961 resultados para support structure
Inteins are protein-splicing elements, most of which contain conserved sequence blocks that define a family of homing endonucleases. Like group I introns that encode such endonucleases, inteins are mobile genetic elements. Recent crystallography and computer modeling studies suggest that inteins consist of two structural domains that correspond to the endonuclease and the protein-splicing elements. To determine whether the bipartite structure of inteins is mirrored by the functional independence of the protein-splicing domain, the entire endonuclease component was deleted from the Mycobacterium tuberculosis recA intein. Guided by computer modeling studies, and taking advantage of genetic systems designed to monitor intein function, the 440-aa Mtu recA intein was reduced to a functional mini-intein of 137 aa. The accuracy of splicing of several mini-inteins was verified. This work not only substantiates structure predictions for intein function but also supports the hypothesis that, like group I introns, mobile inteins arose by an endonuclease gene invading a sequence encoding a small, functional splicing element.
Background: This study examined three social factors (i.e., autonomy support, structure, and involvement) and their relationship with the motivational processes proposed by Vallerand ( 1 997). This study explored sources of support for exercise participation. -~ ' Methods: Participants (N = 425) completed self-reported instruments which assessed variables outlined within Vallerand's ( 1 997) HMIEM. Results: Structural equation modeling analyses predicting the cognitive/affective and exercise behaviour accounted for 23 percent of variance in positive affect, 10 percent of variance in negative affect, 38 percent of variance in physical self-concept, and 4 percent of variance in exercise behaviour. Exploratory analyses revealed that friends, romantic partners, and educators to be consistent sources for providing autonomy support, structure, and involvement, f !,< r - r* Summary: This study is among the first to examine perceived sources oi autonomy support, structure, and involvement from friends in the exercise context and suggest such perceptions may contribute to motivating exercise behaviour in post-secondary students.
Pt catalyst series were prepared on mesoporous SBA-15, SBA-16, KIT-6, true liquidcrystal-templated meso-macroporous SBA-15 and a commercial, low surface area silicasupport. Support structure can be easily fabricated using surfactant templating as a mode ofstringent control on porosity, surface area and internal structure. The impact of varying Pt-support physicochemical properties was systematically studied for the selective transformation of allylic substrates under chemoselective oxidation and hydrogenation regimes, a class of reactions highly applicable to industry. Pt-based heterogeneous catalysts are well-known for their utilisation in the hydrogenation of α,β-unsaturated aldehydes,although the mode of action and lack of systematic studies in the literature fuels continuing debate into the role of Pt nanoparticles and support choice for this area. This project attempts to shed some light on several frequently asked questions in this field. Successful support synthesis and stability after Pt impregnation is confirmed through HRTEM, XRD and N2 porosimetry. Decreasing metal loading promoted dispersion values,regardless of support choice, with surface PtO2 content also showing visible enhancement.Increasing support surface area and mesoporosity exhibited the following trend on Pt dispersion augmentation; low surface area commercial silica < true liquid crystal-templated SBA-15 < SBA-15 < SBA-16 ~ KIT-6. For the selective oxidation of cinnamyl alcohol,increasing PtO2 surface population confers substantial rate enhancements, with turnover frequencies evidencing PtO2 to be the active species .In the Pt-catalysed hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde, strong support insensitivity was observed towards catalytic activity; as turnover frequencies normalised to Pt metal reveal constant values. However, structure sensitivity to the desired unsaturated alcohol arose,evidencing the requirement of flat, extended Pt (111) facets for C=O hydrogenation. Pt/SBA-15 proved the most selective, reflecting suppressed cinnamyl alcohol hydrogenation, with DRIFTS and in-situ ATR-IR evidencing the key role of support polarity in re-orientation of cinnamaldehyde to favour di-σCO adsorption and C=O versus C=C hydrogenation. High pressures increased activity, whilst a dramatic shift in selectivity from dominant C=C (1 bar)to C=O hydrogenation (10 bar) was also observed, attributed to surface crowding and suppression of di-σCC and η4 di-σCO+πC=C cinnamaldehyde binding modes.
Three-dimensional discretizations used in numerical analyses of tunnel construction normally include excavation step lengths much shorter than tunnel cross-section dimensions. Simulations have usually worked around this problem by using excavation steps that are much larger than the actual physical steps used in a real tunnel excavation. In contrast, the analyses performed in this study were based on finely discretized meshes capable of reproducing the excavation lengths actually used in tunnels, and the results obtained for internal forces are up to 100% greater than those found in other analyses available in the literature. Whereas most reports conclude that internal forces depend on support delay length alone, this study shows that geometric path dependency (reflected by excavation round length) is very strong, even considering linear elasticity. Moreover, many other solutions found in the literature have also neglected the importance of the relative stiffness between the ground mass and support structure, probably owing to the relatively coarse meshes used in these studies. The analyses presented here show that relative stiffness may account for internal force discrepancies in the order of 60%. A dimensionless expression that takes all these parameters into account is presented as a good approximation for the load transfer mechanism at the tunnel face.
The growing need to patrol and survey large maritime and terrestrial areas increased the need to integrate external sensors on aircraft in order to accomplish those patrols at increasingly higher altitudes, longer range and not depending upon vehicle type. The main focus of this work is to elaborate a practical, simple, effective and efficient methodology for the aircraft modification procedure resulting from the integration of an Elec-tro-Optical/Infra-Red (EO/IR) turret through a support structure. The importance of the devel-opment of a good methodology relies on the correct management of project variables as time, available resources and project complexity. The key is to deliver a proper tool for a project de-sign team that will be used to create a solution that fulfils all technical, non-technical and certi-fication requirements present in this field of transportation. The created methodology is inde-pendent of two main inputs: sensor model and aircraft model definition, and therefore it is in-tended to deliver the results for different projects besides the one that was presented in this work as a case study. This particular case study presents the development of a structure support for FLIR STAR SAPHIRE III turret integration on the front lower fuselage bulkhead (radome) of the LOCKHEED MARTIN C-130 H. Development of the case study focuses on the study of local structural analysis through the use of Finite Element Method (FEM). Development of this Dissertation resulted in a cooperation between Faculty of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the company OGMA - Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal
Once a country allergic to any type of preferential treatment or quota measure for women, France has become a country that applies gender quotas to regulate women's presence and representation in politics, the business sector, public bodies, public administration, and even some civil society organizations. While research has concentrated on the adoption of electoral gender quotas in many countries and their international diffusion, few studies focus on explaining the successful diffusion of gender quotas from politics to other domains in the same country. This paper proposes to fill this gap by studying the particularly puzzling case of a country that at one point strongly opposed the adoption of gender quotas in politics, but, in less than a decade, transformed into one of the few countries applying gender quotas across several policy domains. This paper argues that the legal entrenchment of the parity principle, the institutionalization of parity in several successive women's policy agencies, and key players in these newly created agencies are mainly responsible for this unexpected development. The diffusion of gender quotas in France thus offers an illuminating example of under which conditions women's policy agencies can act autonomously to diffuse and impose a new tool for gender equality
En los tiempos que corren la robótica forma uno de los pilares más importantes en la industria y una gran noticia para los ingenieros es la referente a las ventas de estos, ya que en 2013, unos 179.000 robots industriales se vendieron en todo el mundo, de nuevo un máximo histórico y un 12% más que en 2012 según datos de la IFR (International Federation of Robotics). Junto a esta noticia, la robótica colaborativa entra en juego en el momento que los robots y los seres humanos deben compartir el lugar de trabajo sin que nos veamos excluidos por las maquinas, por lo tanto lo que se intenta es que los robots mejoren la calidad del trabajo al hacerse cargo de los trabajos peligrosos, tediosos y sucios que no son posibles o seguros para los seres humanos. Otro concepto muy importante y directamente relacionado con lo anterior que está muy en boga y se escucha desde hace relativamente poco tiempo es el de la fabrica del futuro o “Factory Of The Future” la cual intenta que los operarios y los robots encuentren la sintonía en el entorno laboral y que los robots se consideren como maquinaria colaborativa y no como sustitutiva, considerándose como uno de los grandes nichos productivos en plena expansión. Dejando a un lado estos conceptos técnicos que nunca debemos olvidar si nuestra carrera profesional va enfocada en este ámbito industrial, el tema central de este proyecto está basado, como no podía ser de otro modo, en la robótica, que junto con la visión artificial, el resultado de esta fusión, ha dado un manipulador robótico al que se le ha dotado de cierta “inteligencia”. Se ha planteado un sencillo pero posible proceso de producción el cual es capaz de almacenar piezas de diferente forma y color de una forma autónoma solamente guiado por la imagen capturada con una webcam integrada en el equipo. El sistema consiste en una estructura soporte delimitada por una zona de trabajo en la cual se superponen unas piezas diseñadas al efecto las cuales deben ser almacenadas en su lugar correspondiente por el manipulador robótico. Dicho manipulador de cinemática paralela está basado en la tecnología de cables, comandado por cuatro motores que le dan tres grados de libertad (±X, ±Y, ±Z) donde el efector se encuentra suspendido sobre la zona de trabajo moviéndose de forma que es capaz de identificar las características de las piezas en situación, color y forma para ser almacenadas de una forma ordenada según unas premisas iníciales.
Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin valmistuksellisia ja rakenteellisia mahdollisuuksia alumiiniveneen rungon valmistuskustannusten optimointiin vallitseva runkomitoitusdirektiivi huomioiden. Varsinaista kustannussäästötavoitetta työlle ei määritetty, mutta tavoitteena oli selvittää runkokonstruktion kustannusten painopisteiden mukaisesti kehityskohteet ja uusi kehitetty runkokonstruktio, joka täyttää mitoitusdirektiivin vaatimukset. Nykyistä ja kehitettyä runkokonstruktiota verrataan kustannusten sekä valmistettavuuden kannalta ja tehdään johtopäätökset. Kehityskohteiden löytämisessä sovellettiin valmistus- ja kokoonpanoystävällisen suunnittelun DFM(A)-periaatteita ja teoriaa, jotka esiteltiin työn teoriaosuudessa. Valmistuskustannusten määrittämisen tueksi teoriaosuudessa esiteltiin hitsauksen ja osavalmistuksen (laserleikkaus, särmäys) kustannusmallit, joita hyödynnettiin soveltuvin osin kustannuslaskennassa. Merkittävänä osana selvitystyötä oli myös SFS-EN ISO 12215-5-(6) runkomitoitusstandardin tulkitseminen ja referointi työn kannalta merkittäviin osa - alueisiin. Nykyisen runkokonstruktion kustannusanalyysin ja valmistettavuusarvion pohjalta päädyttiin rakenteellisiin ja valmistuksellisiin kehitystoimenpiteisiin, jotka täyttävät runkomitoitusdirektiivin rakenteelliset vaatimukset. Rakenteelliset toimenpiteet käsittivät mm. materiaalivahvuuksien, jäykisterakenteen ja osamäärän optimointia. Valmistukselliset toimenpiteet liittyivät mm. hitsauksen tuottavuuden tehostamiseen ja sen kustannusvaikutuksiin. Rakenteellisilla kehitystoimenpiteillä olisi mahdollista saavuttaa noin 6 % säästö ja valmistusmenetelmien kehittämisellä noin 17 % säästö valmistuskustannuksista.
Permanent magnet generators (PMG) represent the cutting edge technology in modern wind mills. The efficiency remains high (over 90%) at partial loads. To improve the machine efficiency even further, every aspect of machine losses has to be analyzed. Additional losses are often given as a certain percentage without providing any detailed information about the actual calculation process; meanwhile, there are many design-dependent losses that have an effect on the total amount of additional losses and that have to be taken into consideration. Additional losses are most often eddy current losses in different parts of the machine. These losses are usually difficult to calculate in the design process. In this doctoral thesis, some additional losses are identified and modeled. Further, suggestions on how to minimize the losses are given. Iron losses can differ significantly between the measured no-load values and the loss values under load. In addition, with embedded magnet rotors, the quadrature-axis armature reaction adds losses to the stator iron by manipulating the harmonic content of the flux. It was, therefore, re-evaluated that in salient pole machines, to minimize the losses and the loss difference between the no-load and load operation, the flux density has to be kept below 1.5 T in the stator yoke, which is the traditional guideline for machine designers. Eddy current losses may occur in the end-winding area and in the support structure of the machine, that is, in the finger plate and the clamping ring. With construction steel, these losses account for 0.08% of the input power of the machine. These losses can be reduced almost to zero by using nonmagnetic stainless steel. In addition, the machine housing may be subjected to eddy current losses if the flux density exceeds 1.5 T in the stator yoke. Winding losses can rise rapidly when high frequencies and 10–15 mm high conductors are used. In general, minimizing the winding losses is simple. For example, it can be done by dividing the conductor into transposed subconductors. However, this comes with the expense of an increase in the DC resistance. In the doctoral thesis, a new method is presented to minimize the winding losses by applying a litz wire with noninsulated strands. The construction is the same as in a normal litz wire but the insulation between the subconductors has been left out. The idea is that the connection is kept weak to prevent harmful eddy currents from flowing. Moreover, the analytical solution for calculating the AC resistance factor of the litz-wire is supplemented by including an end-winding resistance in the analytical solution. A simple measurement device is developed to measure the AC resistance in the windings. In the case of a litz-wire with originally noninsulated strands, vacuum pressure impregnation (VPI) is used to insulate the subconductors. In one of the two cases studied, the VPI affected the AC resistance factor, but in the other case, it did not have any effect. However, more research is needed to determine the effect of the VPI on litz-wire with noninsulated strands. An empirical model is developed to calculate the AC resistance factor of a single-layer formwound winding. The model includes the end-winding length and the number of strands and turns. The end winding includes the circulating current (eddy currents that are traveling through the whole winding between parallel strands) and the main current. The end-winding length also affects the total AC resistance factor.
Tässä diplomityössä esitetään voimalaitoksen kanavien kannakkeiden rakennesuunnittelussa tarvittavat laskentamenetelmät. Työssä rakenteiden suunnitteluun ja mitoitukseen käytetään pääasiassa Eurokoodi 3 teräsrakenteiden suunnittelustandardin mukaista rajatilamitoitusta. Lisäksi kehitetään mitoitustyökaluja tärkeimpien kanavakannakkeiden suunnitteluun. Toteutettujen mitoitustyökalujen toiminta verifioidaan lujuusopin elementtimenetelmällä tehtävin tarkistuslaskelmin. Laskentatyökalujen analyyttisen ratkaisun verifioitiin olevan varmalla puolella kaikissa tutkituissa ilmiöissä. Työssä verifioituja menetelmiä voidaan soveltaa myös muiden vastaavien rakenteiden mitoittamiseen. Työssä luotujen laskentatyökalujen sisältämät laskentamenetelmät mahdollistavat monenlaisten rakenteiden vaatimustenmukaisen suunnittelun.
Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää kanavistojen ja kattilan eristyksien mallintamista 3D-laitossuunitteluohjelmassa sekä siitä saatavia materiaalilistoja. Kanavistojen eristeitä kuvastavaa geometriaa muokattiin vastaamaan eristyksen todellista tilanvarausta. Kattilan eristyksen mallintaminen on aikaisemmin jouduttu tekemään manuaalisesti, työssä kehitettiin työkalu, jonka avulla eristysten materiaalitiedot ja oikeat tilanvaraukset saadaan lisättyä 3D-malliin. Kaikkia eristyksen mallintamista ei kuitenkaan pystytä mielekkäästi toteuttamaan automaattisesti työkalujen avulla, näitä kohteita ovat tukikehikkorakenteet kuten kattilan vinttikehikko. Lisäksi täytyi selvittää, mitä tietoja eristyksien materiaalimäärälistoille vaaditaan, ja kuinka nämä tiedot saataisiin listoihin mukaan. Jotta kaikki eristettävät kohteet saadaan tuotettaviin materiaalilistoihin, on ohjelmaan lisättävä käytettäväksi uusia komponentteja. Näitä ovat uudet kanavistojen osat sekä muun muassa venturit ja huoltoluukut kanavistoille. Kattilaan asennettavat laitteet kuten näkölasit ja polttimet vaativat tukirakenteen, joka samalla toimii kotelona putkistojen taivutuksille. Näitä kohteita on aikaisemmin tuotu vanhoista projekteista tai ne on tehty suunnittelijan toimesta uusiksi. Työssä esitettiin uusi tapa mallintaa kattilan pinnat, jolloin niihin voidaan liittää koteloita erillisestä komponenttikirjastosta. Kanavistojen eristyksien materiaalimäärälistojen tuottaminen suoraan ohjelmasta auto-matisoitiin. Kattilan ja siihen liittyvien eristyskehysrakenteiden listojen tuotanto kuitenkin vaatii yhteisten toimintamallien kehittämistä. Tämän työn uudet menetelmät mahdollistavat yhä uusien työkalujen kehittämisen, esimerkiksi automaattisen eristysten teknisten piirustusten kuvatuotannon tulevaisuudessa.
The purpose of the study was two-fold; first, the association between interpersonal coaching styles and self-determined motivation was examined, followed by the investigation of the motivation-performance relationship. Participants included 221 female Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) rugby players, aged sixteen to thirty-three (M= 20.1: SD = 2.26), who reported the number of years they played CIS rugby (M= 2.3: SD = 1.37) and organized rugby (M= 5.9: SD = 2.31). Multiple and bivariate regressions were employed with autonomy-support, structure, and involvement accounting for 17%, 41 % and 22% of the variance of competence, autonomy and relatedness. The three basic needs accounted for 40% of the variance of motivation, and motivation accounted for 2% of the variance of athletes' perceptions of performance. Findings indicated that autonomy-support emerged as a predictor of all three basic needs, involvement predicted relatedness and competence, autonomy predicted motivation, and motivation predicted athletes' perception of performance.
Engineers often face the challenge of reducing the level of vibrations experienced by a given payload or those transmitted to the support structure to which a vibrating source is attached. In order to increase the range over which vibrations are isolated, soft mounts are often used in practice. The drawback of this approach is the static displacement may be too large for reasons of available space for example. Ideally, a vibration isolator should have a high-static stiffness, to withstand static loads without too large a displacement, and at the same time, a low dynamic stiffness so that the natural frequency of the system is as low as possible which will result in an increased isolation region. These two effects are mutually exclusive in linear isolators but can be overcome if properly configured nonlinear isolators are used. This paper is concerned with the characterisation of such a nonlinear isolator comprising three springs, two of which are configured to reduce the dynamic stiffness of the isolator. The dynamic behaviour of the isolator supporting a lumped mass is investigated using force and displacement transmissibility, which are derived by modelling the dynamic system as a single-degree-of-freedom system. This results in the system dynamics being approximately described by the Duffing equation. For a linear isolator, the dynamics of the system are the same regardless if the source of the excitation is a harmonic force acting on the payload (force transmissibility) or a harmonic motion of the base (displacement transmissibility) on which the payload is mounted. In this paper these two expressions are compared for the nonlinear isolator and it is shown that they differ. A particular feature of the displacement transmissibility is that the response is unbounded at the nonlinear resonance frequency unless the damping in the isolator is greater than some threshold value, which is not the case for force transmissibility. An explanation for this is offered in the paper. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper aims to analyze the current support structure ready to Local Productive Arrangements (APLs) in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. To this end, it was done a study of major theories dealing with territorial agglomerations: moving from the pioneering concept of Marshallian industrial district to neo-Schumpeterian concepts coming from the latest innovation systems. In a complementary way, there will be a study of the major reasons that brought the crowded productive activities to a central position in the economic debate and the formation of public policy, seeking to understand what the relationship of this phenomenon with the different approaches of regional development policies which are included in recent years. Finally, it sought to understand how the bodies responsible for supporting clusters in the state of Rio Grande do Norte act in the selection and support of these arrangements, analyzing what the main policies implemented and trying to understand what are the main instruments used to support these clusters in the state