969 resultados para strong electric fields


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We investigate theoretically spin-polarized transport in a one-dimensional waveguide structure under spatially periodic electric fields. Strong spin-polarized current can be obtained by tuning the external electric fields. It is interesting to find that the spin-dependent transmissions exhibit gaps at various electron momenta and/or gate lengths, and the gap width increases with increasing the strength of the Rashba effect. The strong spin-polarized current arises from the different transmission gaps of the spin-up and spin-down electrons. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper we show that if the electrons in a quantum Hall sample are subjected to a constant electric field in the plane of the material, comparable in magnitude to the background magnetic field on the system of electrons, a multiplicity of edge states localized at different regions of space is produced in the sample. The actions governing the dynamics of these edge states are obtained starting from the well-known Schrödinger field theory for a system of nonrelativistic electrons, where on top of the constant background electric and magnetic fields, the electrons are further subject to slowly varying weak electromagnetic fields. In the regions between the edges, dubbed as the "bulk," the fermions can be integrated out entirely and the dynamics expressed in terms of a local effective action involving the slowly varying electromagnetic potentials. It is further shown how the bulk action is gauge noninvariant in a particular way, and how the edge states conspire to restore the U(1) electromagnetic gauge invariance of the system. In the edge action we obtain a heretofore unnoticed gauge-invariant term that depends on the particular edge. We argue that this term may be detected experimentally as different edges respond differently to a monochromatic probe due to this term


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Field-dependent conductivity at low electric fields was observed from low to room temperature in pressed pellets of doped poly(3-methylthiophene). The room temperature data showed good agreement with Bardeen's theory of charge-density wave depinning and the values of the parameters obtained are consistent with a strong electron-phonon interaction as expected for quasi-one dimensional systems. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Our previous results on the nonperturbative calculations of the mean current and of the energy-momentum tensor in QED with the T-constant electric field are generalized to arbitrary dimensions. The renormalized mean values are found, and the vacuum polarization contributions and particle creation contributions to these mean values are isolated in the large T limit; we also relate the vacuum polarization contributions to the one-loop effective Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian. Peculiarities in odd dimensions are considered in detail. We adapt general results obtained in 2 + 1 dimensions to the conditions which are realized in the Dirac model for graphene. We study the quantum electronic and energy transport in the graphene at low carrier density and low temperatures when quantum interference effects are important. Our description of the quantum transport in the graphene is based on the so-called generalized Furry picture in QED where the strong external field is taken into account nonperturbatively; this approach is not restricted to a semiclassical approximation for carriers and does not use any statistical assumptions inherent in the Boltzmann transport theory. In addition, we consider the evolution of the mean electromagnetic field in the graphene, taking into account the backreaction of the matter field to the applied external field. We find solutions of the corresponding Dirac-Maxwell set of equations and with their help we calculate the effective mean electromagnetic field and effective mean values of the current and the energy-momentum tensor. The nonlinear and linear I-V characteristics experimentally observed in both low-and high-mobility graphene samples are quite well explained in the framework of the proposed approach, their peculiarities being essentially due to the carrier creation from the vacuum by the applied electric field. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.125022


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South Africa has an electrical transmission grid of over 25 000 km of overhead power lines with voltages of 132 kV to 765 kV. The grid has been largely designed and built by the power utility, Eskom. This book embodies the planning philosophies, design principles and construction practices of Eskom. It is the culmination of decades of thought, study, research and the practical experience of many overhead power line engineers and researchers. The book covers the main aspects of overhead power line design and construction, from electrical first principles, system planning, insulation co-ordination (including live line working), mechanical design through to environmental impact management and power line communications. The content emphasises the need for close interaction between all technical disciplines involved and the importance of optimising designs for economy and performance. Additional challenges in South Africa are the relatively high altitude of the interior plateau (1 000 m to 1 700 m above sea level), severe lightning in some areas and long transmission distances. The book explains how these factors are accommodated in modern designs. Other advanced work covered includes the use and understanding of polymeric insulators, the judicious reduction of phase-to-phase spacings and the adoption of guyed structures.


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A simple equation to predict the breakdown voltages for binary mixtures (Vmix) of electronegative gases (SF6, CCl2F2) and buffer gases (N2, N2O, CO2, air) under uniform electric field has been proposed. Values of Vmix evaluated using this equation for mixtures of SF6-N2, SF6-air, SF6-N2O, SF6-CO2 and CCl2F2-N2 over a wide range of pd show an excellent agreement with the experimentally measured data available in the literature.


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A simple formula is developed to predict the sparking potentials of SF6 and SF6-gas mixture in uniform and non-uniform fields. The formula has been shown to be valid over a very wide range from 1 to 1800 kPa·cm of pressure and electrode gap separation for mixtures containing 5 to 100% SF6. The calculated values are found to be in good agreement with the previously reported measurements in the literature. The formula should aid design engineers in estimating electrode-spacings and clearances in power apparatus and systems.


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We present some results on multicarrier analysis of magnetotransport data, Both synthetic as well as data from narrow gap Hg0.8Cd0.2Te samples are used to demonstrate applicability of various algorithms vs. nonlinear least square fitting, Quantitative Mobility Spectrum Analysis (QMSA) and Maximum Entropy Mobility Spectrum Analysis (MEMSA). Comments are made from our experience oil these algorithms, and, on the inversion procedure from experimental R/sigma-B to S-mu specifically with least square fitting as an example. Amongst the conclusions drawn are: (i) Experimentally measured resistivity (R-xx, R-xy) should also be used instead of just the inverted conductivity (sigma(xx), sigma(xy)) to fit data to semiclassical expressions for better fits especially at higher B. (ii) High magnetic field is necessary to extract low mobility carrier parameters. (iii) Provided the error in data is not large, better estimates to carrier parameters of remaining carrier species can be obtained at any stage by subtracting highest mobility carrier contribution to sigma from the experimental data and fitting with the remaining carriers. (iv)Even in presence of high electric field, an approximate multicarrier expression can be used to guess the carrier mobilities and their variations before solving the full Boltzmann equation.


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The polarization of radiation by scattering on an atom embedded in combined external quadrupole electric and uniform magnetic fields is studied theoretically. Limiting cases of scattering under Zeeman effect, and Hanle effect in weak magnetic fields are discussed. The theory is general enough to handle scattering in intermediate magnetic fields (Hanle-Zeeman effect) and for arbitrary orientation of magnetic field. The quadrupolar electric field produces asymmetric line shifts, and causes interesting level-crossing phenomena either in the absence of an ambient magnetic field, or in its presence. It is shown that the quadrupolar electric field produces an additional depolarization in the Q/I profiles and rotation of the plane of polarization in the U/I profile over and above that arising from magnetic field itself. This characteristic may have a diagnostic potential to detect steady-state and time-varying electric fields that surround radiating atoms in solar atmospheric layers. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We studied the development of surface instabilities leading to the generation of multielectron bubbles (MEBs) in superfluid helium upon the application of a pulsed electric field. We found the statistical distribution of the charge of individual instabilities to be strongly dependent on the duration of the electric field pulse. The rate and probability of generation of these instabilities in relation to the temporal characteristics of the applied field was also investigated.


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The ionization rate of molecules in intense laser fields may be much lower than that of atoms with similar binding energy. This phenomenon is termed the ionization suppression of molecules and is caused by the molecular inner structure. In this paper, we perform a comprehensive study of the ionization suppression of homonuclear diatomic molecules in intense laser fields of linear and circular polarizations. We find that for linear polarization the total ionization rate and the ionization suppression depend greatly on the molecular alignment, and that for circular polarization the ionization suppression of molecules in the antibonding (bonding) shells disappears (appears) for laser intensities around 10(15) W/cm(2). We also find that the molecular photoelectron energy spectra are greatly changed by the interference effect, even though the total ionization rate of molecules remains almost the same as that of their companion atoms.


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We apply a scattering theory of nonperturbative quantum electrodynamics to study the photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) of a hydrogen atom irradiated by linearly polarized laser light. The calculated PADs show main lobes and jetlike structure. Previous experimental studies reveal that in a set of above-threshold-ionization peaks when the absorbed-photon number increases by one, the jet number also increases by one. Our study confirms this experimental observation. Our calculations further predict that in some cases three more jets may appear with just one-more-photon absorption. With consideration of laser-frequency change, one less jet may also appear with one-more-photon absorption. The jetlike structure of PADs is due to the maxima of generalized phased Bessel functions, not an indication of the quantum number of photoelectron angular momentum states.


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Through floating catalyst chemical vapour deposition(CVD) method, well-aligned isolated single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and their bundles were deposited on the metal electrodes patterned on the SiO2/Si surface under ac electric fields at relatively low temperature(280 degrees C). It was indicated that SWCNTs were effectively aligned under ac electric fields after they had just grown in the furnace. The time for a SWCNT to be aligned in the electric field and the effect of gas flow were estimated. Polarized Raman scattering was performed to characterize the aligned structure of SWCNTs. This method would be very useful for the controlled fabrication and preparation of SWCNTs in practical applications.