948 resultados para stream macroinvertebrates


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Within a metacommunity, both environmental and spatial processes regulate variation in local community structure. The strength of these processes may vary depending on species traits (e.g., dispersal mode) or the characteristics of the regions studied (e.g., spatial extent, environmental heterogeneity). We studied the metacommunity structuring of three groups of stream macroinvertebrates differing in their overland dispersal mode (passive dispersers with aquatic adults; passive dispersers with terrestrial adults; active dispersers with terrestrial adults). We predicted that environmental structuring should be more important for active dispersers, because of their better ability to track environmental variability, and that spatial structuring should be more important for species with aquatic adults, because of stronger dispersal limitation. We sampled a total of 70 stream riffle sites in three drainage basins. Environmental heterogeneity was unrelated to spatial extent among our study regions, allowing us to examine the effects of these two factors on metacommunity structuring. We used partial redundancy analysis and Moran's eigenvector maps based on overland and watercourse distances to study the relative importance of environmental control and spatial structuring. We found that, compared with environmental control, spatial structuring was generally negligible, and it did not vary according to our predictions. In general, active dispersers with terrestrial adults showed stronger environmental control than the two passively dispersing groups, suggesting that the species dispersing actively are better able to track environmental variability. There were no clear differences in the results based on watercourse and overland distances. The variability in metacommunity structuring among basins was not related to the differences in the environmental heterogeneity and spatial extent. Our study emphasized that (1) environmental control is prevailing in stream metacommunities, (2) dispersal mode may have an important effect on metacommunity structuring, and (3) some factors other than spatial extent or environmental heterogeneity contributed to the differences among the basins.


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A comparative analysis was conducted of the colonization by benthic macroinvertebrates of rocky and leaf pack substrates, both natural and artificial. This colonization was evaluated by season, with the objective of ascertaining the influence of rainfall on the rate of colonization. The total density of macroinvertebrates after 21 days of colonization was significantly greater in the dry than in the wet season. When the substrate types were compared, artificial leaf pack substrate presented the smallest density for both seasons. In the wet season, Chironomidae, Leptohyphidae, Hydropsychidae, Elmidae, immature stages of Trichoptera, and Hydroptilidae showed a more representative density. In the dry season, Chironomidae, Baetidae and Oligochaeta were the most abundant taxa. The artificial rocky substrate used in this experiment was the most appropriate, due to its resemblance with natural substrate conditions in terms of the maintenance of the structural integrity of the substrate throughout the experimental period. Successional and seasonal effects were of great relevance, playing an important role in the colonization process.


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Vam monitoritzar paràmetres físics i químics, macroinvertebrats bentònics, clorofil·la a, productors primaris i matèria orgànica durant un any (2001-2002) per examinar els efectes d'una font puntual sobre la composició taxonòmica, la estructura de la comunitat, l'organització funcional, la utilització de l'habitat i la estoquiometria al riu la Tordera (Catalunya). Aigües avall de la font puntual, concentració de nutrients, cabal i conductivitat eren majors que al tram d'aigües amunt, mentre que oxigen dissolt era menor. La densitat de macroinvertebrats era més elevada al tram d'aigües avall però la biomassa era similar als dos trams. La riquesa taxonòmica al tram de dalt era un 20% més alt que al tram de baix. Els anàlisis d'ordenació separen clarament els dos trams en el primer eix, mentre que els dos trams presentaven una pauta temporal similar en el segon eix. La similaritat entre els dos trams en composició taxonòmica, densitats i biomasses després de les crescudes d'abril i maig de 2002, indiquen que les pertorbacions del cabal poden actuar com a un mecanisme de reinici de la comunitat bentònica i jugar un paper important per a la restauració d'ecosistemes fluvials. Els dos trams presentaven una biomassa de perifiton, plantes vasculars, CPOM i FPOM similars, mentre que clorofil·la a, algues filamentoses, molses i SPOM eren majors al tram d'aigües avall. La densitat relativa de trituradors era menor sota la font puntual mentre que col·lectors i filtradors van ser afavorits. La biomassa relativa de trituradors també era menor sota la font puntual, però la biomassa de col·lectors i depredadors va augmentar. Les relacions entre densitat de grups tròfics i els seus recursos eren rarament significatives. La relació s'explicava millor amb la biomassa de macroinvertebrats. Els dos trams compartien la mateixa relació per raspadors, col·lectors i filtradors però no per trituradors i depredadors. La densitat i la biomassa de macroinvertebrats es trobaven positivament correlacionades amb la quantitat de recursos tròfics i la complexitat d'habitat, mentre que la riquesa taxonòmica es trobava negativament relacionada amb paràmetres hidràulics. La influència dels substrats inorgànics prenia menor rellevància per a la distribució dels macroinvertebrats. Els anàlisis d'ordenació mostren com les variables del microhabitat de major rellevància eren CPOM, clorofil·la a, algues filamentoses i velocitat. La cobertura de sorra només era significativa per al tram d'aigües amunt i les molses, al d'aigües avall. El número de correlacions significatives entre macroinvertebrats i les variables del microhabitat era més elevat per al tram de dalt que per al de baix, bàsicament per diferències en composició taxonòmica. La biomassa de macroinvertebrats va aportar una informació semblant a la obtinguda per la densitat. Perifiton i molses tenien uns continguts de nutrients similars en els dos trams. Els %C i %N d'algues filamentoses també eren similars en els dos trams però el %P sota la font puntual era el doble que al tram de dalt. Les relacions estoquiomètriques en CPOM, FPOM i SPOM eren considerablement menors sota la font puntual. Els continguts elementals i relacions van ser molt variables entre taxons de macroinvertebrats però no van resultar significativament diferents entre els dos trams. Dípters, tricòpters i efemeròpters presentaven una estoquiometria similar, mentre que el C i el N eren inferiors en moluscs i el P en coleòpters. Els depredadors presentaven un contingut en C i N més elevat que la resta de grups tròfics, mentre que el P era major en els filtradors. Els desequilibris elementals entre consumidors i recursos eren menors en el tram d'aigües avall. A la tardor i l'hivern la major font de nutrients va ser la BOM mentre que a la primavera i a l'estiu va ser el perifiton.


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A fauna de Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera e Trichoptera associadas ao folhiço em um riacho do sudeste do Brasil foi estudada com o objetivo de responder às seguintes questões: 1) A riqueza e a composição faunística de EPT difere entre os dois mesohabitats (corredeira-remanso) mesmo quando associadas ao mesmo substrato, folhiço? 2) A similaridade da fauna de EPT entre os dois mesohabitas muda temporalmente? 3) A estrutura funcional de EPT difere entre os dois mesohabitats (corredeira-remanso)? Para responder essas questões, coletas mensais, de novembro de 1999 a junho de 2000, foram feitas no Ribeirão Bocaina com rede D (10 acúmulos de folhas em remanso e 10 em corredeira). A fauna de EPT do Ribeirão Bocaina foi mais diversificada e mais abundante no folhiço em corredeira do que no folhiço em remanso, no entanto, quando a riqueza foi padronizada para o mesmo número de indivíduos essa se tornou similar para as duas condições. A fauna de EPT foi bastante diferente entre os dois mesohabitats, tanto em termos da composição faunística quanto em termos funcionais. Isso provavelmente ocorreu devido às diferenças de velocidade da água, no tempo de residência do folhiço e na taxa de oxigênio da água entre os dois mesohabitats.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Two fish species, one top predator (Imparfinis mirini) and one intermediate detritivorous species (Hisonotus depressicauda), were experimentally manipulated to evaluate their relative importance in structuring the periphytic community, as well as their effects on the other trophic levels. An enclosure experiment was conducted in the Potreirinho creek, a second order tributary of Paranapanema River, SE Brazil. Five treatments were used: enclosure of the predator species. enclosure of the detritivorous species, enclosure of both together, exclusion of all fish species (closed control cage), and cage open to all fish community, (open control). Through direct and indirect effects, I. mirini, when alone gave rise to a trophic cascade that resulted in a positive effect on algal resources. Through direct effects, H. depressicauda. when alone, reduced the amount of organic matter, resulting in a positive indirect effect on algae. In addition, when the two species were enclosed together, only the effects determined by the detritivorous species were present. The results indicate the important role of the intermediate detritivorous species in the maintenance of the composition and trophic structure of the analyzed community by reducing the effects caused by the top predator.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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AIM: In this study, we evaluated and compared community attributes from a tropical deforested stream, located in a pasture area, in a period before (PRED I) and three times after (POSD I, II, and III) a flash flood, in order to investigate the existence of temporal modifications in community structure that suggests return to conditions previous to the flash flood. METHODS: Biota samples included algae, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates, and fish assemblages. Changes in stream physical structure we also evaluated. Similarity of the aquatic biota between pre and post-disturbance periods was examined by exploratory ordination, known as Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling associated with Cluster Analysis, using quantitative and presence/absence Bray-Curtis similarity coefficients. Presence and absence data were used for multivariate correlation analysis (Relate Analysis) in order to investigate taxonomic composition similarity of biota between pre and post-disturbance periods. RESULTS: Our results evidenced channel simplification and an expressive decrease in richness and abundance of all taxa right after the flood, followed by subsequent increases of these parameters in the next three samples, indicating trends towards stream community recovery. Bray-Curtis similarity coefficients evidenced a greater community structure disparity among the period right after the flood and the subsequent ones. Multivariate correlation analysis evidenced a greater correlation between macroinvertebrates and algae/macrophytes, demonstrating the narrow relation between their recolonization dynamics. CONCLUSIONS: Despite overall community structure tended to return to previous conditions, recolonization after the flood was much slower than that reported in literature. Finally, the remarkably high flood impact along with the slow recolonization could be a result of the historical presence of anthropic impacts in the region, such as siltation, riparian forest complete depletion, and habitat simplification, which magnified the effects of a natural disturbance.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The effects of abandoned mine drainage (AMD) on streams and responses to remediation efforts were studied using three streams (AMD-impacted, remediated, reference) in both the anthracite and the bituminous coal mining regions of Pennsylvania (USA). Response variables included ecosystem function as well as water chemistry and macroinvertebrate community composition. The bituminous AMD stream was extremely acidic with high dissolved metals concentrations, a prolific mid-summer growth of the filamentous alga, Mougeotia, and .10-fold more chlorophyll than the reference stream. The anthracite AMD stream had a higher pH, substrata coated with iron hydroxide(s), and negligible chlorophyll. Macroinvertebrate communities in the AMD streams were different from the reference streams, the remediated streams, and each other. Relative to the reference stream, the AMD stream(s) had (1) greater gross primary productivity (GPP) in the bituminous region and undetectable GPP in the anthracite region, (2) greater ecosystem respiration in both regions, (3) greatly reduced ammonium uptake and nitrification in both regions, (4) lower nitrate uptake in the bituminous (but not the anthracite) region, (5) more rapid phosphorus removal from the water column in both regions, (6) activities of phosphorus-acquiring, nitrogenacquiring, and hydrolytic-carbon-acquiring enzymes that indicated extreme phosphorus limitation in both regions, and (7) slower oak and maple leaf decomposition in the bituminous region and slower oak decomposition in the anthracite region. Remediation brought chlorophyll concentrations and GPP nearer to values for respective reference streams, depressed ecosystem respiration, restored ammonium uptake, and partially restored nitrification in the bituminous (but not the anthracite) region, reduced nitrate uptake to an undetectable level, restored phosphorus uptake to near normal rates, and brought enzyme activities more in line with the reference stream in the bituminous (but not the anthracite) region. Denitrification was not detected in any stream. Water chemistry and macroinvertebrate community structure analyses capture the impact of AMD at the local reach scale, but functional measures revealed that AMD has ramifications that can cascade to downstream reaches and perhaps to receiving estuaries.


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A community bioassay of copper was performed using benthic macroinvertebrates colonized on multiplate substrate samplers. Five copper concentrations ranging from 0.080-2.20 mg/l total copper were administered to five artificial streams by a Mount and Brungs proportional dilutor. Free copper ion as Cu('++) ranged from .002-.053 mg/l. A sixth stream received no copper and served as a control. Substrates were sampled at days 0, 14, and 28, and the results were used to compare 13 indices used or proposed to assess aquatic environmental impact. Sensitivity of the indices to changes in communities with respect to concentration and time was the basis for the comparison.^ Results indicated that all of the 8 diversity or richness indices tested gave approximately the same result (with the exception of number of species); they increased over the first 2-3 concentrations, then declined. Included among these was the Shannon index which gave false positive results, i.e., it increased, indicating enrichment, when in fact perturbation had occurred. This result was due to the disproportionate effect on the most abundant taxa, which caused a more even distribution of individuals among species. Number of species and individuals declined with increased concentration and time, with only one exception in the case of species, indicating perturbation.^ Results of five community comparison indices were varied at day 14 but by day 28 the results indicated a clear, nearly monotonic, trend due to copper impact. It was assumed that day 28 observations, though probably still changing, were nearer stability than at day 14 and therefore more representative of natural conditions. The changes in community comparison indices showed good agreement at 28 days and reflected the general decline in species and individuals. No single community comparison index could be set apart as superior to the others. ^