976 resultados para teacher evaluation


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Background: The Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher scale is a reliable and valid instrument to evaluate the quality of the clinical learning process in international nursing education contexts. Objectives: This paper reports the development and psychometric testing of the Spanish version of the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher scale. Design: Cross-sectional validation study of the scale. Setting: 10 public and private hospitals in the Alicante area, and the Faculty of Health Sciences (University of Alicante, Spain). Participants: 370 student nurses on clinical placement (January 2011–March 2012). Methods: The Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher scale was translated using the modified direct translation method. Statistical analyses were performed using PASW Statistics 18 and AMOS 18.0.0 software. A multivariate analysis was conducted in order to assess construct validity. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to evaluate instrument reliability. Results: An exploratory factorial analysis identified the five dimensions from the original version, and explained 66.4% of the variance. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the factor structure of the Spanish version of the instrument. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the scale was .95, ranging from .80 to .97 for the subscales. Conclusion: This version of the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher scale instrument showed acceptable psychometric properties for use as an assessment scale in Spanish-speaking countries.


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The present study examined the correlations between motivational orientation and students’ academic performance in mathematical problem solving and reading comprehension. The main purpose is to see if students’ intrinsic motivation is related to their actual performance in different subject areas, math and reading. In addition, two different informants, students and teachers, were adopted to check whether the correlation is different by different informants. Pearson’s correlational analysis was a major method, coupled with regression analysis. The result confirmed the significant positive correlation between students’ academic performance and students’ self-report and teacher evaluation on their motivational orientation respectively. Teacher evaluation turned out with more predictive value for the academic achievement in math and reading. Between the subjects, mathematical problem solving showed higher correlation with most of the motivational subscales than reading comprehension did. The highest correlation was found between teacher evaluation on task orientation and students’ mathematical problem solving. The positive relationship between intrinsic motivation and academic achievement was proved. The disparity between students ’ self-report and teacher evaluation on motivational orientation was also addressed with the need of further examination.


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Presenter, student and teacher evaluation forms for the 6th Annual Lincoln University Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day program flyer on April 29, 2011.


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Presenter, student and teacher evaluation forms for the 9th Annual Lincoln University Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day program flyer on April 25, 2014.


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The Teacher Effectiveness and Accountability for the Children of New Jersey (TEACHNJ) Act was adopted by the New Jersey legislature in August 2012 with the intent to raise student achievement by improving the overall quality of instruction. As a result of this act, new teacher evaluation systems are being introduced in school districts across the state in an effort to more accurately assess teacher performance. The new teacher evaluations will be based on multiple classroom observations as well as the academic achievement of their students as measured on standardized tests. In addition, professional development opportunities are likely to change under this legislation, with schools customizing professional development programs to more effectively meet the needs of their teachers. The overarching question that informs our research is what impact will TEACH NJ have on the overall value of teacher evaluations and the quality of professional development opportunities offered to teachers. Data collected through survey research presents the pre-implementation practices (2011-2012 school year) as well as one year post-implementation practices (2013-2014) taking place in school districts throughout New Jersey. The findings reflect teachers’ perceptions of the value of the current teacher evaluation practices, the quality of the current professional development opportunities and the value the school administration places on teacher evaluations.


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This sequential explanatory, mixed methods research design examines the role teachers should enact in the development process of the teacher evaluation system in Louisiana. These insights will ensure teachers are catalysts in the classroom to significantly increase student achievement and allow policymakers, practitioners, and instructional leaders to direct as learned decision makers.


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Este trabalho pretende comparar o ensino da produção textual em livros didáticos do português (LDP) e em apostilas escolares (AE), as quais hoje apontam para uma opção mercadológica de mercantilização do conhecimento escolar brasileiro. Como metodologia da pesquisa, optamos por um levantamento diacrônico sobre o ensino de Língua Portuguesa no Brasil, apresentando um histórico do LD como suporte de ensino e de aprendizagem da disciplina, para analisarmos os impactos das teorias linguísticas modernas, sobretudo, no que diz respeito aos gêneros discursivos (cf. Bakhtin, 2003), e dos PCN/PCNEM no ensino da produção de textos em sala de aula. Em virtude das modificações recentemente propostas pelo Exame Nacional de Ensino Médio (ENEM) e dos seus impactos na abordagem escolar da Produção Textual (PT), delimitamos nossa análise ao gênero dissertação escolar (DE), conhecido genericamente como redação escolar (RE), o mais cobrado em concursos e vestibulares brasileiros, traçando um recorte desde o período pós-Ditadura até as recentes propostas semióticas de abordagem do gênero (BARTHES, 1975; SANTAELLA, 2009; SIMÕES, 2009). Nossa perspectiva é, à guisa das mudanças ideológicas envolvidas na mudança de abordagem do ensino de RE para PT, apontar como LDP, tradicionalmente adotados em escolas públicas, e AE, contemporaneamente preferidas por dirigentes de escolas particulares, comportam-se frente a quatro eixos fundamentais para a prática docente do ensino da dissertação escolar: concepções teóricas adotadas, metodologia do ensino de DE, fundamentação teórico-metodológica dos professores e propostas de avaliação. Feita a análise contrastiva, o trabalho apontará aspectos divergentes e convergentes desse ensino, contextualizando o papel docente como mediador diante dos conflitos pedagógicos surgidos no decorrer da educação básica


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The present study investigated the effects of a continuing professional development (CPD) initiative that provided collaborative group work skills training for primary school teachers. The study collected data from 24 primary school classrooms in different schools in a variety of urban and rural settings. The sample was composed of 332 pupils, aged 9-12 years old, and 24 primary school teachers. Results indicated that the CPD initiative had a significant impact on the attainment of pupils in science. In addition, data indicated that the CPD promoted effective discourse and pupil dialogue during science lessons. Pre-test and post-test observation scores were significantly different in terms of children giving of suggestions or courses of actions, offering of explanations, and telling someone to say something or carry out an action. Increases in effective dialogue were significantly correlated to increased science attainment, and teacher evaluations of the impact of the CPD were positive. Significant correlations were found between teacher evaluation of impact upon pupil learning and increased attainment in science. The design and structure of CPD initiatives and the implications for practice, policy and future research are explored.


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A introdução de novas exigências na Avaliação do Desempenho Docente (ADD) em Portugal (Decretos-Lei 15/2007 e 75/2010; Decretos Regulamentares 2/2008 e 2/2010) tem gerado nas escolas e nos professores, desde 2008, situações organizacionais complexas, que urge analisar e compreender. As políticas educativas têm vindo a apontar para a necessidade de um maior investimento nos processos de avaliação de professores, dando relevância ao papel a desempenhar pela supervisão pedagógica nesse contexto. A supervisão da prática letiva passou a ser considerada procedimento fundamental, na medida em que se tornou difícil conceber uma avaliação dos docentes que não incluísse sessões de observação em sala de aula. Fruto destas novas políticas de avaliação de professores, a ADD apresentou-se, do ponto de vista normativo, com base em duas funções: sumativa e formativa. Estas funções exigem maiores investimentos, novas práticas e uma reflexão sobre o papel do professor ancorada numa perspetiva holística, transformadora e emancipatória do seu desenvolvimento profissional. O principal objetivo do nosso estudo consiste em compreender as perceções e práticas desenvolvidas pelos docentes face às alterações introduzidas no sistema da ADD no geral, e, em particular, o papel desempenhado pela supervisão pedagógica (SP) na avaliação entre pares, no segundo ciclo avaliativo (2009-2011). A investigação empírica tem por base um estudo de caso desenvolvido num Agrupamento de escolas do Distrito de Aveiro. A recolha de dados foi concretizada através da administração de um questionário a todos os docentes do Agrupamento e da condução de entrevistas a 26 informadores privilegiados do processo avaliativo. Os principais resultados do estudo de caso apontam para: i) a opinião desfavorável dos professores face ao atual modelo de ADD, dada a sua natureza burocrática, complexa, injusta e a sua escassa utilidade prática, preenchendo apenas requisitos legais e de controlo; ii) um processo de SP, concretamente, a observação de aulas, que não contribui para o desenvolvimento profissional dos professores e tem impacte negativo no trabalho docente, acentuando a artificialidade dos procedimentos e aumentando o clima de competição e de conflito; iii) a sensação de desconforto entre os intervenientes, fazendo emergir sentimentos de injustiça, insegurança e ansiedade que, em seu entender, constituem constrangimentos à melhoria das aprendizagens dos alunos e à qualidade da escola; iv) uma escassa implicação na melhoria das práticas futuras e do desenvolvimento profissional dos docentes. Estes resultados constituem um desafio colocado aos investigadores no sentido de identificarem alternativas de ação para poderem lidar com a complexidade inerente ao processo de avaliação na sua relação com a supervisão pedagógica, com vista à melhoria de desempenho das escolas e dos professores.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Supervisão em Educação


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This article challenges the practice of encouraging teacher educators to strive and raise the levels of student satisfaction in their classes as if such a criterion provides a measure of good teaching. Such a practice involves what Giroux describes as ‘corporate pedagogy’ which conforms to the neoliberal inclination to meet the demands of the customer in the market. However it is argued in this paper that educative teaching, as especially described by Dewey, ought to challenge and re-evaluate the expectations and desires that students bring with them to class. Rather than aiming to satisfy customer expectations, teacher educators ought to lead the tertiary sector by challenging the notion of good quality teaching through educating the desires of students. Perhaps this may involve educators aiming to ‘dissatisfy’ students as per Mill’s ‘dissatisfied Socrates’.


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This work focalize the institutional and educational evaluation, aiming to investigate the Municipal System Institutional Evaluation Performance of Teresina City Piauí (2001-2005), and to reflect about Institutional System Performance and its contribution to compose a new learning evaluation practice. In this sense, classifies elements about the evaluation practice in two Elementary Education municipal public schools, involving Education Municipal Bureau technicians as managers, pedagogues, teachers and students. Based on the ethnographic studies principles in the educational area, the work employs investigative procedures like document analysis, interviews with groups and individuals and also participator s comments. Intending to comprehend the complexity produced by the institutional and education evaluation processes, the wok reveals the Institutional Evaluation legal and educational political basis and the several positions assumed by the Learning Evaluation, as a classification tool or as a learning enhancement. This work points, as results, to a evaluation culture bipolarity carried out by the Municipal Education System as a explicit control and regulation toll, related to the classification and learning in a interaction process that operates both in the pressure and the reflection, as a culture practice established between excellence of logic and learning. The evaluation history has been construct on the evaluation actions dialectics, joint simultaneously between the Institutional Evaluation Performance and the learning evaluation. The senses, meanings and actions bipolarity is a interaction process product sustained between the institutional evaluation, under the scholar ranking application, and the learning evaluation. In this relativity, the teacher evaluation practice is found, ruled by interesting, thoughts and actions on the school evaluation, allowing a higher security and support to the learning results. Grounded in the researched reality, its possible to say that the teacher s evaluation practice is diversified, with different characteristics, when it is done in the learning search and in the learning intention. In the first case, reflects, rearranges and constructs new actions that lead the student to produce learning. In the second, shows the will, the wish of learning, but is a weak action, producing a not really significant learning and development; as a result, remains the mark approach as a determinant in the student future. The work s hope is to contribute not just to rethink these two evaluations dimensions the institutional and the learning ones but also to organize the school and to improve the pedagogic process


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Having as reference the curricular proposals that composed the new directives for Formation of Professors for the Basic Education, Full Licence in Brazil, it was aimed to analyze in the pedagogic project of a Physical Education Licence course, the professional profile proposed, the conceptual orientation adopted (curriculum model) as well the evaluation proposed in the curriculum. These results obtained from the descriptive study have contemplated documental source and content analysis approach, utilizing as basis for discussion of the results the formation theory. Among the most significant data it was established that, the presented professor profile must consider an Academic, Technological, Practical and Socio-Reconstructionist orientation, detaching during the evaluation process a high skill level in Academic Orientation, as well remarking that the evaluation is presented as a great gap in the pedagogic project.


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The most common pattern of classroom discourse follows a three-part exchange of teacher initiation, student response, and teacher evaluation or follow-up (IRE/IRF) (Cazden, 2001). Although sometimes described as encouraging illusory understanding (Lemke, 1990), triadic exchanges can mediate meaning (Nassaji & Wells, 2000). This paper focuses on one case from a study of discursive practices of seven middle grades teachers identified for their expertise in mathematics instruction. The central result of the study was the development of a model to explain how teachers use discourse to mediate mathematical meaning in whole group instruction. Drawing on the model for analysis, thick descriptions of one teacher’s skillful orchestration of triadic exchanges that enhance student understanding of mathematics are presented.