890 resultados para spider mite
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Despite their great importance as pests of cultivated plants worldwide, members of the family Tetranychidae have never been subjected to a thorough cladistic analysis to reveal the history and relationships among related genera. Herein, we provide the first phylogenetic analysis and taxonomic review of species of the genera Aponychus, Paraponychus and Stylophoronychus using morphological characters. The results indicate a monophyletic clade uniting the aforementioned genera, although none of the three genera were recovered as monophyletic. We reinstate the tribe Aponychini as the taxon containing those three genera. Aponychus bambusae and A. aequilibris are herein considered junior synonyms of Stylophoronychus vannus and A. corpuzae, respectively. © 2013 CSIRO.
Cultivation of strawberry in plastic tunnels has increased considerably in Norway and in southeastern Brazil, mainly in an attempt to protect the crop from unsuitable climatic factors and some diseases as well as to allow growers to expand the traditional production season. It has been hypothesized that cultivation under tunnels could increase the incidence of one of its major pests in many countries where strawberry is cultivated, including Norway and Brazil, the two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the use of tunnels on the incidence of T. urticae and on its natural enemies on strawberry in two ecologically contrasting regions, Norway (temperate) and southeastern Brazil (subtropical). In both countries, peak densities of T. urticae in tunnels and in the open fields were lower than economic thresholds reported in the literature. Factors determining that systematically seem to be the prevailing relatively low temperature in Norway and high relative humidity in both countries. The levels of occurrence in Norway and Brazil in 2010 were so low that regardless of any potential effect of the use of tunnel, no major differences were observed between the two cropping systems in relation to T. urticae densities. In 2009 in Norway and in 2011 in Brazil, increase in T. urticae population seemed to have been restrained mainly by rainfall in the open field and by predatory mites in the tunnels. Phytoseiids were the most numerous predatory mite group of natural occurrence on strawberry, and the prevalence was higher in Brazil, where the most abundant species on strawberry leaves were Neoseiulus anonymus and Phytoseiulus macropilis. In Norway, the most abundant naturally occurring phytoseiids on strawberry leaves were Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) rhenanus and Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) pyri. Predatory mites were very rare in the litter samples collected in Norway. Infection rate of the pest by the fungus Neozygites floridana (Neozygitaceae) was low. The results of this work suggest that in Norway the use of tunnels might not affect the population densities of T. urticae on strawberry in years of lower temperatures. When temperature is not a limiting factor for the development of T. urticae in that country (apparently always the case in southern Brazil), strawberry cultivation in the tunnels may allow T. urticae to reach higher population levels than in open fields (because of the provided protection from the direct impact of rainfall), but natural enemies may prevent higher levels from being reached.
This NebGuide describes the two common spider mites found in Nebraska corn and soybeans, their natural enemies and management. Two species of spider mites, the Banks grass mite and twospotted spider mite, commonly feed on Nebraska corn. Banks grass mites (BGM) feed almost exclusively on grasses, including corn and sorghum. Twospotted spider mites (TSM) not only feed on many species of grasses, but also on soybeans, fruit trees and a variety of vegetables and ornamental plants. Although these two species are somewhat similar in appearance, they differ in several biological characteristics and in their susceptibility to pesticides. Banks grass mites usually appear earlier in the season, feed mostly on the lower leaves of the corn plant, and in Nebraska are moderately susceptible to many of the commonly used miticides. On the other hand, TSM tend to appear in mid to late season, increase rapidly, feed over the entire plant, and often are not consistently controlled by available pesticides.
Brazilian populations of the pathogenic fungus Neozygites floridana (Weiser & Muma) Remaudiere & S. Keller (Entomophthoromycotina: Entomophthorales) and the predatory mite Phytoseiulus longipes Evans (Acari: Phytoseiidae) are potential candidates for introduction into Africa for classical biological control of the tomato red spider mite, Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard (Acari: Tetranychidae). The efficiency of these natural enemies against T. evansi has been demonstrated under laboratory conditions, but little is known about their performance on native Solanaceae in the field. The American nightshade, Solanum americanum Mill., is native to the Americas and may serve as an alternative host plant for T. evansi and its natural enemies in the absence of tomato plants. In this work, we studied the population dynamics of T. evansi and its natural enemies on S. americanum in a screen house, semi-field and field plots in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, to evaluate the potential of natural enemies for controlling T. evansi. Of the four natural enemies found in association with T. evansi, only N. floridana and P. longipes were clearly associated with the reduction of the populations of T. evansi. Neozygites floridana was observed in a screen house, semi-field and field plots, but P. longipes was only detected in the semi-field plots. Increases in the population of T. evansi were always followed by increases in the density of one of these natural enemies, suggesting that they were important factors regulating T. evansi populations on S. americanum. The presence of this host plant near the release sites in Africa thus might increase the chances for the permanent establishment of these natural enemies.
Prior to the 1980s, arthropod pest control in Queensland strawberries was based entirely on calendar sprays of insecticides (mainly endosulfan, triclorfon, dimethoate and carbaryl) and a miticide (dicofol). These chemicals were applied frequently and spider mite outbreaks occurred every season. The concept of integrated pest management (IPM) had not been introduced to growers, and the suggestion that an alternative to the standard chemical pest control recipe might be available, was ignored. Circumstances changed when the predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis Athios-Henriot, became available commercially in Australia, providing the opportunity to manage spider mites, the major pests of strawberries, with an effective biological agent. Trials conducted on commercial farms in the early 1980s indicated that a revolution in strawberry pest management was at hand, but the industry generally remained sceptical and afraid to adopt the new strategy. Lessons are learnt from disasters and the consequent monetary loss that ensues, and in 1993, such an event relating to ineffective spider mite control, spawned the revolution we had to have. Farm-oriented research and evolving grower perspectives have resulted in the acceptance of biological control of spider mites using Phytoseiulus persimilis and the 'pest in first' technique, and it now forms the basis of an IPM system that is used on more than 80% of the Queensland strawberry crop.
Avaliou-se a resistência de genótipos de tomateiro selvagens [Lycopersicon pennellii (LA 716), L. hirsutum var. glabratum (PI 126449, PI 134417), L. hirsutum (PI 127826, PI 127827), L. peruvianum (CGO 6707), L. peruvianum var. dentatum (WYR 2020, LA 111), L. peruvianum var. glandulosum (LA 1113-1, LA 1113-2)] e comerciais [(L. esculentum) Gem Pride, Santa Clara, e híbridos Bruna VFN, Carmem, Fortaleza, Débora Plus VFN] ao ácaro rajado (Tetranychus urticae). O número médio de ovos, fases imaturas (larvas, protoninfas e deutoninfas) e adultos por folíolo foi contado; o índice de preferência para oviposição (IPO) foi calculado. O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso, com 6 repetições. Os genótipos LA 716, PI 126449, PI 134417, PI 127827, PI 127826 e Gem Pride apresentaram não-preferência para oviposição do ácaro rajado, sendo deterrentes quanto à classificação do IPO, enquanto os genótipos LA 111, WYR 2020, LA 1113-2 e LA1113-1 foram os mais preferidos para a oviposição e foram considerados como estimulantes pelo IPO.
Este trabalho foi realizado para avaliar o desenvolvimento e reprodução de Tetranychus urticae em cultivares comerciais de mamão Carica papaya. Foram utilizadas cultivares do grupo Formosa (Tainung 01 e Calimosa) e do grupo Solo (Golden e Sunrise). Para iniciar o bioensaio, foi transferida uma fêmea fertilizada por disco de folha (n=50 repetições) e retirado após um período de 12h, sendo avaliada a cada 12h, registrando-se o período de incubação, duração do estágio de imaturo, longevidade e fecundidade dos adultos e viabilidade desses estágios. Os resultados indicaram que as cultivares de mamão Tainung 01, Calimosa, Sunrise e Golden são bons hospedeiros para T. urticae. O parâmetro viabilidade não sofreu influência das cultivares em todas as fases de desenvolvimento avaliadas, apresentando valores superiores a 90%. Não houve diferença estatística entre as cultivares nos parâmetros: período de pre-oviposição e viabilidade dos ovos. A cultivar Tainung 01 apresentou menor potencial hospedeiro, embora houvesse menor duração nos estágios de ovo, larva, protoninfa e ovo-adulto. Nos parâmetros de tabela de vida e fertilidade, apresentou menores valores de Ro, r m e λ e maior valor de Td. Entre as cultivares, o Sunrise apresentou um elevado potencial hospedeiro para T. urticae, pois essa cultivar proporcionou a maior produção de ovos por fêmea, maior longevidade das fêmeas, bem como a maior taxa de reprodução (maior Ro, r m e λ e menor valor de Td).
O efeito do cultivo do mamoeiro em ambiente protegido foi estudado em três condições: sem cobertura e em dois telados construídos com tela de propileno branca, com malhas de 2 x 2 mm e 2 x 1 mm. Nessa área foram feitas avaliações na cultivar Baixinho de Santa Amália, contando-se o número de plantas com sintomas de ataque recente, para o ácaro branco Polyphagotarsonemus latus, com sintomas e presença de ácaros, para o ácaro rajado Tetranychus urticae e com presença de adultos ou ninfas nas folhas, no caso das moscas-brancas Trialeurodes sp., Bemisia tabaci biótipo B e uma terceira espécie não identificada. Para moscas-brancas, também foram realizadas contagens de ninfas e exúvias em laboratório. O cultivo em ambiente protegido favoreceu a sobrevivência e o desenvolvimento populacional das espécies estudadas, sendo que algumas possíveis causas são discutidas no texto. Considerando-se que o cultivo protegido pode ser uma boa alternativa para o controle de viroses, como o mosaico do mamoeiro, problema limitante para a cultura, estratégias de manejo de pragas nesses ambientes devem ser desenvolvidas, para viabilizar o seu uso.
As videiras da região de Jales, Estado de São Paulo, têm sido intensamente atacadas pelo ácaro-rajado, Tetranychus urticae Koch. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo comparar cultivares de uva quanto à adequação como hospedeiras da espécie. em experimento de campo, naquele local, a ocorrência da praga, ao longo de 12 meses, foi acompanhada nas cultivares de uvas finas, Itália e Benitaka, e na cultivar de uva rústica, Niagara Rosada. No laboratório, a biologia de T. urticae foi estudada nessas três cultivares e na 'Redimeire'. Na cultivar Niagara Rosada, o ácaro-rajado apresentou menor fecundidade e menor sobrevivência, indicando a presença de mecanismos de resistência por antibiose. Além disso, houve maior tentativa de fuga dessa cultivar, sugerindo resistência por não preferência.
Estudou-se o efeito das pulverizações de azocyclotin por turboatomizadores Jacto Arbus 2000/Export e Arbus 2000/850, sob diferentes condições operacionais, no controle do ácaro purpúreo, Panonychus citri (McGregor), e da leprose, Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes); e de Arbus 2000/Export contra o ácaro da falsa ferrugem, Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead). Foram instalados três experimentos em pomares de citros (var. Valência) no período de 1994/95. O acaricida azocyclotin na dose 25 g i.a. / 100 litros d'água foi eficiente por 52 dias no controle de B. phoenicis e por 28 dias contra P. oleivora. Variações nas condições operacionais dos turboatomizadores não influenciaram no controle dos ácaros pragas. O produto azocyclotin pulverizado a 75% da dosagem comercial com 35 bicos do tipo JA-2 (Jacto), a 3,6 km/h e na pressão de 2070 kPa proporcionaram níveis de controle equivalentes aos obtidos com 100% da dosagem comercialmente recomendada desse acaricida, até 16 dias, quando aplicado com o turboatomizador Jacto Arbus 2000/Export no controle de P. citri.
The rubber tree red false spider mite, Tenuipalpus heveae Baker, is an important pest of Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex. Adr. de Juss.) Muell. Arg. The phytoseiid mite Euseius citrifolius Dennmark & Muma has frequently been recorded on rubber tree crops. The objective of this work was to determine the predatory activity of E. citrifolius on the different life stages (egg, larva, nymph and adult) of T. heveae. The experiments were carried out in Petri dishes (9-cm diameter) containing a layer of wet cotton inside, onto which a disk of rubber tree leaf (2.5-cm diameter) was laid. The disks were taken from naturally infested leaves. Twenty specimens in the life stage that was to be tested were left on the disk and the others were eliminated; a predator life stage (larva, nymph or female) was obtained from a laboratory stock colony and put into each dish. For each tested life stage of E. citrifolius, 4 treatments (T. heveae life stages) and 20 replications were considered in a randomized block design. The observations were made after 24 hours for larvae and nymphs of the predator, and after 24, 48 and 72 hours for the females. E. citrifolius larvae and nymphs had a higher preference for T. heveae larvae followed by nymphs, eggs and adults. Within 72 hours, each predator female consumed 15.0 larvae, 14.5 nymphs, 7.4 adults or 2.2 eggs of T. heveae. It is concluded that E. citrifolius can feed on red false spider mites, the larva and nymph being the preferred stages.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS