57 resultados para subliminal
The present study investigated whether facial expressions of emotion presented outside consciousness awareness will elicit evaluative responses as assessed in affective priming. Participants were asked to evaluate pleasant and unpleasant target words that were preceded by masked or unmasked schematic (Experiment 1) or photographic faces (Experiments 1 and 2) with happy or angry expressions. They were either required to perform the target evaluation only or to perform the target evaluation and to name the emotion expressed by the face prime. Prime-target interval was 300 ms in Experiment 1 and 80 ms in Experiment 2. Naming performance confirmed the effectiveness of the masking procedure. Affective priming was evident after unmasked primes in tasks that required naming of the facial expressions for schematic and photographic faces and after unmasked primes in tasks that did not require naming for photographic faces. No affective priming was found after masked primes. The present study failed to provide evidence for affective priming with masked face primes, however, it indicates that voluntary attention to the primes enhances affective priming.
[ES] La publicidad subliminal es un tipo de publicidad que utiliza estímulos que no son percibidos conscientemente, pero que influyen en nuestra conducta con la finalidad de lograr determinados objetivos. Su primera alusión se hizo en el año 400 a.C. y se ha mantenido viva hasta la actualidad. Hay quienes defienden su existencia mientras que otros aseguran que no existe, por lo tanto es un tema que genera gran controversia. Está prohibida y penada por la ley, pero a pesar de ello se utiliza a diario. La podemos encontrar principalmente en los medios de comunicación, pero también en canciones de moda, cintas de autoayuda, centros comerciales o en el trabajo. Tenemos que precisar que lo que está prohibido es la publicidad subliminal, pero no las técnicas subliminales que se utilizan para resolver problemas psicológicos, para vencer la tartamudez, dejar de fumar… La publicidad subliminal pretende llamar la atención del consumidor para incitarle a que actué de una determinada manera. Esto lo consigue mediante la utilización de mensajes ocultos. En este trabajo vamos a ver si en realidad existe o no la publicidad subliminal, y en caso afirmativo, si de verdad provoca un incremento de las ventas. También veremos que en nuestra vida diaria nos encontramos con la presencia de mensajes subliminales y su posible uso para manipular nuestra conducta.
An abundant literature has demonstrated the benefits of empathy for intergroup relations (e.g., Batson, Chang, Orr, & Rowland, 2002). In addition, empathy has been identified as the mechanism by which various successful prejudice-reduction procedures impact attitudes and behaviour (e.g., Costello & Hodson, 2010). However, standard explicit techniques used in empathy-prejudice research have a number of potential limitations (e.g., resistance; McGregor, 1993). The present project explored an alternative technique, subliminally priming (i.e., outside of awareness) empathy-relevant terms (Study 1), or empathy itself (Study 2). Study 1 compared the effects of exposure to subliminal empathy-relevant primes (e.g., compassion) versus no priming and priming the opposite of empathy (e.g., indifference) on prejudice (i.e., negative attitudes), discrimination (i.e., resource allocation), and helping behaviour (i.e., willingness to empower, directly assist, or expect group change) towards immigrants. Relative to priming the opposite of empathy, participants exposed to primes of empathy-relevant constructs expressed less prejudice and were more willingness to empower immigrants. In addition, the effects were not moderated by individual differences in prejudice-relevant variables (i.e., Disgust Sensitivity, Intergroup Disgust-Sensitivity, Intergroup Anxiety, Social Dominance Orientation, Right-wing Authoritarianism). Study 2 considered a different target category (i.e., Blacks) and attempted to strengthen the effects found by comparing the impact of subliminal empathy primes (relative to no prime or subliminal primes of empathy paired with Blacks) on explicit prejudice towards marginalized groups and Blacks, willingness to help marginalized groups and Blacks, as well as implicit prejudice towards Blacks. In addition, Study 2 considered potential mechanisms for the predicted effects; specifically, general empathy, affective empathy towards Blacks, cognitive empathy towards Blacks, positive mood, and negative mood. Unfortunately, using subliminal empathy primes “backfired”, such that exposure to subliminal empathy primes (relative to no prime) heightened prejudice towards marginalized groups and Blacks, and led to stronger expectations that marginalized groups and Blacks improve their own situation. However, exposure to subliminal primes pairing empathy with Blacks (relative to subliminal empathy primes alone) resulted in less prejudice towards marginalized groups and more willingness to directly assist Blacks, as expected. Interestingly, exposure to subliminal primes of empathy paired with Blacks (vs. empathy alone) resulted in more pro-White bias on the implicit prejudice measure. Study 2 did not find that the potential mediators measured explained the effects found. Overall, the results of the present project do not provide strong support for the use of subliminal empathy primes for improving intergroup relations. In fact, the results of Study 2 suggest that the use of subliminal empathy primes may even backfire. The implications for intergroup research on empathy and priming procedures generally are discussed.
While it is generally agreed that perception can occur without awareness, there continues to be debate about the type of representational content that is accessible when awareness is minimized or eliminated. Most investigations that have addressed this issue evaluate access to well-learned representations. Far fewer studies have evaluated whether or not associations encountered just once prior to testing might also be accessed and influence behavior. Here, eye movements were used to examine whether or not memory for studied relationships is evident following the presentation of subliminal cues. Participants (assigned to experimental or control groups) studied scene-face pairs and test trials evaluated implicit and explicit memory for these pairs. Each test trial began with a subliminal scene cue, followed by three visible studied faces. For experimental group participants, one face was the studied associate of the scene (implicit test); for controls none were a match. Subsequently, the Display containing a match was presented to both groups, but now it was preceded by a visible scene cue (explicit test). Eye movements were recorded and recognition Memory responses were made. Participants in the experimental group looked disproportionately at matching faces on implicit test trials and participants from both groups looked disproportionately at matching faces on explicit test trials, even when that face had not been successfully identified as the associate. Critically, implicit memory-based viewing effects seemed not to depend on residual awareness of subliminal scenes cues, as subjective and objective measures indicated that scenes were successfully masked from view. The reported outcomes indicate that memory for studied relationships can be expressed in eye movement behavior without awareness.
Mode of access: Internet.
Key events in international politics, such as terrorist attacks, can be characterised as sublime: our minds clash with phenomena that supersede our cognitive abilities, triggering a range of powerful emotions, such as pain, fear and awe. Encounters with the sublime allow us an important glimpse into the contingent and often manipulative nature of representation. For centuries, philosophers have sought to learn from these experiences, but in political practice the ensuing insights are all too quickly suppressed and forgotten. The prevailing tendency is to react to the elements of fear and awe by reimposing control and order. We emphasise an alternative reaction to the sublime, one that explores new moral and political opportunities in the face of disorientation. But we also stress that we do not need to be dislocated by dramatic events to begin to wonder about the world. Moving from the sublime to the subliminal, we explore how it is possible to acquire the same type of insight into questions of representation and contingency by engaging more everyday practices of politics.
We experimentally subliminally prime subjects prior to charity donation decisions by showing words that have connotations of pro-social values for a very brief time (17ms). Our main fnding is that, compared to a baseline condition, the pro-social prime increases donations by approximately 10-17 percent among subjects with strong pro-social preferences (universalism values). We find a similar effect when interacting the prime with the Big 5 personality characteristic of agreeableness. We furthermore introduce a novel method for testing for priming, "subliminity". This method reveals that some subjects are capable of recognizing prime words, and the overall results are weaker when we control for this capacity.
El interés por la publicidad subliminal ha ocupado un lugar destacado en las últimas décadas en el seno de distintas disciplinas científicas, si bien no termina de haber un consenso acerca de su verdadero poder. Sin embargo, en el campo de la Comunicación Política apenas se encuentran referencias a esta práctica por más que se vengan reportando en los medios desde hace años supuestos casos de anuncios subliminales en campañas electorales. En el presente artículo se propone una aproximación al uso de lo subliminal en la política, para intentar dilucidar si nos encontramos tan sólo ante un mito, como se ha dicho tantas veces al hablar de esta técnica, o por el contrario ante una realidad.
Stimuli that cannot be perceived (i.e., that are subliminal) can still elicit neural responses in an observer, but can such stimuli influence behavior and higher-order cognition? Empirical evidence for such effects has periodically been accepted and rejected over the last six decades. Today, many psychologists seem to consider such effects well-established and recent studies have extended the power of subliminal processing to new limits. In this thesis, I examine whether this shift in zeitgeist is matched by a shift in evidential strength for the phenomenon. This thesis consists of three empirical studies involving more than 250 participants, a simulation study, and a quantitative review. The conclusion based on these efforts is that several methodological, statistical, and theoretical issues remain in studies of subliminal processing. These issues mean that claimed subliminal effects might be caused by occasional or weak percepts (given the experimenters’ own definitions of perception) and that it is still unclear what evidence there is for the cognitive processing of subliminal stimuli. New data are presented suggesting that even in conditions traditionally claimed as “subliminal”, occasional or weak percepts may in fact influence cognitive processing more strongly than do the physical stimuli, possibly leading to reversed priming effects. I also summarize and provide methodological, statistical, and theoretical recommendations that could benefit future research aspiring to provide solid evidence for subliminal cognitive processing.
Contenido: Editorial – Algunas cuestiones sobre el derecho subjetivo / Héctor H. Hernández – Derecho Natural y Ley Natural / Daniel Alejandro Herrera – La historia del derecho romano en Digesto 1, 2, 2 / Alfredo Grieco y Bavio – Matrimonio y divorcio en la Roma primitiva / Rodolfo Jorge De Lorenzi – De la naturaleza del edicto del pretor / Edmundo J. Carbone – La seducción publicitaria subliminal, nuevo vicio del consentimiento contractual / Luis Carlos Consiglieri – Contratos de renta : la renta vitalicia frente a la jubilación privada / Juan Abel Díaz – Instituto de filosofía del derecho y derecho natural, Rosario (memoria de cinco años de actividad) – Ciencias políticas: Las disciplinas políticas / José María Medrano – Condiciones para la persistencia del sistema democrático / Francisco Arias Pelerano – Reflexiones sobre geopolítica y soberanía territorial / Jorge A. Fraga – El V Centenario del descubrimiento de América y los primeros nacionalistas / Elena Piñeiro de Salaverry – Documentos -- Recensiones