82 resultados para superovulation


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Les récentes recherches suggèrent que la superovulation de vaches laitières sous une concentration élevée de progestérone permet de meilleurs résultats que la superovulation sous une basse progestéronémie pendant la première vague folliculaire. Nous émettions donc l’hypothèse qu’une basse progestéronémie pendant la phase lutéale, une problématique connue chez la vache laitière haute productrice, compromet le rendement en embryons suite à la superovulation de la deuxième vague folliculaire. Afin de tester cette hypothèse, 18 vaches laitières ont été superovulées à deux reprises avec deux protocoles distincts, dont un atteignant un niveau lutéal de progestérone (>2.5 ng/mL, le corps jaune comme source de progestérone) et l’autre un niveau sublutéal (<2.5 ng/mL, l’implant intravaginal comme unique source de progestérone). Le nombre d’embryons transférables était similaire entre les protocoles. Curieusement, nous avons obtenu un développement accéléré des follicules dans le protocole sublutéal (p = 0,002), un développement embryonnaire plus avancé (p = 0,01) et une qualité améliorée des embryons (p = 0,02) par rapport au protocole lutéal. Ces résultats suggèrent que des facteurs autres qu’une basse progestéronémie peuvent affecter le rendement en embryons. Une pulsatilité augmentée de la LH grâce à une basse progestéronémie pendant la deuxième vague folliculaire pourrait être responsable du développement folliculaire accru ainsi que du développement et de la qualité augmentés des embryons. Ces résultats indiquent que des niveaux sublutéaux de progestérone pendant la phase lutéale ne compromettent pas le résultat d’un traitement de superovulation mais, au contraire, peuvent améliorer certains aspects du rendement en embryons.


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With the purpose of eliciting a superovulatory response, 12 adult nulliparous Boer goat does were actively immunized against a recombinant a-subunit of ovine inhibin (roIHN-alpha; two injections of 100 mg 4 weeks apart). Another 12 control Boer goat does were treated with physiological saline and acted as controls. One year later the immunized animals were boostered by the administration of another dose (100 mg) of the immunogen. Following treatment, blood samples were collected twice weekly for the periods of 16 and 12 weeks, respectively, to monitor the inhibin binding ability with the aid of a radio-tracer binding assay. Throughout the experiment, estrus detection was conducted twice daily with the aid of an aproned intact buck. From the first day after treatment to 48 h after standing estrus, ovarian activity was monitored daily by transrectal ultrasonography. On alternate estrous cycles, does were mated and 6 days later flushed transcervically to recover embryos. All goats treated with the roIHN-alpha produced antibodies reactive to the native bovine inhibin tracer-the titre increasing from 2.9 +/- 0.4 to a maximum of 21.9 +/- 2.9% binding after the second injection. The antibody titre gradually subsided over the next 16 weeks. The booster injection restored an elevated antibody titre (11.7 +/- 0.4%), which was maintained until the end of the sampling period 12 weeks later. In the control goats only trace amounts of antibody were recorded throughout the trial. In the roIHN-alpha-immunized goats the number of follicles reaching a diameter of > 4 mm was 14.6 +/- 1.2 per doe. A positive correlation was recorded between the follicle number and antibody titre (r=0.61; P < 0.01). The number of follicles ovulating per doe (6.9 +/- 0.7) followed the same tendency-however, the proportion decreased with increasing follicle numbers. A relatively weak correlation was recorded between the inhibin binding ability and number of ovulations (r=0.27; P < 0.05). In the control goats the majority (92%) of follicles exceeding 4 mm in diameter ovulated (2.5 +/- 0.1 follicles/doe). Embryo collection proved unsatisfactory (42% versus 39% recovery for immunized and control animals, respectively)-presumably because the uterine lumen of the nulliparous does was too narrow to permit effective flushing. In the group of immunized goats the occurrence of short estrous cycles (< 15 days) recorded was 34% versus only 6% in the controls. Overall, immunization of goats against roIHN-alpha led to an almost six-fold increase in number of ovarian follicles, a three-fold increase in ovulations and, despite the low recovery rate, a more than three-fold increase in ova or embryos recovered. It may be concluded that treatment of female goats with roIHN-alpha leads to an inhibin antibody response, accompanied by enhanced ovarian activity. The response was, however, accompanied by a large proportion of retained follicles and a high incidence of short estrous cycles. These problems need to be further investigated before rendering the method fit for application in embryo transfer programs in goats. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Superovulation is an important tool for routine use in equine embryo transfer (ET) in order to reduce the costs and to enhance the efficiency of ET programs. Satisfactory superovulatory answers (2-7 ovulations) have been reported in mares treated with Equine Pituitary Extract (EPE) and more recently using a commercial Equine FSH. However, embryo recovery rates have been inconsistent and below expectations (20-50% embryos/ovulation). Recent studies have shown that superovulatory treatment leads to disturbances in oocyte maturation and transport, especially in mares with a high ovarian response. Higher and more consistent embryo recovery rates per ovulation have been observed in mares treated with lower doses of EPE. This paper presents a review of recent studies related to superovulation in mares.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Compared to Bos taurus breeds, Bos indices breeds of cattle present several differences in reproductive physiology. Follicular diameter at deviation and at the time of ovulatory capability are smaller in B. indicus breeds. Furthermore, B. indicus breeds have a greater sensitivity to gonadotropins, a shorter duration of estrus, and more often express estrus during the night. These differences must be considered when setting up embryo transfer programs for B. indicus cattle. In recent studies, we evaluated follicular dynamics and superovulatory responses in B. indicus donors with the objective of implementing fixed-time AI protocols in superstimulated donors. Protocols using estradiol and progesterone/progestrogen releasing devices to control follicular wave emergence were as efficacious as in B. taurus cattle, allowing the initiation of superstimulatory treatments (with lower dosages of FSH than in B. taurus donors) at a self-appointed time. Furthermore, results presented herein indicate that delaying the removal of progesterone/progestogen-releasing devices, combined with the administration of GnRH or pLH 12 h after the last FSH injection, results in synchronous ovulations, permitting the application of fixed-time AI of donors without the necessity of estrus detection and without compromising the results. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se a suplementação com LH ao final do tratamento gonadotrófico sincroniza o tempo das ovulações e incrementa a taxa de ovulação e produção de embriões em ovelhas Santa Inês. Vinte programas de superovulação (SOV) foram realizados em delineamento cross-over (intervalo de 60 dias). No D0, um CIDR foi inserido, sendo trocado por um novo sete dias após, quando 37,5µg de d-cloprostenol foram administradas. No D12, iniciou-se o tratamento com 256mg de pFSH em 8 administrações (12/12h). No D14, o CIDR foi retirado, 200UI de eCG e 37,5µg de d-cloprostenol foram administradas. No D15, as ovelhas foram alocadas em um dos dois grupos: Controle (n=10), sem suplementação com LH, e LH (n=10), tratado com 7,5mg de LH, 24h após a remoção do CIDR. Inseminações artificiais (IA) foram realizadas 42 e 48h após a remoção do CIDR. As estruturas ovarianas foram avaliadas por laparoscopia imediatamente antes de cada IA e 5 dias após, quando os embriões foram colhidos. As ovelhas que receberam o LH tiveram maior frequência de ovulações antes de 42h (P=0,05). O tratamento com LH tendeu em incrementar a frequência de CL e diminuir a de folículos anovulatórios (P=0,08). A suplementação com LH incrementou (P=0,05) a frequência de ovelhas com alta resposta superovulatória (≥11 CL; P=0,05). em conclusão, a suplementação com LH incrementou a frequência de ovelhas com alta resposta e ovulações antes de 42h depois da remoção do CIDR, entretanto, não houve sincronia entre as ovulações. A suplementação diminuiu a frequência de folículos anovulatórios, embora a taxa de ovulação e a produção de embriões permaneceram inalteradas.


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Superovulation was induced in 15 Nelore cows with porcine follicle stimulating hormone (FSH-P) or pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG), and embryos were collected to compare the response of this breed of cattle to these hormones. FSH-P was given in 30-and 40-mg doses for 5 d as a single daily injection or fractionated into two daily injections. PMSG was given in doses of 1000 and 2000 IU. The animals were killed immediately after embryo collection and the ovaries and genitalia were examined clinically. PMSG proved to be more effective in inducing superovulation than FSH-P, probably because PMSG caused no stress since it was administered as a single dose. No differences were observed between the 30-and 40-mg dose of FSH-P or between the application as a single or fractionated dose. Differences did occur, however, between the number of ovulations and embryos obtained at each collection. On the basis of postmortem analysis, we concluded that lack of egg uptake by the infundibulum had occurred in cases of increased ovulation, with excessive increase in volume of the ovary. We also recommend using smaller doses of FSH-P and suggest that avoiding stress in handling is essential for a good response to hormonal stimulation by Zebu cattle. © 1986.


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The objective of this study was to estimate the relative effects of genetic and phenotypic factors on the efficacy and efficiency of superovulation for Holstein-Friesian cows reared in Brazil. A database, established by the Associacao Brasileira de Criadores de Bovinos da Raca Holandesa, consisting of a total of 5387 superovulations of 2941 cows distributed over 473 herds and sired by 690 bulls was used for the analysis. The records were analyzed by MTDFREML (Multiple Trait Derivative-Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood), using a repeatability animal model. The fixed effects included in the model were contemporaneous group (veterinarian, herd, year and season of the superovulation); number of semen doses; cow age; and superovulation order. The estimated repeatability of the number of the transferable embryos was low (0.13), and the estimated heritability was 0.03. These results indicate that environmental factors play a critical role in the response of a cow to a superovulation treatment. There is little evidence that future responses to superovulation by individual females can be predicted by previous treatment(s) or that superovulation response is an heritable trait.


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Superovulation would potentially increase the efficiency and decrease the cost of embryo transfer by increasing embryo collection rates. Other potential clinical applications include improving pregnancy rates from frozen semen, treatment of subfertility in stallions and mares, and induction of ovulation in transitional mares. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of purified equine follicle stimulating hormone (eFSH; Bioniche Animal Health USA, Inc., Athens, GA) in inducing superovulation in cycling mares. In the first experiment, 49 normal, cycling mares were used in a study at Colorado State University. Mares were assigned to 1 of 3 groups: group 1, controls (n = 29) and groups 2 and 3, eFSH-treated (n = 10/group). Treated mares were administered 25 mg of eFSH twice daily beginning 5 or 6 days after ovulation (group 2). Mares received 250 (of cloprostenol on the second day of eFSH treatment. Administration of eFSH continued until the majority of follicles reached a diameter of 35 mm, at which time a deslorelin implant was administered. Group 3 mares (n = 10) received 12 mg of eFSH twice daily starting on day 5 or 6. The treatment regimen was identical to that of group 2. Mares in all 3 groups were bred with semen from 1 of 4 stallions. Pregnancy status was determined at 14 to 16 days after ovulation. In experiment 2, 16 light-horse mares were used during the physiologic breeding season in Brazil. On the first cycle, mares served as controls, and on the second cycle, mares were administered 12 mg of eFSH twice daily until a majority of follicles were 35 mm in diameter, at which time human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) was administered. Mares were inseminated on both cycles, and embryo collection attempts were performed 7 or 8 days after ovulation. Mares treated with 25 mg of eFSH developed a greater number of follicles (35 mm) and ovulated a greater number of follicles than control mares. However, the number of pregnancies obtained per mare was not different between control mares and those receiving 25 mg of eFSH twice daily. Mares treated with 12 mg of eFSH and administered either hCG or deslorelin also developed more follicles than untreated controls. Mares receiving eFSH followed by hCG ovulated a greater number of follicles than control mares, whereas the number of ovulations from mares receiving eFSH followed by deslorelin was similar to that of control mares. Pregnancy rate for mares induced to ovulate with hCG was higher than that of control mares, whereas the pregnancy rate for eFSH-treated mares induced to ovulate with deslorelin did not differ from that of the controls. Overall, 80% of mares administered eFSH had multiple ovulations compared with 10.3% of the control mares. In experiment 2, the number of large follicles was greater in the eFSH-treated cycle than the previous untreated cycle. In addition, the number of ovulations during the cycle in which mares were treated with eFSH was greater (3.6) than for the control cycle (1.0). The average number of embryos recovered per mare for the eFSH cycle (1.9 ± 0.3) was greater than the embryo recovery rate for the control cycle (0.5 ± 0.3). In summary, the highest ovulation and the highest pregnancy and embryo recovery rates were obtained after administration of 12 mg of eFSH twice daily followed by 2500 IU of hCG. Superovulation with eFSH increased pregnancy rate and embryo recovery rate and, thus, the efficiency of the embryo transfer program.


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Currently, timed ovulation induction and timed artificial insemination (TAI) can be performed in buffalo using GnRH or estradiol plus progesterone/progestin (P4)-releasing devices and prostaglandin F-2 alpha (PGF(2 alpha)). The control of the emergence of follicular waves and of ovulation at predetermined times, without the need for estrus detection, has facilitated the management and improved the efficiency of AI programs in buffalo during the breeding and nonbreeding season. Multiple ovulations, embryo transfer, ovum collection and in vitro embryo production have been shown to be feasible in buffalo, although low efficiency and limited commercial application of these techniques have been documented as well. These results could be associated with low ovarian follicular pools, high levels of follicular atresia and failures of the oocyte to enter the oviduct after superstimulation of follicular growth. This review discusses a number of key points related to the manipulation of ovarian follicular growth to improve pregnancy rates following TAI and embryo transfer of in vivo- and in vitro-derived embryos in buffalo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The effects of superovulatory treatment (follicle stimulating hormone [FSH] versus human menopausal gonadotropin [HMG]) and of route of administration (intramuscular versus intravenous) of prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a) on hormonal profiles were determined in 32 Angus x Hereford heifers for breeding and subsequent embryo collection and transfer. Heifers were superstimulated either with FSH (total of 26 milligrams) or HMG (total of 1,050 international units) beginning on days 9 to 12 of an estrous cycle and PGF2a (40 milligrams) was administered at 60 and 72 hours after the beginning of superovulatory treatments. Heifers were artificially inseminated three times at 12-hour intervals beginning 48 hours after PGF2a treatment. Blood serum samples were collected immediately before treatments began and at frequent intervals until embryo collection 288 hours later. Concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and FSH were not affected by hormone treatments, route of PGF2a injection, or interactions between them. Estradiol-17ß (E2-17ß) levels were higher in HMG- than in FSH-treated heifers 60 hours after gonadotropin treatment. Peak concentration of E2-17ß occurred earlier in HMGthan in FSH-treated heifers and earlier in heifers injected with PGF2a intramuscularly than those injected intravenously. Progesterone concentrations were not influenced by treatment or route of PGF2a administration. The progesterone:E2-17ß ratio was higher in FSH- than in HMG-treated heifers 24 hours after the LH peak. The high steroid hormone concentrations in superovulated beef heifers before and after ovulation may lead to asynchrony between stages of embryonic development, a situation that may interfere with the pregnancy outcome of superovulated embryos in recipient animals.


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Callithrix jacchus (common marmoset) is a New World primate monkey, used as an animal model in biomedical research. Marmoset-specific follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) preparation is required to improve superovulation protocols and to develop homologous FSH monitoring assays in these monkeys. In this study, we document the large-scale expression of recombinant marmoset FSH in methylotropic yeast, Pichia pastoris. The recombinant preparation was found to be immunologically active in Western blotting and radioimmunoassay. The preparation displayed receptor binding ability in radioreceptor assay. Based on the receptor binding ability, the yield of fermentation was estimated to be 7.2 mg/L. FSH-induced cAMP assay and estradiol assay revealed that the recombinant hormone is able to induce signal transduction. Both immunological and in vitro biological activity of marmoset FSH was found to be comparable to purified human pituitary FSH, which served as reference hormone for these assays. Thus, the study suggests that a Pichia expression system can be used for large-scale expression of bioactive recombinant marmoset FSH.