13 resultados para tanniferous hypostase


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The embryological features of three species of Swertia (s.l.) - S. erythrosticta, S. franchetiana, and S. tetraptera were characterized, and the observations were used, together with previously gathered data on other species, to evaluate a recently proposed polyphyly, based on molecular data, of Swertia s.l. Comparisons of species within the genus showed that they have diversified embryologically, and there are significant between-species differences. Notable features that vary between species include the number of cell layers that form the anther locule wall, the construction of the wall of the mature anther, tapetum origin, the cell number in mature pollen grains, the structure of the fused margins of the two carpels, the ovule numbers in placental cross-sections, the shape of the mature embryo sac, the degree of ovule curvature, antipodal variation and the presence of a hypostase, and seed appendages. They share characters that are widely distributed in the tribe Gentianeae, such as a dicotyledonous type of anther wall formation, a glandular tapetum with uninucleate cells, simultaneous cytokinesis following the meiosis of the microsporocytes, tetrahedral microspore tetrads, superior, bicarpellary and unilocular ovaries, unitegmic and tenuinucellar ovules, Polygonum-type megagametophytes, progamous fertilization, nuclear endosperm, and Solanad-type embryogeny. The presence of variation in embryological characters amongst the species of Swertia s.l. strongly supports the view that Swertia s.l. is not a monophyletic group. Frasera is better separated from Swertia s.l. as an independent genus, and is only distantly related to Swertia s. s. judging from the numerous differences in embryology. Swertia tetraptera is very closely related to Halenia, as they show identical embryology. (C) 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 155, 383-400.


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L’objet de ce travail de recherche est de mettre en dialogue les œuvres de Hans-Georg Gadamer et de Paul Ricœur afin de mettre au jour ce qui caractérise en propre la conception herméneutique du langage et d’en souligner la pertinence. Notre thèse principale est que, pour ce faire, il est impératif de dépasser les lectures dichotomiques des deux œuvres par une interprétation plus dialectique, puisque seule une telle démarche paraît susceptible de saisir l’étendue, la richesse et l’importance de l’intelligence herméneutique du phénomène langagier. Ainsi, dans ce travail, nous défendrons l’idée que, par-delà leurs différences incontestables, précieuses en elles-mêmes car sans elles il n’est pas de dialogue, les herméneutiques de Gadamer et Ricœur se distinguent par une réflexion philosophique incessante sur notre appartenance fondamentale au langage, qui constitue le cœur de la conception herméneutique du langage. Nous proposerons une confrontation des philosophies de Gadamer et Ricœur s’effectuant principalement autour d’une dialectique entre appartenance et distanciation, dans laquelle des approches plus objectivantes du langage pourront s’articuler à une description de notre expérience vécue. Avant de décrire cette dialectique pour elle-même, il nous est apparu indiqué de tenir compte de l’héritage phénoménologique incontournable à partir duquel Gadamer et Ricœur ont développé leurs approches respectives du langage. Cette base nous permettra de faire ressortir l’existence d’un accord de fond entre les deux herméneutiques sur la reconnaissance de notre irréductible appartenance au langage. Cette thèse n’exclut pas la possibilité, voire la nécessité d’intégrer dialectiquement un moment de distanciation au sein de cette appartenance primordiale. Nous montrerons en effet que c’est en s’appuyant sur cette distanciation que, par un mouvement réflexif, la pensée herméneutique peut revenir sur notre expérience langagière pour la thématiser et l’expliciter. Cette réflexion sur le langage s’effectue à partir de trois principaux modèles : ceux du dialogue, du texte et de la traduction. Nous exposerons comment chacun de ces modèles contribue à une meilleure compréhension de la vie du langage et de notre rapport au sens. Ceci nous conduira à examiner les efforts de Gadamer et Ricœur visant à mettre en lumière la puissance créatrice qui anime le langage, telle qu’elle ressort de leurs nombreux travaux sur la métaphore, le dire poétique et le récit. Nous défendrons alors la thèse qu’une conception originale de l’imagination s’élabore à travers la réflexion herméneutique sur l’innovation sémantique et la métaphoricité essentielle du langage. Cette recherche se terminera par une analyse des conceptions gadamérienne et ricœurienne des rapports entre langage et expérience, ainsi que de la portée ontologique du langage. Il y aura ici lieu d’insister sur la thèse partagée par les deux herméneutes selon laquelle il importe de résister à toute hypostase ou absolutisation du langage et de constamment penser le langage comme offrant une ouverture sur l’être et la possibilité de dire ce qui est.


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This paper presents a contribution to the understanding of the embryology, especially microsporogenesis, the antipodal cell behavior, and the early stages of the micropylar seed operculum, in Leiothrix fluitans, to elucidate these aspects both within the subgenus Rheocaulon and within the genus in Eriocaulaceae. Contrarily to previous descriptions of this same species, our results show the following: microsporogenesis is of the successive type and results in isobilateral microspore tetrads; the antipodal cells gradually fuse together to form a conspicuous cyst; and the inner integument, which does not develop into an endothelium, shows evidence of the initiation of the seed operculum in its micropylar end. Such features are common to the family as a whole. Evidenced for the first time in the family, the chalazal end of the ovule differentiates into a hypostase closely associated to the antipodal cyst. These overall features of L. fluitalls point out previous misinterpretations on some of its embryological aspects, especially those concerning the only report of simultaneous microsporogenesis and proliferation of the antipodal cells. Furthermore, the results presented here allow us to reinforce the uniformity of the embryological aspects within the Eriocaulaceae, strengthening the cystic arrangement of the antipodal cells as a potential autapomorphy of the family within the other Poales (commelinids). (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A origem dos embriões supranumerários e a embriogenia de Tabebuia ochracea foram analisadas. Embriões supranumerários apomíticos têm origem adventícia a partir de células da hipóstase e do tegumento da região micropilar do óvulo. A embriogenia corresponde ao tipo Onagrado. Das 233 sementes dissecadas 81,37% apresentaram poliembrionia e foram encontrados até sete embriões em uma mesma semente. Aparentemente, embriões sexuais e adventícios podem se desenvolver juntos, numa mesma semente. Alguns dos embriões adventícios apresentam alterações morfoanatômicas graves que podem prejudicar seu desenvolvimento em plântulas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Leucaena leucocephala (LEU) and three under-utilized tanniferous legumes, Styzolobium aterrimum L. (STA), Styzolobium deeringianum (STD), and Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth (MIC) were chemically characterized and the biological activity of tannins was evaluated using in vitro simulated ruminal fermentation through tannin-binding polyethylene glycol (PEG) and compared with a non-tanniferous tropical grass hay, Cynodon spp. (CYN). The Hohenheim gas test was used and gas production (GP) was recorded at 4, 8, 12, 24, 32, 48, 56, 72, 80, and 96 h incubation with and without PEG. Kinetic parameters were estimated by an exponential model. STA, STD, and LEU contained higher (P < 0.05) crude protein than MIC, which had greater neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre. Total phenols, total tannins, and condensed tannins (CT) were consistently the highest in MIC. Gas production was the lowest from MIC (P < 0.05) and the highest in LEU and STA. MIC + PEG largely reduced (P < 0.05) the lag phase and the fractional rate of fermentation and increased potential GP. Kinetic parameters of STA + PEG and LEU + PEG were not affected. LEU + PEG produced greater gas increment (P < 0.05) than STD + PEG, although both legumes had the same CT. All legumes except MIC were more extensively degraded than CYN. However, fermentation of the legumes was differently affected by the presence and proportions of CT, indigestible fibre or both.