999 resultados para swine transport


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do modelo de carroceria (MC) (metálica dupla ou simples e simples de madeira) sobre a freqüência de diferentes tipos de lesões na carcaça (FLC) e sobre a qualidade da carne dos suínos. Foram utilizadas 360 fêmeas com peso vivo médio de 132,72±11,09kg. Para a análise estatística, considerou-se no modelo os efeitos de bloco (BL), o MC e a interação entre MC x BL. Verificou-se um efeito do MC sobre a freqüência de lesões na carcaça provenientes de briga e a freqüência total de lesões, sobre o pH1 do músculo Semispinalis capitis (SC), sobre o pH U dos músculos SC, Longissimus dorsi (LD) e Semimembranosus (SM) e sobre a cor dos músculos LD e SM. Suínos transportados em carroceria metálica simples apresentaram maiores valores de pH e da cor dos músculos avaliados. Conclui-se que suínos transportados em carroceria simples apresentam maior prevalência de lesões na carcaça e que o transporte dos suínos em carroceria metálica teve efeito positivo sobre os valores de pH e da cor carne.


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BACKGROUND The uncontrolled presence of African swine fever (ASF) in Russian Federation (RF) poses a serious risk to the whole European Union (EU) pig industry. Although trade of pigs and their products is banned since the official notification in June 2007, the potential introduction of ASF virus (ASFV) may occur by other routes, which are very frequent in ASF, and more difficult to control, such as contaminated waste or infected vehicles. This study was intended to estimate the risk of ASFV introduction into the EU through three types of transport routes: returning trucks, waste from international ships and waste from international planes, which will be referred here as transport-associated routes (TAR). Since no detailed and official information was available for these routes, a semi-quantitative model based on the weighted combination of risk factors was developed to estimate the risk of ASFV introduction by TAR. Relative weights for combination of different risk factors as well as validation of the model results were obtained by an expert opinion elicitation. RESULTS Model results indicate that the relative risk for ASFV introduction through TAR in most of the EU countries (16) is low, although some countries, specifically Poland and Lithuania, concentrate high levels of risk, the returning trucks route being the analyzed TAR that currently poses the highest risk for ASFV introduction into the EU. The spatial distribution of the risk of ASFV introduction varies importantly between the analyzed introduction routes. Results also highlight the need to increase the awareness and precautions for ASF prevention, particularly ensuring truck disinfection, to minimize the potential risk of entrance into the EU. CONCLUSIONS This study presents the first assessment of ASF introduction into the EU through TAR. The innovative model developed here could be used in data scarce situations for estimating the relative risk associated to each EU country. This simple methodology provides a rapid and easy to interpret results on risk that may be used for a target and cost-effective allocation of resources to prevent disease introduction.


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Land application of piggery effluent (containing urine, faeces, water, and wasted feed) is under close scrutiny as a potential source of water resource contamination with phosphorus (P). This paper investigates two case studies of the impact of long-term piggery effluent-P application to soil. A Natrustalf (Sodosol) at P1 has received a net load of 3700 kg effluent P/ha over 19 years. The Haplustalf (Dermosol) selected (P2) has received a net load of 310 000 kg P/ha over 30 years. Total, bicarbonate extractable, and soluble P forms were determined throughout the soil profiles for paired (irrigated and unirrigated) sites at P1 and P2, as well as P sorption and desorption characteristics. Surface bicarbonate (PB, 0 - 0.05 m depth) and dilute CaCl2 extractable molybdate-reactive P (PC) have been significantly elevated by effluent irrigation (P1: PB unirrigated 23±1, irrigated 290±6; PC unirrigated 0.03±0.00, irrigated 23.9±0.2. P2: PB unirrigated 72±48, irrigated 3950±1960; PC unirrigated 0.7±0.0, irrigated 443±287 mg P/kg; mean±s.d.). Phosphorus enrichment to 1.5 m, detected as PB, was observed at P2. Elevated concentrations of CaCl2 extractable organic P forms (POC; estimated by non-molybdate reactive P in centrifuged supernatants) were observed from the soil surface of P1 to a depth of 0.4 m. Despite the extent of effluent application at both of these sites, only P1 displayed evidence of significant accumulation of POC. The increase in surface soil total P (0 - 0.05 m depth) due to effluent irrigation was much greater than laboratory P sorption (>25 times for P1; >57 times for P2) for a comparable range of final solution concentrations (desorption extracts ranged from 1-5 mg P/L for P1 and 50-80 mg P/L for P2). Precipitation of sparingly soluble P phases was evidenced in the soils of the P2 effluent application area.


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The closure of abattoirs in Australia dictates that pigs will be transported over greater distances resulting in increased costs and reduced margins for producers. Factors contributing to reduced margins could include increased freight costs, reduced scale weight as a result of reduced killing out percentage and condemnations (due to injuries) plus possible increased deaths in transport. More information is needed in Australia on transport practices and mortalities to address knowledge deficiencies in our understanding of the welfare implications of road transport.


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A Nested-PCR (N-PCR) tem como objetivo melhorar a sensibilidade do diagnóstico direto da Pneumonia Enzoótica Suína, pois o isolamento do Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae é trabalhoso tornando-se inviável na rotina. Neste trabalho, foi realizado um projeto piloto para a otimização da técnica de N-PCR, utilizando três variáveis: tipo de amostra biológica, meio de transporte da amostra e método de extração do DNA, utilizando oito animais. Os resultados obtidos foram empregados no segundo experimento para a validação do teste utilizando 40 animais. Os resultados obtidos, pela otimização da N-PCR, neste trabalho, permite sugerir esta prova como método de diagnóstico de rotina no monitoramento das infecções por Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae em granjas de suínos.


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The present dissertation collects the results of three different research trials which have the common aim to understand the effects of swine welfare (both at farm level and during transport) on the main fresh and dry-cured meat characteristics. The first trial was carried out in order to compare the effects of illumination regimes differing in light duration or light intensity on meat and ham quality of Italian heavy pigs. The results of this trial support the conclusion that, within a moderate range of light intensity and given an appropriate dark period for animal rest, an increase of light duration or intensity above the minimum mandatory levels has no negative impact on carcass composition, meat or long-cured hams quality. The second trial was designed with the aim to investigate the effects of water restriction on growth traits, animal welfare and meat and ham quality of liquid-fed heavy pigs. Overall, the parameters analyzed as concerns growth rate, behavioural traits, blood, as well as carcass, fresh meat and cured hams quality were not affected by the absence of fresh drinking water. However, since liquid feeding did not suppress drinker use or drinker manipulation in the experimental groups, water restriction does not appear to be an applicable method to obtain a reduction of water waste. The third trial, which was carried out in Canada, tested the effectiveness of water sprinkling market-weight pigs (115±10Kg BW) before and after transport in reducing the heat stress experienced under commercial transport conditions. Our results show that the water sprinkling protocol proposed may reduce heat stress during transport and improve pork quality, particularly in specific trailer compartments. This body of research supports the general conclusion that swine welfare could be improved in different scenarios through simple and cost-effective means, without negatively affecting the quality of the main animal-derived products.


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BACKGROUND The recent occurrence and spread of African swine fever (ASF) in Eastern Europe is perceived as a serious risk for the pig industry in the European Union (EU). In order to estimate the potential risk of ASF virus (ASFV) entering the EU, several pathways of introduction were previously assessed separately. The present work aimed to integrate five of these assessments (legal imports of pigs, legal imports of products, illegal imports of products, fomites associated with transport and wild boar movements) into a modular tool that facilitates the visualization and comprehension of the relative risk of ASFV introduction into the EU by each analyzed pathway. RESULTS The framework's results indicate that 48% of EU countries are at relatively high risk (risk score 4 or 5 out of 5) for ASFV entry for at least one analyzed pathway. Four of these countries obtained the maximum risk score for one pathway: Bulgaria for legally imported products during the high risk period (HRP); Finland for wild boar; Slovenia and Sweden for legally imported pigs during the HRP. Distribution of risk considerably differed from one pathway to another; for some pathways, the risk was concentrated in a few countries (e.g., transport fomites), whereas other pathways incurred a high risk for 4 or 5 countries (legal pigs, illegal imports and wild boar). CONCLUSIONS The modular framework, developed to estimate the risk of ASFV entry into the EU, is available in a public domain, and is a transparent, easy-to-interpret tool that can be updated and adapted if required. The model's results determine the EU countries at higher risk for each ASFV introduction route, and provide a useful basis to develop a global coordinated program to improve ASFV prevention in the EU.


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