1000 resultados para symplectic action


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Ce mémoire porte sur quelques notions appropriées d'actions de groupe sur les variétés symplectiques, à savoir en ordre décroissant de généralité : les actions symplectiques, les actions faiblement hamiltoniennes et les actions hamiltoniennes. Une connaissance des actions de groupes et de la géométrie symplectique étant prérequise, deux chapitres sont consacrés à des présentations élémentaires de ces sujets. Le cas des actions hamiltoniennes est étudié en détail au quatrième chapitre : l'importante application moment y est définie et plusieurs résultats concernant les orbites de la représentation coadjointe, tels que les théorèmes de Kirillov et de Kostant-Souriau, y sont démontrés. Le dernier chapitre se concentre sur les actions hamiltoniennes des tores, l'objectif étant de démontrer le théorème de convexité d'Atiyha-Guillemin-Sternberg. Une discussion d'un théorème de classification de Delzant-Laudenbach est aussi donnée. La présentation se voulant une introduction assez exhaustive à la théorie des actions hamiltoniennes, presque tous les résultats énoncés sont accompagnés de preuves complètes. Divers exemples sont étudiés afin d'aider à bien comprendre les aspects plus subtils qui sont considérés. Plusieurs sujets connexes sont abordés, dont la préquantification géométrique et la réduction de Marsden-Weinstein.


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We find that within the formalism of coadjoint orbits of the infinite dimensional Lie group the Noether procedure leads, for a special class of transformations, to the constant of motion given by the fundamental group one-cocycle S. Use is made of the simplified formula giving the symplectic action in terms of S and the Maurer-Cartan one-form. The area preserving diffeomorphisms on the torus T2=S1⊗S1 constitute an algebra with central extension, given by the Floratos-Iliopoulos cocycle. We apply our general treatment based on the symplectic analysis of coadjoint orbits of Lie groups to write the symplectic action for this model and study its invariance. We find an interesting abelian symmetry structure of this non-linear problem.


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In this paper we associate a new geometric invariant to the space of fiat connections on a G (= SU(2))-bundle on a compact Riemann surface M and relate it tcr the symplectic structure on the space Hom(pi(1)(M), G)/G consisting of representations of the fundamental group pi(1)(M) Of M into G module the conjugate action of G on representations.


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We present a compact expression for the field theoretical actions based on the symplectic analysis of coadjoint orbits of Lie groups. The final formula for the action density α c becomes a bilinear form 〈(S, 1/λ), (y, m y)〉, where S is a 1-cocycle of the Lie group (a schwarzian type of derivative in conformai case), λ is a coefficient of the central element of the algebra and script Y sign ≡ (y, m y) is the generalized Maurer-Cartan form. In this way the action is fully determined in terms of the basic group theoretical objects. This result is illustrated on a number of examples, including the superconformal model with N = 2. In this case the method is applied to derive the N = 2 superspace generalization of the D=2 Polyakov (super-) gravity action in a manifest (2, 0) supersymmetric form. As a byproduct we also find a natural (2, 0) superspace generalization of the Beltrami equations for the (2, 0) supersymmetric world-sheet metric describing the transition from the conformal to the chiral gauge.


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Developing an effective impact evaluation framework, managing and conducting rigorous impact evaluations, and developing a strong research and evaluation culture within development communication organisations presents many challenges. This is especially so when both the community and organisational context is continually changing and the outcomes of programs are complex and difficult to clearly identify.----- This paper presents a case study from a research project being conducted from 2007-2010 that aims to address these challenges and issues, entitled Assessing Communication for Social Change: A New Agenda in Impact Assessment. Building on previous development communication projects which used ethnographic action research, this project is developing, trailing and rigorously evaluating a participatory impact assessment methodology for assessing the social change impacts of community radio programs in Nepal. This project is a collaboration between Equal Access – Nepal (EAN), Equal Access – International, local stakeholders and listeners, a network of trained community researchers, and a research team from two Australian universities. A key element of the project is the establishment of an organisational culture within EAN that values and supports the impact assessment process being developed, which is based on continuous action learning and improvement. The paper describes the situation related to monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and impact assessment before the project began, in which EAN was often reliant on time-bound studies and ‘success stories’ derived from listener letters and feedback. We then outline the various strategies used in an effort to develop stronger and more effective impact assessment and M&E systems, and the gradual changes that have occurred to date. These changes include a greater understanding of the value of adopting a participatory, holistic, evidence-based approach to impact assessment. We also critically review the many challenges experienced in this process, including:----- • Tension between the pressure from donors to ‘prove’ impacts and the adoption of a bottom-up, participatory approach based on ‘improving’ programs in ways that meet community needs and aspirations.----- • Resistance from the content teams to changing their existing M&E practices and to the perceived complexity of the approach.----- • Lack of meaningful connection between the M&E and content teams.----- • Human resource problems and lack of capacity in analysing qualitative data and reporting results.----- • The contextual challenges, including extreme poverty, wide cultural and linguistic diversity, poor transport and communications infrastructure, and political instability.----- • A general lack of acceptance of the importance of evaluation within Nepal due to accepting everything as fate or ‘natural’ rather than requiring investigation into a problem.


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In daily activities people are using a number of available means for the achievement of balance, such as the use of hands and the co-ordination of balance. One of the approaches that explains this relationship between perception and action is the ecological theory that is based on the work of a) Bernstein (1967), who imposed the problem of ‘the degrees of freedom’, b) Gibson (1979), who referred to the theory of perception and the way which the information is received from the environment in order for a certain movement to be achieved, c) Newell (1986), who proposed that movement can derive from the interaction of the constraints that imposed from the environment and the organism and d) Kugler, Kelso and Turvey (1982), who showed the way which “the degrees of freedom” are connected and interact. According to the above mentioned theories, the development of movement co-ordination can result from the different constraints that imposed into the organism-environment system. The close relation between the environmental and organismic constraints, as well as their interaction is responsible for the movement system that will be activated. These constraints apart from shaping the co-ordination of specific movements can be a rate limiting factor, to a certain degree, in the acquisition and mastering of a new skill. This frame of work can be an essential tool for the study of catching an object (e.g., a ball). The importance of this study becomes obvious due to the fact that movements that involved in catching an object are representative of every day actions and characteristic of the interaction between perception and action.


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This study examines consumers' emotional responses to receiving viral mobile marketing communications in comparison to receiving mobile marketing communications where permission has not been given. The study also examines the relationship between these experienced emotions and what action tendencies consumers might consider as a result of these emotions, as well as how they attribute causality for their emotions. Using scenarios in an experimental design, the findings show that there are differences in consumer emotions as a result of the two marketing approaches. The findings also identify relationships between consumers' causal attributions and action tendencies in relation to themselves, the friend sending the viral m-marketing communication and the company involved.


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This chapter investigates one instance of ‘morality-in-action’, which transpires when children describe their troubles to the adult counsellors at Kids Help Line, an Australian national helpline that deals specifically with callers aged approximately 5-18 years. We focus, in particular, on how a young female caller who has forged a medical certificate in relation to a problem with school attendance, determines both what to report, and how this should be disclosed. Throughout the call, the moral implications of the troubles talk are delicately managed by both caller and counsellor. The call takes the form of an extended story (Labov & Waletzky, 1997) that includes a preface (‘I have some problems at school’), an orientation (“I was sick, went to the doctor, stayed home”), a complicating action (“I went back to school and photocopied my certificate from last time”), result (“I got caught”) and evaluation (“I don’t know why it happened”). As the account unfolds, we observe how both the student and counsellor seek to make sense of these actions. While this account is partly about deception, both the caller and counsellor delicately sidestep naming this action, precluding this implication. For example, the counsellor lets stand the caller’s main assessment of the trouble. He simply asks, “so what happened then,” when the caller reports that her forgery was discovered. The caller, from the very beginning of the call, seeks to find out why she could have done this, “you see I don’t know why it happened”. As the call unfolds, the counsellor follows the opening provided by the caller and they put forward motives for consideration. By agreeing that the motives are to be explored, the act takes on a character other than deception.


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This paper provides an overview of the Australian Government’s Facilities Management (FM) Action Agenda as announced in 2004 as a key policy plank designed to facilitate growth of the FM industry. The resulting consultation with industry leaders has seen the criterion and release in April 2005 of the FM Action Agenda’s strategic plan entitled ‘Managing the Built Environment’. This framework, representing a collaboration between the Australian Government, public and private sector stakeholders and Facility Management Association of Australia (FMA Australia) and other allied bodies, sets out to achieve the vision of a more “…productive and sustainable built environment…” through improved innovation, education and standards. The 36 month implementation phase is now underway and will take a multi-pronged approach to enhancing the recognition of the FM industry and removing impediments to its growth with a 20 point action plan across the following platforms: • Innovation – Improved appreciation of facility life cycles, and greater understanding of the key drivers of workplace productivity, and the improved application of information technology. • Education and Training – Improved access to dedicated FM education and training opportunities and creation clear career pathways into the profession. • Regulatory Reform – Explore opportunities to harmonise cross jurisdictional regulatory compliance requirements that have an efficiency impact on FM. • Sustainability – Improved utilization of existing knowledge and the development of tools and opportunities to improve the environmental performance of facilities. Additional information is available at www.fma.com.au


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In recent decades, concepts and ideas from James J. Gibson’s theory of direct perception in ecological psychology have been applied to the study of how perception and action regulate sport performance. This article examines the influence of different streams of thought in ecological psychology for studying cognition and action in the diverse behavioural contexts of sport and exercise. In discussing the origins of ecological psychology it can be concluded that psychologists such as Lewin, and to some extent Heider, provided the initial impetus for the development of key ideas. We argue that the papers in this special issue clarify that the different schools of thinking in ecological psychology have much to contribute to theoretical and practical developments in sport and exercise psychology. For example, Gibson emphasized and formalized how the individual is coupled with the environment; Brunswik raised the issue of the ontology of probability in human behaviour and the problem of representative design for experimental task constraints; Barker looked carefully into extra-individual behavioural contexts and Bronfenbrenner presented insights pertinent to the relations between behaviour contexts, and macro influences on behaviour. In this overview, we highlight essential issues from the main schools of thought of relevance to the contexts of sport and exercise, and we consider some potential theoretical linkages with dynamical systems theory.