720 resultados para swd: Bewegung
This paper presents different application scenarios for which the registration of sub-sequence reconstructions or multi-camera reconstructions is essential for successful camera motion estimation and 3D reconstruction from video. The registration is achieved by merging unconnected feature point tracks between the reconstructions. One application is drift removal for sequential camera motion estimation of long sequences. The state-of-the-art in drift removal is to apply a RANSAC approach to find unconnected feature point tracks. In this paper an alternative spectral algorithm for pairwise matching of unconnected feature point tracks is used. It is then shown that the algorithms can be combined and applied to novel scenarios where independent camera motion estimations must be registered into a common global coordinate system. In the first scenario multiple moving cameras, which capture the same scene simultaneously, are registered. A second new scenario occurs in situations where the tracking of feature points during sequential camera motion estimation fails completely, e.g., due to large occluding objects in the foreground, and the unconnected tracks of the independent reconstructions must be merged. In the third scenario image sequences of the same scene, which are captured under different illuminations, are registered. Several experiments with challenging real video sequences demonstrate that the presented techniques work in practice.
This article demonstrates the mouvement of poetic speech in Celan's poetics at the exemple of one poem, thus stressing the significance of the poetic form.
Fahrradfahren ist für viele Menschen ein wichtiger Mobilitätsfaktor. Sie können sich mit eigener Kraft in einem Umkreis von mehreren Kilometern bewegen. Im Alter wird das Fahrradfahren jedoch durch nachlassende Kraft und eingeschränkte Motorik zum Gleichgewichthalten eingeschränkt. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass diese Personen aus Vorsicht in der Regel kleinere Fahrgeschwindigkeiten bevorzugen. Bei niedrigen Geschwindigkeiten nimmt aber die Gleichgewichtsstabilität des Fahrrads ab und der Fahrer muss intensiver mit dem Lenker das Gleichgewicht kontrollieren. Moderne E-Bikes können die nachlassende körperliche Kraft kompensieren. Es bleibt aber das Problem des Gleichgewichthaltens beim Radfahren. Im folgenden Beitrag wird die Gleichgewichtsregelung von Fahrädern betrachtet. Dabei werden verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Gleichgewichtsregelung behandelt. Die Beurteilung der Verfahren erfolgt anhand der Stabilität und der Eigenschwingungen des geregelten Systems. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf die Stabilisierung des Bereichs geringer Fahrgeschwindigkeiten gelegt, da mit der nachlassenden Motorik oft auch eher geringere Fahrgeschwindigkeiten gewählt werden.
Automatic classification of scientific records using the German Subject Heading Authority File (SWD)
The following paper deals with an automatic text classification method which does not require training documents. For this method the German Subject Heading Authority File (SWD), provided by the linked data service of the German National Library is used. Recently the SWD was enriched with notations of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). In consequence it became possible to utilize the subject headings as textual representations for the notations of the DDC. Basically, we we derive the classification of a text from the classification of the words in the text given by the thesaurus. The method was tested by classifying 3826 OAI-Records from 7 different repositories. Mean reciprocal rank and recall were chosen as evaluation measure. Direct comparison to a machine learning method has shown that this method is definitely competitive. Thus we can conclude that the enriched version of the SWD provides high quality information with a broad coverage for classification of German scientific articles.