726 resultados para steel castings
The distribution of delta ferrite fraction was measured with the magnetic method in specimens of different stainless steel compositions cast by the investment casting (lost wax) process. Ferrite fraction measurements published in the literature for stainless steel cast samples were added to the present work data, enabling an extensive analysis about practical methods to calculate delta ferrite fractions in stainless steel castings. Nineteen different versions of practical methods were formed using Schaeffler, DeLong, and Siewert diagrams and the nickel and chromium equivalent indexes suggested by several authors. These methods were evaluated by a detailed statistical analysis, showing that the Siewert diagram, including its equivalent indexes and iso-ferrite lines, gives the lowest relative errors between calculated and measured delta ferrite fractions. Although originally created for stainless steel welds, this diagram gives relative errors lower than those for the current ASTM standard method (800/A 800M-01), developed to predict ferrite fractions in stainless steel castings. Practical methods originated from a combination of different chromium/nickel equivalent indexes and the iso-ferrite lines from Schaeffler diagram give the lowest relative errors when compared with combinations using other iso-ferrite line diagrams. For the samples cast in the present work, an increase in cooling rate from 0.78 to 2.7 K/s caused a decrease in the delta ferrite fraction, but a statistical hypothesis test revealed that this effect is significant in only 50% of the samples that have ferrite in their microstructures.
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Bibliography: p.38-39.
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Abstract not available
A general investigation was performed, in an industrial environment, of the major types of defect specific to investment castings in steel. As a result of this work three types of metallurgical defect were selected for further study. In the first of these, defects in austenitic stainless steel castings were found to result from deoxidation by-products. As a result of metallographic investigation and the statistical analysis of experimental data, evidence was found to support the hypothesis that the other two classes of defects - in martensite stainless and low alloy steels -both resulted from internal or grain boundary oxidation of the chromium alloy constituent This was often found to be followed by reaction between the metal oxides and the ceramic mould material. On the basis of this study, proposals are made for a more fundamental investigation of the mechanisms involved and interim suggestions are given for methods of ameliorating the effect in an industrial situation.
The machining of super duplex stainless steel castings is usually complicated by the difficulty involved in maintaining the dimensional tolerances required for given applications. Internal stresses originating from the solidification process and from subsequent heat treatments reach levels that exceed the material`s yield strength, promoting plastic strain. Stress relief heat treatments at 520 degrees C for 2 h are an interesting option to solve this problem, but because these materials present a thermodynamically metastable condition, a few precautions should be taken. The main objective of this work was to demonstrate that, after solution annealing at 1130 degrees C and water quenching, stress relief at 520 degrees C for 2 h did not alter the duplex microstructure or impair the pitting corrosion resistance of ASTM A890/A890M Grade 6A steel. This finding was confirmed by microstructural characterization techniques, including light optical and scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. Corrosion potential measurements in synthetic sea water containing 20,000 ppm of chloride ions were also conducted at three temperatures: 5 degrees C, 25 degrees C and 60 degrees C. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
"Producerh [i.e. Producers] of carbon, low and high alloy, heat and corrosion steel castings, high manganese castings, investment mold castings, shell mold castings, and tool steel castings are included."
Principles of iron and steel manufacture.--Steel castings.--Steel hardening metals.--Development and use of high-speed steel.--Hardening steel, by E.R. Markham.--Case-hardening.--The Brinell method of testing the hardness of metals, by E. Oberg.
Ainetta rikkomattomien tarkastusten merkitys erityisesti valettujen kappaleiden valmistuksen yhteydessä on ratkaiseva koneenosan luotettavuuden varmistamisessa. Suurilujuuksiset kuormausnosturin kääntöpylväät ovat kriittisiä osia, joiden vaurioituminen aiheuttaa kustannuksia ja työturvallisuusriskin. Kuormainvalmistajat haluavat, että toimitetut kääntöpylväät täyttävät asetetut laatuvaatimukset, joihin kuuluu säröttömyyden varmistaminen tarkastamalla. Väsymisvaurioiden välttämiseksi kappaleiden pinnan virheettömyys on tarkastettava jollakin pintatarkastusmenetelmällä. Magneettijauhetarkastus on eräs käyttökelpoinen ja taloudellinen menetelmä kyseessä olevien teräsvalukappaleiden tarkastamisessa. Tähän työhön on koottu magneettijauhetarkastukseen (menetelmänä) liittyvää tietoa. Työssä on laadittu kääntöpylväisiin koneistuksia tekevän yrityksen käyttöön tarkastuksen yleisohje. Yrityksessä otetaan käyttöön uusi magneettijauhetarkastuslaitteisto. Tarkastusmenetelmä on fluoresoivamärkä menetelmä, jossa käytetään UV-valaistusta. Tarkastusohjeen tueksi on kuvattu vertailukuvasarja tarkastajien käyttöön. Suurin sallittava särönpituus on väsymisen kannalta tärkein yksittäinen tekijä ja siksi sen arvioinnin on oltava luotettavaa. Työturvallisuuteen on kiinnitetty erityistä huomiota, sillä asiakkaatovat usein kiinnostuneita paitsi itse tuotteesta, myös yrityksen toiminnallisesta laadusta. Yhtenä laadun mittarina voidaan pitää vahinkojen ja tapaturmien vähäisyyttä. Selkeät toimintaohjeet viestivät laatutietoisesta turvallisesta toiminnasta. Yrityksen laatukäsikirjaan on tehtävä lisäys pylväiden tarkastamisesta jatyöturvallisuudesta. Työssä on laadittu lisäyksestä ehdotus. Lisäksi työssä on pohdittu yrityksen ja työntekijöiden toimintaan liittyviä vastuukysymyksiä.
The optimal combination of the mechanical characteristics of austempered spheroidal graphitic cast steel together with modern casting techniques yielded an economically promising product. The maximum potential of the usage of these steels is related to fabrication and characterization techniques, among which, one of the most important is the cooling diagram (TTT curve). In this work, 3 heats of graphitic steels with the following nominal compositions were cast: 1.0 % C, 2.3 % Si, 0.4 % Mn, and with niobium contents of. 0.0 %, 0.5 % and 1.0 %. TTT curves were determined by dilatometric testing and test specimens of these steels were austempered. The samples were then characterized by hardness testing and optical and SEM microscopy. Tensile, impact (no notch) and wear testing were also performed. The addition of niobium produced significant alterations in the TTT diagrams. Increasing niobium content moves the pearlite transformation nose to the right and the bainitic transformation nose to the left. Tensile strength of these alloys was high, in the range of 1700 MPa and impact values were around of 45 Joules for alloy with 1 % Nb, 49 Joules for alloy with 0.5 % Nb and fracture did not occur for the alloy without the addition of Nb.
Surface defects on steel parts borne costs of smelting industries due to the need of rework. Sand molds are frequently used in foundry industries and largely responsible for providing surface defects. This study aims to optimize the levels of the molding process variables to minimize the occurrence of surface defects in steel castings in silica sand molds chemically linked by cold cure process. The methodology used the experimental design with split plot, being considered in the study the resin percentage factors in the mold formulation, addition of iron oxide, type of paint, the paint application method, amount of ink layers, use of hot air along the lines and waiting time of the mold before casting. They were analyzed as response variables erosion defects, sand inclusion, penetration, porosity and surface finish. Tensile strength tests were performed to evaluate the influence of factors on mechanical parameters and the microstructural parameters were carried out the analysis of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and thermal analysis (TG / DSC / dilatometry). The results elucidate that for the faulty erosion, the only significant factor with a 95% confidence level was the type of ink and the ink alumina-based superior results obtained. For the sand inclusion of defect, there were three significant factors, with best results obtained with alumina-based paint and spray applied using hot air in the mold before casting the metal. For the defect penetration, there were four significant factors, the best results being achieved with 0.8% of resin and addition of iron oxide in the molding formulation, the paint being applied by brush and standby time of 24 hours before leak. For the defect porosity with a 95% confidence level, no significant factors. For the defect surface finish, the best results were achieved with the 0.8% formulation of the resin in the mold and application of the paint brush. To obtain the levels of the factors that optimize all defects simultaneously, we performed a weighted average of the results of each type of fault, concluding that the best levels of the factors were: 0.8% resin and addition of iron oxide in the formulation of the template, application of two coats of paint applied with a brush or spray, using hot air in the mold before casting and 24 hours of waiting ready the mold before casting. These levels of the optimized factors were used in an experiment to confirm that ratified the results, helping to reduce rework and consequently reducing costs of cast steel parts.
Mode of access: Internet.
The aim of the work was to prepare an overview about the microstructures present in high-speed steel, focused on the crystallography of the carbides. High-speed steels are currently obtained by casting, powder metallurgy and more recently spray forming. High-speed steels have a high hardness resulting from a microstructure, which consists of a steel matrix (martensite and ferrite), in which embedded carbides of different crystal structure, chemical composition, morphology and size, exist. These carbides are commonly named MxC, where M represents one or more metallic atoms. These carbides can be identified by X-ray diffraction considering M as a unique metallic atom. In this work, it is discussed, in basis of the first principles of physics crystallography, the validation of this identification when it is considered that other atoms in the structure are substitutional. Further, it is discussed some requirements for data acquisition that allows the Rietveld refinement to be applied on carbide crystallography and phase amount determination.