968 resultados para surfactant, phase diagram


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The phase diagram of the dodecyl dimethyl ammonium hydroxyl propyl sulfonate(DDAHPS)/1-pentanol(C5H11OH)/water ternary system has been established. It contains two isotropic monophase regions (L-1 and L-2) and a liquid crystalline region (L.C.). The isotropic phase regions have been investigated by means of Raman spectroscopy and conductivity.


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The phase behavior of liquid crystalline in the ternary system of dodecyl dimethyl ammonium hydroxyl propyl sulfonate(DDAHPS)/1-pentanol(C5H11OH)/water deuteron (D2O) has been investigated by polarizing optical microscopy, H-2 NMR spectroscopy methods. The results indicate that two kinds of liquid crystals (the lamellar, and the hexagonal) exist in the liquid crystalline phase region. In this paper, we also use the polarized Raman spectroscopy method to measure the values of the order/disorder parameters and the values of the environment polarity parameters for the samples selected from the liquid crystalline phase region, and compare these two parameters of the samples with those of solid state DDAHPS and liquid state pentan-1-ol.


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Microemulsions are thermodynamically stable, macroscopically homogeneous but microscopically heterogeneous, mixtures of water and oil stabilised by surfactant molecules. They have unique properties like ultralow interfacial tension, large interfacial area and the ability to solubilise other immiscible liquids. Depending on the temperature and concentration, non-ionic surfactants self assemble to micelles, flat lamellar, hexagonal and sponge like bicontinuous morphologies. Microemulsions have three different macroscopic phases (a) 1phase- microemulsion (isotropic), (b) 2phase-microemulsion coexisting with either expelled water or oil and (c) 3phase- microemulsion coexisting with expelled water and oil.rnrnOne of the most important fundamental questions in this field is the relation between the properties of the surfactant monolayer at water-oil interface and those of microemulsion. This monolayer forms an extended interface whose local curvature determines the structure of the microemulsion. The main part of my thesis deals with the quantitative measurements of the temperature induced phase transitions of water-oil-nonionic microemulsions and their interpretation using the temperature dependent spontaneous curvature [c0(T)] of the surfactant monolayer. In a 1phase- region, conservation of the components determines the droplet (domain) size (R) whereas in 2phase-region, it is determined by the temperature dependence of c0(T). The Helfrich bending free energy density includes the dependence of the droplet size on c0(T) as


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We study the vortex matter phase diagram of a layered superconductor in the presence of columnar pinning defects, tilted with respect to the normal to the layers. We use numerical minimization of the free energy written as a functional of the time-averaged vortex density of the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff form, supplemented by the appropriate pinning potential. We study the case where the pin density is smaller than the areal vortex density. At lower pin concentrations, we find, for temperatures of the order of the melting temperature of the unpinned lattice, a Bose glass type phase which at lower temperatures converts, via a first-order transition, to a Bragg glass, while, at higher temperatures, it crosses over to an interstitial liquid. At somewhat higher concentrations, no transition to a Bragg glass is found even at the lowest temperatures studied. While qualitatively the behavior we find is similar to that obtained using the same procedures for columnar pins normal to the layers, there are important and observable quantitative differences, which we discuss.


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Phase relations in the system Ca-Ti-O have been established by equilibration of several samples at 1200 K for prolonged periods and identification of phases in quenched samples by optical and scanning electron microscopy, XRD and EDS. Samples representing 20 compositions in the ternary system were analyzed. There was negligible solid solubility of Ca in the phases along the binary Ti-O, and of Ti in CaO. Four ternary oxides were identified: CaTiO3, Ca4Ti3O10 and Ca3Ti2O7 containing tetravalent titanium, and CaTi2O4 containing trivalent titanium. Tie-lines link calcium titanite (CaTi2O4) with the three calcium titanates (CaTiO3, Ca4Ti3O10 and Ca3Ti2O7), CaO, oxygen excess TiO1+delta and stoichiometric TiO. Tie-lines connect CaTiO3 with TiO2-x, Magneli phases TinO2n-1 (28 >= n >= 4), Ti3O5, Ti2O3 and TiO1+delta. CaO was found to coexist with TiO, and Ti-O solid solutions alpha and beta. The phase diagram is useful for understanding the mechanisms and kinetics of direct calciothermic reduction of TiO2 to metal and electrochemical reduction of TiO2 using graphite anode and molten CaCl2 electrolyte.


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There are conflicting reports in the literature regarding solid solubility in the system RuO2-TiO2. To resolve this issue a few experiments were conducted in air at 1673, 1723, and 1773 K. The results show limited terminal solid solubility. There is an extended solid-state miscibility gap that intersects the decomposition curve for the RuO2-rich solid solution generating a peritectoid reaction at 1698 K. The measured equilibrium compositions of the solid solutions are used to develop a thermodynamic description of the oxide solid solution with rutile structure. Using the subregular solution model, the enthalpy of mixing can be represented by the expression, Delta H-M/J center dot mol(-1) = XTiO2XRuO2 ( 34,100X(TiO2) + 30,750X(RuO2)). The binodal and spinodal curves and T-X phase diagram in air are computed using this datum and Gibbs energy of formation of RuO2 available in the literature. The computed results suggest that equilibrium was not attained during solubility measurements at lower temperatures reported in the literature.


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The activity of molybdenum dioxide (MoO2) in the MoO2–TiO2 solid solutions was measured at 1600 K using a solid-state cell incorporating yttria-doped thoria as the electrolyte. For two compositions, the emf was also measured as a function of temperature. The cell was designed such that the emf is directly related to the activity of MoO2 in the solid solution. The results show monotonic variation of activity with composition, suggesting a complete range of solid solutions between the end members and the occurrence of MoO2 with a tetragonal structure at 1600 K. A large positive deviation from Raoult's law was found. Excess Gibbs energy of mixing is an asymmetric function of composition and can be represented by the subregular solution model of Hardy as follows.The temperature dependence of the emf for two compositions is reasonably consistent with ideal entropy of mixing. A miscibility gap is indicated at a lower temperature with the critical point characterized by Tc (K)=1560 and . Recent studies indicate that MoO2 undergoes a transition from a monoclinic to tetragonal structure at 1533 K with a transition entropy of 9.91 J·(mol·K)−1. The solid solubility of TiO2 with rutile structure in MoO2 with a monoclinic structure is negligible. These features give rise to a eutectoid reaction at 1412 K. The topology of the computed phase diagram differs significantly from that suggested by Pejryd.


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The phase equilibrium studies of organic system, involving resorcinol (R) and p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (DMAB), reveal the formation of a 1:1 molecular complex with two eutectics. The heat of mixing, entropy of fusion, roughness parameter, interfacial energy, and the excess thermodynamic functions were calculated based on enthalpy of fusion data determined via differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) method. X-ray powder diffraction studies confirm that the eutectics are not simple mechanical mixture of the components under investigation. The spectroscopic investigations (IR and NMR) suggest the occurrence of hydrogen bonding between the components forming the molecular complex. The dielectric measurements, carried out on hot-pressed addition compound (molecular complex), show higher dielectric constant at 320 K than that of individual components. The microstructural investigations of eutectic and addition compound indicate dendritic and faceted morphological features. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report numerical results for the phase diagram in the density-disorder plane of a hard-sphere system in the presence of quenched, random, pinning disorder. Local minima of a discretized version of the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff free energy functional are located numerically and their relative stability is studied as a function of the density and the strength of disorder. Regions in the phase diagram corresponding to liquid, glassy, and nearly crystalline states are mapped out, and the nature of the transitions is determined. The liquid to glass transition changes from first to second order as the strength of the disorder is increased. For weak disorder, the system undergoes a first-order crystallization transition as the density is increased. Beyond a critical value of the disorder strength, this transition is replaced by a continuous glass transition. Our numerical results are compared with those of analytical work on the same system. Implications of our results for the field-temperature phase diagram of type-II superconductors are discussed.


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The compounds CdHgTe and its constituent binaries CdTe, HgTe, and CdHg are semiconductors which are used in thermal, infrared, nuclear, thermoelectric and other photo sensitive devices. The compound CdHgTe has a Sphaleritic structure of possible type A1IIB1IIC6VI. The TERCP program of Kaufman is used to estimate the stable regions of the ternary phase diagram using available thermodynamic data. It was found that there was little variation in stochiometry with temperature. The compositions were calculated for temperatures ranging from 325K to 100K and the compositional limits were Cd13−20Hg12−01Te75−79, Hg varying most. By comparison with a similar compound, Cd In2Te4 of forbidden band width. 88 to .90 e.V., similar properties are postulated for Cd1Hg1Te6 with applications in the infra red region of the spectrum at 300K where this composition is given by TERCP at the limit of stability.


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We report the results of a comprehensive study on dc magnetization, ac susceptibility, and the magnetotransport properties of the La1-xSrxCoO3(0 <= x <= 0.5) system. At higher Sr doping (x >= 0.18), the system exhibits Brillouin-like field cooled magnetization (M-FC). However, for x < 0.18, the system exhibits a kink in the M-FC, a peak at the intermediate field in the thermoremnant magnetization and a non-saturating tendency in the M-H plot that all point towards the characteristic of spin glass behavior. More interestingly, dc magnetization studies for x < 0.18 do not suggest the existence of ferromagnetic correlation that can give rise to an irreversible line in the spin glass regime. The ac susceptibility study for x > 0.2 exhibits apparently no frequency dependent peak shift around the ferromagnetic transition region. However, a feeble signature of glassiness is verified by studying the frequency dependent shoulder position in chi `' (T) and the memory effect below the Curie temperature. But, for x < 0.18, the ac susceptibility study exhibits a considerable frequency dependent peak shift, time dependent memory effect, and the characteristic spin relaxation time scale tau(0) similar to 10(-13) s. The reciprocal susceptibility versus temperature plot adheres to Curie-Weiss behavior and does not provide any signature of preformed ferromagnetic clusters well above the Curie temperature. The magnetotransport study reveals a cross over from metallic to semiconducting-like behavior for x <= 0.18. On the semiconducting side, the system exhibits a large value of magnetoresistance (upto 75%) towards low temperature and it is strongly connected to the spin dependent part of the random potential distribution in the spin glass phase. Based on the above observations, we have reconstructed a new magnetic phase diagram and characterized each phase with associated properties.


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The pressure dependence of critical parameters xc, Tc, and β have been analysed in four systems namely cyclohexane + acetic anhydride, n-heptane + acetic anhydride, methanol + n-heptane, and carbon disulphide + acetonitrile. The separation temperature was found to increase linearly with pressure the value of dTc/dP being 28 mK, 11 mK, 22 mK, and 25 mK respectively. These are in fair agreement with earlier measurements available for two systems. For the methanol + n-heptane system dTc/dP is apparently not consistent with the value predicted from the specific heat and thermal expansion data.Die Druckabhängigkeit der kritischen Parameter xc, Tc und β ist in den vier Systemen Cyclohexan + Essigsäureanhydrid, n-Heptan + Essigsäureanhydrid, Methanol + n-Heptan und Schwefelkohlenstoff + Acetonitril analysiert worden. Es wurde gefunden, daß die kritische Temperatur linear mit dem Druck ansteigt. Die Werte für dTc/dP betragen 28 mK, 11 mK, 22 mK und 25 mK. Sie sind in guter überein-stimmung mit früheren Messungen an zweien dieser Systeme. Für Methanol + n-Heptan stimmt der Wert für dT/dP offensichtlich nicht mit Werten, die mit Hilfe von Daten für die spezifische Wärme und die thermische Ausdehnung vorhergesagt wurden, überein.


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Ground-state properties of the two-dimensional Hubbard model with point-defect disorder are investigated numerically in the Hartree-Fock approximation. The phase diagram in the p(point defect concentration)-delta(deviation from half filling) plane exhibits antiferromagnetic, spin-density-wave, paramagnetic, and spin-glass-like phases. The disorder stabilizes the antiferromagnetic phase relative to the spin-density-wave phase. The presence of U strongly enhances the localization in the antiferromagnetic phase. The spin-density-wave and spin-glass-like phases are weakly localized.