1000 resultados para stereo perception


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Oceans - San Diego, 2013


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The discovery that an impressively strong 3-dimensional effect in a 2-dimensional photographic representation of natural outdoor scenes occurs when a single camera is directed around one point in the scene, thus drawing into relief the subject of attention and blurring the surrounding space, has important implications for understanding basic processes in 3-dimensional vision. For the development of new ways for generating 3D effects in motion and static representations of scenes we might well learn from photography’s old technologies, as well as digital technologies of the static print, which have yet to release the full impact of their potential in the representation of motion and space.


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This is a report of a practice-as-research project. The chapter outlines McArdle's discoveries of means by which the pre-conscious processes of binocular vision and steropsis can be made visible in an effect which with one-eyed vision renders the scene 3-dimensional.

In the book's introduction editor Mehigan writes "[The] will to creation is only assayable once we estimate the role of the observer in the construction of space. McArdle's contribution, in engaging with the question of the animating presence of the observer focuses not just on what is caught in the lens of the photographer at the moment of depiction, but how the photographer's movement through space is the 'force field' that insinuates itself into the landscape and enters into a reciprocal relationship with it. The schematism of Euclidean geometry, for this reason, cannot account for the truth of the photographer's images; McArdle's metaphors are singularly non-Euclidean in their description of how objects are held together in the imaginative space of mental awareness."


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Photography, normally considered a prosaic medium, is considered in this paper as a synthesises of the processes of human seeing, to develop an aesthetic, a poetics of space. The initial element of invention in my investigation was to devise the means by which the process of binocular perception might be depicted. Once the vortex form emerged from that experimentation, and I had the experience to predict the generation of affect, it became possible to manipulate it purposefully in seeking a solution to the problem of the portrait in the landscape.

This paper outlines a practice as research investigation into the construction and representation of the figure and the ground in photography through overlapping multiple temporal and spatial renderings of the same subject within single photographic images.

This included a critical investigation of the representation of time, perspective, and location in historical and contemporary photography with particular attention to the synthesis, imitation, and distinction of characteristics of human vision in this medium especially where they are indicative of consciousness and attention.

This investigation informed a re-evaluation of the premises of the genre of the photographic portrait and it’s setting, especially within the unstructured environment of the Central Victorian ironbark forests and goldfields. Analogue and digital photographic experiments were conducted in superimposed shifts in camera position and their convergence on significant points of focus through repeated exposures across different time scales. The images correspond to a stage in human stereo perception before fusion, to represent the attention of the viewer, where, in these images, the ‘portrait’ is located.

The findings were applied to the large format camera production of high-definition images that extended the range and effectiveness of selected pictorial structures such as selective focus, relative scale, superimposition, multiple exposures and interference patterns.

The outcome was an exhibition at Smrynios Gallery in Melbourne in April 2004. This presentation includes a discussion of relevant work by Australian practitioners Daniel Crooks and David Stephenson.


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Stereo vision is a method of depth perception, in which depth information is inferred from two (or more) images of a scene, taken from different perspectives. Practical applications for stereo vision include aerial photogrammetry, autonomous vehicle guidance, robotics and industrial automation. The initial motivation behind this work was to produce a stereo vision sensor for mining automation applications. For such applications, the input stereo images would consist of close range scenes of rocks. A fundamental problem faced by matching algorithms is the matching or correspondence problem. This problem involves locating corresponding points or features in two images. For this application, speed, reliability, and the ability to produce a dense depth map are of foremost importance. This work implemented a number of areabased matching algorithms to assess their suitability for this application. Area-based techniques were investigated because of their potential to yield dense depth maps, their amenability to fast hardware implementation, and their suitability to textured scenes such as rocks. In addition, two non-parametric transforms, the rank and census, were also compared. Both the rank and the census transforms were found to result in improved reliability of matching in the presence of radiometric distortion - significant since radiometric distortion is a problem which commonly arises in practice. In addition, they have low computational complexity, making them amenable to fast hardware implementation. Therefore, it was decided that matching algorithms using these transforms would be the subject of the remainder of the thesis. An analytic expression for the process of matching using the rank transform was derived from first principles. This work resulted in a number of important contributions. Firstly, the derivation process resulted in one constraint which must be satisfied for a correct match. This was termed the rank constraint. The theoretical derivation of this constraint is in contrast to the existing matching constraints which have little theoretical basis. Experimental work with actual and contrived stereo pairs has shown that the new constraint is capable of resolving ambiguous matches, thereby improving match reliability. Secondly, a novel matching algorithm incorporating the rank constraint has been proposed. This algorithm was tested using a number of stereo pairs. In all cases, the modified algorithm consistently resulted in an increased proportion of correct matches. Finally, the rank constraint was used to devise a new method for identifying regions of an image where the rank transform, and hence matching, are more susceptible to noise. The rank constraint was also incorporated into a new hybrid matching algorithm, where it was combined a number of other ideas. These included the use of an image pyramid for match prediction, and a method of edge localisation to improve match accuracy in the vicinity of edges. Experimental results obtained from the new algorithm showed that the algorithm is able to remove a large proportion of invalid matches, and improve match accuracy.


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Stereo vision is a method of depth perception, in which depth information is inferred from two (or more) images of a scene, taken from different perspectives. Applications of stereo vision include aerial photogrammetry, autonomous vehicle guidance, robotics, industrial automation and stereomicroscopy. A key issue in stereo vision is that of image matching, or identifying corresponding points in a stereo pair. The difference in the positions of corresponding points in image coordinates is termed the parallax or disparity. When the orientation of the two cameras is known, corresponding points may be projected back to find the location of the original object point in world coordinates. Matching techniques are typically categorised according to the nature of the matching primitives they use and the matching strategy they employ. This report provides a detailed taxonomy of image matching techniques, including area based, transform based, feature based, phase based, hybrid, relaxation based, dynamic programming and object space methods. A number of area based matching metrics as well as the rank and census transforms were implemented, in order to investigate their suitability for a real-time stereo sensor for mining automation applications. The requirements of this sensor were speed, robustness, and the ability to produce a dense depth map. The Sum of Absolute Differences matching metric was the least computationally expensive; however, this metric was the most sensitive to radiometric distortion. Metrics such as the Zero Mean Sum of Absolute Differences and Normalised Cross Correlation were the most robust to this type of distortion but introduced additional computational complexity. The rank and census transforms were found to be robust to radiometric distortion, in addition to having low computational complexity. They are therefore prime candidates for a matching algorithm for a stereo sensor for real-time mining applications. A number of issues came to light during this investigation which may merit further work. These include devising a means to evaluate and compare disparity results of different matching algorithms, and finding a method of assigning a level of confidence to a match. Another issue of interest is the possibility of statistically combining the results of different matching algorithms, in order to improve robustness.


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A unique matching is a stated objective of most computational theories of stereo vision. This report describes situations where humans perceive a small number of surfaces carried by non-unique matching of random dot patterns, although a unique solution exists and is observed unambiguously in the perception of isolated features. We find both cases where non-unique matchings compete and suppress each other and cases where they are all perceived as transparent surfaces. The circumstances under which each behavior occurs are discussed and a possible explanation is sketched. It appears that matching reduces many false targets to a few, but may still yield multiple solutions in some cases through a (possibly different) process of surface interpolation.


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Les buts des recherches présentées dans cette thèse étaient d’évaluer le rôle de la stéréoscopie dans la reconnaissance de forme, dans la perception du relief et dans la constance de forme. La première étude a examiné le rôle de la stéréoscopie dans la perception des formes visuelles en utilisant une tâche de reconnaissance de formes. Les stimuli pouvaient être présentés en 2D, avec disparité normale (3D) ou avec disparité inversée. La performance de reconnaissance était meilleure avec les modes de présentation 2D et 3D qu’avec la 3D inversée. Cela indique que la stéréoscopie contribue à la reconnaissance de forme. La deuxième étude s’est intéressée à la contribution conjointe de l’ombrage et de la stéréoscopie dans la perception du relief des formes. Les stimuli étaient des images d’une forme 3D convexe synthétique présentée sous un point de vue menant à une ambigüité quant à sa convexité. L’illumination pouvait provenir du haut ou du bas et de la gauche ou de la droite, et les stimuli étaient présentés dichoptiquement avec soit de la disparité binoculaire normale, de la disparité inversée ou sans disparité entre les vues. Les participants ont répondu que les formes étaient convexes plus souvent lorsque la lumière provenait du haut que du bas, plus souvent avec la disparité normale qu’en 2D, et plus souvent avec absence de disparité qu’avec disparité inversée. Les effets de direction d’illumination et du mode de présentation étaient additifs, c’est-à-dire qu’ils n’interagissaient pas. Cela indique que l’ombrage et la stéréoscopie contribuent indépendamment à la perception du relief des formes. La troisième étude a évalué la contribution de la stéréoscopie à la constance de forme, et son interaction avec l’expertise perceptuelle. Elle a utilisé trois tâches de discrimination séquentielle de trombones tordus ayant subi des rotations en profondeur. Les stimuli pouvaient être présentés sans stéréoscopie, avec stéréoscopie normale ou avec stéréoscopie inversée. Dans la première moitié de l’Exp. 1, dans laquelle les variations du mode de présentation étaient intra-sujets, les performances étaient meilleures en 3D qu’en 2D et qu’en 3D inversée. Ces effets ont été renversés dans la seconde moitié de l’expérience, et les coûts de rotation sont devenus plus faibles pour la 2D et la 3D inversée que pour la 3D. Dans les Exps. 2 (variations intra-sujets du mode de présentation, avec un changement de stimuli au milieu de l’expérience) et 3 (variations inter-sujets du mode de présentation), les effets de rotation étaient en tout temps plus faibles avec stéréoscopie qu’avec stéréoscopie inversée et qu’en 2D, et plus faibles avec stéréoscopie inversée que sans stéréoscopie. Ces résultats indiquent que la stéréoscopie contribue à la constance de forme. Toutefois, cela demande qu’elle soit valide avec un niveau minimal de consistance, sinon elle devient stratégiquement ignorée. En bref, les trois études présentées dans cette thèse ont permis de montrer que la stéréoscopie contribue à la reconnaissance de forme, à la perception du relief et à la constance de forme. De plus, l’ombrage et la stéréoscopie sont intégrés linéairement.


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Catadioptric sensors are combinations of mirrors and lenses made in order to obtain a wide field of view. In this paper we propose a new sensor that has omnidirectional viewing ability and it also provides depth information about the nearby surrounding. The sensor is based on a conventional camera coupled with a laser emitter and two hyperbolic mirrors. Mathematical formulation and precise specifications of the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the sensor are discussed. Our approach overcomes limitations of the existing omni-directional sensors and eventually leads to reduced costs of production


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La percepció per visió es millorada quan es pot gaudir d'un camp de visió ampli. Aquesta tesi es concentra en la percepció visual de la profunditat amb l'ajuda de càmeres omnidireccionals. La percepció 3D s'obté generalment en la visió per computadora utilitzant configuracions estèreo amb el desavantatge del cost computacional elevat a l'hora de buscar els elements visuals comuns entre les imatges. La solució que ofereix aquesta tesi és l'ús de la llum estructurada per resoldre el problema de relacionar les correspondències. S'ha realitzat un estudi sobre els sistemes de visió omnidireccional. S'han avaluat vàries configuracions estèreo i s'ha escollit la millor. Els paràmetres del model són difícils de mesurar directament i, en conseqüència, s'ha desenvolupat una sèrie de mètodes de calibració. Els resultats obtinguts són prometedors i demostren que el sensor pot ésser utilitzat en aplicacions per a la percepció de la profunditat com serien el modelatge de l'escena, la inspecció de canonades, navegació de robots, etc.


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A vision based approach for calculating accurate 3D models of the objects is presented. Generally industrial visual inspection systems capable of accurate 3D depth estimation rely on extra hardware tools like laser scanners or light pattern projectors. These tools improve the accuracy of depth estimation but also make the vision system costly and cumbersome. In the proposed algorithm, depth and dimensional accuracy of the produced 3D depth model depends on the existing reference model instead of the information from extra hardware tools. The proposed algorithm is a simple and cost effective software based approach to achieve accurate 3D depth estimation with minimal hardware involvement. The matching process uses the well-known coarse to fine strategy, involving the calculation of matching points at the coarsest level with consequent refinement up to the finest level. Vector coefficients of the wavelet transform-modulus are used as matching features, where wavelet transform-modulus maxima defines the shift invariant high-level features with phase pointing to the normal of the feature surface. The technique addresses the estimation of optimal corresponding points and the corresponding 2D disparity maps leading to the creation of accurate depth perception model.


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Modern helmet-mounted night vision devices, such as the Thales TopOwl helmet, project imagery from intensifiers mounted on the sides of the helmet onto the helmet faceplate. This produces a situation of hyperstereopsis in which binocular disparities are magnified. This has the potential to distort the perception of slope in depth (an important cue to landing), because the slope cue provided by binocular disparity conflicts with veridical cues to slope, such as texture gradients and motion parallax. In the experiments, eight observers viewed sparse and dense textured surfaces tilted in depth under three viewing conditions: normal stereo hyper-stereo (4 times magnification), and hypostereo (1 / 4 magnification). The surfaces were either stationary, or rotated slowly around a central vertical axis. Stimuli were projected at 6 metres to minimise conflict between accommodation and convergence, and stereo viewing was provided by a Z-screen and passive polarised glasses. Observers matched perceived visual slope using a small tilt table set by hand. We found that slope estimates were distorted by hyperstereopsis, but to a much lesser degree than predicted by disparity magnification. The distortion was almost completely eliminated when motion parallax was present.


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The acquisition of three-dimensional immersive space through advanced digitial imaging technology, suggests a profound shift from the relatively impoverished representational stratgies of two-dimensional pictorial imagery.  This entails an epistemological shift from pictorial representation, to the presentation of actual three-dimensional space through stereoscopic (3D) imagery.  Moreover, it suggests that visuality rather than 'virtuality' is the core issue in understanding the nature of the epistemological shift associated with stereo-immersive VR.

A shift in visual epistemology from 'flat' pictorial representation to three-dimensional stereo-immersion suggests a gainful move toward a visuality imbued with spatial possibilities.  In quantitative terms, these visual-spatial gains may seem self-evident.  However, certain aspects peculiar to pictorial representation are missing from stereo-immersive imaging.  That is lost in stereo-immersive imaging, and how it can be measured?

This thesis proposes that the inherent ambiguity of two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional spatial structure in pictures, invokes a perceptual response in which pictorial spaces elicit 'perceptual possibility'.  The robust three-dimentional spatiality of stereo-immersvie VR foreclosures such possibility.  Through examining stereo-immersive VR in terms of its visuality, the thesis develops a new appraoch to understanding VR that solves some of the issues associated with the problematic concept of 'virtuality'.  In addition, the thesis finds that by placing stereo-immersive VR and pictures within the shared paradigm of 'the visual', an important dimension of pictures that has been overlooked in past analyses re-emerges : the thesis proposes the concept of 'artifactuality' to account for the way pictures are fundamentally, and in the first instance, aesthetic objects for visual perception.  It is in their manner of appearing as pictures, that they are perceived as pictures of something.  It is from this fundamental basis that their many levels of meaning and signification - their manifold 'realisms' - can arise.

This thesis therefore addresses two intersecting problems within the paradigm of the visual: it proposes 1) that analyses of 'the virtual' be grounded in the 'artifactuality' of pictorial perception, and 2) that the spatiality of stereo-immersive VR be reinvigorated by purposefully 'under-contraining' its key percept - the robust, 'solid' stereoscopic structuring of visual space.  This approach opens up the discourse of stereo-immersive VR to new visual paradigms.  The thesis proposes that these be modelled not on the impossibility of 'the virtual', but on the possibilities of visual ambiguity drawn from the analysis of pictorial perception.


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Cover title.