999 resultados para static feature


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We present a method to statically balance a general treestructured,planar revolute-joint linkage loaded with linear springs or constant forces without using auxiliary links. The balancing methods currently documented in the literature use extra links; some do not apply when there are spring loads and some are restricted to only two-link serial chains. In our method, we suitably combine any non-zero-free-length load spring with another spring to result in an effective zero-free-length spring load. If a link has a single joint (with the parent link), we give a procedure to attach extra zero-free-length springs to it so that forces and moments are balanced for the link. Another consequence of this attachment is that the constraint force of the joint on the parent link becomes equivalent to a zero-free-length spring load. Hence, conceptually,for the parent link, the joint with its child is removed and replaced with the zero-free-length spring. This feature allows recursive application of this procedure from the end-branches of the tree down to the root, satisfying force and moment balance of all the links in the process. Furthermore, this method can easily be extended to the closed-loop revolute-joint linkages, which is also illustrated in the paper.


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For a homing interceptor, suitable initial condition must be achieved by mid course guidance scheme for its maximum effectiveness. To achieve desired end goal of any mid course guidance scheme, two point boundary value problem must be solved online with all realistic constrain. A Newly developed computationally efficient technique named as MPSP (Model Predictive Static Programming) is utilized in this paper for obtaining suboptimal solution of optimal mid course guidance. Time to go uncertainty is avoided in this formulation by making use of desired position where midcourse guidance terminate and terminal guidance takes over. A suitable approach angle towards desired point also can be specified in this guidance law formulation. This feature makes this law particularly attractive because warhead effectiveness issue can be indirectly solved in mid course phase.


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A nonlinear suboptimal guidance law is presented in this paper for successful interception of ground targets by air-launched missiles and guided munitions. The main feature of this guidance law is that it accurately satisfies terminal impact angle constraints in both azimuth as well as elevation simultaneously. In addition, it is capable of hitting the target with high accuracy as well as minimizing the lateral acceleration demand. The guidance law is synthesized using recently developed model predictive static programming (MPSP). Performance of the proposed MPSP guidance is demonstrated using three-dimensional (3-D) nonlinear engagement dynamics by considering stationary, moving, and maneuvering targets. Effectiveness of the proposed guidance has also been verified by considering first. order autopilot lag as well as assuming inaccurate information about target maneuvers. Multiple munitions engagement results are presented as well. Moreover, comparison studies with respect to an augmented proportional navigation guidance (which does not impose impact angle constraints) as well as an explicit linear optimal guidance (which imposes the same impact angle constraints in 3-D) lead to the conclusion that the proposed MPSP guidance is superior to both. A large number of randomized simulation studies show that it also has a larger capture region.


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A linkage of rigid bodies under gravity loads can be statically counter-balanced by adding compensating gravity loads. Similarly, gravity loads or spring loads can be counterbalanced by adding springs. In the current literature, among the techniques that add springs, some achieve perfect static balance while others achieve only approximate balance. Further, all of them add auxiliary bodies to the linkage in addition to springs. We present a perfect static balancing technique that adds only springs but not auxiliary bodies, in contrast to the existing techniques. This technique can counter-balance both gravity loads and spring loads. The technique requires that every joint that connects two bodies in the linkage be either a revolute joint or a spherical joint. Apart from this, the linkage can have any number of bodies connected in any manner. In order to achieve perfect balance, this technique requires that all the spring loads have the feature of zero-free-length, as is the case with the existing techniques. This requirement is neither impractical nor restrictive since the feature can be practically incorporated into any normal spring either by modifying the spring or by adding another spring in parallel. DOI: 10.1115/1.4006521]


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A new `generalized model predictive static programming (G-MPSP)' technique is presented in this paper in the continuous time framework for rapidly solving a class of finite-horizon nonlinear optimal control problems with hard terminal constraints. A key feature of the technique is backward propagation of a small-dimensional weight matrix dynamics, using which the control history gets updated. This feature, as well as the fact that it leads to a static optimization problem, are the reasons for its high computational efficiency. It has been shown that under Euler integration, it is equivalent to the existing model predictive static programming technique, which operates on a discrete-time approximation of the problem. Performance of the proposed technique is demonstrated by solving a challenging three-dimensional impact angle constrained missile guidance problem. The problem demands that the missile must meet constraints on both azimuth and elevation angles in addition to achieving near zero miss distance, while minimizing the lateral acceleration demand throughout its flight path. Both stationary and maneuvering ground targets are considered in the simulation studies. Effectiveness of the proposed guidance has been verified by considering first order autopilot lag as well as various target maneuvers.


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The rapid evolution of nanotechnology appeals for the understanding of global response of nanoscale systems based on atomic interactions, hence necessitates novel, sophisticated, and physically based approaches to bridge the gaps between various length and time scales. In this paper, we propose a group of statistical thermodynamics methods for the simulations of nanoscale systems under quasi-static loading at finite temperature, that is, molecular statistical thermodynamics (MST) method, cluster statistical thermodynamics (CST) method, and the hybrid molecular/cluster statistical thermodynamics (HMCST) method. These methods, by treating atoms as oscillators and particles simultaneously, as well as clusters, comprise different spatial and temporal scales in a unified framework. One appealing feature of these methods is their "seamlessness" or consistency in the same underlying atomistic model in all regions consisting of atoms and clusters, and hence can avoid the ghost force in the simulation. On the other hand, compared with conventional MD simulations, their high computational efficiency appears very attractive, as manifested by the simulations of uniaxial compression and nanoindenation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We develop a group-theoretical analysis of slow feature analysis for the case where the input data are generated by applying a set of continuous transformations to static templates. As an application of the theory, we analytically derive nonlinear visual receptive fields and show that their optimal stimuli, as well as the orientation and frequency tuning, are in good agreement with previous simulations of complex cells in primary visual cortex (Berkes and Wiskott, 2005). The theory suggests that side and end stopping can be interpreted as a weak breaking of translation invariance. Direction selectivity is also discussed. © 2011 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


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he first order perturbations of the energy levels of a stationary hydrogen atom in a static external gravitational field, with Schwarzschild metric, are investigated. The energy shifts are calculated for the relativistic 1S, 2S, 2P, 3S, 3P, 3D, 4S, 4P, 4D, and 4F levels. The results show that the energy-level shifts of the states with total angular momentum quantum number 1/2 are all zero, and the ratio of absolute energy shifts with total angular momentum quantum number 5/2 is 145. This feature can be used to help us to distinguish the gravitational effect from other effects.


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Product Line software Engineering depends on capturing the commonality and variability within a family of products, typically using feature modeling, and using this information to evolve a generic reference architecture for the family. For embedded systems, possible variability in hardware and operating system platforms is an added complication. The design process can be facilitated by first exploring the behavior associated with features. In this paper we outline a bidirectional feature modeling scheme that supports the capture of commonality and variability in the platform environment as well as within the required software. Additionally, 'behavior' associated with features can be included in the overall model. This is achieved by integrating the UCM path notation in a way that exploits UCM's static and dynamic stubs to capture behavioral variability and link it to the feature model structure. The resulting model is a richer source of information to support the architecture development process.


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This paper investigated using lip movements as a behavioural biometric for person authentication. The system was trained, evaluated and tested using the XM2VTS dataset, following the Lausanne Protocol configuration II. Features were selected from the DCT coefficients of the greyscale lip image. This paper investigated the number of DCT coefficients selected, the selection process, and static and dynamic feature combinations. Using a Gaussian Mixture Model - Universal Background Model framework an Equal Error Rate of 2.20% was achieved during evaluation and on an unseen test set a False Acceptance Rate of 1.7% and False Rejection Rate of 3.0% was achieved. This compares favourably with face authentication results on the same dataset whilst not being susceptible to spoofing attacks.


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Discrete data representations are necessary, or at least convenient, in many machine learning problems. While feature selection (FS) techniques aim at finding relevant subsets of features, the goal of feature discretization (FD) is to find concise (quantized) data representations, adequate for the learning task at hand. In this paper, we propose two incremental methods for FD. The first method belongs to the filter family, in which the quality of the discretization is assessed by a (supervised or unsupervised) relevance criterion. The second method is a wrapper, where discretized features are assessed using a classifier. Both methods can be coupled with any static (unsupervised or supervised) discretization procedure and can be used to perform FS as pre-processing or post-processing stages. The proposed methods attain efficient representations suitable for binary and multi-class problems with different types of data, being competitive with existing methods. Moreover, using well-known FS methods with the features discretized by our techniques leads to better accuracy than with the features discretized by other methods or with the original features. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes a general, trainable architecture for object detection that has previously been applied to face and peoplesdetection with a new application to car detection in static images. Our technique is a learning based approach that uses a set of labeled training data from which an implicit model of an object class -- here, cars -- is learned. Instead of pixel representations that may be noisy and therefore not provide a compact representation for learning, our training images are transformed from pixel space to that of Haar wavelets that respond to local, oriented, multiscale intensity differences. These feature vectors are then used to train a support vector machine classifier. The detection of cars in images is an important step in applications such as traffic monitoring, driver assistance systems, and surveillance, among others. We show several examples of car detection on out-of-sample images and show an ROC curve that highlights the performance of our system.


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This paper proposes a novel human recognition method in video, which combines human face and gait traits
using a dynamic multi-modal biometrics fusion scheme. The Fisherface approach is adopted to extract face
features, while for gait features, Locality Preserving Projection (LPP) is used to achieve low-dimensional
manifold embedding of the temporal silhouette data derived from image sequences. Face and gait features are
fused dynamically at feature level based on a distance-driven fusion method. Encouraging experimental results
are achieved on the video sequences containing 20 people, which show that dynamically fused features produce
a more discriminating power than any individual biometric as well as integrated features built on common static
fusion schemes.


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Anti-malware software producers are continually challenged to identify and counter new malware as it is released into the wild. A dramatic increase in malware production in recent years has rendered the conventional method of manually determining a signature for each new malware sample untenable. This paper presents a scalable, automated approach for detecting and classifying malware by using pattern recognition algorithms and statistical methods at various stages of the malware analysis life cycle. Our framework combines the static features of function length and printable string information extracted from malware samples into a single test which gives classification results better than those achieved by using either feature individually. In our testing we input feature information from close to 1400 unpacked malware samples to a number of different classification algorithms. Using k-fold cross validation on the malware, which includes Trojans and viruses, along with 151 clean files, we achieve an overall classification accuracy of over 98%.