910 resultados para storage condition
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of storage condition and duration on the resistance to fracture of different fiber post systems (and to morphologically assess the post structure before and after storage. Methods: Three types of fiber posts (DT Light Post, GC Post, FRC Postect Plus) were divided in different groups (n=12) according to the storage condition (dry at 37 degrees C; saline water at 37 degrees C; mineral oil at 37 degrees C and storage inside the roots of extracted human teeth immersed in saline water at 37 degrees C and duration (6, 12 months). A universal testing machine loading at a 90 degrees angle was employed for the three-point bending test. The test was carried out until fracture of the post. A 3-way ANOVA and Tukey`s test (alpha= 0.05) were used to compare the effect of the experimental factors on the fracture strength. Two posts of each group were observed before and after the storage using a scanning electron microscope. Results: Storage condition and post type had a significant effect on post fracture strength (P< 0.05). The interaction between these factors was significant (P< 0.05). Water storage significantly decreased the fracture strength, regardless of the post type and the storage duration. Storage inside roots, in oil, and at dry conditions did not significantly affect post fracture strength. SEM micrographs revealed voids between fibers and resin matrix for posts stored in water. Posts stored under the other conditions showed a compact matrix without porosities. (Am J Dent 2009;22:366-370).
Objectives. To evaluate the effects of storage condition (wet or dry) and storage time (24 h and 3 months) on the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of Single Bond (SB), 3M-ESPE; Opti Bond Solo Plus (OB), Kerr; One Step (OS), Bisco, and Prime & Bond NT (PB), Dentsply adhesive resins. Methods. Hourglass-shaped specimens were obtained from a metallic matrix. Each adhesive was dispensed to fill the molds completely and left undisturbed in a dark chamber for 4 min at 37 degrees C for solvent evaporation. They were individually light-cured for 80 s at 500 mW/cm(2) and randomly divided into three groups: 24 h of water storage; 3 months of water storage; 3 months of dry storage. The specimens were tested in tension at 0.5 mm/min using the microtensile method and data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and SNK tests for each material. Results. Water storage for 3 months did not cause significant changes in the UTS of any of the adhesives (p-value). Values for water storage ranged from 25.9 MPa for Single Bond at 24 h to 32.7 MPa for Prime & Bond NT after 3 months. Dry storage for 3 months yielded significantly higher UTS for most adhesives, which ranged from approximately 20% for Opti Bond to 160% higher values for Single Bond compared to their 3 months wet storage values. Conclusion. The effects of storage condition and time on the UTS of adhesives were material-dependent. (C) 2009 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Stool is chemically complex and the extraction of DNA from stool samples is extremely difficult. Haemoglobin breakdown products, such as bilirubin, bile acids and mineral ions, that are present in the stool samples, can inhibit DNA amplification and cause molecular assays to produce false-negative results. Therefore, stool storage conditions are highly important for the diagnosis of intestinal parasites and other microorganisms through molecular approaches. In the current study, stool samples that were positive for Giardia intestinalis were collected from five different patients. Each sample was stored using one out of six different storage conditions [room temperature (RT), +4ºC, -20ºC, 70% alcohol, 10% formaldehyde or 2.5% potassium dichromate] for DNA extraction procedures at one, two, three and four weeks. A modified QIAamp Stool Mini Kit procedure was used to isolate the DNA from stored samples. After DNA isolation, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification was performed using primers that target the β-giardin gene. A G. intestinalis-specific 384 bp band was obtained from all of the cyst-containing stool samples that were stored at RT, +4ºC and -20ºC and in 70% alcohol and 2.5% potassium dichromate; however, this band was not produced by samples that had been stored in 10% formaldehyde. Moreover, for the stool samples containing trophozoites, the same G. intestinalis-specific band was only obtained from the samples that were stored in 2.5% potassium dichromate for up to one month. As a result, it appears evident that the most suitable storage condition for stool samples to permit the isolation of G. intestinalis DNA is in 2.5% potassium dichromate; under these conditions, stool samples may be stored for one month.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de duas temperaturas e condições de atmosfera controlada (AC) sobre a conservação de pêssegos da cultivar Maciel, colhidos em dois estádios de maturação. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: armazenamento refrigerado (AR) na temperatura de +0,5°C; AR na temperatura de -0,5°C; 2,0kPa O2 + 4,0kPa CO2 em -0,5°C; 1,0kPa O2 + 3,0kPa CO2 em -0,5°C; 2,0kPa O2 + 6,0kPa CO2 em -0,5°C. As avaliações foram realizadas após 60 dias de armazenamento e mais dois e quatro dias de exposição dos frutos à temperatura de 20ºC. Na análise realizada após dois meses de armazenamento, mais dois dias a 20°C, verificou-se que os frutos submetidos a 2,0kPa de O2 + 4,0 kPa de CO2 apresentaram maior firmeza de polpa em relação aos demais tratamentos, sendo que a mesma não foi influenciada pelo estádio de maturação. Os sólidos solúveis totais foram maiores em frutos com estádio de maturação maduro independente da condição de armazenamento. A ocorrência de podridões e escurecimento interno da polpa não foi influenciada pelo estádio de maturação. No entanto, a condição de AC de 1,0 kPa de O2 + 3,0kPa de CO2 proporcionou o menor percentual de podridões e escurecimento interno da polpa em relação aos demais tratamentos. Na avaliação realizada aos quatro dias de exposição a 20°C, os frutos colhidos no estádio maduro estavam completamente podres, independente da condição de armazenamento praticada.
This work reports the synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of new porphyrins tailored to become biodiesel fluorescent markers. The compounds were obtained by the synthetic modification of the commercially available porphyrin 5,10,15,20-meso-tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)porphyrin (TPPF(20)) using ethanol and hexadecan-1-ol (cetylic alcohol) as nucleophilic reagents. The stability of the marked biodiesel fuel solutions was investigated every 15 days for a total period of 3 months, and under different storage temperature and light exposure condition, simulating the conventional stock conditions. The influence of the different substituents of the porphyrins on the fluorescence properties of the biodiesel fuel markers was also assessed. The resulting porphyrins were highly soluble in biodiesel fuel and displayed strong fluorescence characterized by two strong emission bands. The fluorescent markers did not affect the biodiesel physical properties and were stable in storage conditions for at least 3 months at a concentration of 4 ppm. The best storage condition was found to be absence of light and 6 degrees C; the limit of detection by photoluminescence technique had magnitude of 10(-13) mol L(-1). The synthesized porphyrins were characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance ((1)H-NMR and (19)F-NMR), mass spectrometry (HRMS), ultraviolet visible absorption spectroscopy, and photoluminescence spectroscopy. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objectives of this study were to understand how genotype, storage time, and storage conditions affect cooking time of beans and to indicate storage techniques that do not affect the cooking time. The grains were subjected to five different storage periods and six different storage conditions. The cooking time was estimated using the Mattson Cooker. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and a subsequent adjustment of simple linear regression for deployment of the interactions between the factors. Contrasts were used to determine the best levels of the factor storage condition. Genotype did not impact cooking time when the storage time and storage conditions were considered. Time and storage conditions affect the cooking time of beans in a dependent manner, but time of storage had the biggest influence. The best conditions for long-term storage of beans ensuring a smaller increase in cooking time is plastic storage at low temperatures. Thus, plastic freezer storage is a practical alternative for consumers.
A glico-hemoglobina (HbA1c) é um parâmetro importante no controle glicêmico de pacientes diabéticos. Vários estudos clínicos mostraram claramente que a melhora no controle glicêmico está fortemente associada com a diminuição no desenvolvimento e/ou progressão das complicações microvasculares do diabetes. A medida exata e precisa da HbA1c é uma questão importante para os laboratórios clínicos. Vários fatores afetam os resultados e podem levar a resultados errôneos. Este trabalho analisou o efeito de fatores analíticos, estados patológicos e drogas nos resultados de HbA1c. Em um primeiro estudo, demonstramos que a fração lábil de HbA1c contribui significativamente para o resultado final. Quando está fração é separada inadequadamente, há a necessidade de um pré - tratamento na amostra, para evitarmos valores falsamente elevados. O armazenamento das amostras é um fator pré – analítico importante. Amostras mantidas sob refrigeração são estáveis por 10 dias e o armazenamento a longo prazo deve ser feito a – 80oC. No entanto, amostras congeladas a –20oC apresentam uma diminuição significativa nos valores de HbA1c, já nas primeiras 24h de armazenamento. Em um segundo estudo, relatamos que as hemoglobinas anômalas estão associadas com valores muito baixos de HbA1c. Adicionalmente, também demonstramos que a anemia é uma importante fonte de interferência negativa nos resultados. Sugerimos que, para a correta interpretação dos valores de HbA1c, o estado hematológico do paciente seja sempre considerado. Em um terceiro estudo, analisamos o uso crônico de aspirina, vitamina C e vitamina E nos níveis de HbA1c. Houve inexistência de efeito significativo nos resultados de HbA1c, medidos por 3 métodos rotineiramente utilizados pelos laboratórios clínicos, em indivíduos não - diabéticos. O clínico deve conhecer os fatores que afetam a determinação de HbA1c na população atendida e os resultados discordantes com a história clínica do paciente devem ser sempre investigado.
O trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos do tempo e ambiente de armazenamento na emergência de plântulas de doviális (Dovyalis caffra), espécie frutífera arbustiva de sementes recalcitrantes. Foi adotado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 5, correspondendo às condições ambientais de armazenamento: câmara seca (18±2ºC e 60% de UR), em condição ambiente (sem controle) e em câmara fria (10±2ºC e 70% de UR); e aos períodos de armazenamento 0; 7; 14; 21 e 28 dias. Esses efeitos foram avaliados para o cálculo da percentagem de emergência (%E) e índice de velocidade de emergência (IVE). Os ambientes de armazenamento não exerceram efeito estatístico significativo nas variáveis estudadas, diferentemente dos períodos de armazenamento, onde as mais altas %E e IVE foram observadas ao 14º dia de armazenamento. A partir do 14º dia de armazenamento, ocorreu uma redução na %E e IVE.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of cement shade, light-curing unit, and water storage on tensile bond strength (a) of a feldspathic ceramic resin bonded to dentin.Materials and Methods: The dentin surface of 40 molars was exposed and etched with 37% phosphoric acid, then an adhesive system was applied. Forty blocks of feldspathic ceramic (Vita VM7) were produced. The ceramic surface was etched with 10% hydrofluoric acid for 60 s, followed by the application of a silane agent and a dual-curing resin cement (Variolink II). Ceramic blocks were cemented to the treated dentin using either A3 or transparent (Tr) shade cement that was activated using either halogen or LED light for 40 s. All blocks were stored in 37 degrees C distilled water for 24 h before cutting to obtain non-trimmed bar-shaped specimens (adhesive area = 1 mm(2) +/- 0.1) for the microtensile bond strength test. The specimens were randomly grouped according to the storage time: no storage or stored for 150 days in 37 degrees C distilled water. Eight experimental groups were obtained (n = 30). The specimens were submitted to the tensile bond strength test using a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. The data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc tests (alpha = 0.05).Results: The mean bond strength values were significantly lower for the corresponding water stored groups, except for the specimens using A3 resin cement activated by halogen light. There was no significance difference in mean bond strength values among all groups after water storage.Conclusion: Water storage had a detrimental effect under most experimental conditions. For both cement shades investigated (Tr and A3) under the same storage condition, the light-curing units (QTH and LED) did not affect the mean microtensile bond strengths of resin-cemented ceramic to dentin.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of silica coating and 10-methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate (MDP)-based primer applications upon the bonding durability of a MDP-based resin cement to a yttrium stabilized tetragonal zirconia (Y-TZP) ceramic. Ninety-six Y-TZP tabs were embedded in an acrylic resin (free surface for adhesion: 5 x 5 mm(2)), ground finished and randomly divided into four groups (N = 24) according to the ceramic surface conditioning: (1) cleaning with isopropanol (ALC); (2) ALC + phosphoric acid etching + MDP-based primer application (MDP-primer); (3) silica coating + 3-methacryloyloxypropyl trimethoxysilane (MPS)-based coupling agent application (SiO(2) + MPS-Sil); and (4) SiO(2) + MDP-primer. The MDP-based resin cement was applied on the treated surface using a cylindrical mold (diameter=3 mm). Half of the specimens from each surface conditioning were stored in distilled water (37 C, 24 h) before testing. Another half of the specimens were stored (90 days) and thermo-cycled (12,000x) during this period (90d/TC) before testing. A shear bond strength (SBS) test was performed at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Two factors composed the experimental design: ceramic conditioning strategy (in four levels) and storage condition (in two levels), totaling eight groups. After 90d/TC (Tukey; p < 0.05), SiO(2) + MDP-primer (24.40 MPa) promoted the highest SBS. The ALC and MDP-primer groups debonded spontaneously during 90d/TC. Bonding values were higher and more stable in the SiO2 groups. The use of MDP-primer after silica coating increased the bond strength. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part 8: Appl Biomater 95B: 69-74, 2010.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of different vigor tests to assess S. commersoniana seeds physiological quality during storage. Therefore, seeds were stored in cloth bags, plastic bags and glass containers for 531 days, both at room temperature and in a cold chamber. Periodically samples were taken and the following tests were conducted: standard germination, germination speed index, first count after germination, seedlings fresh and dry matter, electrical conductivity (imbibitions for 2 and 24 hours) and accelerated aging, in order to monitoring the seeds physiologic quality. Data were submitted to polynomial regression analysis, for each of the combination of packaging/storage condition. The results obtained led to the following considerations: a) the speed germination index and the accelerated aging test permitted a good evaluation of the seed-lots quality; b) the first count of germination did not allow any prediction about seed lots vigor; c) seedling fresh and dry matter did not discriminate among seed lots; d) electrical conductivity test after 2 h imbibitions was not adequate to evaluate the seed lots vigor and e) the electric conductivity test with 24 h imbibitions was more adequate to differentiate among seed lots, but with little efficiency to discriminate among seed lots with intermediate vigor or with low quality differences.
The propulsion of most of the operating satellites comprises monopropellant (hydrazine - N2H4) or bipropellant (monometilydrazine - MMH and nitrogen tetroxide) chemical systems. When some sample of the propellant tested fails, the entire sample lot shall be rejected, and this action has turned into a health problem due to the high toxicity of N2H 4. Thus, it is interesting to know hydrazine thermal behavior in several storage conditions. The kinetic parameters for thermal decomposition of hydrazine in oxygen and nitrogen atmospheres were determined by Capela-Ribeiro nonlinear isoconversional method. From TG data at heating rates of 5, 10, and 20 C min-1, kinetic parameters could be determined in nitrogen (E = 47.3 ± 3.1 kJ mol-1, lnA = 14.2 ± 0.9 and T b = 69 C) and oxygen (E = 64.9 ± 8.6 kJ mol-1, lnA = 20.7 ± 3.1 and T b = 75 C) atmospheres. It was not possible to identify a specific kinetic model for hydrazine thermal decomposition due to high heterogeneity in reaction; however, experimental f(α)g(α) master-plot curves were closed to F 1/3 model. © 2013 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary.