1000 resultados para synchrotron X-ray diffraction


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Synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction was used to study the phase diagrams and determine the compressibilities of the pyrochlore rare-earth titanates Ho2Ti2O7, Y2Ti2O7 and Tb2Ti2O7 to 50GPa. The bulk moduli of the cubic phase of these materials were calculated to be 213 +/- 2, 204 +/- 3 and 199 +/- 1GPa, respectively. The onset of a structural phase change from cubic to monoclinic was observed near 37, 42 and 39GPa, respectively. The bulk modulus for the high pressure monoclinic phase of Y2Ti2O7 has been determined to be 185 +/- 3GPa.


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We have carried out synchrotron based high-pressure x-ray diffraction study of orthorhombic EuMnO3, GdMnO3, TbMnO3 and DyMnO3 up to 54.4, 41.6, 47.0 and 50.2 GPa, respectively. The diffraction peaks of all the four manganites shift monotonically to higher diffraction angles and the crystals retain the orthorhombic structure till the highest pressure. We have fitted the observed volume versus pressure data with the Birch-Murnaghan equation of state and determined the bulk modulus to be 185 +/- 6 GPa, 190 +/- 16 GPa, 188 +/- 9 GPa and 192 +/- 8 GPa for EuMnO3, GdMnO3, TbMnO3 and DyMnO3, respectively. The bulk modulus of EuMnO3 is comparable to other manganites, in contrast to theoretical predictions.


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The high-intensity, high-resolution x-ray source at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) has been used in x-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments to detect intermetallic compounds (IMCs) in lead-free solder bumps. The IMCs found in 95.5Sn3.8Ag0.7Cu solder bumps on Cu pads with electroplated-nickel immersion-gold (ENIG) surface finish are consistent with results based on traditional destructive methods. Moreover, after positive identification of the IMCs from the diffraction data, spatial distribution plots over the entire bump were obtained. These spatial distributions for selected intermetallic phases display the layer thickness and confirm the locations of the IMCs. For isothermally aged solder samples, results have shown that much thicker layers of IMCs have grown from the pad interface into the bulk of the solder. Additionally, the XRD technique has also been used in a temperature-resolved mode to observe the formation of IMCs, in situ, during the solidification of the solder joint. The results demonstrate that the XRD technique is very attractive as it allows for nondestructive investigations to be performed on expensive state-of-the-art electronic components, thereby allowing new, lead-free materials to be fully characterized.


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High-resolution synchrotron X-ray diffraction was used to study the phase transformations in titanium alloys. Three titanium alloys were investigated: Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.08Si and beta21s. Both room and high temperature measurements were performed. The room temperature experiments were performed to study the structure of the alloys after different heat treatments, namely as received (AR), furnace cooling (FC), water quenching (WQ) and water quenching followed by ageing. The alpha, alpha', alpha'' and beta phases were observed in different combinations depending on the heat treatment conditions and the alloy studied. A multicomponent hexagonal close packed (hcp) alpha phase, with different c and the same a lattice parameters, was detected in Ti-6Al-4V after FC. High temperature synchrotron X-ray diffraction was used for 'in situ' study of the transformations on the sample surface at elevated temperatures. The results were used to trace the kinetics of surface oxidation and the concurrent phase transformations taking place under different conditions. The influence of the temperature and oxygen content on the lattice parameters of the alpha phase was derived and new data obtained on the coefficients of thermal expansion in the different directions of the hcp alpha phase, for Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.08Si.


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In this work we compare and contrast the stability of retained austenite during tensile testing of Nb-Mo-Al transformation-induced plasticity steel subjected to different thermomechanical processing schedules. The obtained microstructures were characterised using optical metallography, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The transformation of retained austenite to martensite under tensile loading was observed by in-situ high energy X-ray diffraction at 1ID / APS. It has been shown that the variations in the microstructure of the steel, such as volume fractions of present phases, their morphology and dimensions, play a critical role in the strain-induced transition of retained austenite to martensite.


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A tensonometer for stretching metal foils has been constructed for the study of strain broadening in X-ray diffraction line profiles. This device, which is designed for use on powder diffractometers and was tested on Station 2.3 at Daresbury Laboratory, allows in situ measurements to be performed on samples under stress. It can be used for data collection in either transmission or reflection modes using either symmetric or asymmetric diffraction geometries. As a test case, measurements were carried out on an 18 µm-thick copper foil experiencing strain levels of up to 5% using both symmetric reflection and symmetric transmission diffraction. All the diffraction profiles displayed peak broadening and asymmetry which increased with strain. The measured profiles were analysed by the fundamental-parameters approach using the TOPAS peak-fitting software. All the observed broadened profiles were modelled by convoluting a refineable diffraction profile, representing the dislocation and crystallite size broadening, with a fixed instrumental profile predetermined using high-quality LaB6 reference powder. The deconvolution process yielded `pure' sample integral breadths and asymmetry results which displayed a strong dependence on applied strain and increased almost linearly with applied strain. Assuming crystallite size broadening in combination with dislocation broadening arising from f.c.c. a/2〈110〉{111} dislocations, the variation of mechanical property with strain has been extracted. The observation of both peak asymmetry and broadening has been interpreted as a manifestation of a cellular structure with cell walls and cell interiors possessing high and low dislocation densities.


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With the introduction of fluoride as the main anticaries agent used in preventive dentistry, and perhaps an increase in fluoride in our food chain, dental fluorosis has become an increasing world-wide problem. Visible signs of fluorosis begin to become obvious on the enamel surface as opacities, implying some porosity in the tissue. The mechanisms that conduct the formation of fluorotic enamel are unknown, but should involve modifications in the basic physical-chemistry reactions of demineralization and remineralisation of the enamel of the teeth, which is the same reaction of formation of the enamel's hydroxyapatite (HAp) in the maturation phase. The increase of the amount of fluoride inside of the apatite will result in gradual increase of the lattice parameters. The aim of this work is to characterize the healthy and fluorotic enamel in human tooth using Synchrotron X-ray diffraction. All the scattering profile measurements were carried out at the X-ray diffraction beamline (XRD1) at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory-LNLS, Campinas, Brazil. X-ray diffraction experiments were performed both in powder samples and polished surfaces. The powder samples were analyzed to obtain the characterization of a typical healthy enamel pattern. The polished surfaces were analyzed in specific areas that have been identified as fluorotic ones. X-ray diffraction data were obtained for all samples and these data were compared with the control samples and also with the literature data. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The solid solution based on Nb5Si3 (Cr5B3 structure type, D8(l), tl32, 14/mcm, No140, a=6.5767 angstrom, c=11.8967 angstrom) in the Nb-Si-B system was studied from the structural and thermodynamic point of view both experimentally and by ab initio calculations. Rietveld refinement of powder X-ray synchrotron data allowed to determine the boron to silicon substitution mechanism and the structural parameters. Ab initio calculations of different ordered compounds and selected disordered alloys allowed to obtain in addition to the enthalpy of formation of the solution, substitution mechanism and structural parameters which are in excellent agreement with the experimental data. The stability of the phase is discussed. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.