911 resultados para stick-slip
Lava dome eruptions are sometimes characterised by large periodic fluctuations in extrusion rate over periods of hours that may be accompanied by Vulcanian explosions and pyroclastic flows. We consider a simple system of nonlinear equations describing a 1D flow of lava extrusion through a deep elastic dyke feeding a shallower cylindrical conduit in order to simulate this short-period cyclicity. Stick-slip conditions depending on a critical shear stress are assumed at the wall boundary of the cylindrical conduit. By analogy with the behaviour of industrial polymers in a plastic extruder, the elastic dyke acts like a barrel and the shallower cylindrical portion of the conduit as a die for the flow of magma acting as a polymer. When we applied the model to the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, for which the key parameters have been evaluated from previous studies, cyclic extrusions with periods from 3 to 30 h were readily simulated, matching observations. The model also reproduces the reduced period of cycles observed when a major unloading event occurs due to lava dome collapse.
In this paper we consider a self-excited mechanical system by dry friction in order to study the bifurcational behavior of the arisen vibrations. The oscillating system consists of a mass block-belt-system which is self-excited by static and Coulomb friction. We analyze the system behavior numerically through bifurcation diagrams, phase portraits, frequency spectra and Poincare maps, which show the existence of nonhomoclinic and homoclinic chaos and a route to homoclinic chaos. The homoclinic chaos is also analyzed analytically via the Melnikov prediction method. The system dynamic is characterized by the existence of two potential wells in the phase plane which exhibit rich bifurcational and chaotic behavior.
In engineering practical systems the excitation source is generally dependent on the system dynamic structure. In this paper we analyze a self-excited oscillating system due to dry friction which interacts with an energy source of limited power supply (non ideal problem). The mechanical system consists of an oscillating system sliding on a moving belt driven by a limited power supply. In the oscillating system considered here, dry friction acts as an excitation mechanism for stick-slip oscillations. The stick-slip chaotic oscillations are investigated because the knowledge of their dynamic characteristics is an important step in system design and control. Many engineering systems present stick-slip chaotic oscillations such as machine tools, oil well drillstrings, car brakes and others.
Finite element analysis of fault bend influence on stick-slip instability along an intra-plate fault
Earthquakes have been recognized as resulting from stick-slip frictional instabilities along the faults between deformable rocks. A three-dimensional finite-element code for modeling the nonlinear frictional contact behaviors between deformable bodies with the node-to-point contact element strategy has been developed and applied here to investigate the fault geometry influence on the nucleation and development process of the stick-slip instability along an intra-plate fault through a typical fault bend model, which has a pre-cut fault that is artificially bent by an angle of 5.6degrees at the fault center. The numerical results demonstrate that the geometry of the fault significantly affects nucleation, termination and restart of the stick-slip instability along the intra-plate fault, and all these instability phenomena can be well simulated using the current finite-element algorithm.
We summarize recent evidence that models of earthquake faults with dynamically unstable friction laws but no externally imposed heterogeneities can exhibit slip complexity. Two models are described here. The first is a one-dimensional model with velocity-weakening stick-slip friction; the second is a two-dimensional elastodynamic model with slip-weakening friction. Both exhibit small-event complexity and chaotic sequences of large characteristic events. The large events in both models are composed of Heaton pulses. We argue that the key ingredients of these models are reasonably accurate representations of the properties of real faults.
Eight different models to represent the effect of friction in control valves are presented: four models based on physical principles and four empirical ones. The physical models, both static and dynamic, have the same structure. The models are implemented in Simulink/Matlab (R) and compared, using different friction coefficients and input signals. Three of the models were able to reproduce the stick-slip phenomenon and passed all the tests, which were applied following ISA standards. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
"Series title: Computational methods in applied sciences, ISSN1871-3033, vol. 42"
Velocity has been measured as a function of time for propagating crack tips as water is injected into solutions of end-capped associating polymers in a rectanguar Hele-Shaw cell. Measurements were performed for flows with different values of cell gap, channel width, polymer molecular weight, and polymer concentration. The condition for the onset of fracturelike behavior is well described by a Deborah number which uses the shear-thinning shear rate of the polymer solution as a characteristic frequency for network relaxation. At low molecular weight, the onset of fracturelike pattern evolution is accompanied by an abrupt jump in tip velocity, followed by a lower and approximately constant acceleration. At high molecular weight, the transition to fracturelike behavior involves passing through a regime that may be understood in terms of stick-slip dynamics. The crack-tip wanders from side to side and fluctuates (in both speed and velocity along the channel) with a characteristic frequency which depends linearly on the invading fluid injection rate.
The purpose of this study was to investigate some important features of granular flows and suspension flows by computational simulation methods. Granular materials have been considered as an independent state ofmatter because of their complex behaviors. They sometimes behave like a solid, sometimes like a fluid, and sometimes can contain both phases in equilibrium. The computer simulation of dense shear granular flows of monodisperse, spherical particles shows that the collisional model of contacts yields the coexistence of solid and fluid phases while the frictional model represents a uniform flow of fluid phase. However, a comparison between the stress signals from the simulations and experiments revealed that the collisional model would result a proper match with the experimental evidences. Although the effect of gravity is found to beimportant in sedimentation of solid part, the stick-slip behavior associated with the collisional model looks more similar to that of experiments. The mathematical formulations based on the kinetic theory have been derived for the moderatesolid volume fractions with the assumption of the homogeneity of flow. In orderto make some simulations which can provide such an ideal flow, the simulation of unbounded granular shear flows was performed. Therefore, the homogeneous flow properties could be achieved in the moderate solid volume fractions. A new algorithm, namely the nonequilibrium approach was introduced to show the features of self-diffusion in the granular flows. Using this algorithm a one way flow can beextracted from the entire flow, which not only provides a straightforward calculation of self-diffusion coefficient but also can qualitatively determine the deviation of self-diffusion from the linear law at some regions nearby the wall inbounded flows. Anyhow, the average lateral self-diffusion coefficient, which was calculated by the aforementioned method, showed a desirable agreement with thepredictions of kinetic theory formulation. In the continuation of computer simulation of shear granular flows, some numerical and theoretical investigations were carried out on mass transfer and particle interactions in particulate flows. In this context, the boundary element method and its combination with the spectral method using the special capabilities of wavelets have been introduced as theefficient numerical methods to solve the governing equations of mass transfer in particulate flows. A theoretical formulation of fluid dispersivity in suspension flows revealed that the fluid dispersivity depends upon the fluid properties and particle parameters as well as the fluid-particle and particle-particle interactions.
Observations of volcanoes extruding andesitic lava to produce lava domes often reveal cyclic behaviour. At Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, cycles with sub-daily and multi-week periods have been recognised on many occasions. These two types of cycle have been modelled separately as stick-slip magma flow at the junction between a dyke and an overlying cylindrical conduit (Costa et al. 2012), and as the filling and discharge of magma through the elastic-walled dyke (Costa et al., 2007a) respectively. Here, we couple these two models to simulate the behaviour over a period of well-observed multi-week cycles, with accompanying sub-daily cycles, from 13 May to 21 September 1997. The coupled model captures well the asymmetrical first-order behaviour: the first 40% of the multi-week cycle consists of high rates of lava extrusion during short period/high amplitude sub-daily cycles as the dyke reservoir discharges itself. The remainder of the cycle involves increasing pressurization as more magma is stored, and extrusion rate falls, followed by a gradual increase in the period of the sub-daily cycles.
The multicomponent nonideal gas lattice Boltzmann model by Shan and Chen (S-C) is used to study the immiscible displacement in a sinusoidal tube. The movement of interface and the contact point (contact line in three-dimension) is studied. Due to the roughness of the boundary, the contact point shows "stick-slip" mechanics. The "stick-slip" effect decreases as the speed of the interface increases. For fluids that are nonwetting, the interface is almost perpendicular to the boundaries at most time, although its shapes at different position of the tube are rather different. When the tube becomes narrow, the interface turns a complex curves rather than remains simple menisci. The velocity is found to vary considerably between the neighbor nodes close to the contact point, consistent with the experimental observation that the velocity is multi-values on the contact line. Finally, the effect of three boundary conditions is discussed. The average speed is found different for different boundary conditions. The simple bounce-back rule makes the contact point move fastest. Both the simple bounce-back and the no-slip bounce-back rules are more sensitive to the roughness of the boundary in comparison with the half-way bounce-back rule. The simulation results suggest that the S-C model may be a promising tool in simulating the displacement behaviour of two immiscible fluids in complex geometry.
In this work a switching feedback controller for stick-slip compensation of a 2-DOF mass-spring-belt system which interacts with an energy source of limited power supply (non-ideal case) is developed. The system presents an oscillatory behavior due to the stick-slip friction. As the system equilibrium for a conventional feedback controller is not the origin, a switching control law combining a state feedback term and a discontinuous term is proposed to regulate the position of the mass. The problem of tracking a desired periodic trajectory is also considered. The feedback system is robust with respect to the friction force that is assumed to be within known upper and lower bounds.
Understanding the interaction of sea ice with offshore structures is of primary importance for the development of technology in cold climate regions. The rheological properties of sea ice (strength, creep, viscosity) as well as the roughness of the contact surface are the main factors influencing the type of interaction with a structure. A device was developed and designed and small scale laboratory experiments were carried out to study sea ice frictional interaction with steel material by means of a uniaxial compression rig. Sea-ice was artificially grown between a stainless steel piston (of circular cross section) and a hollow cylinder of the same material, coaxial to the former and of the same surface roughness. Three different values for the roughness were tested: 1.2, 10 and 30 μm Ry (maximum asperities height), chosen as representative values for typical surface conditions, from smooth to normally corroded steel. Creep tests (0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.6 kN) were conducted at T = -10 ºC. By pushing the piston head towards the cylinder base, three different types of relative movement were observed: 1) the piston slid through the ice, 2) the piston slid through the ice and the ice slid on the surface of the outer cylinder, 3) the ice slid only on the cylinder surface. A cyclic stick-slip motion of the piston was detected with a representative frequency of 0.1 Hz. The ratio of the mean rate of axial displacement to the frequency of the stick-slip oscillations was found to be comparable to the roughness length (Sm). The roughness is the most influential parameter affecting the amplitude of the oscillations, while the load has a relevant influence on the their frequency. Guidelines for further investigations were recommended. Marco Nanetti - seloselo@virgilio.it
Polymer blends constitute a valuable way to produce relatively low cost new materials. A still open question concerns the miscibility of polyethylene blends. Deviations from the log-additivity rule of the newtonian viscosity are often taken as a signature of immiscibility of the two components. The aim of this thesis is to characterize the rheological behavior in shear and elongation of five series of LLDPE/LDPE blends whose parent polymers have been chosen with different viscosity and SCB content and length. Synergistic effects have been measured for both zero shear viscosity and melt strength. Both SCB length and viscosity ratio between the components have been found to be key parameters for the miscibility of the pure polymers. In particular the miscibility increases with increasing SCB length and with decreasing the LDPE molecular weight and viscosity. This rheological behavior has significant effects on the processability window of these blends when the uni or biaxial elongational flows are involved. The film blowing is one of the processes for which the synergistic effects above mentioned can be crucial. Small scale experiments of film blowing performed for one of the series of blends has demonstrated that the positive deviation of the melt strength enlarges the processability window. In particular, the bubble stability was found to improve or disappear when the melt strength of the samples increased. The blending of LDPE and LLDPE can even reduce undesired melt flow instability phenomena widening, as a consequence, the processability window in extrusion. One of the series of blends has been characterized by means of capillary rheometry in order to allow a careful morphological analysis of the surface of the extruded polymer jets by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with the aim to detect the very early stages of the small scale melt instabilty at low shear rates (sharksin) and to follow its subsequent evolution as long as the shear rate was increased. With this experimental procedure it was possible to evaluate the shear rate ranges corresponding to different flow regions: smooth extrudate surface (absence of instability), sharkskin (small scale instability produced at the capillary exit), stick-slip transition (instability involving the whole capillary wall) and gross melt fracture (i.e. a large scale "upstream" instability originating from the entrance region of the capillary). A quantitative map was finally worked out using which an assessment of the flow type for a given shear rate and blend composition can be predicted.