951 resultados para sunflower oils


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A possibilidade de utilização de várias matérias graxas na produção do biodiesel nacional é um fator diferencial em relação aos outros países e requer um conhecimento mais profundo das particularidades do biodiesel obtido a partir de matérias-primas tão distintas. Neste contexto, se insere a presente pesquisa, em que se buscou estabelecer correlações entre algumas propriedades do biodiesel e a fonte oleaginosa que lhe deu origem. O biodiesel foi obtido a partir da reação de transesterificação etílica de dez diferentes matérias-primas graxas (óleos refinados de soja, arroz, canola, girassol, milho, oliva, cyclus (mistura contendo óleos de canola, milho e girassol); óleos brutos de mamona e murumuru, além de resíduo de fritura), utilizando etanolato de potássio como agente catalítico, em um reator com sistema de refluxo a 70C durante uma hora. Após purificação, foram determinadas algumas propriedades do biodiesel (massa específica, viscosidade, índice de acidez e índice de iodo) e da matéria-prima (massa específica, viscosidade, índice de acidez, índice de iodo e composição) que lhe deu origem. Os resultados obtidos nas caracterizações geraram gráficos de correlações entre os diversos parâmetros e os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo método de correlações canônicas. Para todas as amostras de biodiesel, os valores obtidos nas caracterizações foram compatíveis com as especificações estabelecidas pela ANP para o produto, com exceção do biodiesel de murumuru (índice de acidez elevado e viscosidade baixa) e do biodiesel de mamona (viscosidade e massa específica elevadas). Os dados estatísticos demonstram altas correlações entre o biodiesel (massa específica (87,4%), viscosidade (98,5%) e índice de acidez (82,8%)) e as matérias-primas (massa específica (92,1%) e viscosidade (99,3%)). Além disso, existe uma grande correlação entre o índice de iodo (84,5%) do biodiesel e o índice de iodo (77,2%) e a massa molar dos ésteres na faixa de C16-C18 (MMTG) presentes na matéria-prima (89,1%). Estes resultados estatísticos ratificam as observações analíticas


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The preparation of nonaqueous microemulsions using food-acceptable components is reported. The effect of oil on the formation of microemulsions stabilized by lecithin (Epikuron 200) and containing propylene glycol as immiscible solvent was investigated. When the triglycerides were used as oil, three types of phase behavior were noted, namely, a two-phase cloudy region (occurring at low lecithin concentrations), a liquid crystalline (LC) phase (occurring at high surfactant and low oil concentrations), and a clear monophasic microemulsion region. The extent of this clear one-phase region was found to be dependent upon the molecular volume of the oil being solubilized. Large molecular volume oils, such as soybean and sunflower oils, produced a small microemulsion region, whereas the smallest molecular volume triglyceride, tributyrin, produced a large, clear monophasic region. Use of the ethyl ester, ethyl oleate, as oil produced a clear, monophasic region of a size comparable to that seen with tributyrin. Substitution of some of the propylene glycol with water greatly reduced the extent of the clear one-phase region and increased the extent of the liquid crystalline region. In contrast, ethanol enhanced the clear, monophasic region by decreasing the LC phase. Replacement of some of the lecithin with the micelle-forming nonionic surfactant Tween 80 to produce mixed lecithin/Tween 80 mixtures of weight ratios (Km) 1:2 and 1:3 did not significantly alter the phase behavior, although there was a marginal increase in the area of the two-phase, cloudy region of the phase diagram. The use of the lower phosphatidylcholine content lecithin, Epikuron 170, in place of Epikuron 200 resulted in a reduction in the LC region for all of the systems investigated. In conclusion, these studies show that it is possible to prepare one-phase, clear lecithin-based microemulsions over a wide range of compositions using components that are food-acceptable.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a medida da estabilidade oxidativa e a alteração total dos óleos de algodão, girassol e palma durante a fritura descontínua de mandioca palito congelada. As frituras foram conduzidas em uma fritadeira elétrica doméstica, onde o óleo foi aquecido, à temperatura de 180°C, por 25 h, com reposição de óleo fresco. Para a análise da estabilidade oxidativa das amostras de óleos, obtidas durante as frituras, foram realizadas a medida do período de indução (horas) e determinação de compostos polares totais (%). Os resultados mostraram uma diminuição do período de indução, independente do tipo de óleo. O óleo de palma refinado apresentou um maior período de indução quando comparado ao óleo de algodão e girassol, o que pode ser atribuído à diferença da composição em ácidos graxos. Todos os óleos em estudo apresentaram valores de compostos polares totais abaixo do limite de descarte para óleos de fritura, exigido pela legislação internacional (24-27%). Verificou-se também que, à medida que se formaram os compostos de degradação, diminuiu a estabilidade oxidativa dos óleos.


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Sunflower oil (SO) and high-oleic sunflower oil (HOSO) were used to prepare fried potatoes by either discontinuous or continuous laboratory frying. Fried potatoes that had been fried in oils of differing quality were stored at 60 degrees C for up to 30 d and evaluated for polar compounds, polymers, peroxide value, oil stability index, and alpha-tocopherol content. Results obtained through the various methods applied were consistent and indicated that the length of the induction period could not be explained only on the basis of the degree of unsaturation or polar compound levels in fried potatoes before storage. alpha-Tocopherol content also had a significant influence as potatoes fried in HOSO, with 16% polar compounds and only 10 mg/kg alpha-tocopherol at the starting point of storage, were oxidized more rapidly than potatoes fried in SO with a comparatively higher degradation level, 19% polar compounds, and 100 mg/kg alpha-tocopherol.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A oleuropeína é o composto fenólico mais abundante presente nas folhas da oliveira, sendo que muitos estudos vêm demonstrando que este composto apresenta importantes propriedades antimicrobiana, antioxidante, anti-inflamatória, entre outras, surgindo o interesse em estudos de métodos para sua extração e aplicação em produtos na área alimentícia, cosmética e farmacêutica. O objetivo deste estudo foi a extração da oleuropeína à partir de folhas de oliva, utilizando solvente não tóxico, para posterior aplicação dos extratos em óleos vegetais a fim de se verificar seu efeito sobre a estabilidade oxidativa dos mesmos. O solvente selecionado para o estudo foi uma mistura de etanol e água (70:30, em massa, condição obtida através de um trabalho prévio), na presença de 1 % de ácido acético. Em uma primeira etapa, foram realizados experimentos de extração utilizando-se as técnicas de maceração (tipo I) e ultrassom (tipo II), em diferentes condições de temperatura (20, 30, 40, 50 e 60°C). Em uma segunda etapa, através de experimentos com maceração à temperatura ambiente, estudou-se o efeito da razão folhas:solvente (1:8, 1:6 e 1:3) e a influência da presença de ácido acético sobre o processo de extração (tipo III). Por fim, realizando-se a maceração na presença de ácido acético, temperatura ambiente e proporção folhas: solvente igual a 1:3, realizaram-se extrações sequenciadas a partir de uma mesma matéria-prima (tipo IV). Os resultados desses experimentos foram expressos em rendimento de oleuropeína (RO), teor de oleuropeína nos extratos (TO) e rendimento global (RG). Analisando-se os experimentos I e II, verificou-se que a temperatura não exerceu influência significativa sobre as respostas RO, TO e RG. Além disso, verificou-se que os valores das respostas para os experimentos com a maceração foram um pouco maiores do que os valores obtidos para as extrações com o auxílio do ultrassom. Nos experimentos tipo III, em linhas gerais, observou-se a influência positiva da presença do ácido acético sobre as respostas estudadas. Verificou-se também que, na presença de ácido, o aumento da quantidade de solvente na extração conduz ao aumento de RO e RG, e à diminuição de TO. Através do experimento tipo IV, constatou-se que mesmo após quatro extrações sequenciadas, ainda não foi possível esgotar a oleuropeína da matéria-prima. Após a obtenção de todos os extratos hidroalcoólicos, selecionou-se um contendo aproximadamente 19 % de oleuropeína para o estudo da estabilidade oxidativa em óleos vegetais (oliva e girassol) utilizando o método Rancimat. A presença de extrato aumentou em 3 horas o tempo de indução do azeite de oliva extra-virgem, e em 2 horas o tempo de indução do azeite de oliva comum. Os óleos de girassol bruto e refinado não apresentaram melhora na estabilidade oxidativa quando adicionados dos extratos. Foram realizados também testes de estabilidade oxidativa através da adição direta de folhas de oliva em pó nos azeites de oliva extra-virgem e comum. Para o azeite extra-virgem, a adição das folhas não proporcionou melhora da estabilidade oxidativa, porém para o azeite comum, houve um aumento de mais de 2 horas no tempo de indução.Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho demonstraram que é possível obter extratos contendo teores significativos de oleuropeína utilizando-se um solvente renovável. Além disso, constatou-se que os mesmos podem ser utilizados como um antioxidante natural em azeite de oliva, melhorando sua estabilidade oxidativa.


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Vegetable oils are characterized as important raw materials in the supplying of natural substances of interest pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industry. Sunflower oil stands out for its important composition present in unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid (C18:1) and linoleic (C18:2), responsible for many health benefits. The main objective of this study is obtain enriched fractions in unsaturated compounds from refined sunflower oil. The oil used in this study was characterized by the determination of some properties, like iodine number, acid number and viscosity. A transesterification was done to transform the triglycerides into their corresponding methyl esters of fatty acids. These was submitted the molecular distillation process, for present as an efficient alternative to separation and purification of these substances, using high vacuum and low temperatures. Of the esters fractions that was obtained, were analyzed by gas chromatography. The experimental design technique was used to evaluate the influence of the temperature variation of evaporation and condensation system on the percentage obtained residue. The evaporator temperature proved to be the most influential variable on the studied response. The optimized conditions for the answer was studied at 100 °C for evaporator temperature and 10 °C for the condenser temperature. The graph of "split ratio" showed that for the lowest flow feed (1 mL/min) and higher evaporator temperature (110 °C) was obtained in the largest fraction of distillate. It also used the study of the influence of evaporator temperature on the concentration of unsaturated compounds. The best operating conditions for temperature was 90 °C reached 82.21 % of unsaturated compounds. Elimination curves of the unsaturated compounds present in the distillate stream were obtained. The simulation results of the molecular distillation process of sunflower oil showed the concentration profiles for three different feed flow rates. The speed, temperature and thickness profiles of the liquid film were obtained. The speed of the film increases as the fluid flows through the walls of the evaporator, reaching a maximum on length of 0.075 m. The film thickness decreases on the route, since many compounds are volatilized. The result of the temperature profile had to be consistent with the literature reproduced, being constant after reaching the maximum operating temperature in the length of 0.15 m. This study allowed characterizing and focusing, through experimental analysis, unsaturated compounds and observing the sunflower oil´s behavior through process simulation.


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Vegetable oils are characterized as important raw materials in the supplying of natural substances of interest pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industry. Sunflower oil stands out for its important composition present in unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid (C18:1) and linoleic (C18:2), responsible for many health benefits. The main objective of this study is obtain enriched fractions in unsaturated compounds from refined sunflower oil. The oil used in this study was characterized by the determination of some properties, like iodine number, acid number and viscosity. A transesterification was done to transform the triglycerides into their corresponding methyl esters of fatty acids. These was submitted the molecular distillation process, for present as an efficient alternative to separation and purification of these substances, using high vacuum and low temperatures. Of the esters fractions that was obtained, were analyzed by gas chromatography. The experimental design technique was used to evaluate the influence of the temperature variation of evaporation and condensation system on the percentage obtained residue. The evaporator temperature proved to be the most influential variable on the studied response. The optimized conditions for the answer was studied at 100 °C for evaporator temperature and 10 °C for the condenser temperature. The graph of "split ratio" showed that for the lowest flow feed (1 mL/min) and higher evaporator temperature (110 °C) was obtained in the largest fraction of distillate. It also used the study of the influence of evaporator temperature on the concentration of unsaturated compounds. The best operating conditions for temperature was 90 °C reached 82.21 % of unsaturated compounds. Elimination curves of the unsaturated compounds present in the distillate stream were obtained. The simulation results of the molecular distillation process of sunflower oil showed the concentration profiles for three different feed flow rates. The speed, temperature and thickness profiles of the liquid film were obtained. The speed of the film increases as the fluid flows through the walls of the evaporator, reaching a maximum on length of 0.075 m. The film thickness decreases on the route, since many compounds are volatilized. The result of the temperature profile had to be consistent with the literature reproduced, being constant after reaching the maximum operating temperature in the length of 0.15 m. This study allowed characterizing and focusing, through experimental analysis, unsaturated compounds and observing the sunflower oil´s behavior through process simulation.


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Liquid-liquid equilibrium experimental data for refined sunflower seed oil, artificially acidified with commercial oleic acid or commercial linoleic acid and a solvent (ethanol + water), were determined at 298.2 K. This set of experimental data and the experimental data from Cuevas et al.,(1) which were obtained from (283.2 to 333.2) K, for degummed sunflower seed oil-containing systems were correlated using NRTL and UNIQUAC models with temperature-dependent binary parameters. The deviation between experimental and calculated compositions presented average values of (1.13 and 1.41) % for NRTL and UNIQUAC equations, respectively, indicating that the models were able to correctly describe the behavior of compounds under different temperature and solvent hydration.


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Vegetable oils are used in the industry of processed food, including deep-fat frying. This work determined data on the thermophysical properties of cotton, canola, sunflower, corn, and soybean oils. Thermal conductivity, heat capacity, density, and viscosity were measured within the temperature range of 299.15-433.15 K. The data showed that the temperature influenced the thermophysical properties of the oils studied. The developed correlations could be used to predict these properties within the range of temperatures studied. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The objective in this experiment was to determine the effects of feeding diets with canola, sunflower or castor oils on intake, nutrient apparent digestibility and ruminal constituents of crossbred Dorper x Santa Ines sheep. Four rumen-cannulated animals of 90.2 +/- 11.4 kg average body weight were assigned to a 4 x 4 latin square. Animals remained individually in cages for the metabolism assay and were fed diets containing roughage at 500 g/kg and concentrate based on ground corn and soybean meal also at 500 g/kg. No oil was added to the control diet, whereas the others had canola, sunflower or castor oils at 30 g/kg (DM basis). There was no difference for the intake of DM and nutrients, except for ether extract, which was greater when animals received oil. The digestibility coefficients of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, non-fiber carbohydrates and neutral detergent fiber were not changed; however, the addition of oil increased the ether extract digestibility. The values of total digestible nutrients (TDN, g/kg of DM), digestible energy (DE, Mcal/kg of DM), TDN intake and DE intake also did not change with the addition of lipids. Concerning the ruminal constituents, the addition of vegetable oils reduced the concentrations of acetate, butyrate and total short-chain fatty acids. Adding canola, sunflower or castor oils at 30 g/kg in diets with 500 g roughage/kg and 500 g concentrate/kg does not impair the intake or digestibility of nutrients in sheep, although it reduces the concentration of short-chain fatty acids in the rumen.


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Dissertação de mest., Qualidade em Análises, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2013


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Poor cold flow properties of vegetable oils are a major problem preventing the usage of many abundantly available vegetable oils as base stocks for industrial lubricants. The major objective of this research is to improve the cold flow properties of vegetable oils by various techniques like additive addition and different chemical modification processes. Conventional procedure for determining pour point is ASTM D97 method. ASTM D97 method is time consuming and reproducibility of pour point temperatures is poor between laboratories. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is a fast, accurate and reproducible method to analyze the thermal activities during cooling/heating of oil. In this work coconut oil has been chosen as representative vegetable oil for the analysis and improvement cold flow properties since it is abundantly available in the tropics and has a very high pour point of 24 °C. DSC is used for the analysis of unmodified and modified vegetable oil. The modified oils (with acceptable pour points) were then subjected to different tests for the valuation of important lubricant properties such as viscometric, tribological (friction and wear properties), oxidative and corrosion properties.A commercial polymethacrylate based PPD was added in different percentages and the pour points were determined in each case. Styrenated phenol(SP) was added in different concentration to coconut oil and each solution was subjected to ASTM D97 test and analysis by DSC. Refined coconut oil and other oils like castor oil, sunflower oil and keranja oil were mixed in different proportions and interesterification procedure was carried out. Interesterification of coconut oil with other vegetable oils was not found to be effective in lowering the pour point of coconut oil as the reduction attained was only to the extent of 2 to 3 °C.Chemical modification by acid catalysed condensation reaction with coconut oil castor oil mixture resulted in significant reduction of pour point (from 24 ºC to -3 ºC). Instead of using triacylglycerols, when their fatty acid derivatives (lauric acid- the major fatty acid content of coconut oil and oleic acid- the major fatty acid constituents of monoand poly- unsaturated vegetable oils like olive oil, sunflower oil etc.) were used for the synthesis , the pour point could be brought down to -42 ºC. FTIR and NMR spectroscopy confirmed the ester structure of the product which is fundamental to the biodegradability of vegetable oils. The tribological performance of the synthesised product with a suitable AW/EP additive was comparable to the commercial SAE20W30 oil. The viscometric properties (viscosity and viscosity index) were also (with out additives) comparable to commercial lubricants. The TGA experiment confirmed the better oxidative performance of the product compared to vegetable oils. The sample passed corrosion test as per ASTM D130 method.


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Poor glucose tolerance may be an under-researched contributory factor in the high (10% to 20%) pre-weaning mortality rate observed in pigs. Insulin resistance commences at around week 12 of gestation in the sow, although there are conflicting reports in the literature about the extent to which insulin resistance is modulated by maternal diet. The aim of the study was to determine the effects of supplementing the maternal diet with different dietary oils during either the first half or the second half of gestation on the glucose tolerance of the sow. Sows were offered the control (C: n = 5) diet as pellets or the C diet plus 10% extra energy (h = 16 per group) derived from either. (i) extra pellets; (ii) palm oil; (iii) olive oil; (iv) sunflower oil; or (v) fish oil. Experimental diets were fed during either the first (G1) or second (G2) half of gestation. A glucose tolerance test (GTT) was conducted on day 108 of gestation by administering 0.5g/kg glucose i.v. Blood samples were taken every 5 to 10 min for 90 min post administration. The change in body weight and backfat thickness during gestation was similar but both type and timing of dietary supplementation influenced litter size and weight. With the exception of the sunflower oil group, supplementing the maternal diet in G1 resulted in larger and heavier litters, particularly in mothers offered palm oil. Basal blood glucose concentrations tended to be more elevated in G1 than G2 groups, whilst plasma insulin concentrations were similar Following a GTT, the adjusted area under the curve was greater in G1 compared to G2 sows, despite no differences in glucose clearance. Maternal diet appeared to influence the relationship between glucose curve characteristics following a GTT and litter outcome. In conclusion, the degree of insulin sensitivity can be altered by both the period during which maternal nutritional supplementation is offered and the fatty acid profile of the diet.


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Free fatty acids are known for playing a crucial role in the development of insulin resistance. High fat intake is known for impairing insulin sensitivity; however, the effect of vegetable-oil injections have never been investigated. The present study investigated the effects of daily subcutaneous injections (100 mu L) of soybean (SB) and sunflower (SF) oils, during 7 days. Both treated groups developed insulin resistance as assessed by insulin tolerance test. The mechanism underlying the SB- and SF-induced insulin resistance was shown to involve GLUT4. In SB- and SF-treated animals, the GLUT4 protein expression was reduced similar to 20% and 10 min after an acute it? vivo stimulus with insulin, the plasma membrane GLUT4 content was similar to 60% lower in white adipose tissue (WAT). No effects were observed in skeletal muscle. Additionally, both oil treatments increased mainly the content of palmitic acid (similar to 150%) in WAT, which can contribute to explain the GLUT4 regulations. Altogether, the present study collects evidence that those oil treatments might generate insulin resistance by targeting GLUT4 expression and translocation specifically in WAT. These alterations are likely to be caused due to the specific local increase in saturated fatty acids that occurred as a consequence of oil daily injections. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.