924 resultados para surface electrostatic potential
Hydrophobicity and surface electrostatic charge of conidia of the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans
The effect of increasing culture age on cell surface hydrophobicity (CSH) and cell surface electrostatic charge (measured as zeta potential) of conidia from five isolates of Coniothyrium minitans representing three different morphological types was examined. Conidial CSH of three isolates (A2 960/1, CH1 and CH2) decreased with culture age, whereas CSH of two others (B 1300/2 and IMI 134523) remained high for the whole 42 day experimental period. In contrast, cell surface electrostatic charge decreased uniformly in conidia of all five isolates for the first 34 d and then rose slightly at 42 d. The variation in cell surface electrostatic charge (spectrum width) of the sampled conidia decreased with age for all five isolates. In all five isolates cell surface electrostatic charge of conidia became increasingly negative as the pH of the buffer used to suspend conidia was increased from pH 3.0 to 9.0. No relationship between colony morphology of C. minitans and conidial CSH and cell surface electrostatic charge was found.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The cation-pi interaction is an important, general force for molecular recognition in biological receptors. Through the sidechains of aromatic amino acids, novel binding sites for cationic ligands such as acetylcholine can be constructed. We report here a number of calculations on prototypical cation-pi systems, emphasizing structures of relevance to biological receptors and prototypical heterocycles of the type often of importance in medicinal chemistry. Trends in the data can be rationalized using a relatively simple model that emphasizes the electrostatic component of the cation-pi interaction. In particular, plots of the electrostatic potential surfaces of the relevant aromatics provide useful guidelines for predicting cation-pi interactions in new systems.
Nucleoside diphosphate kinases play a crucial role in the purine-salvage pathway of trypanosomatid protozoa and have been found in the secretome of Leishmania sp., suggesting a function related to host-cell integrity for the benefit of the parasite. Due to their importance for housekeeping functions in the parasite and by prolonging the life of host cells in infection, they become an attractive target for drug discovery and design. In this work, we describe the first structural characterization of nucleoside diphosphate kinases b from trypanosomatid parasites (tNDKbs) providing insights into their oligomerization, stability and structural determinants for nucleotide binding. Crystallographic studies of LmNDKb when complexed with phosphate, AMP and ADP showed that the crucial hydrogen-bonding residues involved in the nucleotide interaction are fully conserved in tNDKbs. Depending on the nature of the ligand, the nucleotide-binding pocket undergoes conformational changes, which leads to different cavity volumes. SAXS experiments showed that tNDKbs, like other eukaryotic NDKs, form a hexamer in solution and their oligomeric state does not rely on the presence of nucleotides or mimetics. Fluorescence-based thermal-shift assays demonstrated slightly higher stability of tNDKbs compared to human NDKb (HsNDKb), which is in agreement with the fact that tNDKbs are secreted and subjected to variations of temperature in the host cells during infection and disease development. Moreover, tNDKbs were stabilized upon nucleotide binding, whereas HsNDKb was not influenced. Contrasts on the surface electrostatic potential around the nucleotide-binding pocket might be a determinant for nucleotide affinity and protein stability differentiation. All these together demonstrated the molecular adaptation of parasite NDKbs in order to exert their biological functions intra-parasite and when secreted by regulating ATP levels of host cells.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Venom phospholipase A(2)s (PLA(2)s) display a wide spectrum of pharmacological activities and, based on the wealth of biochemical and structural data currently available for PLA(2)S, mechanistic models can now be inferred to account for some of these activities. A structural model is presented for the role played by the distribution of surface electrostatic potential in the ability of myotoxic D49/K49 PLA(2)s to disrupt multilamellar vesicles containing negatively charged natural and non-hydrolyzable phospholipids. Structural evidence is provided for the ability of K49 PLA(2)s to bind phospholipid analogues and for the existence of catalytic activity in K49 PLA(2)s. The importance of the existence of catalytic activity of D49 and K49 PLA(2)s in myotoxicity is presented. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Size, electrophoretic mobility, and ion dissociation of vesicles prepared with synthetic amphiphiles
Vesicles prepared with synthetic amphiphiles (dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide and chloride, dihexadecyl phosphate and its sodium salt) were obtained by sonication, ethanol injections, and chloroform injections. The hydrodynamic diameter of vesicles (Dh), estimated from the diffusivity measured by quasielastic light scattering, ranged from 230 to 3000 Å. The electrophoretic mobility (Um) was measured by free-flow electrophoresis. The zeta potential (ζ) and the degree of counterion dissociation (α) of the vesicles were calculated from Um and conductivity data, α decreased with increasing Dh of the vesicles, probably due to the decreasing headgroup area and the increasing counterion association needed to relax the surface electrostatic potential. The electrophoretic mobility was also calculated (Uc) according to an impenetrable, nonconducting sphere model with a spherically symmetric charge distribution approximation. Within the limits of the experimental error(s) of the (different) methods employed and the assumptions made in the calculations, the fact that the Um/Uc ratio ranged from 1.3 to 7.5 was considered to be a good agreement between the calculated and the experimental values. © 1990 American Chemical Society.
The cytokine hormone leptin is a key signalling molecule in many pathways that control physiological functions. Although leptin demonstrates structural conservation in mammals, there is evidence of positive selection in primates, lagomorphs and chiropterans. We previously reported that the leptin genes of the grey and harbour seals (phocids) have significantly diverged from other mammals. Therefore we further investigated the diversification of leptin in phocids, other marine mammals and terrestrial taxa by sequencing the leptin genes of representative species. Phylogenetic reconstruction revealed that leptin diversification was pronounced within the phocid seals with a high dN/dS ratio of 2.8, indicating positive selection. We found significant evidence of positive selection along the branch leading to the phocids, within the phocid clade, but not over the dataset as a whole. Structural predictions indicate that the individual residues under selection are away from the leptin receptor (LEPR) binding site. Predictions of the surface electrostatic potential indicate that phocid seal leptin is notably different to other mammalian leptins, including the otariids. Cloning the grey seal leptin binding domain of LEPR confirmed that this was structurally conserved. These data, viewed in toto, support a hypothesis that phocid leptin divergence is unlikely to have arisen by random mutation. Based upon these phylogenetic and structural assessments, and considering the comparative physiology and varying life histories among species, we postulate that the unique phocid diving behaviour has produced this selection pressure. The Phocidae includes some of the deepest diving species, yet have the least modified lung structure to cope with pressure and volume changes experienced at depth. Therefore, greater surfactant production is required to facilitate rapid lung re-inflation upon surfacing, while maintaining patent airways. We suggest that this additional surfactant requirement is met by the leptin pulmonary surfactant production pathway which normally appears only to function in the mammalian foetus.
In this work, we used direct measurements with the surface force apparatus to determine the pH-dependent electrostatic charge density of a single binding face of streptavidin. Mean field calculations have been used with considerable success to model electrostatic potential fields near protein surfaces, but these models and their inherent assumptions have not been tested directly at the molecular level. Using the force apparatus and immobilized, oriented monolayers of streptavidin, we measured a pI of 5–5.5 for the biotin-binding face of the protein. This differs from the pI of 6.3 for the soluble protein and confirms that we probed the local electrostatic features of the macromolecule. With finite difference solutions of the linearized Poisson–Boltzmann equation, we then calculated the pH-dependent charge densities adjacent to the same face of the protein. These calculated values agreed quantitatively with those obtained by direct force measurements. Although our study focuses on the pH-dependence of surface electrostatics, this direct approach to probing the electrostatic features of proteins is applicable to investigations of any perturbations that alter the charge distribution of the surfaces of immobilized molecules.
The formation of electric potential over lunar magnetized regions is essential for understanding fundamental lunar science, for understanding the lunar environment, and for planning human exploration on the Moon. A large positive electric potential was predicted and detected from single point measurements. Here, we demonstrate a remote imaging technique of electric potential mapping at the lunar surface, making use of a new concept involving hydrogen neutral atoms derived from solar wind. We apply the technique to a lunar magnetized region using an existing dataset of the neutral atom energy spectrometer SARA/CENA on Chandrayaan-1. Electrostatic potential larger than +135 V inside the Gerasimovic anomaly is confirmed. This structure is found spreading all over the magnetized region. The widely spread electric potential can influence the local plasma and dust environment near the magnetic anomaly.
To bind at an enzyme’s active site, a ligand must diffuse or be transported to the enzyme’s surface, and, if the binding site is buried, the ligand must diffuse through the protein to reach it. Although the driving force for ligand binding is often ascribed to the hydrophobic effect, electrostatic interactions also influence the binding process of both charged and nonpolar ligands. First, electrostatic steering of charged substrates into enzyme active sites is discussed. This is of particular relevance for diffusion-influenced enzymes. By comparing the results of Brownian dynamics simulations and electrostatic potential similarity analysis for triose-phosphate isomerases, superoxide dismutases, and β-lactamases from different species, we identify the conserved features responsible for the electrostatic substrate-steering fields. The conserved potentials are localized at the active sites and are the primary determinants of the bimolecular association rates. Then we focus on a more subtle effect, which we will refer to as “ionic tethering.” We explore, by means of molecular and Brownian dynamics simulations and electrostatic continuum calculations, how salt links can act as tethers between structural elements of an enzyme that undergo conformational change upon substrate binding, and thereby regulate or modulate substrate binding. This is illustrated for the lipase and cytochrome P450 enzymes. Ionic tethering can provide a control mechanism for substrate binding that is sensitive to the electrostatic properties of the enzyme’s surroundings even when the substrate is nonpolar.
A scanning force microscope was converted to an electrostatic force microscope by charging the usually neutral cantilever with phospholipids. The electrostatic force microscope was used to study surface electrostatic charges of samples in aqueous solutions. Lysozymes, DEAE-Sephadex beads, 3-propyltriethoxysilane-treated glass and mica were imaged in water or phosphate buffer with electrostatic force microscopy. The adhesion force measured when a charged probe and oppositely charged specimen interacted was up to 500 times greater than when a bare probe was used. This dramatic increase in measured adhesion force can be attributed to the energy required to break the salt bridges formed between the charged probe and the specimen. The use of phospholipids to functionalize the cantilever tip allows the incorporation of other biomolecules and ligands that can be used as biologically specific tips (e.g., receptors, drugs) for the study of intermolecular interactions.
Transfer of reaction products formed on the surfaces of two mutually rubbed dielectric solids makes an important if not dominating contribution to triboelectricity. New evidence in support of this statement is presented in this report, based on analytical electron microscopy coupled to electrostatic potential mapping techniques. Mechanical action on contacting surface asperities transforms them into hot-spots for free-radical formation, followed by electron transfer producing cationic and anionic polymer fragments, according to their electronegativity. Polymer ions accumulate creating domains with excess charge because they are formed at fracture surfaces of pulled-out asperities. Another factor for charge segregation is the low polymer mixing entropy, following Flory and Huggins. The formation of fractal charge patterns that was previously described is thus the result of polymer fragment fractal scatter on both contacting surfaces. The present results contribute to the explanation of the centuries-old difficulties for understanding the triboelectric series and triboelectricity in general, as well as the dissipative nature of friction, and they may lead to better control of friction and its consequences.
Plasma edge turbulence in Tokamak Chauffage Alfven Bresilien (TCABR) [R. M. O. Galvao et al., Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 43, 1181 (2001)] is investigated for multifractal properties of the fluctuating floating electrostatic potential measured by Langmuir probes. The multifractality in this signal is characterized by the full multifractal spectra determined by applying the wavelet transform modulus maxima. In this work, the dependence of the multifractal spectrum with the radial position is presented. The multifractality degree inside the plasma increases with the radial position reaching a maximum near the plasma edge and becoming almost constant in the scrape-off layer. Comparisons between these results with those obtained for random test time series with the same Hurst exponents and data length statistically confirm the reported multifractal behavior. Moreover, the persistence of these signals, characterized by their Hurst exponent, present radial profile similar to the deterministic component estimated from analysis based on dynamical recurrences. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
The Topliss method was used to guide a synthetic path in support of drug discovery efforts toward the identification of potent antimycobacterial agents. Salicylic acid and its derivatives, p-chloro, p-methoxy, and m-chlorosalicylic acid, exemplify a series of synthetic compounds whose minimum inhibitory concentrations for a strain of Mycobacterium were determined and compared to those of the reference drug, p-aminosalicylic acid. Several physicochemical descriptors (including Hammett`s sigma constant, ionization constant, dipole moment, Hansch constant, calculated partition coefficient, Sterimol-L and -B-4 and molecular volume) were considered to elucidate structure-activity relationships. Molecular electrostatic potential and molecular dipole moment maps were also calculated using the AM1 semi-empirical method. Among the new derivatives, m-chlorosalicylic acid showed the lowest minimum inhibitory concentration. The overall results suggest that both physicochemical properties and electronic features may influence the biological activity of this series of antimycobacterial agents and thus should be considered in designing new p-aminosalicylic acid analogs.