993 resultados para spinal reflexes


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Recent results in spinal research are challenging the historical view that the spinal reflexes are mostly hardwired and fixed behaviours. In previous work we have shown that three of the simplest spinal reflexes could be self-organised in an agonist-antagonist pair of muscles. The simplicity of these reflexes is given from the fact that they entail at most one interneuron mediating the connectivity between afferent inputs and efferent outputs. These reflexes are: the Myotatic, the Reciprocal Inibition and the Reverse Myotatic reflexes. In this paper we apply our framework to a simulated 2D leg model actuated by six muscles (mono- and bi-articular). Our results show that the framework is successful in learning most of the spinal reflex circuitry as well as the corresponding behaviour in the more complicated muscle arrangement. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Morphine induces antinociception by activating mu opioid receptors (muORs) in spinal and supraspinal regions of the CNS. (Beta)arrestin-2 (beta)arr2), a G-protein-coupled receptor-regulating protein, regulates the muOR in vivo. We have shown previously that mice lacking (beta)arr2 experience enhanced morphine-induced analgesia and do not become tolerant to morphine as determined in the hot-plate test, a paradigm that primarily assesses supraspinal pain responsiveness. To determine the general applicability of the (beta)arr2-muOR interaction in other neuronal systems, we have, in the present study, tested (beta)arr2 knock-out ((beta)arr2-KO) mice using the warm water tail-immersion paradigm, which primarily assesses spinal reflexes to painful thermal stimuli. In this test, the (beta)arr2-KO mice have greater basal nociceptive thresholds and markedly enhanced sensitivity to morphine. Interestingly, however, after a delayed onset, they do ultimately develop morphine tolerance, although to a lesser degree than the wild-type (WT) controls. In the (beta)arr2-KO but not WT mice, morphine tolerance can be completely reversed with a low dose of the classical protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor chelerythrine. These findings provide in vivo evidence that the muOR is differentially regulated in diverse regions of the CNS. Furthermore, although (beta)arr2 appears to be the most prominent and proximal determinant of muOR desensitization and morphine tolerance, in the absence of this mechanism, the contributions of a PKC-dependent regulatory system become readily apparent.


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Este trabalho objetivou avaliar, quantificar e padronizar a ocorrência dos reflexos espinhais em bezerros da raça holandesa de 15 a 90 dias de idade, os quais foram submetidos a avaliação nos membros torácicos (reflexo carpo radial, reflexo bicipital, reflexo tricipital e reflexo flexor) e nos membros pélvicos (reflexo patelar, reflexo tibial cranial, reflexo gastrocnêmio, reflexo ciático e reflexo flexor). Para quantificação da resposta involuntária frente ao reflexo realizado, padronizou-se a ausência do reflexo como sendo o algarismo 0; resposta discreta do reflexo como sendo l e a presença evidente da resposta como sendo 2. Os reflexos mais evidentes e constantes foram os reflexos flexor, carpo radial, patelar e tricipital. Os reflexos menos evidentes e menos freqüentes foram os reflexos tibial cranial, bicipital, gastrocnêmio e ciático.


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Fez-se a avaliação qualitativa e semiquantitativa dos reflexos espinhais em ovinos, utilizando-se 51 animais da raça Suffolk, machos e fêmeas, entre quatro e cinco meses de idade. Usaram-se os reflexos bilaterais dos membros torácicos, extensor carpo-radial, bicipital, tricipital e flexor, e pélvicos, isquiático, gastrocnêmio, patelar, tibial cranial e flexor, sendo zero indicativo de ausência de reflexo, 1= reflexo discreto e 2= reflexo evidente. Nos membros torácicos, as melhores respostas foram obtidas no flexor (99,0%) e no extensor carpo-radial (87,3%), seguidos de valores menos expressivos no bicipital (11,8%) e no tricipital (2,0%), com grau 2 de avaliação. Nos membros pélvicos, todos os ovinos produziram respostas em grau 2 para o reflexo flexor. Verificam-se também respostas evidentes nos reflexos patelar (98,0%) e isquiático (81,4%). Apenas 20,6% dos animais apresentaram resposta evidente ao reflexo tibial cranial, e nenhum ovino respondeu ao reflexo gastrocnêmio de forma satisfatória.


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Six Doberman Pinscher, between six and eight years of age, were presented to the Veterinary Hospital from Faculty of Veterinary Science of The University of Buenos Aires. Neurological examination revealed tetraparesis with inability to walk, decreased muscle tonus and myotatic reflexes in all dogs. Serum cholesterol levels, creatine kinase and alkaline phosphatase activities were mildly to markedly elevated, and tibial motor nerve conduction velocities were slow in all dogs. Basal measurements of free T4 and TSH were determined by radioimmunoassay. Although fT4 values were within normal range, in all dogs TSH values were elevated. Based on this results, hypothyroidism was diagnosed and a supplementation therapy was established with oral levothyroxine (T4). Two weeks after treatment has been started, all patients had an improvement in clinical signs, and within a month gait became normal, as well as muscular tonus and spinal reflexes.


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An 18-month-old European shorthair cat was presented with a two week history of progressive decrease in consciousness, ambulatory tetraparesis, moderate ataxia and generalised decreased-to-absent postural reactions. Bilateral facial and nasal hypalgesia, absent menace response and anisocoria were found, and segmental spinal reflexes were normal. Neurological signs progressed to nonambulatory tetraparesis, tremor and spinal hyperalgesia. Histopathological examination revealed a mild-to-moderate lymphoplasmacytic and histiocytic infiltration, predominantly in the dorsal spinal roots, cranial nerves and ganglia in association with marked demyelination and proliferation of Schwann cells. Neurons and axons were preserved. Lesions were multi-focal and varied in severity. A predominantly sensory polyganglioradiculoneuritis was diagnosed. This lesion has not been reported previously in cats. Rabies, herpesviruses, feline infectious peritonitis, feline immunodeficiency virus, Toxoplasma gondii and feline leukaemia virus were excluded as possible aetiologies. Infections by other viruses or an autoimmune disease are discussed.


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The first cases of early-onset progressive polyneuropathy appeared in the Alaskan Malamute population in Norway in the late 1970s. Affected dogs were of both sexes and were ambulatory paraparetic, progressing to non-ambulatory tetraparesis. On neurologic examination, affected dogs displayed predominantly laryngeal paresis, decreased postural reactions, decreased spinal reflexes and muscle atrophy. The disease was considered eradicated through breeding programmes but recently new cases have occurred in the Nordic countries and the USA. The N-myc downstream-regulated gene (NDRG1) is implicated in neuropathies with comparable symptoms or clinical signs both in humans and in Greyhound dogs. This gene was therefore considered a candidate gene for the polyneuropathy in Alaskan Malamutes. The coding sequence of the NDRG1 gene derived from one healthy and one affected Alaskan Malamute revealed a non-synonymous G>T mutation in exon 4 in the affected dog that causes a Gly98Val amino acid substitution. This substitution was categorized to be "probably damaging" to the protein function by PolyPhen2 (score: 1.000). Subsequently, 102 Alaskan Malamutes from the Nordic countries and the USA known to be either affected (n = 22), obligate carriers (n = 7) or healthy (n = 73) were genotyped for the SNP using TaqMan. All affected dogs had the T/T genotype, the obligate carriers had the G/T genotype and the healthy dogs had the G/G genotype except for 13 who had the G/T genotype. A protein alignment showed that residue 98 is conserved in mammals and also that the entire NDRG1 protein is highly conserved (94.7%) in mammals. We conclude that the G>T substitution is most likely the mutation that causes polyneuropathy in Alaskan Malamutes. Our characterization of a novel candidate causative mutation for polyneuropathy offers a new canine model that can provide further insight into pathobiology and therapy of human polyneuropathy. Furthermore, selection against this mutation can now be used to eliminate the disease in Alaskan Malamutes.


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Il existe plusieurs théories du contrôle moteur, chacune présumant qu’une différente variable du mouvement est réglée par le cortex moteur. On trouve parmi elles la théorie du modèle interne qui a émis l’hypothèse que le cortex moteur programme la trajectoire du mouvement et l’activité électromyographique (EMG) d’une action motrice. Une autre, appelée l’hypothèse du point d’équilibre, suggère que le cortex moteur établisse et rétablisse des seuils spatiaux; les positions des segments du corps auxquelles les muscles et les réflexes commencent à s’activer. Selon ce dernier, les paramètres du mouvement sont dérivés sans pré-programmation, en fonction de la différence entre la position actuelle et la position seuil des segments du corps. Pour examiner de plus près ces deux théories, nous avons examiné l’effet d’un changement volontaire de l’angle du coude sur les influences cortico-spinales chez des sujets sains en employant la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne (TMS) par-dessus le site du cortex moteur projetant aux motoneurones des muscles du coude. L’état de cette aire du cerveau a été évalué à un angle de flexion du coude activement établi par les sujets, ainsi qu’à un angle d’extension, représentant un déplacement dans le plan horizontal de 100°. L’EMG de deux fléchisseurs du coude (le biceps et le muscle brachio-radial) et de deux extenseurs (les chefs médial et latéral du triceps) a été enregistrée. L’état d’excitabilité des motoneurones peut influer sur les amplitudes des potentiels évoqués moteurs (MEPs) élicitées par la TMS. Deux techniques ont été entreprises dans le but de réduire l’effet de cette variable. La première était une perturbation mécanique qui raccourcissait les muscles à l'étude, produisant ainsi une période de silence EMG. La TMS a été envoyée avec un retard après la perturbation qui entraînait la production du MEP pendant la période de silence. La deuxième technique avait également le but d’équilibrer l’EMG des muscles aux deux angles du coude. Des forces assistantes ont été appliquées au bras par un moteur externe afin de compenser les forces produites par les muscles lorsqu’ils étaient actifs comme agonistes d’un mouvement. Les résultats des deux séries étaient analogues. Un muscle était facilité quand il prenait le rôle d’agoniste d’un mouvement, de manière à ce que les MEPs observés dans le biceps fussent de plus grandes amplitudes quand le coude était à la position de flexion, et ceux obtenus des deux extenseurs étaient plus grands à l’angle d’extension. Les MEPs examinés dans le muscle brachio-radial n'étaient pas significativement différents aux deux emplacements de l’articulation. Ces résultats démontrent que les influences cortico-spinales et l’activité EMG peuvent être dissociées, ce qui permet de conclure que la voie cortico-spinale ne programme pas l’EMG à être générée par les muscles. Ils suggèrent aussi que le système cortico-spinal établit les seuils spatiaux d’activation des muscles lorsqu’un segment se déplace d’une position à une autre. Cette idée suggère que des déficiences dans le contrôle des seuils spatiaux soient à la base de certains troubles moteurs d’origines neurologiques tels que l’hypotonie et la spasticité.


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Previously it was shown that spinal excitability during hopping and drop jumping is high in the initial phase of ground contact when the muscle is stretched but decreases toward takeoff. To further understand motor control of stretch-shortening cycle, this study aimed to compare modulation of spinal and corticospinal excitability at distinct phases following ground contact in drop jump. Motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and H-reflexes were elicited at the time of the short (SLR)-, medium (MLR)-, and long (LLR, LLR2)-latency responses of the soleus muscle (SOL) after jumps from 31 cm height. MEPs and H-reflexes were expressed relative to the background electromyographic (EMG) activity. H-reflexes were highly facilitated at SLR (172%) and then progressively decreased (MLR = 133%; LLR = 123%; LLR2 = 110%). TMS showed no effect at SLR, MLR, and LLR, whereas MEPs were significantly facilitated at the LLR2 (122%; P = 0.003). Background EMG was highest at LLR and lowest at LLR2. Strong H-reflex facilitation at the beginning of the stance phase indicated significant contribution of Ia-afferent input to the α-motoneurons during this phase that then progressively declined toward takeoff. Conversely, corticospinal excitability was exclusively increased at the phase of push off (LLR2, ∼120 ms). It is argued that corticomotoneurons increased their excitability at LLR2. At LLR (∼90 ms), Ia-afferent transmission as well as corticospinal excitability was low, whereas background EMG was high. Therefore it is speculated that other sources, presumably subcortical in origin, contributed to the EMG activity at LLR in drop jumps.


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Objective The aim of the study was to examine the effects of a high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) manipulation to the lumbosacral joint on corticospinal excitability, as measured by motor evoked potentials (MEPs) using transcranial magnetic stimulation, and spinal reflex excitability, as measured by the Hoffman reflex (H-reflex).

Methods In a randomized, controlled, crossover design, 14 asymptomatic volunteers (mean age, 23 ± 5.4 years; 10 men; 4 women) were measured for MEPs and H-reflexes immediately before and after a randomly allocated intervention. The interventions consisted of HVLA applied bilaterally to the lumbosacral joint and a control intervention. Participants returned a week later, and the same procedures were performed using the other intervention. Data for H-reflex and MEP amplitudes were normalized to the M-wave maximum amplitude and analyzed using 2-way analysis of variance with repeated measures.

Results A significant interaction of treatment by time was found for MEP (F1,13 = 4.87, P = .04), and post hoc analyses showed that the MEP/M-wave maximum ratio decreased significantly in the HVLA treatment (P = .02; effect size, 0.68). For H-reflex, there was a significant effect of time (F1,13 = 8.186, P = .01) and treatment and time interaction (F1,13 = 9.05, P = .01), with post hoc analyses showing that H-reflexes were significantly reduced after the HVLA manipulation (P = .004; effect size, 0.94). There were no significant changes in MEP latency or silent period duration.

Conclusion An HVLA manipulation applied to the lumbosacral joint produced a significant decrease in corticospinal and spinal reflex excitability, and no significant change occurred after the control intervention. The changes in H-reflexes were larger than those in MEPs, suggesting a greater degree of inhibition at the level of the spinal cord.


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The outcome of spinal surgery in dogs with absent voluntary motor function and nociception following intervertebral disc (IVD) herniation is highly variable, which likely attests to differences in the severity of spinal cord damage. This retrospective study evaluated the extent to which neurological signs correlated with histologically detected spinal cord damage in 60 dogs that were euthanased because of thoracolumbar IVD herniation. Clinical neurological grades correlated significantly with the extent of white matter damage (P<0.001). However, loss of nociception also occurred in 6/31 (19%) dogs with relatively mild histological changes. The duration of clinical signs, Schiff-Sherrington posture, loss of reflexes and pain on spinal palpation were not significantly associated with the severity of spinal cord damage. Although clinical-pathological correlation was generally good, some clinical signs frequently thought to indicate severe cord injury did not always correlate with the degree of cord damage, suggesting functional rather than structural impairment in some cases.


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The measurement of Cobb angles from radiographs is routine practice in spinal clinics. The technique relies on the use and availability of specialist equipment such as a goniometer, cobbometer or protractor. The aim of this study was to validate the use of i-Phone (Apple Inc) combined with Tilt Meter Pro software as compared to a protractor in the measurement of Cobb angles. Between November 2008 and December 2008 20 patients were selected at random from the Paediatric Spine Research Groups Database. A power calculation was performed which indicated if n=240 measurements the study had a 96% chance of detecting a 5 degree difference between groups. All patients had idiopathic scoliosis with a range of curve types and severities. The study found the i-Phone combined with Tilt Meter Pro software offers a faster alternative to the traditional method of Cobb angle measurement. The use of i-Phone offers a more convenient way of measuring Cobb angles in the outpatient setting. The intra-observer repeatability of the iPhone is equivalent to the protractor in the measurement of Cobb angles.


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The measurement of Cobb angles on radiographs of patients with spinal deformities is routine practice in spinal clinics. The technique relies on the use and availability of specialist equipment such as a goniometer, cobbometer or protractor. The aim of this study was to validate the use of i-Phone (Apple Inc) combined with Tilt Meter Pro software as compared to a protractor in the measurement of Cobb angles. The i-Phone combined with Tilt Meter Pro software offers a faster alternative to the traditional method of Cobb angle measurement. The use of i-Phone offers a more convenient way of measuring Cobb angles in the outpatient setting. The intra-observer repeatability of the iPhone is equivalent to the protractor in the measurement of Cobb angles.


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INTRODUCTION Inflammation is a protective attempt to facilitate the removal of damaged tissue and to initiate the healing response in other tissues. However, after spinal cord injury (SCI), this response is prolonged leading to secondary degeneration and glial scarring. Here, we investigate the potential of sustained delivery of pro-inflammatory factors vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) to increase early inflammatory events and promote inflammatory resolution. Method Animal ethics approval was obtained from the Queensland University of Technology. Adult Wistar-Kyoto rats (12-16 weeks old) were subjected to laminectomies and T10 hemisections. Animals were then randomised to treatment (implantation of osmotic pump (Alzet) loaded with 5ug VEGF & 5 ug PDGF) or control groups (lesion control or lesion plus pump delivering PBS). Rats were sacrificed at one month and the spinal cords were harvested and examined by immunohistology, using anti-neurofilament-200(NF200) and anti- ionized calcium binding adapter molecule 1 (Iba1). One way ANOVA was used for statistic analysis. Results At 1 month, active pump-treated cords showed a high level of axonal filament throughout the defects as compared to the control groups. The mean lesion size, as measured by NF200, was 0.47mm2 for the lesion control, 0.39mm2 for the vehicle control and 0.078mm2 for the active pump group. Significant differences were detected between the active pump group and the two control groups (AP vs LC p= 0.017 AG vs VC p= 0.004). Iba-1 staining also showed significant differences in the post-injury inflammatory response. Discussion We have shown that axons and activated microglia are co-located in the lesion of the treated cord. We hypothesise the delivery of VEGF/PDGF increases the local vessel permeability to inflammatory cells and activates these along with the resident microglia to threshold population, which ultimately resolved the prolonged inflammation. Here, we have shown that maintaining the inflammatory signals for at least 7 days improved the morphology of the injured cord. Conclusion This study has shown that boosting inflammation, by delivery VEGF/PDGF, in the early phase of SCI helps to reduce secondary degeneration and may promote inflammation resolution. This treatment may provide a platform for other neuro-regenrative therapies.