896 resultados para tablet devices


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Tässä diplomityössä oli tavoitteena tutkia käytettävyyttä ja käyttöliittymiä tablet-laitteiden näkökulmasta. Työssä tutkittiin sitä, mikä tekee hyvän tablet-käyttöliittymän ja mitä asioita sen suunnittelussa tulisi huomioida. Lisäksi tehtävänä oli selvittää, miten työn toimeksian-tajan käytössä olevat tekniikat soveltuvat käytettäviksi tablet-laitteiden kanssa. Työn poh-jalta havaittiin, että tablet-käyttöliittymien suunnittelussa tulisi noudattaa vakiintuneita käyttöliittymäsuunnittelun periaatteita, joista tärkeimmät ovat yksinkertaisuus, yhtenäisyys, virheiden ehkäisy ja käyttäjätuki. Hyvän käytettävyyden takaamiseksi suunnittelussa tulisi kuitenkin huomioida tablet-laitteiden erikoispiirteet ja rajoitukset. Tutkimustyön lisäksi diplomityössä toteutettiin yksinkertainen tablet-laitteille suunniteltu käyttöliittymä Vaadin TouchKit -käyttöliittymäkehystä käyttäen.


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Mobile devices can enhance undergraduate research projects and students’ research capabilities. The use of mobile devices such as tablet computers will not automatically make undergraduates better researchers, but their use should make investigations, writing, and publishing more effective and may even save students time. We have explored some of the possibilities of using “tablets” and “smartphones” to aid the research and inquiry process in geography and bioscience fieldwork. We provide two case studies as illustration of how students working in small research groups use mobile devices to gather and analyze primary data in field-based inquiry. Since April 2010, Apple’s iPad has changed the way people behave in the digital world and how they access their music, watch videos, or read their email much as the entrepreneurs Steve Jobs and Jonathan Ive intended. Now with “apps” and “the cloud” and the ubiquitous references to them appearing in the press and on TV, academics’ use of tablets is also having an impact on education and research. In our discussion we will refer to use of smartphones such as the iPhone, iPod, and Android devices under the term “tablet”. Android and Microsoft devices may not offer the same facilities as the iPad/iphone, but many app producers now provide versions for several operating systems. Smartphones are becoming more affordable and ubiquitous (Melhuish and Falloon 2010), but a recent study of undergraduate students (Woodcock et al. 2012, 1) found that many students who own smartphones are “largely unaware of their potential to support learning”. Importantly, however, students were found to be “interested in and open to the potential as they become familiar with the possibilities” (Woodcock et al. 2012). Smartphones and iPads could be better utilized than laptops when conducting research in the field because of their portability (Welsh and France 2012). It is imperative for faculty to provide their students with opportunities to discover and employ the potential uses of mobile devices in their learning. However, it is not only the convenience of the iPad or tablet devices or smartphones we wish to promote, but also a way of thinking and behaving digitally. We essentially suggest that making a tablet the center of research increases the connections between related research activities.


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L'objectiu d'aquest projecte de final de carrera a l'empresa és el de desenvolupar una eina de catàlegs virtuals per a dispositius del tipus "tablet". Es desenvoluparà només la part client (la del tablet) i per el moment només serà compatible amb tablets amb la versió 3 d'Android o superior, tot i que no es descarta que en properes versions s'ampliarà per a que funcioni també en dispositius mòbils amb versions anteriors. La part servidora ja es té a l'empresa. Aquesta eina ha de servir per a que les empreses l'utilitzin com a suport de vendes, de tal manera que es puguin estalviar els costos que suposa la creació i constant renovació d'un catàleg en paper.


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Tämä työ kertoo Twitch.tv-palvelun videolähetyksien katsomiseen tarkoitetun sovelluksen kehittämisestä. Sovellus on tarkoitettu tablet-laitteille, jotka käyttävät Windows 8 -käyttöjärjestelmää. Tarkoituksena on mahdollistaa palvelun käyttäminen ilman selainta suoraan Windows App Store -sovelluksen kautta. Toteutuksessa keskitytään tutkimaan Microsoftin työkaluja ohjelmistonkehitykseen Windowsille, Twitch:n tarjoaman rajapinnan käyttöä ja käyttömahdollisuuksia. Työssä kerrotaan näiden työkalujen rajoittuneisuudesta ja tästä aiheutuvista ongelmista edellä kuvattua sovellusta kehittäessä. Ohjelmistossa panostetaan käytettävyyteen erityisesti tablet-laitteen näkökulmasta, käyttöliittymän suunnittelussa otetaan huomioon yhtenevä ulkonäkö ja Metro UI:n tyyli.


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[ES] Concretamente, para el caso de las Matemáticas, encontramos numerosas aplicaciones orientadas al aprendizaje de operaciones básicas: suma, resta, multiplicación, división, pero ninguna que enseñe a los niños a aplicar dichas operaciones para la resolución de problemas.
 Y este es el fin de este Trabajo Fin de Grado; diseñar un prototipo de aplicación orientada a Tabletas, con tecnología Android, para la resolución de problemas matemáticos para alumnos de niños de 5º de primaria, con tres características fundamentales:
 1. La posibilidad de disponer de un espacio, en el cual los alumnos puedan realizar los cálculos necesarios para solucionar los problemas. 2. La posibilidad de incorporar un mecanismo, gracias al cual los usuarios puedan aportar nuevos problemas matemáticos, a modo de feedback con el usuario. 3. La combinación del aspecto lúdico con el académico. El principal objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Grado es el de : desarrollar un prototipo orientado hacia dispositivos Tablet basados en Android, que permitan el aprendizaje sobre la materia de Matemáticas para un nivel de alumnos de 5º de primaria; y que cumpla con las características fundamentales anteriormente descritas.


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El presente proyecto pretende ser una herramienta para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura (enseñar a leer y a escribir) para niños con discapacidad, haciendo para ello uso de una aplicación que se ejecuta en una tablet con Sistema Operativo (S.O.) Android. Existe un vacío en el mundo de las aplicaciones para tabletas en este campo en el que se intentará poner un grano de arena para, al menos, tener una aplicación que sirva de toma de contacto a los interesados en este campo. Para establecer las funcionalidades más adecuadas al propósito de la herramienta, se ha consultado a profesionales de la logopedia de un colegio de educación especial, con cuya colaboración se ha dado forma a la estructura de la misma. La implementación de la aplicación se ha llevado a cabo con programación en entorno Java para Android. Se han incluido diferentes recursos como imágenes, pictogramas y locuciones tanto elementos con licencia libre, como elementos propios generados ‘ex profeso’ para dar la forma final a la herramienta. Podemos decir que en general esta aplicación puede ser usada para enseña a leer y escribir a cualquier niño, pero se ha dotado de unas ciertas características que la confieren una orientación especial hacia niños con necesidades educativas especiales. Para ello se ha cuidado mucho la estética, para que ésta sea lo más simple y suave posible, para hacer especial hincapié en la atención de los niños y evitar su distracción con elementos visuales innecesarios. Se ha dotado de estímulos visuales y sonoros para fomentar su interés (aplausos en caso de acierto, colores para diferenciar aciertos y errores, etc.). Se han utilizado los tamaños de letra más grandes posibles (para las discapacidades visuales), etc. El mercado cuenta con una ingente cantidad de dispositivos Android, con características muy dispares, de tamaño de pantalla, resolución y versiones del S.O. entre otras. La aplicación se ha desarrollado tratando de dar cobertura al mayor porcentaje de ellos posible. El requisito mínimo de tamaño de pantalla sería de siete pulgadas. Esta herramienta no tiene demasiado sentido en dispositivos con pantallas menores por las características intrínsecas de la misma. No obstante se ha trabajado también en la configuración para dispositivos pequeños, como “smartphones”, no por su valor como herramienta para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura (aunque en algunos casos podría ser viable) sino más bien con fines de prueba y entrenamiento para profesores, padres o tutores que realizarán la labor docente con dispositivos tablet. Otro de los requisitos, como se ha mencionado, para poder ejecutar la aplicación sería la versión mínima de S.O., por debajo de la cual (versiones muy obsoletas) la aplicación sería inviable. Sirva este proyecto pues para cubrir, mediante el uso de la tecnología, un aspecto de la enseñanza con grandes oportunidades de mejora. ----------------------- This Project is aimed to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills to handicapped children with an Android application. There are no Android applications available on this field, so it is intended to provide at least one option to take contact with. Speech therapy professionals from a special needs school have been asked for the most suitable functions to be included in this tool. The structure of this tool has been made with the cooperation of these professionals. The implementation of the application has been performed through Java coding for Android. Different resources have been included such as pictures, pictograms and sounds, including free licenses resources and self-developed resources. In general, it can be said that this application can be used to teach learning and writing skills to any given kid, however it has been provided of certain features that makes it ideal for children with special educational needs. It has been strongly taken into account the whole aesthetic to be as simple and soft as possible, in order to get attention of children, excluding any visual disturbing elements. It has been provided with sound and visual stimulations, to attract their interest (applauses in cases of correct answers, different colours to differentiate right or wrong answers), etc. There are many different types of Android devices, with very heterogeneous features regarding their screen size, resolution and O.S. version, etc., available today. The application has been developed trying to cover most of them. Minimum screen resolution is seven inches. This tool doesn’t seem to be very useful for smaller screens, for its inner features. Nevertheless, it has been developed for smaller devices as well, like smartphones, not intended to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills (even it could be possible in some cases), but in a test and training context for teachers, parents or guardians who do the teaching work with tablet devices. Another requirement, as stated before, in order to be able to run the application, it would be the minimum O.S. version, below that (very obsolete versions) the application would become impracticable. Hope this project to be used to fulfill, by means of technology, one area of teaching with great improvement opportunities.


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El presente proyecto pretende ser una herramienta para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura (enseñar a leer y a escribir) para niños con discapacidad, haciendo para ello uso de una aplicación que se ejecuta en una tablet con Sistema Operativo (S.O.) Android. Existe un vacío en el mundo de las aplicaciones para tabletas en este campo en el que se intentará poner un grano de arena para, al menos, tener una aplicación que sirva de toma de contacto a los interesados en este campo. Para establecer las funcionalidades más adecuadas al propósito de la herramienta, se ha consultado a profesionales de la logopedia de un colegio de educación especial, con cuya colaboración se ha dado forma a la estructura de la misma. La implementación de la aplicación se ha llevado a cabo con programación en entorno Java para Android. Se han incluido diferentes recursos como imágenes, pictogramas y locuciones tanto elementos con licencia libre, como elementos propios generados ‘ex profeso’ para dar la forma final a la herramienta. Podemos decir que en general esta aplicación puede ser usada para enseña a leer y escribir a cualquier niño, pero se ha dotado de unas ciertas características que la confieren una orientación especial hacia niños con necesidades educativas especiales. Para ello se ha cuidado mucho la estética, para que ésta sea lo más simple y suave posible, para hacer especial hincapié en la atención de los niños y evitar su distracción con elementos visuales innecesarios. Se ha dotado de estímulos visuales y sonoros para fomentar su interés (aplausos en caso de acierto, colores para diferenciar aciertos y errores, etc.). Se han utilizado los tamaños de letra más grandes posibles (para las discapacidades visuales), etc. El mercado cuenta con una ingente cantidad de dispositivos Android, con características muy dispares, de tamaño de pantalla, resolución y versiones del S.O. entre otras. La aplicación se ha desarrollado tratando de dar cobertura al mayor porcentaje de ellos posible. El requisito mínimo de tamaño de pantalla sería de siete pulgadas. Esta herramienta no tiene demasiado sentido en dispositivos con pantallas menores por las características intrínsecas de la misma. No obstante se ha trabajado también en la configuración para dispositivos pequeños, como “smartphones”, no por su valor como herramienta para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura (aunque en algunos casos podría ser viable) sino más bien con fines de prueba y entrenamiento para profesores, padres o tutores que realizarán la labor docente con dispositivos tablet. Otro de los requisitos, como se ha mencionado, para poder ejecutar la aplicación sería la versión mínima de S.O., por debajo de la cual (versiones muy obsoletas) la aplicación sería inviable. Sirva este proyecto pues para cubrir, mediante el uso de la tecnología, un aspecto de la enseñanza con grandes oportunidades de mejora. ABSTRACT. This Project is aimed to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills to handicapped children with an Android application. There are no Android applications available on this field, so it is intended to provide at least one option to take contact with. Speech therapy professionals from a special needs school have been asked for the most suitable functions to be included in this tool. The structure of this tool has been made with the cooperation of these professionals. The implementation of the application has been performed through Java coding for Android. Different resources have been included such as pictures, pictograms and sounds, including free licenses resources and self-developed resources. In general, it can be said that this application can be used to teach learning and writing skills to any given kid, however it has been provided of certain features that makes it ideal for children with special educational needs. It has been strongly taken into account the whole aesthetic to be as simple and soft as possible, in order to get attention of children, excluding any visual disturbing elements. It has been provided with sound and visual stimulations, to attract their interest (applauses in cases of correct answers, different colours to differentiate right or wrong answers), etc. There are many different types of Android devices, with very heterogeneous features regarding their screen size, resolution and O.S. version, etc., available today. The application has been developed trying to cover most of them. Minimum screen resolution is seven inches. This tool doesn’t seem to be very useful for smaller screens, for its inner features. Nevertheless, it has been developed for smaller devices as well, like smartphones, not intended to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills (even it could be possible in some cases), but in a test and training context for teachers, parents or guardians who do the teaching work with tablet devices. Another requirement, as stated before, in order to be able to run the application, it would be the minimum O.S. version, below that (very obsolete versions) the application would become impracticable. Hope this project to be used to fulfill, by means of technology, one area of teaching with great improvement opportunities.


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The growing ubiquity of smartphones and tablet devices integrated into personal, social and professional life, facilitated by expansive communication networks globally, has the potential to disrupt higher education. Academics and students are considering the future possibilities of exploiting these tools and utilising networks to consolidate and expand knowledge, enhancing learning gain. Bluetooth beacon technology has been developed by both Apple and Google as a way to situate digital information within physical spaces, and this paper reflects on a beacon intervention in a contemporary art school in higher education conducted by the authors intended to develop a situated community of practice in Art & Design. The paper describes the project, including relevant theoretical foundations and background to the beacon technology, with regards to the potential of using these devices to create a connected learning community by enhancing learning and facilitating knowledge creation in a borderless learning space.


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This study presents the results of preliminary test on the interaction between fingertip and touch screen. The objective of this study is to identify the fingertip posture when interacting with touch screen devices. Ten participants, 7 males and 3 females, participated in this study. The participants were asked to touch targets on the mobile devices screen by tapping them sequentially and connecting them. The participants performed the tasks in a sitting posture. A tablet with 10 inches screen and a mobile phone with 4 inches screen were used in the study. The results showed that all participants dominantly used their thumb to interact with the mobile phone in single and two hands postures. The common thumb posture adopted by the participants is the combination of the 60° pitch and 0° roll angles. While for interaction with tablet in various postures observed in the study, the participants commonly used their index fingers in the combination of 60° pitch and 0° roll angles. This study also observed the participant with long finger nails touched targets on the mobile devices screen by using her index or middle fingers very low pitch.


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Linux -käyttöjärjestelmä on laajasti käytössä palvelin- ja työpöytätietokoneissa. Linux on lisäämässä suosiotaan kuitenkin myös sulautetuissa laitteissa, kuten PDA:issa, kännyköissä sekä erilaisissateollisuusjärjestelmissä. Näytön koko, suorituskyky ja käytettävyys asettavat omia erityisiä tarpeitaan laitteiden graafiselle käyttöliittymälle. Linux -käyttöjärjestelmälle on olemassa useita käyttöliittymäkirjastoja, joista GTK+ on yksi yleisimmin käytetyistä. Tämä diplomityö esittelee sulautetun Linux -käyttöjärjestelmän ja GTK+ käyttöliittymäkirjaston, selvittäen miten hyvin ne soveltuvat mobiileihin päätelaitteisiin. Yksi suurimmista esteistä työpöytäkäyttöön suunnattujen teknologioiden, kuten GTK+, muokkaamisessa mobiileihin päätelaitteisiin on suorituskyky. Osana tätä työtä kehitettiin GtkPerf -niminen työkalu, jolla GTK+:n suorituskykyä eri alustoilla pystytään helposti mittaamaan ja havaitsemaan mahdollisia pullonkauloja. Tämän työn johtopäätöksenä on, että pienillä muokkailuilla ja optimoinneilla GTK+ soveltuu myös mobiileihin päätelaitteisiin. Ensimmäinen kaupallisesti saatavilla oleva GTK+ -pohjainen päätelaite, Nokia 770 Internet Tablet, on tästä osoituksena.


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Owing to continuous advances in the computational power of handheld devices like smartphones and tablet computers, it has become possible to perform Big Data operations including modern data mining processes onboard these small devices. A decade of research has proved the feasibility of what has been termed as Mobile Data Mining, with a focus on one mobile device running data mining processes. However, it is not before 2010 until the authors of this book initiated the Pocket Data Mining (PDM) project exploiting the seamless communication among handheld devices performing data analysis tasks that were infeasible until recently. PDM is the process of collaboratively extracting knowledge from distributed data streams in a mobile computing environment. This book provides the reader with an in-depth treatment on this emerging area of research. Details of techniques used and thorough experimental studies are given. More importantly and exclusive to this book, the authors provide detailed practical guide on the deployment of PDM in the mobile environment. An important extension to the basic implementation of PDM dealing with concept drift is also reported. In the era of Big Data, potential applications of paramount importance offered by PDM in a variety of domains including security, business and telemedicine are discussed.


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Web surveys are becoming increasingly popular in survey research. Compared with face-to-face, telephone and mail surveys, web surveys may contain a different and new source of measurement error and bias: the type of device that respondents use to answer the survey questions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that tests whether the use of mobile devices affects survey characteristics and stated preferences in a web-based choice experiment. The web survey was carried out in Germany with 3,400 respondents, of which 12 per cent used a mobile device (i.e. tablet or smartphone), and comprised a stated choice experiment on externalities of renewable energy production using wind, solar and biomass. Our main finding is that survey characteristics such as interview length and acquiescence tendency are affected by the device used. In contrast to what might be expected, we find that, compared with respondents using desktop computers and laptops, mobile device users spent more time to answer the survey and are less likely to be prone to acquiescence bias. In the choice experiment, mobile device users tended to be more consistent in their stated choices, and there are differences in willingness to pay between both subsamples.


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Introduction Language is the most important mean of communication and plays a central role in our everyday life. Brain damage (e.g. stroke) can lead to acquired disorders of lan- guage affecting the four linguistic modalities (i.e. reading, writing, speech production and comprehension) in different combinations and levels of severity. Every year, more than 5000 people (Aphasie Suisse) are affected by aphasia in Switzerland alone. Since aphasia is highly individual, the level of difficulty and the content of tasks have to be adapted continuously by the speech therapists. Computer-based assignments allow patients to train independently at home and thus increasing the frequency of ther- apy. Recent developments in tablet computers have opened new opportunities to use these devices for rehabilitation purposes. Especially older people, who have no prior experience with computers, can benefit from the new technologies. Methods The aim of this project was to develop an application that enables patients to train language related tasks autonomously and, on the other hand, allows speech therapists to assign exercises to the patients and to track their results online. Seven categories with various types of assignments were implemented. The application has two parts which are separated by a user management system into a patient interface and a therapist interface. Both interfaces were evaluated using the SUS (Subject Usability Scale). The patient interface was tested by 15 healthy controls and 5 patients. For the patients, we also collected tracking data for further analysis. The therapist interface was evaluated by 5 speech therapists. Results The SUS score are xpatients = 98 and xhealthy = 92.7 (median = 95, SD = 7, 95% CI [88.8, 96.6]) in case of the patient interface and xtherapists = 68 in case of the therapist interface. Conclusion Both, the patients and the healthy subjects, attested high SUS scores to the patient interface. These scores are considered as "best imaginable". The therapist interface got a lower SUS score compared to the patient interface, but is still considered as "good" and "usable". The user tracking system and the interviews revealed that there is room for improvements and inspired new ideas for future versions.