710 resultados para team entrepreneurship
Speed, uncertainty and complexity are increasing in the business world all the time. When knowledge and skills become quickly irrelevant, new challenges are set for information technology (IT) education. Meta-learning skills – learning how to learn rapidly - and innovation skills have become more essential than single technologies or other specific issues. The drastic changes in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector have caused a need to reconsider how IT Bachelor education in Universities of Applied Sciences should be organized and employed to cope with the change. The objective of the study was to evaluate how a new approach to IT Bachelor education, the ICT entrepreneurship study path (ICT-ESP) fits IT Bachelor education in a Finnish University of Applied Sciences. This kind of educational arrangement has not been employed elsewhere in the context of IT Bachelor education. The study presents the results of a four-year period during which IT Bachelor education was renewed in a Finnish University of Applied Sciences. The learning environment was organized into an ICT-ESP based on Nonaka’s knowledge theory and Kolb’s experiental learning. The IT students who studied in the ICT-ESP established a cooperative and learned ICT by running their cooperative at the University of Applied Sciences. The students (called team entrepreneurs) studied by reading theory in books and other sources of explicit information, doing projects for their customers, and reflecting in training sessions on what was learnt by doing and by studying the literature. Action research was used as the research strategy in this study. Empirical data was collected via theme-based interviews, direct observation, and participative observation. Grounded theory method was utilized in the data analysis and the theoretical sampling was used to guide the data collection. The context of the University of Applied Sciences provided a good basis for fostering team entrepreneurship. However, the results showed that the employment of the ICT-ESP did not fit into the IT Bachelor education well enough. The ICT-ESP was cognitively too tough for the team entrepreneurs because they had two different set of rules to follow in their studies. The conventional courses engaged lot of energy which should have been spent for professional development in the ICT-ESP. The amount of competencies needed in the ICT-ESP for professional development was greater than those needed for any other ways of studying. The team entrepreneurs needed to develop skills in ICT, leadership and self-leadership, team development and entrepreneurship skills. The entrepreneurship skills included skills on marketing and sales, brand development, productization, and business administration. Considering the three-year time the team entrepreneurs spent in the ICT-ESP, the challenges were remarkable. Changes to the organization of IT Bachelor education are also suggested in the study. At first, it should be admitted that the ICT-ESP produces IT Bachelors with a different set of competencies compared to the conventional way of educating IT Bachelors. Secondly, the number of courses on general topics in mathematics, physics, and languages for team entrepreneurs studying in the ICTESP should be reconsidered and the conventional course-based teaching of the topics should be reorganized to support the team coaching process of the team entrepreneurs with their practiceoriented projects. Third, the upcoming team entrepreneurs should be equipped with relevant information about the ICT-ESP and what it would require in practice to study as a team entrepreneur. Finally, the upcoming team entrepreneurs should be carefully selected before they start in the ICT-ESP to have a possibility to eliminate solo players and those who have a too romantic view of being a team entrepreneur. The results gained in the study provided answers to the original research questions and the objectives of the study were met. Even though the IT degree programme was terminated during the research process, the amount of qualitative data gathered made it possible to justify the interpretations done.
Tässä tutkimuksessa yhdistän tiimiyrittäjyyden, sosiaalisen identiteetin ja kollektiivisen psykologisen omistajuuden akateemisia keskusteluja. Tavoitteenani on kuvailla millaisia minä, minun, me ja meidän -diskursseja yrittäjätiimien jäsenet puhuvat kuvatessaan yrittäjyyttään. Tutkimuksen aineistona on nuorten, kasvuhakuisten yrittäjätiimien jäsenten puolistrukturoidut teemahaastattelut. Näkökulmana hyödynnän sosiaalista konstruktionismia ja analysoin aineiston diskurssianalyysillä. Tulkitsen neljä erilaista diskurssia, jotka liittyvät eri tavoin yrittäjätiimien me-identiteettiin. Ensimmäisessä diskurssissa yrittäjät puhuvat omasta roolistaan suhteessa tiimiin. Toisessa diskurssissa yrittäjät luovat oikeudenmukaisuuden ja yhteisvastuullisuuden normeja, joilla rakennetaan me-orientoitumista. Kolmannessa diskurssissa he puhuvat me-muodossa. Puheessa me on kokija, toimija, kollektiivinen psykologinen omistaja ja merkityksen antaja. Neljännessä diskurssissa me-identiteettiä rakentavat yrittäjyyden representaatiot ja toiminta. Meidän -puhetta liitetään asioihin, joihin tiiminä on yhdessä panostettu. Meidän -kokemukset näyttäytyvät puheessa voimallisena yrittäjyyden toiminnan merkityksellistämisen tapana.
While traditional entrepreneurship literature addresses the pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities to a solo entrepreneur, scholars increasingly agree that new ventures are often founded and operated by entrepreneurial teams as collective efforts especially in hightechnology industries. Researchers also suggest that team ventures are more likely to survive and succeed than ventures founded by the individual entrepreneur although specific challenges might relate to multiple individuals being involved in joint entrepreneurial action. In addition to new ventures, entrepreneurial teams are seen central for organizing work in established organizations since the teams are able to create major product and service innovations that drive organizational success. Acknowledgement of the entrepreneurial teams in various organizational contexts has challenged the notion on the individual entrepreneur. However, considering that entrepreneurial teams represent a collective-level phenomenon that bases on interactions between organizational members, entrepreneurial teams may not have been studied as indepth as could be expected from the point of view of the team-level, rather than the individual or the individuals in the team. Many entrepreneurial team studies adopt the individualized view of entrepreneurship and examine the team members’ aggregate characteristics or the role of a lead entrepreneur. The previous understandings might not offer a comprehensive and indepth enough understanding of collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams and team venture performance that often relates to the team-level issues in particular. In addition, as the collective-level of entrepreneurial teams has been approached in various ways in the existing literatures, the phenomenon has been difficult to understand in research and practice. Hence, there is a need to understand entrepreneurial teams at the collective-level through a systematic and comprehensive perspective. This study takes part in the discussions on entrepreneurial teams. The overall objective of this study is to offer a description and understanding of collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams beyond individual(s). The research questions of the study are: 1) what collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams stands for, what constitutes the basic elements of it, and who are included in it, 2) why, how, and when collectiveness emerges or reinforces within entrepreneurial teams, and 3) why collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams matters and how it could be developed or supported. In order to answer the above questions, this study bases on three approaches, two set of empirical data, two analysis techniques, and conceptual study. The first data set consists of 12 qualitative semi-structured interviews with business school students who are seen as prospective entrepreneurs. The data is approached through a social constructionist perspective and analyzed through discourse analysis. The second data set bases on a qualitative multiplecase study approach that aims at theory elaboration. The main data consists of 14 individual and four group semi-structured thematic interviews with members of core entrepreneurial teams of four team startups in high-technology industries. The secondary data includes publicly available documents. This data set is approached through a critical realist perspective and analyzed through systematic thematic analysis. The study is completed through a conceptual study that aims at building a theoretical model of collective-level entrepreneurship drawing from existing literatures on organizational theory and social-psychology. The theoretical work applies a positivist perspective. This study consists of two parts. The first part includes an overview that introduces the research background, knowledge gaps and objectives, research strategy, and key concepts. It also outlines the existing knowledge of entrepreneurial team literature, presents and justifies the choices of paradigms and methods, summarizes the publications, and synthesizes the findings through answering the above mentioned research questions. The second part consists of five publications that address independent research questions but all enable to answer the research questions set for this study as a whole. The findings of this study suggest a map of relevant concepts and their relationships that help grasp collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams. The analyses conducted in the publications suggest that collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams stands for cognitive and affective structures in-between team members including elements of collective entity, collective idea of business, collective effort, collective attitudes and motivations, and collective feelings. Collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams also stands for specific joint entrepreneurial action components in which the structures are constructed. The action components reflect equality and democracy, and open and direct communication in particular. Collectiveness emerges because it is a powerful tool for overcoming individualized barriers to entrepreneurship and due to collectively oriented desire for, collective value orientation to, demand for, and encouragement to team entrepreneurship. Collectiveness emerges and reinforces in processes of joint creation and realization of entrepreneurial opportunities including joint analysis and planning of the opportunities and strategies, decision-making and realization of the opportunities, and evaluation, feedback, and sanctions of entrepreneurial action. Collectiveness matters because it is relevant for potential future entrepreneurs and because it affects the ways collective ventures are initiated and managed. Collectiveness also matters because it is a versatile, dynamic, and malleable phenomenon and the ideas of it can be applied across organizational contexts that require team work in discovering or creating and realizing new opportunities. This study further discusses how the findings add to the existing knowledge of entrepreneurial team literature and how the ideas can be applied in educational, managerial, and policy contexts.
Gemeinsam selbständig. Eine Analyse kooperativen Handelns bei partnerschaftlichen Existenzgründungen
Im Zentrum der empirischen Arbeit steht einerseits eine besondere Form der Unternehmensgründung, andererseits eine besondere Form der Kooperation: die partnerschaftliche Existenzgründung. Das Forschungsvorhaben geht dem Ziel nach, Kooperationsprozesse in solchen unternehmerischen Partnerschaften zu explorieren. Um letztendlich eine praktisch nutzbare Grundlage für Maßnahmen zur Förderung beruflicher Selbständigkeit zu gewinnen, werden Merkmale und Rahmenbedingungen erfolgreicher partnerschaftlicher Existenzgründungen aufgezeigt. Die Empirie stützt sich auf qualitative Interviews mit Personen, die erfolgreich im Team ein Unternehmen gegründet haben und führen. In einem ersten Schritt werden anhand der Interviews konkrete alltägliche Kooperationsprozesse präzise beschrieben. Darauf aufbauend zeichnen tiefer gehende qualitative Analysen Entwicklungen auf einer abstrakteren Handlungsebene nach. Das Spektrum der Betrachtung umfasst neben individuellen Entwicklungen der Unternehmensgründer auch Prozesse auf der Teamebene sowie auf unternehmerischer Ebene. Zur Exploration der Handlungsprozesse werden die eigenen Ergebnisse durch ausgewählte theoretische Ansätze aus Kognitions- und Sozialpsychologie, aus soziologischer Handlungstheorie und Betriebswirtschaftslehre bereichert. Als relevant auf individueller Ebene erweisen sich insbesondere Prozesse der Identitätsentwicklung hin zu einer unternehmerisch-partnerschaftlichen Identität. Auf der Teamebene sind die Bewahrung und Überwindung von Eigensinn in der Interaktion sowie der Aufbau einer vertrauensvollen Beziehung zentral. Auf Unternehmensebene schließlich spielen Prozesse der Sinnfindung zwischen individuellen Erwerbsentwürfen und ökonomischen Strukturen, die Entstehung von Ordnung sowie Problemlösungsprozesse eine entscheidende Rolle. Insgesamt wird deutlich, dass der Weg in eine partnerschaftliche Selbständigkeit ein vielschichtiger Lernprozess ist, der aus der Praxis heraus entsteht, im Wesentlichen von den Gründern selbst organisiert und von gemeinsamen Reflexionen getragen wird. Diese Erkenntnisse stellen erste Ansatzpunkte dar zur Förderung beruflicher Selbständigkeit in Hochschule und im beruflichen Bildungswesen.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Inúmeras questões terríveis e alarmantes são ainda mal resolvidas, apesar da mobilização de ONGs para aliviá-los. Por muito tempo, o setor privado deu as costas a preocupações tal qual estas. Ate que um novo tipo de empreendedor revolucionário apareceu com um novo conceito para combater a pobreza. Mohamed Yunus desbravou empreendedorismo social quando criou a Grameen Bank 36 anos atrás: ele desafiou regras convencionais e estritas alugando dinheiro para Bengalis desmerecidos de credito, tudo isso obtendo lucro no mesmo tempo. Hoje, empreendedorismo social esta um fenômeno mas a maioria dos empreendedores do setor dos e meia ainda enfrentam dificuldades. A pesquisa acadêmica sobre o empreendedorismo social com fins lucrativos ainda está hesitante. O presente trabalho é uma modesta tentativa de analisar quais são os desafios que um empreendedor social com fins lucrativos enfrentará ao longo do caminho para criar seu empreendimento e sustentar os seus objetivos. O exame da literatura mostra que as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos empreendedores são devido a vários fatores, compreendo questões diretamente relacionadas a incerteza do mercado e o contexto local, questões organizacionais, de financiamento, de ética e questões relacionadas a resistência do modelo de negocio. As proposições derivando do exame da literatura foram confrontadas a casos concretos através de entrevistas com empreendedores sociais, investidores de impacto e instituições de apoio. Resultados da pesquisa corroboram as proposições do inicio mas enfatizam necessidade de resolver, com consideração cuidadosa, as questões relacionadas a incerteza do mercado e ao desenho duma governança adequada. A respeito da incerteza do mercado, a identificação das partes interessadas no empreendimento social e a adoção duma mentalidade eficaz para ajustar suposições iniciais para a realidade local, são um padrão chave de sucesso para o empreendimento social. No nível organizacional, a constituição dum time perito e comprometido junto com o desenho duma governança certa para equilibrar o desejo de obter lucro e a necessidade de sustentabilidade financeira é uma garantia de sucesso para o empreendedor social.
This research wants to lay emphasis on topics that historicize and rescue concepts, in addition, shows the relation between innovation and socioeconomic development resulted; reviews the legal framework to stimulate new innovation into Brazilian society; considers the definition and the entrepreneur university's new paradigm; and finally, this research highlights the importance of teaching entrepreneur at universities, with straight society benefits. The results suggests that innovation is directly enrolled with a successful development of certain society, as well, is actually the biggest business competitive differential into corporative universe. In one way of getting results of social advancement to inform entrepreneur research practice, it appears that entrepreneurs concepts, necessarily, must be incorporated into the array of Science/Technology/Innovation for the effective development of supported formula. This article develops a thought about actual scientific researches paradigm, the way that is built on today, and if it's sufficient to effectively get the results that society expects from main bodies to create human resource and researches, especially those with innovation aspects, at Brazilian economic improvement.
Association between neuromuscular tests and kumite performance on the Brazilian Karate National Team
The aim of this study was to verify the relationship of strength and power with performance on an international level karate team during official kumite simulations. Fourteen male black belt karate athletes were submitted to anthropometric data collection and then performed the following tests on two different days: vertical jump test, bench press and squat maximum dynamic strength (1RM) tests. We also tested power production for both exercises at 30 and 60% 1RM and performed a kumite match simulation. Blood samples were obtained at rest and immediately after the kumite matches to measure blood lactate concentration. Karate players were separated by performance (winners vs. defeated) on the kumite matches. We found no significant differences between winners and defeated for strength, vertical jump height, anthropometric data and blood lactate concentration. Interestingly, winners were more powerful in the bench press and squat exercises at 30% 1RM. Maximum strength was correlated with absolute (30% 1RM r = 0.92; 60% 1RM r = 0.63) and relative power (30% 1RM r = 0.74; 60% 1RM r = 0.11, p > 0.05) for the bench press exercise. We concluded that international level karate players' kumite match performance are influenced by higher levels of upper and lower limbs power production.
Artioli, GG, Gualano, B, Franchini, E, Batista, RN, Polacow, VO, and Lancha, AH Jr. Physiological, performance, and nutritional profile of the Brazilian Olympic Wushu (kung-fu) team. J Strength Cond Res 23(1): 20-25, 2009-The purpose of the present study was to determine physiological, nutritional, and performance profiles of elite Olympic Wushu (kung-fu) athletes. Ten men and four women elite athletes took part in the study. They completed the following tests: body composition, nutritional assessment, upper-body Wingate Test, vertical jump, lumbar isometric strength, and flexibility. Blood lactate was determined at rest and after the Wingate Test. Blood lactate was also determined during a training session (combat and Taolu training). We found low body fat (men: 9.5 +/- 6.3%; women: 18.0 +/- 4.8%), high flexibility (sit-and-reach-men: 45.5 +/- 6.1 cm; women: 44.0 +/- 6.3 cm), high leg power (vertical jump-men: 37.7 +/- 8.4 cm; women: 32.3 +/- 1.1 cm), high lumbar isometric strength (men: 159 6 13 cm; women: 94 6 6 cm), moderate arm mean and peak power (Wingate Test-men: 4.1 +/- 0.4 and 5.8 +/- 0.5 W.kg(-1), respectively; women: 2.5 +/- 0.3 and 3.4 +/- 0.3 W.kg(-1), respectively), and elevated blood lactate after the Wingate Test (men: 10.8 +/- 2.0 mmol.L(-1); women: 10.2 +/- 2.0 mmol.L(-1)) and during training (combat: 12.0 +/- 1.8 mmol.L(-1); Taolu: 7.7 +/- 3.3 mmol.L(-1)). Men athletes consume a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet, whereas women consume a moderate, high-carbohydrate diet. Energy consumption was markedly variable. In conclusion, Olympic Wushu seems to be a highly anaerobic-dependent combat sport. Low body fat, high flexibility, leg anaerobic power, isometric strength, and moderately high arm anaerobic power seem to be important for successful competitive performance.
Over the last decade, ambitious claims have been made in the management literature about the contribution of emotional intelligence to success and performance. Writers in this genre have predicted that individuals with high emotional intelligence perform better in all aspects of management. This paper outlines the development of a new emotional intelligence measure, the Workgroup Emotional Intelligence Profile, Version 3 (WEIP-3), which was designed specifically to profile the emotional intelligence of individuals in work teams. We applied the scale in a study of the link between emotional intelligence and two measures of team performance: team process effectiveness and team goal focus. The results suggest that the average level of emotional intelligence of team members, as measured by the WEIP-3, is reflected in the initial performance of teams. In our study, low emotional intelligence teams initially performed at a lower level than the high emotional intelligence teams. Over time, however, teams with low average emotional intelligence raised their performance to match that of teams with high emotional intelligence.
Accumulating evidence suggests that Team-member exchange (TMX) influences employee work attitudes and behaviours separately from the effects of leader-member exchange (LMX). In particular, little is known of the effect of LMX differentiation (in-group versus out-group) as a process of social exhange that can, in turn, affect TMX quality. To explore this phenomenon, this chapter presents a multi-level model of TMX in organizations, which incorporates LMX differentiation, team identification, team member affect at the individual level, and fairness of LMX differentiation and affective climate at the group-level. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of our model for theory, research, and practice.
An issue at the forefront of recent emotional intelligence debates revolves around whether emotional intelligence can be linked to work performance. Although many authors continue to develop new and improved measures of emotional intelligence (e.g. Mayer, Caruso, & Salovey, 2001) to give us a better understanding of emotional intelligence, the links to performance in work settings, especially in the context of group effectiveness, have received much less attention. In this chapter, we present the results of a study in which we examined the role of emotional self-awareness and emotional intelligence as a predictor of group effectiveness. The study also addresses the utility of self- and peer assessment in measureing emotional self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
A sophisticated style of mentoring has been found to be essential to support engineering student teams undertaking technically demanding, real-world problems as part of a Project-Centred Curriculum (PCC) at The University of Queensland. The term ‘triple-objective’ mentoring was coined to define mentoring that addresses not only the student’s technical goal achievement but also their time and team management. This is achieved through a number of formal mentor meetings that are informed by a confidential instrument which requires students to individually reflect on team processes prior to the meeting, and a checklist of technical requirements against which the interim student team progress and achievements are assessed. Triple-objective mentoring requires significant time input and coordination by the academic but has been shown to ensure effective student team work and learning undiminished by team dysfunction. Student feedback shows they value the process and agree that the tools developed to support the process are effective in developing and assessing team work and skills with average scores mostly above 3 on a four point scale.