991 resultados para superior cava vein


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The authors admit that the conjunctive-muscular constitution of the walls of the superior venae cavae throughout the length of the intrapericardium segment and the debouchement in the right atrium, associated with the presence of a myocardium sheath can be made up of a functional device of sphincter form able to act on the control of the blood flow to the interior of the arterial chamber as well as stopping blood flow during the arterial systole. The fixation of the venous wall to the deep chamber of the serous pericardium, contributes to growth in resistance during the elevation of venous pressure, making possible the preservation of integrity of the superior venae cavae. The expansion of fasciculi of nodal fibers in the right wall of the superior venae cavae permits that the unlocked impulse in the S-A node also reaches the vascular wall contributing to the shortening and diminution in caliber of the vein.


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The knowledge of the mechanisms underlying circulating volume control may be achieved by stretching a balloon placed at the junction of the superior vena cava-right atrial junction (SVC-RAJ). We investigated whether the inflation of a balloon at the SVC-RAJ inhibits the intake of 0.3M NaCl induced by GABAA receptor activation in the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) in euhydrated and satiated rats. Male Wistar rats (280-300g) with bilateral stainless steel LPBN cannulae and balloons implanted at the SVC-RAJ were used. Bilateral injections of the GABAA receptor agonist muscimol (0.5ηmol/0.2l) in the LPBN with deflated balloons increased intake of 0.3M NaCl (30.1±3.9 vs. saline: 2.2±0.7)ml/210min, n=8) and water (17.7±1.9 vs. saline: 2.9±0.5ml/210min). Conversely, 0.3M NaCl (27.8±2.1ml/210min) and water (22.8±2.3ml/210min) intake were not affected in rats with inflated balloons at the SVC-RAJ. The results show that sodium and water intake induced by muscimol injected into the LPBN was not affected by balloon inflation at the SVC-RAJ. We suggest that the blockade of LPBN neuronal activity with muscimol injections impairs inhibitory mechanisms activated by signals from cardiopulmonary volume receptors determined by balloon inflation. © 2013 The Authors.


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INTRODUCCIÓN. El ultrasonido es fundamental en la medicina de emergencias, no se conoce cual debería ser la curva de aprendizaje para obtener las competencias técnicas y operativas; ACEP recomienda por cada ventana ecográfica realizar 25 repeticiones. No existe una curva de aprendizaje para ventana de VCI en la población de residentes colombianos. OBJETIVO: Determinar la curva de aprendizaje necesaria para obtener una proporción mayor al 80% de éxitos en la toma de la ventana ecográfica de la VCI, usando la escala de calificación para el aseguramiento de la calidad sugerida por ACEP, en residentes de I a III año de medicina de emergencias. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio experimental no comparativo, que evaluó la proporción de éxito en función del las tomas repetidas de la VCI por ultrasonido, mediciones que se tomaron luego de participar en una capacitación teórica y demostrativa de la técnica propuesta; se calificaron los videos según la escala publicada por ACEP. El análisis estadístico se realizó con un modelo logístico multinivel para la proporción del éxito, agrupado por repetición y agrupado por sujeto. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvo información de 8 residentes, cada uno realizo 25 repeticiones a 3 modelos sanos con asignación aleatoria. Se realizó la curva de aprendizaje obteniendo en 11 repeticiones una proporción de 0.80 (rango 0.54 a 0.92) y en 21 repeticiones una proporción de 0.9 (rango 0.75 a 0.96), datos ajustados por numero de repetición y residente. CONCLUSIÓN: La curva de aprendizaje para la ventana ecográfica de la VCI es de 11 y 21 repeticiones para obtener el 80% y 90% de éxito en residentes de medicina de emergencias de I a III año de la universidad del rosario.


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Introducción y objetivos: El conocimiento de la anatomía de las venas pulmonares y de la aurícula izquierda es fundamental para la planeación y prevención de posibles complicaciones durante la ablación de las venas pulmonares, procedimiento realizado para el manejo de la fibrilación auricular. Este estudio pretende caracterizar la anatomía (tamaño y forma) de las venas pulmonares y determinar las variantes anatómicas más comunes de las mismas. Métodos: Se analizaron 277 estudios de angioresonancia tridimensional y tomografía computarizada realizados previo al procedimiento de aislamiento de venas pulmonares. Se evaluaron los diámetros de la aurícula izquierda, de los ostia de las venas pulmonares y se determinaron la presencia de venas pulmonares comunes, accesorias y ramificaciones tempranas. Resultados: 75% de nuestros pacientes presentaron la anatomía normal de dos venas pulmonares derechas y dos izquierdas. En un 10,1% de los casos se encontraron venas supernumerarias y en un 11,2% se encontró un tronco común. En un 61% de los pacientes se encontraron ramas ostiales, las cuales en un 39,4% de los casos se presentaron en la vena pulmonar inferior derecha. Conclusiones: La evaluación de la morfología de la aurícula derecha y las venas pulmonares por medio de angioresonancia o tomografía computarizada, es necesaria para la realización de ablación por radiofrecuencia dada la alta frecuencia de variantes anatómicas y presencia de ramas ostiales.


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The vascular segment of the caudal vena cava of the dog at the level of the caudate lobe was shown to be intimately related to hepatic tissue through the hepatic capsule and parenchyma. The tunica adventitia of the caudal vena cava was formed mainly by smooth muscle cells with collagen and elastic fibers arranged in bundles. The thin tunica media of the vein was also formed by smooth muscle cells, collagen and elastic fibers arranged in bundles. The tunica intima presented an elastic sub-endothelial network. The hepatic segment of the caudal vena cava showed a myoconnective architecture and propulsive characteristics in terms of its hemodynamic pattern.


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Survival rates after surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) remain low. Selected patients with portal/superior mesenteric vein (PV) involvement undergo PV resection at pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). This study analyses outcomes for PD with/without PV resection in patients with PDA.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to delineate the anatomy of the precentral cerebellar vein, superior vermian vein, and internal occipital vein using reconstructions of computed tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging scans with navigation software. These data were compared with previous anatomic and angiographic findings to show the resolution and accuracy of the system. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 100 patients with intracranial pathologies (50 computed tomographic scans with contrast and 50 magnetic resonance imaging scans with gadolinium) using a neuronavigation workstation for 3-dimensional reconstruction. Particular attention was paid to depiction of the precentral cerebellar vein, superior vermian vein, and internal occipital vein. The data were reviewed and analyzed. RESULTS: The precentral cerebellar vein, superior vermian vein, and its tributary, the supraculminate vein, were depicted in 52 (52%) patients. The internal occipital vein was delineated on 99 (49.5%) sides and joined the basal vein and vein of Galen in 39 (39.4%) and 60 (60.6%) hemispheres, respectively. Comparing these results with previous angiographic studies, the ability of the neuronavigation system for depicting these vessels is similar to that of digital subtraction angiography. CONCLUSION: This study illustrates the possibility of depicting the small vessels draining into the pineal region venous complex using 3-dimensional neuronavigation with an accuracy comparable to that of digital subtraction angiography. This tool provides important information for both surgical planning and intraoperative orientation.


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The aim of this experimental study is to evaluate the feasibility and the outcome of total endovascular stent implantation in the aortic arch. Indications for this operation-technique would be acute or chronic dissection of the aortic arch (non-A-non-B dissection) or type B dissection with retrograde extension. Four pigs were canulated via the distal abdominal aorta and a retrograde placement of a Djumbodis arch stent (4-9 cm) was controlled by using intravascular ultrasound and intracardiac ultrasound by the inferior cava vein and under radioscopic control. Cerebral perfusion, by using a flow meter placed on one prepared carotid artery, were controlled before, immediate post-procedural (<1 min), and in the early follow-up after aortic arch stent implantation. During the implantation process, especially during balloon inflation and deflation, mean carotid perfusion decreases slightly. A reactive increase of carotid perfusion after stent placements indicates transitory cerebral hypo-perfusion. Non-covered aortic arch stent implantation is technically feasible and could be a potential treatment option in otherwise inoperable arch dissections. The time required for balloon inflation and deflation causes an important risk of cerebral ischemia. The latter can be reduced by transaxillary perfusion.


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Background: The domestic animals heart is a conical hollow viscera, surrounded by pericardium, laterally compressed, accompanying the thorax shape. Atriums constituted the heart basis and their auricles partially bound the initial portion of the aorta and pulmonary trunk. In mammals, heart is kept suspended in the thoracic cavity and the pericardic sac is fixed dorsally by great veins and arteries roots, and ventrally fixed to the sternum, although its fixation to the diaphragm varies among species. This paper aimed to describe morphological aspects of the heart of the paca, the second biggest Brazilian rodent.Materials, Methods & Results: There were used 12 hearts of adult pacas for this study, obtained from the UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, which died due fights or anesthesia during bandages or radiograph exams. The thoracic aorta was filled with colored latex and the animal was set in a 10% formaldehyde solution for at least 72 hours. The thoracic cavity was dissected and hearts individualized and measured with a paquimeter, lateromedially, craniocaudally and dorsoventrally. The paca heart is placed between the first and fifth intercostal space (ICS), in a craniocaudal oblique position; its basis is craniodorsally positioned, on the middle third between the first and second ICS and its apex is located near the sternodiaphragmatic joint, on the fifth ICS, tilted to the left antimere. The heart is surrounded by pericardium, which from ventrocaudally is originated the sternopericardic ligament, that continues as phrenopericardic ligament. At the heart basis, the rising of the pulmonary trunk was observed and the conus arteriosus formed a typical projection. The aorta also rised from the heart basis and its arch, which was caudally curved, crossed dorsally the pulmonary trunk; the right cranial and caudal cava veins drained to the right atrium. There is a left cranial cava vein, which surrounded the left atrium and joined the right caudal cava vein on the right atrium. The azygos vein joins the right cranial cava vein and four pulmonary veins drained to the left atrium. At palpation, a hard structure on the rising of the aorta was observed, similarly to a cartilaginous tissue, which would be part of the cardiac skeleton. The left and right coronary arteries were observed in all hearts.Discussion: The paca heart is anatomica and topographically similar to those of domestic mammals, differing from them for being placed one intercostal space more cranial and due to the presence of two cranial cava veins, the left and the right ones, besides the presence of the caudal cava vein. This vascular description is similar to that of small rodents, as rats and mice. In paca heart, the sinus venous, the terminal crest, the oval fossa, the atrioventricular valvae, the papillary muscles and tendinous cords, besides smooth atriums and auricles covered by pectinate muscles, were observed. The sternopericardic ligament, which is dorsally elongated as phrenopericardic ligament, is similar to the one present in humans, pigs, castors, and different from the one observed in carnivorous, that presents the phrenopericardic ligament and from the one of horses and ruminants, which present the sternopericardic ligament.


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo padronizar modelo experimental de estimulação cardíaca artificial atrial em coelhos. Foram utilizados 20 coelhos raça Norfolk-2000 de ambos os sexos com peso mínimo de 2200g. Após anestesia endovenosa com pentobarbital(30mg/Kg), foi dissecada a veia jugular externa esquerda e introduzido eletrodo EthiconÒ especialmente preparado, até átrio direito via veia cava esquerda. Foram realizadas leituras dos parâmetros elétricos(ondaP, resistência e limiar de comando) no ato cirúrgico e com 7, 14 e 21 dias denominados M1,M2, M3 e M4 respectivamente. Observamos diferença significativa em todos as variáveis analisadas entre M1 e demais momentos. Os resultados são compatíveis com o que se conhece de estimulação cardíaca artificial em outras espécies animais e no homem. O presente modelo mostrou ser viável para estudos de estimulação cardíaca artificial.


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In 18 dogs, previously anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital for the surgical preparation, catheterism and monitoring, the action of sodium pentobarbital (7.5 mg/kg) and enflurane (1.5 - 2%) in the liver circulation was studied. Measurements of the following parameters were made in four different times, before and 15, 30 and 60 min after the drug administration. By direct determination: hepatic artery flow, portal vein flow, mean pressure of the abdominal aorta, peripheral arterial pressure (mean), pressure in the caudal cava vein, portal pressure; and by indirect determination: total flow, arterial-cava gradient, portal-cava gradient, resistance in the hepatic artery territory, resistance in the territory of the portal vein, and total resistance. Based on the results, it is concluded that in the experiment's conditions: sodium pentobarbital doesn't change significantly the hepatic circulation, and enflurance produces a fall in the total hepatic flow, by reducing the portal flow, without alterations of the hepatic arterial flow. It diminishes the total hepatic resistance by diminishing the arterial resistance without alterations of the portal resistance; it diminishes the arterial-cava gradient in consequence of the reduction of the abdominal aorta pressure and of the portal pressure, but it seems that the caudal cava pressure is not altered. It also occurs a fall in the peripheral mean pressure.


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Background and Objectives - A controversy exists in the literature regarding the effects of the acute administration of magnesium on the cardiovascular system of animals and humans. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of hypermagnesemia on the cardiovascular hemodynamics of dogs. Methods - Sixteen mongrel dogs were anesthetized with pentobarbitone 30 mg.kg-1 and submitted to volume expansion with Ringer's solution (0.4 ml.kg-1.min-1 and mechanical ventilation with room air. In this model, the hemodynamic repercussions of the following drugs and doses were studied. pentobarbitone 5 mg.kg-1 Group 1, control - and the association of pentobarbitone and magnesium sulphate (MS), at the dose of 140 mg.kg-1 injected in 15 minutes, followed by an infusion of 80 mg.kg-1.h-1 - Group 2. The parameters studied were: heart rate, blood pressure, inferior vena cava pressure, cardiac index, systolic index and peripheral resistance index, evaluated at 5 different moments: 15(M1), 30(M2), 60(M3) and 75(M4) minutes after the first suppplementary dose of pentobarbitone and 15 minutes (M5) after the second supplementary dose. In Group 2, the moments M3, M4, M5 corresponded to 15, 30 and 60 minutes after the priming dose of magnesium sulphate. Results - Group 1 animals exhibited tachycardia since the beginning of the experiment. There was a decrease in the cardiac index, in the systolic index and an increase in the inferior vena cava pressure. Group 2 animals also exhibited tachycardia, but heart rate decreased after MS infusion. The blood pressure and the peripheral resistance index decreased. The systolic index increased and the cardiac index decreased only at the end of the experiment. Conclusions: The antiadrenergic effects of MS could have been responsible for the decrease in heart rate. The vasodilating effects of the magnesium induced the decrease in the peripheral resistance index. The systolic index increased, showing that myocardial depression did not occur.


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Congenital anomalies of heart and large vessels are among more common found in animals, however rare in horses. This survey describes a cardiac anomaly that presents confluence between aorta wall and lung trunk, ramification of caudal cava vein in left atrium with presence of valve and consequently erroneous position of heart in thoracic cavity of one foal found dead after birth. The diagnostic was carried out for macroscopic finds association during the necropsy and histopathologic exams carried out at School of Veterinary Medicine - Unesp Araçatuba.


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB