831 resultados para tailor welded blanks


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Na tentativa de produzir componentes cada vez mais leves e seguros a industria automotiva vem continuamente atualizando seus produtos no que diz respeito à associação de materiais, uso de uniões por solda, utilização de ligas leves em substituição de ligas de aço e etc. Três são os motivos básicos para estas mudanças: aumento da segurança dos passageiros, diminuição do consumo de combustível e redução os custos de produção. As ligas de alumínio, em sua maioria desenvolvidas para uso em tecnologia aeronáutica, vêm ganhando espaço também na produção de automóveis de passeio. Um dos maiores problemas apresentados pelas ligas de alumínio é a baixa soldabilidade dificultando a produção de componentes como os conhecidos Tailor Welded Blanks (TWB). TWB consiste em unir através de solda materiais de espessura e ou propriedades mecânicas diferentes formando uma geratriz para posterior estampagem de um componente Este trabalho inova confeccionando juntas a partir de chapas de espessuras diferentes (TWB) através de soldagem por fricção e mistura mecânica (SFMM) a partir de ligas de alumínio com velocidades de soldagem convencionais (1m/min) e em altas velocidades atingindo 5 e 10m/min dependendo da liga. Duas ligas de alumínio foram utilizadas, AA5754 (não tratável termicamente) e AA6181 (tratável termicamente). Foram realizados ensaios metalográficos, perfis de microdureza, ensaios de tração. Foram realizados também ensaios para levantamento de curvas limite de conformação através de ensaios de tração em corpos de prova etalhados e ensaios de estampabilidade. Os resultados mostram que o processo SFMM é adequado para soldas de espessuras diferentes em altas velocidades. Os ensaios de microdureza não apresentam as típicas variações observadas em processos de soldagem convencional, os testes mecânicos apresentam bons resultados, especialmente paras as juntas da liga AA6181 que em ambas as condições de soldagem apresentaram valores de tensão próximos aos valores do material de base. Os testes de estampagem mostram que as juntas da liga AA5754 apresentam desempenho superior ao material de base quando conformadas, desta forma provando que essa técnica pode ser utilizada para fabricação de geratrizes para estampagem de componentes.


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Hot stamping is now commonplace in the automotive industry. The continuing need by automotive manufacturers to reduce weight while increasing crashworthiness has driven the industry to seek new hot stamping solutions. Tailored hot stamping can be thought to produce a part that has patchwork of hard and soft regions. In this context, patchwork means that there is a relational organization (topology) to the network of hard and soft regions. The next generation of tailored hot stamping will therefore combine new steel grades together into a single part, and secondly will be able to locally tailor material properties to meet detailed engineering targets. The key to meeting engineering demands will be how the patchwork material properties are organized on the part. This paper will briefly outline our latest research in tailoring parts.


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In this study, the influence of tool rotation speed and feed rate on the forming limit of friction stir welded Al 6061-T651 sheets has been investigated. The forming limit curve was evaluated by limit dome height test performed on all the friction stir welded sheets. The welding trials were conducted at a tool rotation speed of 1300 and 1400 r/min and feed rate of 90 and 100 mm/min. A third trial of welding was performed at a rotational speed of 1500 r/min and feed rate 120 mm/min. It is found that with increase in the tool rotation speed, from 1300 to 1400 r/min, for a constant feed rate, the forming limit of friction stir welded blank has improved and with increase in feed rate, from 90 to 100 mm/min, for a constant tool rotation speed, it has decreased. The forming limit of friction stir welded sheets is better than unwelded sheets. The thickness gradient after forming is severe in the cases of friction stir welded blanks made at higher feed rate and lower rotation speed. The strain hardening exponent of weld (n) increases with increase in tool rotation speed and it decreases with increase in feed rate. It has been demonstrated that the change in the forming limit of friction stir welded sheets with respect to welding parameters is due to the thickness distribution severity and strain hardening exponent of the weld region during forming. There is not much variation in the dome height among the friction stir welded sheets tested. When compared with unwelded sheets, dome height of friction stir welded sheets is higher in near-plane-strain condition, but it is lesser in stretching strain paths.


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A união de chapas de diferentes materiais, espessuras e propriedades mecânicas formando uma geratriz para estampagem é uma estratégia que a indústria automobilística utiliza no desenvolvimento de estruturas leves. Uma delas chama-se Tailored Welded Blanks, onde duas ou mais chapas são unidas pelo processo de solda. Dentro do contexto de estruturas leves é analisado neste trabalho o comportamento mecânico de duas diferentes chapas soldadas utilizadas pela indústria automobilística, formando uma única geratriz com diferentes razões de espessuras. Para isso, foram unidos os materiais ZSTE 220 P nas espessuras 1.5 e 0.8 mm e St 05 nas espessuras de 1.5 e 1.2 mm. O processo de junção utilizado para unir os materiais de diferentes espessuras foi solda a laser. Os ensaios de fabricação utilizados para caracterizar o comportamento mecânico do material foram o ensaio de tração uniaxial e o ensaio Nakajima modificado. O ensaio de tração define as propriedades mecânicas e o ensaio Nakajima quantifica as deformações principais maiores e menores na superfície da chapa. De posse destas deformações é possível construir as Curvas Limites de Conformação (CLC) de cada material. A maneira encontrada para simular estes estados de deformações foi utilizar 8 corpos de prova de mesmo comprimento, porém variando sua largura e o raio do entalhe correspondente. O uso de corpos de prova com diferentes larguras e raio de entalhe permite obter deformações que abrangem os campos referentes ao estiramento, deformação plana e embutimento profundo.


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This chapter reports on research work that aims to overcome some limitations of conventional community engagement for urban planning. Adaptive and human-centred design approaches that are well established in human-computer interaction (such as personas and design scenarios) as well as creative writing and dramatic character development methods (such as the Stanislavsky System and the Meisner Technique) are yet largely unexplored in the rather conservative and long-term design context of urban planning. Based on these approaches, we have been trialling a set of performance based workshop activities to gain insights into participants’ desires and requirements that may inform the future design of apartments and apartment buildings in inner city Brisbane. The focus of these workshops is to analyse the behaviour and lifestyle of apartment dwellers and generate residential personas that become boundary objects in the cross-disciplinary discussions of urban design and planning teams. Dramatisation and embodied interaction of use cases form part of the strategies we employed to engage participants and elicit community feedback.


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Initial crack widely exists in the welded members of steel bridge induced by the welding procedure or by the fatigue damage crack initiation. The behavior of crack growth with a view to fatigue damage accumulation on the tip of cracks is discussed. Fatigue life of welded components with initial crack in bridges under traffic loading is investigated. Based on existing fatigue experiment results of welded members with initial crack and the fatigue experiment results of welded bridge members under constant stress cycles, the crack would keep semi-elliptical shape with variable ratio of a/c during the crack propagation. Based on the concept of continuum damage accumulated on the tip of fatigue cracks,the fatigue damage law suitable for steel bridge members under traffic loading is modified to consider the crack growth.The virtual crack growth method and the semi-elliptical crack shape assumption are proposed in this paper to deduce a new model of fatigue crack growth rate for welded bridge members under traffic loading. And the calculated method of the stress intensity factor necessary for evaluation of the fatigue life of welded bridge members with cracks is discussed.The proposed fatigue crack growth model is then applied to calculate the crack growth and the fatigue life of existing welded members with fatigue experimental results. The fatigue crack propagation computation results show that the ratio of crack depth to the half crack surface length a/c is variable during crack propagation process and the stress cycle increases with the increase of a0/c0 with certain a0/t0 .The calculated and measured fatigue lives are generally in good agreement,at some initial conditions of cracking, for welded members widely used in steel bridges.


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This article reports on the design and implementation of a computer-aided sheet nesting system (CASNS) for the nesting of two-dimensional irregular-shaped sheet-metal blanks on a given sheet stock or coil stock. The system is designed by considering several constraints of sheet-metal stamping operations, such as bridge width and grain orientation, and design requirements such as maximizing the strength of the part hen subsequent bending is involved, minimization of scrap, and economic justification for'a single or multiple station operation. Through many practical case studies, the system proves its efficiency, effectiveness and usefulness.


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The article by Kretzschmar et al in this issue of Menopause details a study investigating the effect of a mild-intensity aerobic exercise training program on markers of mortality risk in both pre- and post-menopausal African American women. The findings of this study showed that aerobic exercise training was successful in improving some markers of cardiovascular disease and mortality in post-menopausal women. The premise of this study, however, does suggest that increased exercise intensity may be required in post-menopausal women as opposed to pre menopausal women to achieve the same decreased changes in CVD markers. The outcome of the study is thus of interest to the readers of Menopause and to all those who provide health care to postmenopausal women, as they suggest that higher levels of exercise intensity or perhaps additional interventions may need to be considered in this population to further decrease mortality risk. The study therefore, has greater implications than simply the suggesting of tailoring exercise interventions generally, rather, the publication highlights the importance of prescribing exercise as medicine in a tailored fashion for women depending on their menopausal status.


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Large quantities of tailor, Pomatomus saltatrix, are caught by recreational and commercial fishers in coastal waters off New South Wales and Queensland. Juvenile tailor were subject to increasing fishing mortality in Moreton Bay (Queensland) in the mid 1980s. A tagging programme, involving State Government fisheries biologists and amateur fishing clubs, was established in 1986 to examine the movement, growth rate and fisheries exploitation of juvenile tailor (<270 mm fork length) in Moreton Bay. Of 2173 juvenile tailor tagged in Moreton Bay during February-July and December 1987, 237 were recaptured over a period of 30 months, representing a recapture rate of 11%. This was a high recapture rate compared with those in similar finfish tagging studies carried out in Moreton Bay. The recaptured fish moved relatively short distances (mean plus or minus s.d., 10.2 plus or minus 15.0 km; maximum distance, 85 km). Growth data were unreliable. Estuaries such as Moreton Bay function as nursery areas for tailor prior to their movement onto open surf beaches as adult fish. A legal minimum length for tailor was introduced on the basis of this study.