989 resultados para superficial roughness
The fatigue behavior of the SAE 1045 steel in four different conditions is reported in this paper. Four treatments were tested: polished surface, corrosive atmosphere (sugar cane juice), low quality roughness (typical equivalent surface of the shaft cane mill) and the combined condition of the two last treatments involved. Fatigue tests were performed in rotating bending conditions and the values of fatigue strength for the different situations from tests were obtained. The diminution in fatigue strength for the synergy condition of rough surface and corrosive atmosphere was of 8.7%, result statistically representative with less than 0.01% of uncertainty.
A polyester film has a vast application field, due some properties that are inherent of this kind of material such as, good mechanical resistance, chemical resistance to acids and bases and low production cost. However, this material has some limitations as low superficial tension, flat surface, low affinity to dyers, and poor adhesion which impede the use of the same ones for some finality as good wettability. Among the existent techniques to increase the superficial tension, plasma as energy source is the more promising technique, because of their versatility and for not polluting the environment. The plasma surface polymeric modification has been used for many researchers, because it does not affect the environment with toxic agents, the alterations remains only at nanometric layers and this technique shows expressive results. Then, due to its good acceptance, polyester films were treated with oxygen plasma varying the treatment time from 10 to 60 min with an increase of 10 min to each subsequent treatment. Also, the samples were treated with a gas mixture (nitrogen + oxygen) varying the percentage of each gas the mixture from 0 to 100%, the treatment time remaining constant to all treatments (10 min). After plasma treatment the samples were characterized by contact angle, surface tension, Raman spectroscopy, Infrared attenuated total reflection (IR-ATR) and atomic force microscopy, with the aim to study the wettability increase of treated polyester films as its variables. In the (O2/N2) plasma treatment of polyester films can be observed an increase of superficial roughness superior to those treated by O2 plasma. By the other hand, the chemical modification through the implantation of polar groups at the surface is obtained more easily using O2 plasma treatment
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The application of ultrasonic waves during the initial setting of the glass ionomer cements (GIC) has demonstrated increase of the cure speed, reduction of air bubbles and improves in some mechanical properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the ultrasound on the microhardness and the superficial roughness in two GICs (FUJI IX GP (GC Corporation) and Ketac Molar EasyMix (3M ESPE)). Forty specimens were confectioned, twenty for evaluation of the superficial roughness and twenty for evaluation of the microhardness. Half of them received for thirty seconds the ultrasonic waves application. The readings of the roughness had been carried before and after the toothbrushing test. The twenty remaining specimens had been polished with abrasive sandpapers of decreasing granulations and submitted to the hardness test. The results, analyzed for the variance analysis (ANOVA) (p<0,05), had demonstrated increase of the hardness for all the groups with the application of ultrasonic waves, being bigger for the Ketac Molar EasyMix. The ultrasound application also caused significant reduction of the superficial roughness for the Ketac Molar EasyMix. After the toothbrushing test, this last property increased for all the materials. It could be concluded that the application of ultrasonic waves was effective in increasing the superficial hardness of the materials and that it improved the roughness of the Ketac Molar EasyMix before the toothbrushing test.
To compare the abrasion wear resistance and superficial roughness of different glass ionomer cements used as restorative materials, focusing on a new nanoparticulate material. Material and Method: Three glass ionomer cements were evaluated: Ketac Molar, Ketac N100 and Vitremer (3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA), as well as the Filtek Z350 (3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA). For each material were fabricated circular specimens (n=12), respecting the handling mode specified by the manufacturer, which were polished with sandpaper disks of decreasing grit. The wear was determined by the amount of mass (M) lost after brushing (10,000 cycles) and the roughness (Ra) using a surface roughness tester. The difference between the Minitial and Mfinal (ΔM) as well as beroughness of aesthetic restorative materials: an in vitro comparison. SADJ. 2001; 56(7): 316-20. 11. Yip HK, Peng D, Smales RJ. Effects of APF gel on the physical structure of compomers and glass ionomer cements. Oper. Dent. 2001; 26(3): 231-8. 12. Ma T, Johnson GH, Gordon GE. Effects of chemical disinfectants on the surface characteristics and color of denture resins. J Prosthet Dent 1997; 77(2): 197-204. 13. International organization for standardization. Technical specification 14569-1. Dental Materials – guidance on testing of wear resistance – PART I: wear by tooth brushing. Switzerland: ISO; 1999. 14. Bollen CML, Lambrechts P, Quirynen M. Comparison of surface roughness of oral hard materials to the threshold surface roughness for bacterial plaque retention: a review of the literature. Dent Mater.1997; 13(4): 258-9. 15. Kielbassa AM, Gillmann C, Zantner H, Meyer-Lueckel H, Hellwig E, Schulte-Mönting J. Profilometric and microradiographic studies on the effects of toothpaste and acidic gel abrasivity on sound and demineralized bovine dental enamel. Caries Res. 2005; 39(5): 380-6. 16. Tanoue N, Matsumara H, Atsuta M. Wear and surface roughness of current prosthetic composites after toothbrush/dentifrice abrasion. J Prosthet Dent. 2000; 84(1): 93-7. 17. Heath JR, Wilson HJ. Abrasion of restorative materials by toothpaste. J Oral Rehabil. 1976; 3(2): 121-38. 18. Frazier KB, Rueggeberg FA, Mettenburg DJ. Comparasion of wearresistance of class V restorative materials. J Esthet Dent. 1998; 10(6): 309-14. 19. Momoi Y, Hirosakil K, Kohmol A, McCabe JF. In vitro toothebrushdentifrrice abrasion of resin-modified glass ionomers. Dent Mater. 1997; 13(2): 82-8. 20. Turssi CP, Magalhães CS, Serra MC, Rodrigues Jr.AL. Surface roughness assessment of resin-based materials during brushing preceded by pHcycling simulations. Oper Dent. 2001; 26(6): 576-84. 21. Wang L, Cefaly DF, Dos Santos JL, Dos Santos JR, Lauris JR, Mondelli RF, et al. In vitro interactions between lactic acid solution and art glassionomer cements. J Appl Oral Sci. 2009; 17(4): 274-9. 22. Carvalho FG, Fucio SB, Paula AB, Correr GM, Sinhoreti MA, PuppinRontani RM. Child toothbrush abrasion effect on ionomeric materials. J Dent Child (Chic). 2008; 75(2): 112-6. 23. Coutinho E, Cardoso MV, De Munck J, Neves AA, Van Landuyt KL, Poitevin A, et al. Bonding effectiveness and interfacial characterization of a nano-filled resin-modified glass-ionomer. Dent Mater. 2009; 25(11): 1347-57. tween Rainitial and Rafinal (ΔRa) were also used for statistical analysis (α=0.05). Results: Except for the composite, significant loss of mass was observed for all glass ionomer cements and the ΔM was comparable for all of them. Significant increase in roughness was observed only for Vitremer and Ketac N100. At the end of the brushing cycle, just Vitremer presented surface roughness greater than the composite resin. Conclusion: All glass ionomer cements showed significant weight loss after 10,000 cycles of brushing. However, only Vitremer showed an increase of roughness greater than the Z350 resin, while the nanoparticulate cement Ketac N100 showed a smooth surface comparable to the composite.
The increasing importance of aesthetic in the Dentistry for the patients and the consumers brought a constant rise in the number of products and procedures to facilitate the confection of the dental bleaching. Concomitantly, thone was a sudden increase in the number of research and publications, in vitro and in vivo, about its possible adverse reactions. Through literature revision this study aims to verify the possible morphologic alterations of the submitted enamel and dentine with different bleaching agents making critical analysis of the results of the current research with relation to the study of the microhardness and superficial roughness.
The study evaluated the influence of light curing units and immersion media on superficial roughness and microhardness of the nanofilled composite resin Supreme XT (3M/ESPE). Light curing units used were: XL 3000 (3M/ESPE), Jet Lite 4000 Plus (JMorita) and Ultralume Led 5 (Ultradent) and immersion media were artificial saliva, Coke®, tea and coffee, totaling 12 experimental groups. Specimens (10mm x 2mm) were immersed in each respective solution for 5 seconds, three times a day, during 60 days and so, were submitted to measure of superficial roughness (Ra) and Vickers hardness. Data were subjected to two-way ANOVA test (p<0.05). Results showed that only the light source factor showed statistically difference for hardness. It was observed that the hardness of the composite resin Filtek Supreme XT (3M/ESPE) was influenced by the light source (p<0.01) independently of the immersion media (p= 0.35) and the Jet Lite 4000 Plus (JMorita) was the light curing unit that presented lower values. In relation to surface roughness, it was noted no-significant statistical difference for light source (p=0.84), when specimens were immersed in different beverages (p=0.35).
A polyester film has a vast application field, due some properties that are inherent of this kind of material such as, good mechanical resistance, chemical resistance to acids and bases and low production cost. However, this material has some limitations as low superficial tension, flat surface, low affinity to dyers, and poor adhesion which impede the use of the same ones for some finality as good wettability. Among the existent techniques to increase the superficial tension, plasma as energy source is the more promising technique, because of their versatility and for not polluting the environment. The plasma surface polymeric modification has been used for many researchers, because it does not affect the environment with toxic agents, the alterations remains only at nanometric layers and this technique shows expressive results. Then, due to its good acceptance, polyester films were treated with oxygen plasma varying the treatment time from 10 to 60 min with an increase of 10 min to each subsequent treatment. Also, the samples were treated with a gas mixture (nitrogen + oxygen) varying the percentage of each gas the mixture from 0 to 100%, the treatment time remaining constant to all treatments (10 min). After plasma treatment the samples were characterized by contact angle, surface tension, Raman spectroscopy, Infrared attenuated total reflection (IR-ATR) and atomic force microscopy, with the aim to study the wettability increase of treated polyester films as its variables. In the (O2/N2) plasma treatment of polyester films can be observed an increase of superficial roughness superior to those treated by O2 plasma. By the other hand, the chemical modification through the implantation of polar groups at the surface is obtained more easily using O2 plasma treatment
The presence of pores in ceramics is directly related to the chosen forming process. So, in the starch consolidation method, the ceramics show, after burning, pores with morphology similar to that presented by this organic material. on the other hand, the increase in solid load leads up to alterations in dispersion viscosity, increasing the thermal stresses during drying and sintering processes. In order to verify the solid percentage influence in ceramic final properties, samples were prepared with silicon carbide in different compositions using or not starch as binder agent and pore forming element. The characterization of the ceramic pieces was performed by superficial roughness measurements, porosity besides by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed ceramics with SiC and starch presented physical and microscopic properties slightly higher in relation to those with only ceramic powder in their composition. The presence of organic material, agglomerated and foam during the forming were essential for the final properties of the studied samples.
Atualmente a preocupação ambiental está fazendo com que as empresas busquem diminuir os impactos ambientais por elas causados, ao mesmo tempo em que melhoram a qualidade do produto e processos de fabricação. Logo, muitas pesquisas estão sendo desenvolvidas na área de usinagem para se analisar o real dano ao meio ambiente quando usados diferentes métodos de lubri-refrigeração. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a qualidade da peça produzida e o desgaste do ferramental de corte de uma retificadora plana ao se usinar cerâmica de alumina com dois métodos distintos de aplicação de fluido de corte: método convencional com vazão de 458,3 mL/h e o método da mínima quantidade de lubrificação (MQL) com 100 mL/h. A partir dos resultados obtidos pode-se constatar que para os mesmos parâmetros de usinagem a técnica do MQL utilizou uma quantidade muito menor de fluido e garantiu bons resultados de desgaste diametral do rebolo. No entanto, a qualidade da peça foi bem pior para o método do MQL em relação a técnica de refrigeração convencional. Estes resultados mostraram que se utilizando formas alternativas de lubrificação para reduzir o uso do fluido de corte, são possíveis dependendo de quais fatores são mais importantes para o processo que se deseja. Nesse sentido, se o método do MQL fosse adotado pelas empresas dependentes da retificação, certamente iria trazer, de um lado, benefícios quanto a problemas de descarte e reciclagem de fluido de corte, mas por outro lado, levaria a uma menor qualidade superficial das peças.