999 resultados para straw management
Incorporation of rice straw into the soil just before flooding for water-seeded rice can immobilize mineral nitrogen (N) and lead to the production of acetic acid harmful to the rice seedlings, which negatively affects grain yield. This study aimed to evaluate the formation of organic acids and variation in pH and to quantify the mineral N concentration in the soil as a function of different times of incorporation of rice straw or of ashes from burning the straw before flooding. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse using an Inceptisol (Typic Haplaquept) soil. The treatments were as follows: control (no straw or ash); incorporation of ashes from previous straw burning; rice straw incorporated to drained soil 60 days before flooding; straw incorporated 30 days before flooding; straw incorporated 15 days before flooding and straw incorporated on the day of flooding. Experimental units were plastic buckets with 6.0 kg of soil. The buckets remained flooded throughout the trial period without rice plants. Soil samples were collected every seven days, beginning one day before flooding until the 13th week of flooding for determination of mineral N- ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-). Soil solution pH and concentration of organic acids (acetic, propionic and butyric) were determined. All NO3- there was before flooding was lost in approximately two weeks of flooding, in all treatments. There was sigmoidal behavior for NH4+ formation in all treatments, i.e., ammonium ion concentration began to rise shortly after soil flooding, slightly decreased and then went up again. On the 91st day of flooding, the NH4+ concentrations in soil was 56 mg kg-1 in the control treatment, 72 mg kg-1 for the 60-day treatment, 73 mg kg-1 for the 30-day treatment and 53 mg kg-1 for the ash incorporation treatment. These ammonium concentrations correspond to 84, 108, 110 and 80 kg ha-1 of N-NH4+, respectively. When the straw was incorporated on the day of flooding or 15 days before, the concentration of N-NH4+ in the soil was 28 and 54 mg kg-1, equivalent to an accumulation of 42 and 81 kg ha-1 of N-NH4+, respectively. There was formation of acetic acid in which toxic concentrations were reached (7.2 mmol L-1) on the 15th day of flooding only for the treatment with straw incorporated on the day of flooding. The pH of the soil solution of all the treatments increased after flooding and this increase was faster in the treatments with incorporation of straw, followed by the ash treatment and then the control. After 60 days of flooding, however, the pH values were around 6.5 for all treatments, except for the control, which reached a pH of 6.3. Rice straw should be incorporated into the soil at least 30 days before flooding; otherwise, it may immobilize part of the mineral N and produce acetic acid in concentrations toxic to rice seedlings.
Com o uso de variedades adaptadas e o manejo do solo pós-colheita da soqueira de cana-de-açúcar em sistema de colheita mecanizada, poderá ser afetada a incidência de pragas e a produtividade do canavial. Assim, desenvolveu-se o presente trabalho com o objetivo de se avaliar a influência da palhada de dezoito variedades de cana-de-açúcar submetidas a diferentes sistemas de manejo de colheita mecânica, sem queima, na produtividade agrícola e na incidência de broca-comum e cigarrinha-das-raízes na cultura de cana-de-açúcar. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pela presença da palha sem trituração/sem cultivo (PST/SC); palha sem trituração/com cultivo com escarificador (PST/CC); palha triturada/com cultivo com escarificador (PT/CC). O rendimento de colmos na cana-soca é favorecido pelo manejo, com cultivo, da palhada da planta crua, colhida mecanicamente, sem alteração na incidência de broca-comum e da cigarrinha das raízes. A variedade SP87-365 de cana-de-açúcar é opção viável e rentável, em qualquer sistema de manejo da cana crua, com adaptação à colheita mecânica e às condições edafoclimáticas da região de Ribeirão Preto, SP. A incidência de broca-comum e da cigarrinha das raízes pode ser bastante reduzida com a utilização das variedades SP88-817 e SP76-112 de cana-de-açúcar, em qualquer sistema de manejo da palhada da cana crua colhida mecanicamente e minimizada na colheita mecânica da cana crua, seguida de trituração da palhada e cultivo com escarificador na entrelinha.
Com objetivo de otimizar a utilização de trifloxysulfuron-sodium + ametryne e hexazinone + diuron em função da adoção de diferentes pontas de pulverização e manejo mecânico da palha de cana-de-açúcar na linha de plantio, dois experimentos foram conduzidos na Destilaria Parálcool S/A, localizada em Paraguaçu Paulista/SP. No experimento 1, 12 tratamentos foram estudados em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 3, com quatro repetições, contrastando a presença e ausência de palha da cana na linha de plantio; dos herbicidas trifloxysulfuron sodium + ametryne (37 + 1.463 g i.a. ha-1 e 0,2% v/v de Aterbane®) e hexazinone + diuron (330 + 1.170 g i.a. ha-1 e 0,2% v/v de Aterbane®) e das pontas de pulverização XR11002-VS (128 L ha-1), AI11002-VS (200 L ha-1) e TF-VP5 (310 L ha-1). No experimento 2, a deposição da calda de pulverização nas plantas de cana-de-açúcar e Digitaria horizontalis, gerada pelas interações entre herbicidas e pontas, foi monitorada utilizando-se solução traçadora constituída por corante FDC-1 + herbicida. Os resultados sugerem que a presença da palhada da cultura proporcionou controle excelente das espécies infestantes mesmo na ausência do tratamento herbicida. O controle químico de D. horizontalis (6 folhas até 1-2 perfilhos) e Brachiaria decumbens (2 a 6 folhas) apresentou-se eficiente (> 91%) nas linhas sem palha a partir dos 14 DAA (dias após aplicação) para os herbicidas e pontas de pulverização estudados. D. horizontalis foi mais rapidamente controlada aos 7 DAA pelo trifloxysulfuron-sodium + ametryne com a ponta AI11002-VS. Houve toxicidade até os 21 DAA, sendo esta mais intensa para os tratamentos com hexazinone + diuron associado com as pontas AI11002-VS e TF-VP5, em decorrência da maior deposição do herbicida nas folhas da cultura.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do manejo da adubação nitrogenada sobre a cultura do sorgo granífero, cultivado solteiro e em consócio com capim-marandu e capim-mombaça, e determinar a produtividade de matéria seca das forrageiras, nos anos agrícolas 2003/2004 e 2004/2005, em plantio direto. Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 3x5, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de três sistemas de cultivo de sorgo granífero (solteiro e consorciado com capim-marandu ou capim-mombaça, na linha de semeadura) e cinco manejos de adubação nitrogenada: 30-70; 70-30; 50-50; 100-0; e 0-100 kg ha-1 de N, quantidades aplicadas na semeadura e na cobertura, respectivamente. O cultivo consorciado não afetou a nutrição nem a produtividade de grãos de sorgo. Apenas no primeiro ano de cultivo, o parcelamento 50-50 kg ha-1 de N proporcionou maior produtividade de grãos. O manejo da palhada interferiu no estabelecimento do sorgo no segundo ano de cultivo, e diminuiu a produtividade de grãos. As maiores doses de N aplicadas em cobertura elevaram a produtividade de matéria seca do capim-marandu e, as aplicadas em semeadura, a elevaram no capim-mombaça.
The persistence of straw, as well as the dynamics of nutrients release of it, are important aspects to consider in the choice of plants for composition of crop rotations in a no tillage system. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the decomposition rate and macronutrients and silicon (Si) release from sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) phytomass, as a function of management, with and without fragmentation. A randomized blocks design, with four replications, in a factorial 2x6, constituted by two aboveground phytomass management after 75 days after emergence (with and without mechanical fragmentation) and six sampling times (0, 18, 32, 46, 74 and 91 days after management (DAM)), were evaluated the decomposition rate and nutrient release from sunn hemp biomass. The mechanical fragmentation of sunn hemp straw did not change the decomposition and macronutrients release. The maximum release rates occurred 0-18 DAM. Potassium is the most rapidly available nutrient, while the silicon is more slowly released to the ground. Over time there has been increasing Si content in the straw.
The success in weed control by using straw depends on the management time, straw quality and quantity. The objective of this research was to evaluate the suppressor effect of black-oats and millet straw cover on the incidence of weeds and on the productivity of the soybean crop. The experiment was carried out during the years 2006 and 2007, in an area from the Farm of Education, Research and Production of FCAV-UNESP, Jaboticabal Campus, in a completely randomized block design, with four replications. Treatments consisted of different types of black oats and pearl millet straw management before soybean seeding (without management, obtained by machine cut, desiccated using glyphosate desiccation and with paraquat) and different periods of straw deposition (0, 15, 30 e 60 days before soybean seeding). The weed population and the characteristics of soybean growth and production were evaluated. The deposition of black oats and pearl millet straw provided reductions in weed density and dry mass, and this effect was more effective when the deposition occurred until 15 days prior to soybean seeding. The suppressor effect of black oats straw was more pronounced than that of pearl millet straw, regardless of the drying method, although the millet had a greater dry matter production. No significant differences were found between the drying methods and the straw effectiveness.
Vegetable production in conservation tillage has increased in Brazil, with positive effects on the soil quality. Since management systems alter the quantity and quality of organic matter, this study evaluated the influence of different management systems and cover crops on the organic matter dynamics of a dystrophic Red Latosol under vegetables. The treatments consisted of the combination of three soil tillage systems: no-tillage (NT), reduced tillage (RT) and conventional tillage (CT) and of two cover crops: maize monoculture and maize-mucuna intercrop. Vegetables were grown in the winter and the cover crops in the summer for straw production. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. Soil samples were collected between the crop rows in three layers (0.0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, and 0.10-0.30 m) twice: in October, before planting cover crops for straw, and in July, during vegetable cultivation. The total organic carbon (TOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), oxidizable fractions, and the carbon fractions fulvic acid (C FA), humic acid (C HA) and humin (C HUM) were determined. The main changes in these properties occurred in the upper layers (0.0-0.05 and 0.05-0.10 m) where, in general, TOC levels were highest in NT with maize straw. The MBC levels were lowest in CT systems, indicating sensitivity to soil disturbance. Under mucuna, the levels of C HA were lower in RT than NT systems, while the C FA levels were lower in RT than CT. For vegetable production, the C HUM values were lowest in the 0.05-0.10 m layer under CT. With regard to the oxidizable fractions, the tillage systems differed only in the most labile C fractions, with higher levels in NT than CT in the 0.0-0.05 m layer in both summer and winter, with no differences between these systems in the other layers. The cabbage yield was not influenced by the soil management system, but benefited from the mulch production of the preceding maize-mucuna intercrop as cover plant.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of cover crops and timing of pre-emergence herbicide applications on soybean yield under no-tillage system. The experiment consisted of four cover crops (Panicum maximum, Urochloa ruziziensis, U. brizantha, and pearl millet) and fallow, in addition to four herbicide timings (30, 20, 10, and 0 days before soybean sowing), under no-tillage system (NTS), and of two control treatments under conventional tillage system (CTS). The experimental design was a completely randomized block, in a split-plot arrangement, with three replicates. Soybean under fallow, P. maximum, U. ruziziensis, U. brizantha, and pearl millet in the NTS and soybean under U. brizantha in the CTS did not differ significantly regarding yield. Soybean under fallow in the CTS significantly reduced yield when compared to the other treatments. The amount of straw on soil surface did not significantly affect soybean yield. Chemical management of P. maximum and U. brizantha near the soybean sowing date causes significant damage in soybean yield. However, herbicide timing in fallow, U. ruziziensis, and pearl millet does not affect soybean yield.
Peer reviewed
Areas under vinasse application have been associated to favorable physical conditions for root development, aeration, infiltration and water movement in soil profile. This study aimed to evaluate changes on physical attributes of soil under sugarcane straw after vinasse application in two sugarcane growing areas (Area 1 and Area 2) under mechanized management in the state of Paraíba, Brazil. In each area, the samples were collected in the 0-0.20, 0.20-0.40 and 0.40-0.60m layers of the soil, in 36 points, distributed in a 10×10m mesh, one day before and 40 days after vinasse application. The data were submitted to multivariate analysis with repeated measures and geostatistics. The vinasse application decreased soil density and increased total porosity in both Areas and increased organic matter in Area 2. In Area 1 occurred pure nugget effect for the fractions of sand, silt and clay, independent of soil layer. In Area 2, this effect was verified mostly at superficial layers, except for the fraction of clay that presented a moderate degree of spatial dependence.
Decomposing wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw and rhizosphere-infested soil were evaluated for their suppressive activity against horse purslane (Trianthema portulacastrum), a noxious summer weed in Pakistan. Two separate pot studies were carried out. Wheat straw was incorporated at 4, 6 and 8 g kg-1 soil five days before the sowing of horse purslane. Pots without straw incorporation were maintained as control. In a second study, soil was taken from 15 and 30 cm depths from a previously cropped wheat field immediately after its harvest and was used as growing medium. Soil from an intentionally uncropped area of the same field was used as control. Suppressive activity was measured in terms of germination dynamics, seedling growth, and biochemical attributes such as chlorophyll contents, total soluble phenolics, soluble protein and antioxidant enzymes. Germination, seedling growth, chlorophyll contents and soluble protein of horse purslane were all negatively influenced. Higher phenolics and enhanced activities of antioxidant enzymes were noticed in response to wheat residues incorporation and its rhizosphere soil. Both studies established that the phytotoxic influence of wheat straw and wheat-infested rhizosphere soil on horse purslane can further be exploited for horse purslane management as a sustainable approach.
The aim of this study was to assess the capacity of sulfentrazone applied in pre-emergence in controlling Ipomoea hederifolia and Ipomoea quamoclit as a function of the time interval between herbicide application and the occurrence of rain, and the presence of sugarcane straw on the soil surface. Two greenhouse experiments and one field experiment were conducted. For the greenhouse experiments, the study included three doses of sulfentrazone applied by spraying 0, 0.6, and 0.9 kg ha-1, two amounts of straw on the soil (0 and 10 t ha-1), and five time intervals between the application of herbicide and rain simulation (0, 20, 40, 60, and 90 days). In the field experiment, five herbicide treatments (sulfentrazone at 0.6 and 0.9 kg ha-1, sulfentrazone + hexazinone at 0.6 + 0.25 kg ha-1, amicarbazone at 1.4 kg ha-1, and imazapic at 0.147 kg ha-1) and two controls with no herbicide were studied. Management conditions with or without sugarcane straw on the soil were also assessed. From the greenhouse experiments, sulfentrazone application at 0.6 kg ha-1 was found to provide for the efficient control of I. hederifolia and I. quamoclit in a dry environment, with up to 90 days between herbicide application and rain simulation. After herbicide application, 20 mm of simulated rain was enough to leach sulfentrazone from the straw to the soil, as the biological effects observed in I. hederifolia and I. quamoclit remained unaffected. Under field conditions, either with or without sugarcane straw left on the soil, sulfentrazone alone (0.6 or 0.9 kg ha-1) or sulfentrazone combined with hexazinone (0.6 + 0.25 kg ha-1) was effective in the control of I. hederifolia and I. quamoclit, exhibiting similar or better control than amicarbazone (1.4 kg ha-1) and imazapic (0.147 kg ha-1).