126 resultados para struts
El treball final de carrera està compost de l¿anàlisi, disseny i implementació d'una utilitat de Workflow que dóna servei a una web per gestionar les reclamacions i queixes d'una empresa. La part del Workflow s'ha pensat per ser totalment configurable a les particularitats d'un determinat aplicatiu i per donar servei a tantes aplicacions com faci falta simultàniament.L'anàlisi i el disseny s'han basat en la metodologia UML dins el paradigma de l'Orientació a Objectes juntament amb diversos patrons de disseny com pot ser el MVC que ha permès separar completament la lògica de negoci (Workflow) de la presentació (Web). Per les 2 parts: Workflow i web s¿ha fet ús d'una arquitectura distribuïda.
L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte és la separació total dels rols de programador i de dissenyador de vistes en el disseny d'aplicacions distribuïdes fetes mitjançant tecnologia J2EE, i també el suport d'una sola aplicació a diferents tipus de client i idiomes alhora, sense la necessitat de codi extra o específic per a aconseguir-ho.
El següent projecte final de carrera vol assolir assolir la creació d'un entorn web de treball per a una Biblioteca. L'aplicació al món real es base en un mòdul administratiu, que podrà ser utilitzat pels treballadors de la pròpia Biblioteca i un mòdul que servirà de consulta als socis.
El present treball consisteix en l'anàlisi, disseny e implementació d¿una aplicació de comerçelectrònic equiparable en la seva forma bàsica a una botiga virtual de productes genèricsdisponible a Internet mitjançant el servei web. S'inclou en l'aplicació tant la part pública o frontend, consistent en la part accessible al públic, on s'efectuen els actes de negoci amb usuaris externs al sistema, com la part privada o back-end, destinada a les tasques de mantenimentper a l'administrador de la botiga.
Over the years the use of application frameworks designed for the View and Controller layers of MVC architectural pattern adapted to web applications has become very popular. These frameworks are classified into Actions Oriented and Components Oriented , according to the solution strategy adopted by the tools. The choice of such strategy leads the system architecture design to acquire non-functional characteristics caused by the way the framework influences the developer to implement the system. The components reusability is one of those characteristics and plays a very important role for development activities such as system evolution and maintenance. The work of this dissertation consists to analyze of how the reusability could be influenced by the Web frameworks usage. To accomplish this, small academic management applications were developed using the latest versions of Apache Struts and JavaServer Faces frameworks, the main representatives of Java plataform Web frameworks of. For this assessment was used a software quality model that associates internal attributes, which can be measured objectively, to the characteristics in question. These attributes and metrics defined for the model were based on some work related discussed in the document
Studio di fattibilità per la realizzazione di un modulo ERP con l'utilizzo di Apache Struts 2.
Implantation of a coronary stent results in a mechanical enlargement of the coronary lumen with stretching of the surrounding atherosclerotic plaque. Using intravascular ultrasound virtual-histology (IVUS-VH) we examined the temporal changes in composition of the plaque behind the struts (PBS) following the implantation of the everolimus eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS). Using IVUS-VH and dedicated software, the composition of plaque was analyzed in all patients from the ABSORB B trial who were imaged with a commercially available IVUS-VH console (s5i system, Volcano Corporation, Rancho Cordova, CA, USA) post-treatment and at 6-month follow-up. This dedicated software enabled analysis of the PBS after subtraction of the VH signal generated by the struts. The presence of necrotic core (NC) in contact with the lumen was also evaluated at baseline and follow-up. IVUS-VH data, recorded with s5i system, were available at baseline and 6-month follow-up in 15 patients and demonstrated an increase in both the area of PBS (2.45 ± 1.93 mm(2) vs. 3.19 ± 2.48 mm(2), P = 0.005) and the external elastic membrane area (13.76 ± 4.07 mm(2) vs. 14.76 ± 4.56 mm(2), P = 0.006). Compared to baseline there was a significant progression in the NC (0.85 ± 0.70 mm(2) vs. 1.21 ± 0.92 mm(2), P = 0.010) and fibrous tissue area (0.88 ± 0.79 mm(2) vs. 1.15 ± 1.05 mm(2), P = 0.027) of the PBS. The NC in contact with the lumen in the treated segment did not increase with follow-up (7.33 vs. 6.36%, P = 0.2). Serial IVUS-VH analysis of BVS-treated lesions at 6-month demonstrated a progression in the NC and fibrous tissue content of PBS.
Serial intravascular ultrasound virtual histology (IVUS-VH) after implantation of metallic stents has been unable to show any changes in the composition of the scaffolded plaque overtime. The everolimus-eluting ABSORB scaffold potentially allows for the formation of new fibrotic tissue on the scaffolded coronary plaque during bioresorption. We examined the 12 month IVUS-VH changes in composition of the plaque behind the struts (PBS) following the implantation of the ABSORB scaffold. Using IVUS-VH and dedicated software, the composition of the PBS was analyzed in all patients from the ABSORB Cohort B2 trial, who were imaged with a commercially available IVUS-VH console (s5i system, Volcano Corporation, Rancho Cordova, CA, USA), immediately post-ABSORB implantation and at 12 month follow-up. Paired IVUS-VH data, recorded with s5i system, were available in 17 patients (18 lesions). The analysis demonstrated an increase in mean PBS area (2.39 ± 1.85 mm(2) vs. 2.76 ± 1.79 mm(2), P = 0.078) and a reduction in the mean lumen area (6.37 ± 0.90 mm(2) vs. 5.98 ± 0.97 mm(2), P = 0.006). Conversely, a significant decrease of 16 and 30% in necrotic core (NC) and dense calcium (DC) content, respectively, were evident (median % NC from 43.24 to 36.06%, P = 0.016; median % DC from 20.28 to 11.36%, P = 0.002). Serial IVUS-VH analyses of plaque located behind the ABSORB struts at 12-month demonstrated an increase in plaque area with a decrease in its NC and DC content. Larger studies are required to investigate the clinical impact of these findings.
The aim of this study is to assess the serial changes in strut apposition and coverage of the bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BVS) and to relate this with the presence of intraluminal masses at 6 months with optical coherence tomography (OCT).
Background—Pathology studies on fatal cases of very late stent thrombosis have described incomplete neointimal coverage as common substrate, in some cases appearing at side-branch struts. Intravascular ultrasound studies have described the association between incomplete stent apposition (ISA) and stent thrombosis, but the mechanism explaining this association remains unclear. Whether the neointimal coverage of nonapposed side-branch and ISA struts is delayed with respect to well-apposed struts is unknown. Methods and Results—Optical coherence tomography studies from 178 stents implanted in 99 patients from 2 randomized trials were analyzed at 9 to 13 months of follow-up. The sample included 38 sirolimus-eluting, 33 biolimus-eluting, 57 everolimus-eluting, and 50 zotarolimus-eluting stents. Optical coherence tomography coverage of nonapposed side-branch and ISA struts was compared with well-apposed struts of the same stent by statistical pooled analysis with a random-effects model. A total of 34 120 struts were analyzed. The risk ratio of delayed coverage was 9.00 (95% confidence interval, 6.58 to 12.32) for nonapposed side-branch versus well-apposed struts, 9.10 (95% confidence interval, 7.34 to 11.28) for ISA versus well-apposed struts, and 1.73 (95% confidence interval, 1.34 to 2.23) for ISA versus nonapposed side-branch struts. Heterogeneity of the effect was observed in the comparison of ISA versus well-apposed struts (H=1.27; I2=38.40) but not in the other comparisons. Conclusions—Coverage of ISA and nonapposed side-branch struts is delayed with respect to well-apposed struts in drug-eluting stents, as assessed by optical coherence tomography.
The goal of this study was to describe the neointimal healing on the abluminal side (ABL) of malapposed (ISA) struts and nonapposed side-branch (NASB) struts in terms of coverage by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and in comparison with the adluminal side (ADL).
To analyse and to compare the changes in the various optical coherence tomography (OCT), echogenicity and intravascular ultrasound virtual histology (VH) of the everolimus-eluting bioresorbable scaffold (ABSORB) degradation parameters during the first 12 months after ABSORB implantation. In the ABSORB study, changes in the appearance of the ABSORB scaffold were monitored over time using various intracoronary imaging modalities. The scaffold struts exhibited a progressive change in their black core area by OCT, in their ultrasound derived grey level intensity quantified by echogenicity, and in their backscattering ultrasound signal, identified as "pseudo dense-calcium" (DC) by VH.
An optional inferior vena cava (IVC) filter prototype was evaluated for safety and long-term retrievability as an initial feasibility study in an animal model. This filter has four centering struts that have the ability to disengage from the filtering cone portion, allowing the legs to slide out of endothelial growth. Retrieval of six filters in three animals was successful up to 27 weeks. There was no substantial filter tilt, migration, or IVC damage. In conclusion, this filter design may help overcome some of the shortcomings in currently approved optional IVC filters, including long-term retrieval difficulties, tilting, or migration.
Lance Burghardt bracketed his exposures and provided 3 different shots of these items (2 tifs, 1 jpg). Each shares same housescan number, differentiated by suffix 1of3, 2of3, or 3of3....
This work presents a comparative analysis about the behaviour of pile caps supported by 3 piles subjected to axial loading. Piles with 20 cm and 30 cm diameters were analysed. The main reinforcement was maintained in all the specimens, however, the arrangement of the secondary reinforcement varied. The main reinforcement consisted of steel bars connecting the piles. The secondary reinforcement was made up of: (a) bars going through the piles and through the projection of the column, (b) bars forming a network, and (c) vertical and horizontal stirrups. The main objective was the observation of the pile cap behaviour regarding the cracks and the modes of rupture. The real scale specimens were subjected to experimental tests until failure by rupture. Instruments were placed with the aim to obtain the displacement of the bases, the strains in the main and secondary reinforcement bars, in the compression struts, in the lower and upper nodal zones and in the sides of the caps. None of the caps reached failure by rupture with a load less than 1.12 times the theoretical load. The specimens ruptured due to the cracking of the compression strut and/or the yielding of the reinforcement bars in one direction.