988 resultados para submerged aquatic macrophytes


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This study aimed to evaluate feed preference and control efficacy of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) on the aquatic macrophytes Ceratophyllum demersum, Egeria densa and Egeria najas. An experiment was carried out at mesocosms conditions with 2,000 liters capacity and water residence time of 2.8 days. C. demersum, E. densa e E. najas biomasses were offered individually with sixty g and coupled in similar quantities of 30 g of each species, evaluated during 81 days, envolving 6 treatments. (1 - C. demersum, 2 - E. najas, 3 - E. densa, 4 - C. demersum + E. najas, 5 - C. demersum + E. densa and 6 - E. najas + E. densa). When offered individually, E. najas and C. demersum presented the same predation rate by grass carp, which was higher than E. densa predation rate. When plants were tested in pairs, the order of feed preference was C. demersum > E. najas > E. densa. E. najas and C. demersum percentage control ranged from 73 to 83%. No relation between biomass consumption and grass carp body weight gain was observed, probably due to differences in nutritional quality among macrophyte species according to fish necessities. Therefore, it is concluded that the use of grass carp is one excellent technique to control submersed macrophytes in Brazil.


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This paper describes the light reflectance characteristics ofwaterhyacinth [Eichhornia crassipes (Mort.) Solms] and hydrilla [Hydrilla verticillata (L.F.) Royle] and the application of airborned videography with global positioning system (GPS) and geographic information system (GIS) technologies for distinguishing and mapping the distribution of these two aquatic weeds in waterways of southern Texas. Field reflectance measurements made at several locations showed that waterhyacinth generally had higher near-infrared (NIR) reflectance than associated plant species and water. Hydrilla had lower NIR reflectance than associated plant species and higher NIR reflectance than water. Reflectance measurements made on hydrilla plants submerged below the water surface had similar spectral characteristics to water. Waterhyacinth and hydrilla could be distinguished in color-infrared (CIR) video imagery where they had bright orange-red and reddish-brown image responses, respectively. Computer analysis of the imagery showed that waterhyacinth and hydrilla infestaions could be quantified. An accuracy assessment performed on the classified image showed an overall accuracy of 87.7%. Integration of the GPS with the video imagery permitted latitude/longitude coordinates of waterhyacinth and hydrilla infestation to be recorded on each image. A portion of the Rio Grande River in extreme southern Texas was flown with the video system to detect waterhyacinth and hydrilla infestaions. The GPS coordinates on the CIR video scenes depicting waterhyacinth and hydrilla infestations were entered into a GIS to map the distribution of these two noxious weeds in the Rio Grande River.


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In aquatic ecosystems, macrophytes and phytoplankton are main primary producers, in which macrophyte plays an important role in maintaining clear water state, while phytoplankton often dominates in turbid waterbodies. In the present study, the growth and photosynthetic activity of the submerged aquatic plant Ceratophyllum oryzetorum Kom. in different cell densities of cyanobacterial bloom are studied. The results show that the plant length and fresh mass of C. oryzetorum are promoted by low cyanobacterial cell densities. Medium and high cyanobacterial cell densities, on the contrary, act as inhibitory. Furthermore, the photosynthetic activity of C. oryzetorum is strongly inhibited by high cyanobacterial cell densities. To a certain extent, the growth of cyanobacteria is inhibited by C. oryzetorum, but no significant effect is found in this study.


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This paper deals with a case study of the restoration of submerged macrophytes for improving water quality in a hypertrophic shallow lake, Lake Donghu of Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Macrophyte restoration experiments were conducted in large-scale enclosures established in three sublakes of different trophic status, and the effectiveness for water quality improvement was tested by using the enclosure experiment in the hypertrophic sublake. Water quality was remarkably improved after the reestablishment of aquatic macrophytes. It is suggested that the submerged vegetation of less polluted sublakes could be capable of recovering spontaneously once the stocking of herbivorous fishes has been ceased, and the K-selected plants such as Potamogeton maackianus should be introduced into these sublakes to enhance the stability of aquatic vegetation. However, it may not be possible and economical to restore the submerged macrophytes in severely polluted basins unless external pollution has been cut off and internal nutrient loadings considerably reduced. In this case, the r-selected submerged plants should be used as the pioneer species for macrophyte recovery. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In a survey of the aquatic macrophytes of the Itaipu Reservoir, we identified 62 taxa in 25 families and 42 genera. The highest number taxa was observed for the emergent macrophytes (40 taxa). Reduced fluctuation in water level, increased light penetration, and sediment enrichment by nutrients and organic matter following the formation of the reservoir favored the appearance of a species-rich community of submerged macrophytes (23% of the taxa identified). The aquatic macrophytes were found mainly near the mouths of the main tributaries of the reservoir, in shallow area of depth less than 2 meters. In addition to the shallow depth, the greater nutrient input from the tributaries and relative protection from wind explained this distribution. Among the species found, Egeria najas merits mention for its occurrence in all localities sampled, with biomass values varying between 98 and 186 gDW/m2. Some potential nuisance species such as Eichhornia crassipes, Salvinia auriculata, and Pistia stratiotes also deserve attention, since they were also observed to be covering large areas of Itaipu Reservoir. © 1999, Paraná Institute of Technology Publication.


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We examined the impacts of mechanical shredding (i.e.. shredding plants and leaving biomass in the system) of the water chestnut (Trapa natans) on water quality and nutrient mobilization in a control and experimental site in Lake Champlain (Vermont-New York). A 1-ha plot was mechanically shredded within 1 h on 26 July, 1999. Broken plant material was initially concentrated on the lake surface of the experimental station after shredding, and was noticeable on the lake surface for 19 d. Over a two week period after shredding. concentrations of total nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), and soluble reactive P increased in the lower water column of the experimental station, coinciding with decomposition of water chestnut. Sediments in the control and experimental stations exhibited vet-v low rates of N and P release and could not account for increases in nutrient concentrations in the water column after mechanical shredding. Shredded plant material deployed in mesh bags at the experimental station lost similar to 70% of their total mass, and 42%, N and 70% P within 14 d. indicating Substantial nutrient mobilization via autolysis and decomposition. Chlorophyll a concentrations increased to 35 g/L at the experimental station on day 7 after shredding, compared to a concentration of 4 g/L at the control station. suggesting uptake of mobilized nutrients by phytoplankton. Disruption Of the Surface canopy of water chestnut by shredding was associated with marked increases in turbidity and dissolved oxygen, suggesting increased mixing at the experimental site.


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A five months survey was conducted to identify the aquatic macrophytes in fishponds and reservoirs in Makurdi (Benue State, Nigeria) between August and December 1999. A total of 3-prominent aquatic macrophytes were identified: Ipomoea aquatica, Nymphae lotus and Echinochloa pyramidalis at two-study sites (site 1, receives organic manure effluent from a cattle ranch, site 2, receives inorganic fertilizer through application). Ipomoea aquatica were found restricted to site l, while Nymphae lotus and Echinochloa pyramidalis were found associated with site 2. Analysis of the results indicates high level of ammonia-nitrogen at site 1 compared to site 2. Mineral analysis of the plant tissues indicate high level of iron in Ipomoea aquatica and Nymphae lotus. Mineral concentration were found to be significantly higher (P,L, 0.05) in Ipomoea aquatica and Nymphae lotus when compared with concentration in Echinochloa pyramidalis


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A five months survey was conducted to identify the aquatic macrophytes in fishponds and reservoirs in Makurdi (Benue State, Nigeria) between August and December 1999. A total of 3-prominent aquatic macrophytes were identified: Ipomoea aquatica, Nymphae lotus and Echinochloa pyramidalis at two-study sites (site 1, receives organic manure effluent from a cattle ranch, site 2, receives inorganic fertilizer through application). Ipomoea aquatica were found restricted to site l, while Nymphae lotus and Echinochloa pyramidalis were found associated with site 2. Analysis of the results indicates high level of ammonia-nitrogen at site 1 compared to site 2. Mineral analysis of the plant tissues indicate high level of iron in Ipomoea aquatica and Nymphae lotus. Mineral concentration were found to be significantly higher (P,L, 0.05) in Ipomoea aquatica and Nymphae lotus when compared with concentration in Echinochloa pyramidalis


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Aquatic vegetation is an essential component of the aquatic ecosystem with both positive and negative implications on the water body. Efforts are always made to curtail the excessive growth of aquatic plants in order to prevent them from becoming a nuisance in the ecosystem. One of the ways of solving such problem is the positive economic use of such plants. Utilization as a method of weed control within the aquatic ecosystem is considered to be one of the safest methods of weed control as this provides the riparian communities double advantages in terms of save environment and personal benefits of the plant. The flora diversity of freshwater and brackish environments posses a great potential to both man and higher animals alike. Due to this fact, this paper attempt to review the exploited and unexploited aquatic plants resources of many of our water bodies in Nigeria both economica/ly and socially, to the populace. Recommendations are also advanced for further studies that will enhance sound management of the resources for maximum benefits and sustainability


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Ponds are unjustly neglected habitats. This paper aims to raise awareness of the potential interaction between angling and the macrophyte vegetation of ponds. The work described by the author followed on from a study of 57 ponds in East Yorkshire, northeast England, by Linton & Goulder (2000). They found that the species richness of aquatic vascular plants (macrophytes) is greater in ponds that are used for angling and suggest that to some extent there are more species because disturbance by anglers leads to greater habitat diversity. This article describes how the hypothesis was tested by comparing species richness at fished sites with that at non-fished sites around the margins of ponds in two localities in East Yorkshire. The localities were investigated during August-September 1999.


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An empirical survey of macrophytes distribution and biomass from four stations, along Nta-wogba stream in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, was conducted between April and December 2007, to quantify the relationship between biomass, in stream nutrients and dissolved ions. The correlation analysis indicated that the biomass of the aquatic macrophytes under consideration, Einochloa pyramidalis; Diplazum sammatii; Cyperus difformis; Alternathera sessilis and Ludwigia decurrens were significantly (P<0.05) related to the nutrients: sulphate, ammonium; nitrate, and phosphate in all the stations. The measurement of total dissolved solid, which is correlated to ionic concentrations and turbidity, provided a rough indication of in stream light availability.


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This paper embodies details and method of operation of a mechanical device developed for eradication of submerged aquatic weeds. The economics of operation is also discussed.


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An experiment was conducted in brackish water ponds with transplanted aquatic weed (Najas sp.) to study the effect of submerged aquatic vegetation on culture of Penaeus monodon. Out of six ponds three were without any aquatic vegetation (T1) while in other three ponds weeds were planted covering 40% of the pond bottom (T2). Hatchery produced post larva of P. monodon (0.006 g) were stocked in all ponds at a density of 40,000/ha. Shrimps were fed twice daily with commercial and formulated feed prepared from locally available ingredients. After 105 days of rearing shrimp of highest average weight (63.18g) was obtained from T2 with a survival rate of 25.90% and the total production was obtained at 654.54 kg/ha. The average weight, survival and total production of shrimp in T1 were 35.0 g, 28.76% and 405.63 kg/ha, respectively.


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In order to examine how carbon and nitrogen status of a macrophyte may affect its total phenolics (TP) production, the contents of free amino acids (FAA), soluble carbohydrate (SC) and TP were examined in leaves of seven submersed, four floating-leaved, and four emergent macrophytes. The floating-leaved and emergent macrophytes had much higher contents of SC and TP than the submersed macrophytes. The contents of FAA were not significantly different among the submersed, floating-leaved, and emergent macrophytes. Correlations among the contents of FAA, SC, and TP indicated that the production of TP was more dependent on the SC content than on the FAA content.