132 resultados para stall
The difficulty in adapting European dairy cows breeds in Brazil affect considerably the milk production sector. Brazilian climatic conditions are not totally favorable and the development of new tecnologies is needed for the animals express their genetic potential, as well as their best feed conversion. An economical analysis of the applied investment in the free-stall climatization equipment in dairy housing, for estimating studies related to profit, possibility of return investment as well as time for this return is necessary. The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of climatization investment in the milk production process and analyze the economical aspect of this investment. There were used 470 high productive dairy cows with genetic and morphologic homogeneous characteristics, and analyzed in two similar periods. Investment calculations were done using Excell®. The results were satisfactory and the invested capital was proved to return to the producer in a short term, 57 days.
O trabalho teve o objetivo de caracterizar o microambiente climático das baias de um galpão de confinamento para gado leiteiro, modelo "free-stall", no sentido transversal da instalação. O "free-stall" é orientado na direção norte-sul, localizado em Marechal Cândido Rondon, região Oeste do Paraná, com capacidade para abrigar 40 vacas em lactação (40 baias). Visando à determinação do Índice de Temperatura do Globo e Umidade (ITGU) e da Carga Térmica de Radiação (CTR), foram instalados quatro globos negros, no centro de baias dispostas no sent ido transversal, dispondo dois globos no lado oeste e dois globos no lado leste (separados pelo corredor de alimentação). Lateralmente ao galpão, no lado leste, havia vegetação a 4 m da instalação, que promovia sombreamento nas primeiras horas do dia. Pode-se concluir que, nas primeiras horas do dia, não há diferença significativa entre os valores de ITGU e CTR encontrados, indicando que o sombreamento, devido à vegetação, foi capaz de amenizar os efeitos da radiação solar. Às 17 h 30 min, verificou-se que há ocorrência de maiores valores, tanto de ITGU quanto de CTR, nas baias localizadas no lado oeste do "free-stall".
A dificuldade de adaptação das raças leiteiras européias no Brasil afeta diretamente o setor produtivo de leite. As condições climáticas do País são desfavoráveis, e o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias é imprescindível para que o potencial genético e a capacidade de conversão alimentar sejam evidenciados nos animais. Dessa forma, a análise econômica do investimento na climatização de instalações do tipo free-stall torna-se necessária para estimar os aspectos relacionados à rentabilidade, capacidade de pagamento e tempo necessário para recuperar o capital investido. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar a influência da climatização no processo produtivo de bovinos de leite e realizar uma análise econômica do investimento. Foram utilizadas 470 vacas com características genéticas e morfológicas homogêneas, de alta produção, analisadas em dois períodos semelhantes. Os cálculos do investimento foram efetuados por meio do programa Excell®. Os resultados das análises indicam que deve haver retorno do capital investido em curto prazo (57 dias).
The goal of this study was to develop a fuzzy model to predict the occupancy rate of free-stalls facilities of dairy cattle, aiding to optimize the design of projects. The following input variables were defined for the development of the fuzzy system: dry bulb temperature (Tdb, °C), wet bulb temperature (Twb, °C) and black globe temperature (Tbg, °C). Based on the input variables, the fuzzy system predicts the occupancy rate (OR, %) of dairy cattle in free-stall barns. For the model validation, data collecting were conducted on the facilities of the Intensive System of Milk Production (SIPL), in the Dairy Cattle National Research Center (CNPGL) of Embrapa. The OR values, estimated by the fuzzy system, presented values of average standard deviation of 3.93%, indicating low rate of errors in the simulation. Simulated and measured results were statistically equal (P>0.05, t Test). After validating the proposed model, the average percentage of correct answers for the simulated data was 89.7%. Therefore, the fuzzy system developed for the occupancy rate prediction of free-stalls facilities for dairy cattle allowed a realistic prediction of stalls occupancy rate, allowing the planning and design of free-stall barns.
Resumo Avaliou-se parâmetros reprodutivos e produtivos em vacas da raça Holandês-PB no pós-parto imediato, manejadas em free stall . Utilizou-se 51 vacas entre primíparas e pluríparas. Os valores obtidos foram: escore de condição corporal ao parto 3,47±0,4; intervalos do parto à primeira ovulação 5,89±3,4 semanas; ao primeiro serviço 112,5±57,0 dias; a taxa de gestação ao primeiro serviço foi 43,6% e no período experimental 76,4%, não sendo observada diferença para ordens de parto (P>0,05). A produção de leite acumulada à concepção, produção diária leite até a concepção e produção de leite ajustado para 305 foi respectivamente, 3.335,6±1.488,4; 25,8±5,4 e 7.424,0±1.877,8 litros. Conclui-se que no manejo de Free stall , a detecção de estro, foi o principal fator limitante para alcançar melhor eficiência reprodutiva.
The last few years have proved that Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs) are more suitable for urban areas than Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWTs). To date, very little has been published in this area to assess good performance and lifetime of VAWTs either in open or urban areas. At low tip speed ratios (TSRs<5), VAWTs are subjected to a phenomenon called 'dynamic stall'. This can really affect the fatigue life of a VAWT if it is not well understood. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how CFD is able to simulate the dynamic stall for 2-D flow around VAWT blades. During the numerical simulations different turbulence models were used and compared with the data available on the subject. In this numerical analysis the Shear Stress Transport (SST) turbulence model seems to predict the dynamic stall better than the other turbulence models available. The limitations of the study are that the simulations are based on a 2-D case with constant wind and rotational speeds instead of considering a 3-D case with variable wind speeds. This approach was necessary for having a numerical analysis at low computational cost and time. Consequently, in the future it is strongly suggested to develop a more sophisticated model that is a more realistic simulation of a dynamic stall in a three-dimensional VAWT.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The accuracy of simulating the aerodynamics and structural properties of the blades is crucial in the wind-turbine technology. Hence the models used to implement these features need to be very precise and their level of detailing needs to be high. With the variety of blade designs being developed the models should be versatile enough to adapt to the changes required by every design. We are going to implement a combination of numerical models which are associated with the structural and the aerodynamic part of the simulation using the computational power of a parallel HPC cluster. The structural part models the heterogeneous internal structure of the beam based on a novel implementation of the Generalized Timoshenko Beam Model Technique.. Using this technique the 3-D structure of the blade is reduced into a 1-D beam which is asymptotically equivalent. This reduces the computational cost of the model without compromising its accuracy. This structural model interacts with the Flow model which is a modified version of the Blade Element Momentum Theory. The modified version of the BEM accounts for the large deflections of the blade and also considers the pre-defined structure of the blade. The coning, sweeping of the blade, tilt of the nacelle and the twist of the sections along the blade length are all computed by the model which aren’t considered in the classical BEM theory. Each of these two models provides feedback to the other and the interactive computations lead to more accurate outputs. We successfully implemented the computational models to analyze and simulate the structural and aerodynamic aspects of the blades. The interactive nature of these models and their ability to recompute data using the feedback from each other makes this code more efficient than the commercial codes available. In this thesis we start off with the verification of these models by testing it on the well-known benchmark blade for the NREL-5MW Reference Wind Turbine, an alternative fixed-speed stall-controlled blade design proposed by Delft University, and a novel alternative design that we proposed for a variable-speed stall-controlled turbine, which offers the potential for more uniform power control and improved annual energy production.. To optimize the power output of the stall-controlled blade we modify the existing designs and study their behavior using the aforementioned aero elastic model.
This article charts the learning of a female academic who travelled and volunteered in southern India during a sabbatical leave from her university. Opportunities to discover gender, race and class connections ranged from tea-stall conversations to academic symposia; from outings with impoverished Indian families to excursions with social justice organizations. The author explores topics that include dowry, politics, globalization, communalism, and poverty. To illustrate her learning, she draws on the work of such renowned Indian scholars as Ali Ashgar Engineer and Vandana Shiva.
BACKGROUND Prophylactic measures are key components of dairy herd mastitis control programs, but some are only relevant in specific housing systems. To assess the association between management practices and mastitis incidence, data collected in 2011 by a survey among 979 randomly selected Swiss dairy farms, and information from the regular test day recordings from 680 of these farms was analyzed. RESULTS The median incidence of farmer-reported clinical mastitis (ICM) was 11.6 (mean 14.7) cases per 100 cows per year. The median annual proportion of milk samples with a composite somatic cell count (PSCC) above 200,000 cells/ml was 16.1 (mean 17.3) %. A multivariable negative binomial regression model was fitted for each of the mastitis indicators for farms with tie-stall and free-stall housing systems separately to study the effect of other (than housing system) management practices on the ICM and PSCC events (above 200,000 cells/ml). The results differed substantially by housing system and outcome. In tie-stall systems, clinical mastitis incidence was mainly affected by region (mountainous production zone; incidence rate ratio (IRR) = 0.73), the dairy herd replacement system (1.27) and farmers age (0.81). The proportion of high SCC was mainly associated with dry cow udder controls (IRR = 0.67), clean bedding material at calving (IRR = 1.72), using total merit values to select bulls (IRR = 1.57) and body condition scoring (IRR = 0.74). In free-stall systems, the IRR for clinical mastitis was mainly associated with stall climate/temperature (IRR = 1.65), comfort mats as resting surface (IRR = 0.75) and when no feed analysis was carried out (IRR = 1.18). The proportion of high SSC was only associated with hand and arm cleaning after calving (IRR = 0.81) and beef producing value to select bulls (IRR = 0.66). CONCLUSIONS There were substantial differences in identified risk factors in the four models. Some of the factors were in agreement with the reported literature while others were not. This highlights the multifactorial nature of the disease and the differences in the risks for both mastitis manifestations. Attempting to understand these multifactorial associations for mastitis within larger management groups continues to play an important role in mastitis control programs.
Adolf Eduard Herstein
Adolf Eduard Herstein
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F11576