190 resultados para spastic paraplegia
The hereditary spastic paraplegias are a heterogeneous group of degenerative disorders that are clinically classified as either pure with predominant lower limb spasticity, or complex where spastic paraplegia is complicated with additional neurological features, and are inherited in autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive or X-linked patterns. Genetic defects have been identified in over 40 different genes, with more than 70 loci in total. Complex recessive spastic paraplegias have in the past been frequently associated with mutations in SPG11 (spatacsin), ZFYVE26/SPG15, SPG7 (paraplegin) and a handful of other rare genes, but many cases remain genetically undefined. The overlap with other neurodegenerative disorders has been implied in a small number of reports, but not in larger disease series. This deficiency has been largely due to the lack of suitable high throughput techniques to investigate the genetic basis of disease, but the recent availability of next generation sequencing can facilitate the identification of disease- causing mutations even in extremely heterogeneous disorders. We investigated a series of 97 index cases with complex spastic paraplegia referred to a tertiary referral neurology centre in London for diagnosis or management. The mean age of onset was 16 years (range 3 to 39). The SPG11 gene was first analysed, revealing homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations in 30/97 (30.9%) of probands, the largest SPG11 series reported to date, and by far the most common cause of complex spastic paraplegia in the UK, with severe and progressive clinical features and other neurological manifestations, linked with magnetic resonance imaging defects. Given the high frequency of SPG11 mutations, we studied the autophagic response to starvation in eight affected SPG11 cases and control fibroblast cell lines, but in our restricted study we did not observe correlations between disease status and autophagic or lysosomal markers. In the remaining cases, next generation sequencing was carried out revealing variants in a number of other known complex spastic paraplegia genes, including five in SPG7 (5/97), four in FA2H (also known as SPG35) (4/97) and two in ZFYVE26/SPG15. Variants were identified in genes usually associated with pure spastic paraplegia and also in the Parkinson’s disease-associated gene ATP13A2, neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis gene TPP1 and the hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy DNMT1 gene, highlighting the genetic heterogeneity of spastic paraplegia. No plausible genetic cause was identified in 51% of probands, likely indicating the existence of as yet unidentified genes.
SPOAN is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder which was recently characterized by our group in a large inbred Brazilian family with 25 affected individuals. This condition is clinically defined by: 1. congenital optic atrophy; 2. progressive spastic paraplegia with onset in infancy; and 3. progressive motor and sensory axonal neuropathy. Overall, we are now aware of 68 SPOAN patients (45 females and 23 males, with age ranging from 5 to 72 years), 44 of which are presented here for the first time. They were all born in the same geographic micro region. Those 68 patients belong to 43 sibships, 40 of which exhibit parental consanguinity. Sixty-one patients were fully clinically evaluated and 64 were included in the genetic investigation. All molecularly studied patients are homozygotes for D11S1889 at 11q13. This enabled us to reduce the critical region for the SPOAN gene from 4.8 to 2.3 Mb, with a maximum two point lod score of 33.2 (with marker D11S987) and of 27.0 (with marker D11S1889). Three genes located in this newly defined critical region were sequenced, but no pathogenic mutation was detected. The gene responsible for SPOAN remains elusive.
Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) associated with thin corpus callosum is a rare autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by an abnormally thin corpus callosum, normal motor development, slowly progressive spastic paraparesis and cognitive deterioration. To investigate and localize abnormalities in the brains of two Chinese patients with HSP-TCC, with mutations in the spatacsin gene. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was used to determine the mean diffusion (MD) and fractional anisotropy (FA) in the brains of the patients in comparison to 20 healthy subjects. Voxel-based analysis (VBA) of both the diffusion and anisotropy values were performed using statistical parametric mapping (SPM). Significant changes with MD increase and FA reduction were found in the already known lesions including the corpus callosum, cerebellum and thalamus. In addition, changes were also found in regions that appear to be normal in conventional MRI, such as the brain stem, internal capsule, cingulum and subcortical white matter including superior longitudinal fascicle and inferior longitudinal fascicle. Neither increase in FA nor reduction in MD was detected in the brain. Our study provides clear in vivo MR imaging evidence of a more widespread brain involvement of HSP-TCC. MD is more sensitive than FA in detecting lesions in thalamus and subcortical white matter, suggesting that MD may be a better marker of the disease progression.
The cause of porcine congenital progressive ataxia and spastic paresis (CPA) is unknown. This severe neuropathy manifests shortly after birth and is lethal. The disease is inherited as a single autosomal recessive allele, designated cpa. In a previous study, we demonstrated close linkage of cpa to microsatellite SW902 on porcine chromosome 3 (SSC3), which corresponds syntenically to human chromosome 2. This latter chromosome contains ion channel genes (Ca(2+), K(+) and Na(+)), a cholinergic receptor gene and the spastin (SPG4) gene, which cause human epilepsy and ataxia when mutated. We mapped porcine CACNB4, KCNJ3, SCN2A and CHRNA1 to SSC15 and SPG4 to SSC3 with the INRA-Minnesota porcine radiation hybrid panel (IMpRH) and we sequenced the entire open reading frames of CACNB4 and SPG4 without finding any differences between healthy and affected piglets. An anti-epileptic drug treatment with ethosuximide did not change the severity of the disease, and pigs with CPA did not exhibit the corticospinal tract axonal degeneration found in humans suffering from hereditary spastic paraplegia, which is associated with mutations in SPG4. For all these reasons, the hypothesis that CACNB4, CHRNA1, KCNJ3, SCN2A or SPG4 are identical with the CPA gene was rejected.
Les ataxies spastiques héréditaires forment une famille hétérogène de désordres qui ont des points communs avec les ataxies héréditaires et les paraplégies spastiques héréditaires. Un de ces éléments est une ataxie, soit une difficulté de coordination des membres souvent due à un dommage au cervelet. L’autre est une spasticité des membres inférieurs, souvent due à des dommages à la voie cortico-spinale. Une seule ataxie spastique à hérédité autosomique dominante a été rapportée dans la littérature, et il s’agit de SPAX1. À l’aide de trois familles de Terre-Neuve présentant ce phénotype, le locus a été identifié en 2002. Dans ce mémoire, c’est de la découverte du gène causal dont il est question. La mutation a été trouvée dans le gène VAMP1, qui encode la protéine synaptobrévine 1, une protéine synaptique impliquée dans l’exocytose des neurotransmetteurs. Il est aussi question de la caractérisation fonctionnelle de la mutation sur l’ARN et des conséquences possibles sur la protéine, concordant avec les symptômes de la maladie.
Au cours des dernières années, la génétique a subi une progression phénoménale suite au développement de nouvelles technologies de séquençage. En effet, le séquençage de l’exome entier chez des familles a permis l’identification de nouveaux gènes impliqués pour plusieurs maladies. La neurologie a d’ailleurs bénéficié de ces avancées et plusieurs gènes ont été mis en évidence comme causatifs pour différents désordres neurologiques. Dans ce travail il sera question de deux désordres du mouvement pour lequel nous avons utilisés des technologies de séquençage traditionnelles, en l’occurrence le séquençage par Sanger, ainsi que de nouvelles technologies pour le séquençage de l’exome entier afin d’identifier de nouveaux gènes causatifs. Le premier désordre du mouvement qui sera décrit est l’ataxie, où ne seront abordées que les ataxies de cause génétiques, à transmission récessive. Le premier chapitre relatera les nouvelles mutations qui ont été trouvées chez des canadiens-français souffrant de l’ataxie de Beauce. Il sera aussi question de nouvelles mutations retrouvées dans deux autres populations, confirmant l’implication du gène SYNE1 dans les cas d’ataxie cérébelleuse à travers le monde. Le second chapitre fera la démonstration qu’il est souhaitable d’utiliser le séquençage de l’exome entier dans le but de poser un diagnostic clinique. En effet, il a été possible de trouver la cause génétique d’une famille comportant deux membres atteints d’atrophie congénitale du cervelet, où le symptôme prédominant est l’ataxie. Le séquençage de l’exome a permis la mise en évidence de mutations dans le gène PMM2, déjà connues pour cause le syndrome des glycoprotéines déficientes en hydrates de carbone. Dans un second temps, il sera question d’un autre désordre du mouvement la paraplégie spastique familiale (PSF). Le chapitre 3 relatera les mutations trouvées dans le gène CYP7B1 dans notre cohorte de patients PSF.
Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia with thinning of corpus callosum (ARHSP-TCC) is a complex form of HSP initially described in Japan but subsequently reported to have a worldwide distribution with a particular high frequency in multiple families from the Mediterranean basin. We recently showed that ARHSP-TCC is commonly associated with mutations in SPG11/KIAA1840 on chromosome 15q. We have now screened a collection of new patients mainly originating from Italy and Brazil, in order to further ascertain the spectrum of mutations in SPG11, enlarge the ethnic origin of SPG11 patients, determine the relative frequency at the level of single Countries (i.e., Italy), and establish whether there is one or more common mutation. In 25 index cases we identified 32 mutations; 22 are novel, including 9 nonsense, 3 small deletions, 4 insertions, 1 in/del, 1 small duplication, 1 missense, 2 splice-site, and for the first time a large genomic rearrangement. This brings the total number of SPG11 mutated patients in the SPATAX collection to 111 cases in 44 families and in 17 isolated cases, from 16 Countries, all assessed using homogeneous clinical criteria. While expanding the spectrum of mutations in SPG11, this larger series also corroborated the notion that even within apparently homogeneous population a molecular diagnosis cannot be achieved without full gene sequencing. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify communities at high risk of transmitting recessive genetic disorders by measuring levels of endogamy and offspring's rate of disabilities. Methods: In a house-to-house population based-survey in the state of Paraiba, 20,462 couples were interviewed regarding kinship relation, number of siblings and offspring affected by mental or physical disabilities. Results: The rate of consanguineous unions in the communities ranged from 6.0% to 41.14%, showing an average value of 20.19% +/- 9.13%. The overall average inbreeding coefficient (F) was 0.00602 +/- 0.00253, ranging from 0.00134 to 0.01182. Communities situated on the backlands had an increased average value of F compared to those closer to the seashore (P = 0.024). The average rate of disabled offspring varied from 2.96% +/- 0.68% for unrelated unions to 10.44% +/- 16.86% for related couples at the level of double first cousins or uncleniece. The Spearman correlation coefficient between the overall rate of disabled offspring from all couples together and F was 0.510 (P < 0.01). Conclusion: Inbreeding increases the risk of disability which is unevenly distributed, varying considerably even in neighboring communities with similar Human Development Index and population density. Higher inbreeding communities are mostly located on the more economically underdeveloped backlands than on the coastal region. The identification of communities at high risk for genetic disorders could serve as basis for the establishment of Community Genetics programs. Am. J. Hum. Biol., 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a recessive X-linked disorder associated with marked phenotypic variability. Female carriers are commonly thought to be normal or only mildly affected, but their disease still needs to be better described and systematized. Objectives: To review and systematize the clinical features of heterozygous women followed in a Neurogenetics Clinic. Methods: We reviewed the clinical, biochemical, and neuroradiological data of all women known to have X-ADL. Results: The nine women identified were classified into three groups: with severe and aggressive diseases; with slowly progressive, spastic paraplegia; and with mildly decreased vibratory sensation, brisk reflexes, and no complaints. Many of these women did not have a known family history of X-ALD. Conclusions: Heterozygous women with X-ADL have a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations, ranging from mild to severe phenotypes.
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The m-AAA protease is a hexameric complex involved in processing of specific substrates and turnover of misfolded polypeptides in the mitochondrial inner membrane. In humans, the m-AAA protease is composed of AFG3L2 and paraplegin. Mutations in AFG3L2 have been implicated in dominant spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA28) and recessive spastic ataxia-neuropathy syndrome (SPAX5). Mutations of SPG7, encoding paraplegin, are linked to hereditary spastic paraplegia. In the mouse, a third subunit AFG3L1 is expressed. Various mouse models recapitulate the phenotype of these neurodegenerative disorders, however, the pathogenic mechanism of neurodegeneration is not completely understood. Here, we studied several mouse models and focused on cell-autonomous role of the m-AAA protease in neurons and myelinating cells. We show that lack of Afg3l2 triggers mitochondrial fragmentation and swelling, tau hyperphosphorylation and pathology in Afg3l2 full-body and forebrain neuron-specific knockout mice. Moreover, deletion of Afg3l2 in adult myelinating cells causes early-onset mitochondrial abnormalities as in the neurons, but the survival of these cells is not affected, which is a contrast to early neuronal death. Despite the fact that myelinating cells have been previously shown to survive respiratory deficiency by glycolysis, total ablation of the m-AAA protease by deleting Afg3l2 in an Afg3l1 null background (DKO), leads to myelinating cell demise and subsequently progressive axonal demyelination. Interestingly, DKO mice show premature hair greying due to loss of melanoblasts. Together, our data demonstrate cell-autonomous survival thresholds to m-AAA protease deficiency, and an essential role of the m-AAA protease to prevent cell death independent from mitochondrial dynamics and the oxidative capacity of the cell. Thus, our findings provide novel insights to the pathogenesis of diseases linked to m-AAA protease deficiency, and also establish valuable mitochondrial dysfunctional mouse models to study other neurodegenerative diseases, such as tauopathies and demyelinating diseases.