998 resultados para substrate inhibition


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Phosphofructokinase-1 and -2 (Pfk-1 and Pfk-2, respectively) from Escherichia coli belong to different homologous superfamilies. However, in spite of the lack of a common ancestor, they share the ability to catalyze the same reaction and are inhibited by the substrate MgATP. Pfk-2, an ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase member of the ribokinase-like superfamily, is a homodimer of 66 kDa subunits whose oligomerization state is necessary for catalysis and stability. The presence of MgATP favors the tetrameric form of the enzyme. In this work, we describe the structure of Pfk-2 in its inhibited tetrameric form, with each subunit bound to two ATP molecules and two Mg ions. The present structure indicates that substrate inhibition occurs due to the sequential binding of two MgATP molecules per subunit, the first at the usual site occupied by the nucleotide in homologous enzymes and the second at the allosteric site, making a number of direct and Mg-mediated interactions with the first. Two configurations are observed for the second MgATP, one of which involves interactions with Tyr23 from the adjacent subunit in the dimer and the other making an unusual non-Watson-Crick base pairing with the adenine in the substrate ATP. The oligomeric state observed in the crystal is tetrameric, and some of the structural elements involved in the binding of the Substrate and allosteric ATPs are also participating in the dimer-dimer interface. This structure also provides the grounds to compare analogous features of the nonhomologous phosphofructokinases from E. coli. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Effect of calcium and magnesium ions was studied in detail in batch mode in shake flask cultures of two fast growing strains of thraustochytrids (Aurantiochytrium sp. DBTIOC-18 and Schizochytrium sp. DBTIOC-1) for biomass and lipid production. These strains were previously isolated from Indian marine biodiversity. Screening of these two strains on different carbon and nitrogen sources revealed the suitability of glycerol over glucose and sodium nitrate over yeast extract for the cultivation of these strains. The presence of higher concentration of glycerol in the medium inhibited the glycerol utilization by the cell thus resulting in lower biomass and lipid production in both the strains. Supplementing media with calcium and magnesium ions promoted glycerol utilization thus resulted in a substantial rise in volumetric production of biomass (55.12 g L-1, 48.12 g L-1), fatty acid for biodiesel (27.14 g L-1, 22.15 g L-1) and docosahexaenoic acid (14.57 g L-1, 10.12 g L-1) with both strains Aurantiochytrium sp. DBTIOC-18 and Schizochytrium sp. DBTIOC-1, respectively. Growth profile study of these two strains showed further improvement in production of biomass, fatty acid for biodiesel and docosahexaenoic acid when cultures were extended up to 7 days. Finding of this work underlines the importance of calcium and magnesium salts in designing new fermentation strategies to prevent substrate inhibition and achieve high cell density culture under high nutrient concentration especially carbon sources.


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Human SULT1A1 is primarily responsible for sulfonation of xenobiotics, including the activation of promutagens, and it has been implicated in several forms of cancer. Human SULT1A3 has been shown to be the major sulfotransferase that sulfonates dopamine. These two enzymes shares 93% amino acid sequence identity and have distinct but overlapping substrate preferences. The resolution of the crystal structures of these two enzymes has enabled us to elucidate the mechanisms controlling their substrate preferences and inhibition. The presence of two p-nitrophenol (pNP) molecules in the crystal structure of SULT1A1 was postulated to explain cooperativity at low and inhibition at high substrate concentrations, respectively. In SULT1A1, substrate inhibition occurs with pNP as the substrate but not with dopamine. For SULT1A3, substrate inhibition is found for dopamine but not with pNP. We investigated how substrate inhibition occurs in these two enzymes using molecular modeling, site-directed mutagenesis, and kinetic analysis. The results show that residue Phe-247 of SULT1A1, which interacts with both p-nitrophenol molecules in the active site, is important for substrate inhibition. Mutation of phenylalanine to leucine at this position in SULT1A1 results in substrate inhibition by dopamine. We also propose, based on modeling and kinetic studies, that substrate inhibition by dopamine in SULT1A3 is caused by binding of two dopamine molecules in the active site. © 2004 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.


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Substrate inhibition by ATP is a regulatory feature of the phosphofructokinases isoenzymes from Escherichia coli (Pfk-1 and Pfk-2). Under gluconeogenic conditions, the loss of this regulation in Pfk-2 causes substrate cycling of fructose-6-phosphate (fructose-6-P) and futile consumption of ATP delaying growth. In the present work, we have broached the mechanism of ATP-induced inhibition of Pfk-2 from both structural and kinetic perspectives. The crystal structure of Pfk-2 in complex with fructose-6-P is reported to a resolution of 2 angstrom. The comparison of this structure with the previously reported inhibited form of the enzyme suggests a negative interplay between fructose-6-P binding and allosteric binding of MgATP. Initial velocity experiments show a linear increase of the apparent K(0.5) for fructose-6-P and a decrease in the apparent k(cat) as a function of MgATP concentration. These effects occur simultaneously with the induction of a sigmoidal kinetic behavior (n(H) of approximately 2). Differences and resemblances in the patterns of fructose-6-P binding and the mechanism of inhibition are discussed for Pfk-1 and Pfk-2, as an example of evolutionary convergence, because these enzymes do not share a common ancestor.


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BACKGROUND: Starches are the major source of dietary glucose in weaned children and adults. However, small intestine alpha-glucogenesis by starch digestion is poorly understood due to substrate structural and chemical complexity, as well as the multiplicity of participating enzymes. Our objective was dissection of luminal and mucosal alpha-glucosidase activities participating in digestion of the soluble starch product maltodextrin (MDx). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Immunoprecipitated assays were performed on biopsy specimens and isolated enterocytes with MDx substrate. RESULTS: Mucosal sucrase-isomaltase (SI) and maltase-glucoamylase (MGAM) contributed 85% of total in vitro alpha-glucogenesis. Recombinant human pancreatic alpha-amylase alone contributed <15% of in vitro alpha-glucogenesis; however, alpha-amylase strongly amplified the mucosal alpha-glucogenic activities by preprocessing of starch to short glucose oligomer substrates. At low glucose oligomer concentrations, MGAM was 10 times more active than SI, but at higher concentrations it experienced substrate inhibition whereas SI was not affected. The in vitro results indicated that MGAM activity is inhibited by alpha-amylase digested starch product "brake" and contributes only 20% of mucosal alpha-glucogenic activity. SI contributes most of the alpha-glucogenic activity at higher oligomer substrate concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: MGAM primes and SI activity sustains and constrains prandial alpha-glucogenesis from starch oligomers at approximately 5% of the uninhibited rate. This coupled mucosal mechanism may contribute to highly efficient glucogenesis from low-starch diets and play a role in meeting the high requirement for glucose during children's brain maturation. The brake could play a constraining role on rates of glucose production from higher-starch diets consumed by an older population at risk for degenerative metabolic disorders.


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Two divergent genes encoding fructokinase, Frk1 and Frk2, have been previously shown to be expressed in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) and have now been further characterized with regard to their spatial expression and the enzymic properties of the encoded proteins. Frk1 and Frk2 mRNA levels were coordinately induced by exogenous sugar, indicating that both belong to the growing class of sugar-regulated genes. However, in situ hybridization indicated that Frk1 and Frk2 were expressed in a spatially distinct manner, with Frk2 mRNA primarily localized in cells of the fruit pericarp, which store starch, and Frk1 mRNA distributed ubiquitously in pericarp tissue. To evaluate the biochemical characteristics of the products of the Frk1 and Frk2 genes, each cDNA was expressed in a mutant yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) line defective in hexose phosphorylation and unable to grow on glucose or fructose (Fru). Both Frk1 and Frk2 proteins expressed in yeast conferred the ability to grow on Fru and exhibited fructokinase activity in vitro. Although both Frk1 and Frk2 both utilized Fru as a substrate, only Frk2 activity was inhibited at high Fru concentrations. These results indicate that Frk2 can be distinguished from Frk1 by its sensitivity to substrate inhibition and by its temporal and spatial pattern of expression, which suggests that it plays a primary role in plant cells specialized for starch storage.


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L-Amino acid oxidases (LAAOs) are useful catalysts for the deracemisation of racemic amino acid sub-strates when combined with abiotic reductants. The gene nadB encoding the L-aspartate amino acid oxidase from Pseudomonas putida (PpLASPO) has been cloned and expressed in E. coli. The purified PpLASPO enzyme displayed a K M for l-aspartic acid of 2.26 mM and a k cat = 10.6 s −1 , with lower activity also displayed towards L-asparagine, for which pronounced substrate inhibition was also observed. The pH optimum of the enzyme was recorded at pH 7.4. The enzyme was stable for 60 min at up to 40 • C, but rapid losses in activity were observed at 50 • C. A mutational analysis of the enzyme, based on its sequence homology with the LASPO from E. coli of known structure, appeared to confirm roles in substrate binding or catalysis for residues His244, His351, Arg386 and Arg290 and also for Thr259 and Gln242. The high activity of the enzyme, and its promiscuous acceptance of both L-asparagine and L-glutamate as substrates, if with low activity, suggests that PpLASPO may provide a good model enzyme for evolution studies towards AAOs of altered or improved properties in the future.


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Fusobacterium necrophorum is a causative agent of Lemierre’s syndrome (LS) in humans. LS is characterised by thrombophlebitis of the jugular vein and bacteraemia. Disseminated intravascular coagulation is also a documented symptom. F. necrophorum is a Gram-negative, anaerobic bacterium known to possess virulence genes such as a haemolysin, filamentous haemagglutinin and leukotoxin, which target host blood components. Ecotin is a serine protease inhibitor that has not previously been characterised in F. necrophorum, but in E.coli has been shown to have a potent anticoagulant effect. Next generation and Sanger sequencing were used to confirm the presence of the ecotin gene in the genomes of a collection of F. necrophorum clinical and reference strains. When translated, it was found to be a highly conserved protein made up of159 amino acids. Enzyme/substrate inhibition assays demonstrated that F. necrophorum ecotin inhibits human plasma kallikrein and human neutrophil elastase in a dose-dependent manner. Data will also be presented on the anticoagulant effects of ecotin during activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin time and prothrombin time tests on human donor blood. The mechanisms for how this organism reaches the bloodstream and the significance of this serine protease inhibitor during F. necrophorum infections remain to be elucidated


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Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and malic enzyme activities in soluble protein extracts of Avena coleoptiles were investigated to determine whether their kinetics were consistent with a role in cytosol pH regulation. Malic enzyme activity was specific for NADP+ and Mn2+. Maximal labelled product formation from [14C]-substrates required the presence of all coenzymes, cofactors and substrates. Plots of rate versus malate concentration, and linear transformations there- 2 of, indicated typical Michaelis-Menten kinetics at non-saturating malate levels and substrate inhibition at higher malate levels. pH increases between 6.5 and 7.25 increased near-optimal activity, decreased the degree of substrate inhibition and the Kmapp(Mn2+) but did not affect the Vmax or Kmapp(malate). Transformed data of PEPC activity demonstrated non-linear plots indicative of non-Michaelian kinetics. pH increases between 7.0 and 7.6 increased the Vmax and decreased the Km app (Mg2+) but did not affect the Kmapp(PEP). Various carboxylic acids and phosphorylated sugars inhibited PEPC and malic enzyme activities, and these effects decreased with pH increases. Metabolite inhibited malic enzyme activity was non-competitive and resulted mainly from Mn2+ chelation. In contrast, metabolite inhibited PEPC activity was unique for each compound tested, being variously dependent on the PEP concentration and the pH employed. These results indicate that fluctuations in pH and metabolite levels affect PEPC and malic enzyme activities similarly and that 3 the in vitro properties of PEPC are consistent with its proposed role in a pH-stat, whereas the in vitro properties of the malic enzyme cannot be interpreted in terms of a role in pH regulation.


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Different culture conditions for Protaminobacter rubrum and enzymatic reaction parameters were evaluated with the goal of improving isomaltulose production. P. rubrum was grown in a medium with 1% (w/v) cane molasses and 0.5% yeast extract and achieved a maximum cell yield Y(x/s) of 0.295 g of cells/g sucrose and a specific growth rate (mu) of 0.192 h(-1). The immobilization of P. rubrum cells was carried out with calcium alginate, glutaraldehyde and polyethyleneimine. Stabile immobilized cell pellets were obtained and used 24 times in batch processes. Enzymatic conversion was carried out at different sucrose concentrations and in pH 6 medium with 70% (w/v) sucrose at 30 degrees C an isomaltulose yield of 89-94% (w/v) was obtained. The specific activity of the P. rubrum immobilized pellets in calcium alginate at 30 degrees C ranged from 1.6 to 4.0 g isomaltulose g(-1) pellet h(-1), respectively with 70% and 65% sucrose solution, while in lower sucrose concentration had higher specific activities presumably due to substrate inhibition of the isomaltulose synthase in higher sucrose concentrations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An enantioselective CE method was used to identify the ability of CYP450 enzymes and their stereoselectivity in catalyzing the transformation of propafenone (PPF) to 5-hydroxy-propafenone (5OH-PPF) and N-despropyl-propafenone (NOR-PPF). Using in vitro incubations with single CYP450 enzymes (SUPERSOMES), 5OH-PPF is shown to be selectively produced by CYP2D6 and N-dealkylation is demonstrated to be mediated by CYP2D6, CYP3A4, CYP1A2, and CYP1A1. For the elucidation of kinetic aspects of the metabolism with CYP2D6 and CYP3A4, incubations with individual PPF enantiomers and racemic PPF were investigated. With the exception of the dealkylation in presence of R-PPF only, which can be described by the Michaelis-Menten model, all CYP2D6-induced reactions were found to follow autoactivation kinetics. For CYP3A4, all NOR-PPF enantiomer formation rates as function of PPF enantiomer concentration were determined to follow substrate inhibition kinetics. The formation of NOR-PPF by the different enzymes is stereoselective and is reduced significantly when racemic PPF is incubated. Clearance values obtained for CYP3A4 dealkylation are stereoselective whereas those of CYP2D6 hydroxylation are not. This paper reports the first investigation of the PPF hydroxylation and dealkylation kinetics by the CYP2D6 enzyme and represents the first report in which enantioselective CE data provide the complete in vitro kinetics of metabolic steps of a drug.


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BACKGROUND: Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), a major parasitic disease spread in Africa, urgently needs novel targets and new efficacious chemotherapeutic agents. Recently, we discovered that 4-[5-(4-phenoxyphenyl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl]morpholine (compound 1) exhibits specific antitrypanosomal activity with an IC(50) of 1.0 microM on Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (T. b. rhodesiense), the causative agent of the acute form of HAT. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this work we show adenosine kinase of T. b. rhodesiense (TbrAK), a key enzyme of the parasite purine salvage pathway which is vital for parasite survival, to be the putative intracellular target of compound 1 using a chemical proteomics approach. This finding was confirmed by RNA interference experiments showing that down-regulation of adenosine kinase counteracts compound 1 activity. Further chemical validation demonstrated that compound 1 interacts specifically and tightly with TbrAK with nanomolar affinity, and in vitro activity measurements showed that compound 1 is an enhancer of TbrAK activity. The subsequent kinetic analysis provided strong evidence that the observed hyperactivation of TbrAK is due to the abolishment of the intrinsic substrate-inhibition. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results suggest that TbrAK is the putative target of this compound, and that hyperactivation of TbrAK may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for the development of trypanocides.


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Cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes catalyze the metabolism of both, the analgesic and anesthetic drug ketamine and the α2 -adrenergic receptor-agonist medetomidine that is used for sedation and analgesia. As racemic medetomidine or its active enantiomer dexmedetomidine are often coadministered with racemic or S-ketamine in animals and dexmedetomidine together with S- or racemic ketamine in humans, drug-drug interactions are likely to occur and have to be characterized. Enantioselective CE with highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin as chiral selector was employed for analyzing in vitro (i) the kinetics of the N-demethylation of ketamine mediated by canine CYP3A12 and (ii) interactions occurring with racemic medetomidine and dexmedetomidine during coincubation with ketamine and canine liver microsomes (CLM), canine CYP3A12, human liver microsomes (HLM), and human CYP3A4. For CYP3A12 without an inhibitor, Michaelis-Menten kinetics was determined for the single enantiomers of ketamine and substrate inhibition kinetics for racemic ketamine. Racemic medetomidine and dexmedetomidine showed an inhibition of the N-demethylation reaction in the studied canine enzyme systems. Racemic medetomidine is the stronger inhibitor for CLM, whereas there is no difference for CYP3A12. For CLM and CYP3A12, the inhibition of dexmedetomidine is stronger for the R- compared to the S-enantiomer of ketamine, a stereoselectivity that is not observed for CYP3A4. Induction is observed at a low dexmedetomidine concentration with CYP3A4 but not with CYP3A12, CLM, and HLM. Based on these results, S-ketamine combined with dexmedetomidine should be the best option for canines. The enantioselective CE assay with highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin as chiral selector is an effective tool for determining kinetic and inhibition parameters of metabolic pathways.


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Cytochrome P450 3A4 is generally considered to be the most important human drug-metabolizing enzyme and is known to catalyze the oxidation of a number of substrates in a cooperative manner. An allosteric mechanism is usually invoked to explain the cooperativity. Based on a structure–activity study from another laboratory using various effector–substrate combinations and on our own studies using site-directed mutagenesis and computer modeling of P450 3A4, the most likely location of effector binding is in the active site along with the substrate. Our study was designed to test this hypothesis by replacing residues Leu-211 and Asp-214 with the larger Phe and Glu, respectively. These residues were predicted to constitute a portion of the effector binding site, and the substitutions were designed to mimic the action of the effector by reducing the size of the active site. The L211F/D214E double mutant displayed an increased rate of testosterone and progesterone 6β-hydroxylation at low substrate concentrations and a decreased level of heterotropic stimulation elicited by α-naphthoflavone. Kinetic analyses of the double mutant revealed the absence of homotropic cooperativity with either steroid substrate. At low substrate concentrations the steroid 6β-hydroxylase activity of the wild-type enzyme was stimulated by a second steroid, whereas L211F/D214E displayed simple substrate inhibition. To analyze L211F/D214E at a more mechanistic level, spectral binding studies were carried out. Testosterone binding by the wild-type enzyme displayed homotropic cooperativity, whereas substrate binding by L211F/D214E displayed hyperbolic behavior.


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The crystal structure of the xanthine oxidase-related molybdenum-iron protein aldehyde oxido-reductase from the sulfate reducing anaerobic Gram-negative bacterium Desulfovibrio gigas (Mop) was analyzed in its desulfo-, sulfo-, oxidized, reduced, and alcohol-bound forms at 1.8-A resolution. In the sulfo-form the molybdenum molybdopterin cytosine dinucleotide cofactor has a dithiolene-bound fac-[Mo, = O, = S, ---(OH2)] substructure. Bound inhibitory isopropanol in the inner compartment of the substrate binding tunnel is a model for the Michaelis complex of the reaction with aldehydes (H-C = O,-R). The reaction is proposed to proceed by transfer of the molybdenum-bound water molecule as OH- after proton transfer to Glu-869 to the carbonyl carbon of the substrate in concert with hydride transfer to the sulfido group to generate [MoIV, = O, -SH, ---(O-C = O, -R)). Dissociation of the carboxylic acid product may be facilitated by transient binding of Glu-869 to the molybdenum. The metal-bound water is replenished from a chain of internal water molecules. A second alcohol binding site in the spacious outer compartment may cause the strong substrate inhibition observed. This compartment is the putative binding site of large inhibitors of xanthine oxidase.