with adequate precision while the identified trends are often ambiguous. Therefore, there is a clear need to develop methods and tools, which are able to identify developing fields of research. The main objective of this Thesis is to develop tools and methods helping in the identification of the promising research topics in the field of separation processes. Two structuring methods as well as three approaches for identification of the development trends have been proposed. The proposed methods have been applied to the analysis of the research on distillation and filtration. The results show that the developed methods are universal and could be used to study of the various fields of research. The identified thematic clusters and the forecasted trends of their development have been confirmed in almost all tested cases. It proves the universality of the proposed methods. The results allow for identification of the fast-growing scientific fields as well as the topics characterized by stagnant or diminishing research activity.
Our goal is to get better understanding of different kind of dependencies behind the high-level capability areas. The models are suitable for investigating present state capabilities or future developments of capabilities in the context of technology forecasting. Three levels are necessary for a model describing effects of technologies on military capabilities. These levels are capability areas, systems and technologies. The contribution of this paper is to present one possible model for interdependencies between technologies. Modelling interdependencies between technologies is the last building block in constructing a quantitative model for technological forecasting including necessary levels of abstraction. This study supplements our previous research and as a result we present a model for the whole process of capability modelling. As in our earlier studies, capability is defined as the probability of a successful task or operation or proper functioning of a system. In order to obtain numerical data to demonstrate our model, we conducted a questionnaire to a group of defence technology researchers where interdependencies between seven representative technologies were inquired. Because of a small number of participants in questionnaires and general uncertainties concerning subjective evaluations, only rough conclusions can be made from the numerical results
Unternehmen konkurrieren in einem globalen Wettbewerb um den Transfer neuer Technologien in erfolgreiche Geschäftsmodelle. Aus diesem Grund stehen sie zunehmend der Herausforderung gegenüber, technologische Potenziale frühzeitig zu identifizieren, zu bewerten und Strategien für das Erschließen dieser Potenziale zu entwickeln. Dies ist zentraler Gegenstand der Vorausschau und Planung neuer Technologiepfade. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gemeinsam mit vier Unternehmen ein Leitfaden für die Strategiefindung, Entwicklung und Kommerzialisierung neu aufkommender Technologien entwickelt und angewendet. Den Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit bildet eine systematische Aufarbeitung des Forschungsstandes der Vorausschau und Planung neuer Technologien. Anschließend wird ein Beschreibungsmodell der Entstehung neuer Technologiepfade in technologiebasierten Innovationssystemen entwickelt. Auf Basis dieses Modells werden unterschiedliche Kategorien von Einflussfaktoren definiert, die als Analyserahmen für die neu entstehende Technologie dienen. Auf Basis der in der Literatur dokumentierten Abläufe, Teamstrukturen und Methoden (z.B. Roadmaps, Szenarien, Datenbankanalysen) wird ein sechsstufiger Ansatz für die Durchführung der Vorausschau und Planung neuer Technologiepfade konzipiert. Dieser Ansatz wird in vier Firmen für die Vorausschau und Planung neuer Technologien angewendet. Die untersuchten Technologien lassen sich den Feldern Biotechnologie, Nanotechnologie, Umwelttechnologie und Sensorik zuordnen. Zentrales Ergebnis der Arbeit ist ein entsprechend der Erfahrungen in den Unternehmen angepasster Ansatz für die Vorausschau und Planung neuer Technologiepfade. Dieser Ansatz ist in Abhängigkeit von Unternehmens- und Technologiecharakteristika für die weitere Anwendung konkretisiert. Dabei finden die zu beteiligenden Organisationseinheiten, zu betrachtende Einflussfaktoren sowie anwendbare Methoden besondere Berücksichtigung. Die Arbeit richtet sich an Personen in Führungspositionen im Bereich des strategischen Technologiemanagements sowie der Forschung und Entwicklung in Unternehmen, die Strategien für neu aufkommende Technologien entwickeln. Weiterhin sind die Ergebnisse der Arbeit für Wissenschaftler auf dem Gebiet der Methoden zur Vorausschau und Strategieentwicklung für neue Technologien von Interesse.
"No. 14."
"No. 67."
Many authors point out that the front-end of new product development (NPD) is a critical success factor in the NPD process and that numerous companies face difficulties in carrying it out appropriately. Therefore, it is important to develop new theories and proposals that support the effective implementation of this earliest phase of NPD. This paper presents a new method to support the development of front-end activities based on integrating technology roadmapping (TRM) and project portfolio management (PPM). This new method, called the ITP Method, was implemented at a small Brazilian high-tech company in the nanotechnology industry to explore the integration proposal. The case study demonstrated that the ITP Method provides a systematic procedure for the fuzzy front-end and integrates innovation perspectives into a single roadmap, which allows for a better alignment of business efforts and communication of product innovation goals. Furthermore, the results indicated that the method may also improve quality, functional integration and strategy alignment. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
There are several ways to attempt to model a building and its heat gains from external sources as well as internal ones in order to evaluate a proper operation, audit retrofit actions, and forecast energy consumption. Different techniques, varying from simple regression to models that are based on physical principles, can be used for simulation. A frequent hypothesis for all these models is that the input variables should be based on realistic data when they are available, otherwise the evaluation of energy consumption might be highly under or over estimated. In this paper, a comparison is made between a simple model based on artificial neural network (ANN) and a model that is based on physical principles (EnergyPlus) as an auditing and predicting tool in order to forecast building energy consumption. The Administration Building of the University of Sao Paulo is used as a case study. The building energy consumption profiles are collected as well as the campus meteorological data. Results show that both models are suitable for energy consumption forecast. Additionally, a parametric analysis is carried out for the considered building on EnergyPlus in order to evaluate the influence of several parameters such as the building profile occupation and weather data on such forecasting. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In many countries the use of renewable energy is increasing due to the introduction of new energy and environmental policies. Thus, the focus on the efficient integration of renewable energy into electric power systems is becoming extremely important. Several European countries have already achieved high penetration of wind based electricity generation and are gradually evolving towards intensive use of this generation technology. The introduction of wind based generation in power systems poses new challenges for the power system operators. This is mainly due to the variability and uncertainty in weather conditions and, consequently, in the wind based generation. In order to deal with this uncertainty and to improve the power system efficiency, adequate wind forecasting tools must be used. This paper proposes a data-mining-based methodology for very short-term wind forecasting, which is suitable to deal with large real databases. The paper includes a case study based on a real database regarding the last three years of wind speed, and results for wind speed forecasting at 5 minutes intervals.