969 resultados para soybean seed


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The concentrated suspension (CS), the basis of Mo trioxide, allows high Mo concentrations and is therefore a technical advance for seed treatment, since it allows the recommendation of the Mo at lower dosage than with the liquid solution formulations (LS). The purpose of this research was to evaluate the efficiency and doses of fertilizer with Mo and Co in concentrated suspension in comparison with liquid solution as well as fertilizers associated with phytohormones, applied in seed treatments, and their effect on soybean yield. Two experiments were carried out in the growing seasons of 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 at the Universidade Federal de Uberlandia (UFU).The first was conducted in an experimental area on the Fazenda Capim Branco, with six treatments and four replications: (1) Mo and Co (CS) - 22 g ha-1 + 1.08 g ha-1; (2) Mo and Co (CS) - 22 g ha-1 + + 1.08 g ha-1 + phytohormone -200 mL ha-1; 3) Mo and Co (LS), 20.7 g ha-1 + 4.13 g ha-1; 4) Mo and Co (LS), 20.7 g ha-1 + 4.13 g ha-1 + phytohormone -200 mL ha-1; (5) + control phytohormone-200 mL ha-1; and (6) control (free of Mo and Co in the seed treatment). The phytohormone consisted of: auxin (11 mg L-1) and cytokynin (0.031 mg L-1). The soybean cultivar Monsoy 8004 was used and a fertilization of 400 kg ha-1 of 02-20-20 NPK fertilizer was applied at sowing. Based on the results of the first experiment, the second was conducted on the Fazenda Floresta do Lobo, in Uberlândia, MG, evaluated in a randomized block design with nine treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of Mo and Co (g ha-1) doses applied to soybean seeds, as CS formulation (15, 25, 35, 45, 60 and 0.74; 1.23; 1.72; 2.21; 2.95) and LS- (15; 20; 25 and 3.18; 4.25; 5.31), respectively, and the control (free of Mo and Co in the seed treatment). The variety Monarch was used, fertilized with 300 kg ha-1 of NPK fertilizer (03-32-06) at sowing; and 78 kg ha-1 (K2O) in topdressing 30 days after soybean emergence. The Mo and Co doses in the seed treatment with LS and CS resulted in higher soybean yields than in the control, from 20 g ha-1 Mo and 4.25 g ha-1 Co in liquid solution and 35 g ha-1Mo and 1.72 g ha-1 Co in the concentrated suspension.


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The Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) can improve interpretations of leaf analysis to determine the nutrient status. Diagnoses by this method require DRIS norms, which are however not known for oil content of soybean seeds. The aims of this study were to establish and test the DRIS method for oil content of soybean seed (maturity group II cultivars). Soybean leaves (207 samples) in the full flowering stage were analyzed for macro and micro-nutrients, and the DRIS was applied to assess the relationship between nutrient ratios and the seed oil content. Samples from experimental and farm field sites of the southernmost Brazilian state Rio Grande do Sul (28° - 29° southern latitude; 52° -53° western longitude) were assessed in two growing seasons (2007/2008 and 2008/2009). The DRIS norms related to seed oil content differed between the studied years. A unique DRIS norm was established for seed oil content higher than 18.68 % based on data of the 2007/2008 growing season. Higher DRIS indices of B, Ca, Mg and S were associated with a higher oil content, while the opposite was found for K, N and P. The DRIS can be used to evaluate the leaf nutrient status of soybean to improve the seed oil content of the crop.


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Under subtropical and tropical environments soybean seed (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) are harvested early to avoid deterioration from weathering. Careful after-harvest drying is required and is an important step in maintaining the physiological quality of the seed. Soybean seed should be harvested when the moisture content is in a range of 16-20%. Traditional drying utilizes a high temperature air stream passed through the seed mass without dehumidification. The drying time is long because the system is inefficient and the high temperature increases the risk of thermal damage to the seed. New technology identified as heat pipe technology (HPT) is available and has the unique feature of removing the moisture from the air stream before it is passed through the seed mass at the same environmental temperature. Two studies were conducted to evaluate the performance of HPT for dry soybean seed. In the first study the seeds were dried from 17.5 to 11.1% in 2 hours and 29 minutes and in the second sudy the seeds were dried from 22.6 to 11.9% in 16 hours and 32 minutes. This drying process caused no reduction in seed quality as measured by the standard germination, tetrazolium-viability, accelerated aging and seedling vigor classification tests. The only parameter that indicated a slight seed quality reduction was tetrazolium vigor in the second study. It was concluded that the HPT system is a promising technology for drying soybean seed when efficiency and maintenance of physiological quality are desired.


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The occurrence of green soybean seed due to forced maturation or premature plant death caused by drought or foliar and/or root diseases has been common in several Brazilian production areas. Physiological quality of seed lots with green seed may have their germination and vigor potentials affected and therefore discarded by the grain industry. The objective of this experiment was to determine the maximum tolerated level of green seed in soybean seed lots, which is information of major importance for seed producers when taking the decision whether to sell these lots. Soybean seed of the cultivars CD 206, produced in Ubirata, Parana, and ‘FMT Tucunare,’ produced in Alto Garças, Mato Grosso, were used in the study. Green seed and yellow seed of both cultivars were mixed in the following proportions: 0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, 15%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Seed quality was evaluated by the germination, accelerated aging, tetrazolium and electrical conductivity tests. The contents of a, b and total chlorophyll in the seed were also determined. A complete randomized block design in a factorial scheme (two cultivars x 12 levels of green seed) was used. Seed quality was negatively affected and chlorophyll contents incremented with the increase in the percentage of green seed. Seed germination, viability and vigor, measured by the accelerated aging test, were not reduced with levels of up to 3% green seed, for both cultivars. Levels above 6% green seed significantly reduced the quality of the seed. The quality of seed lots with 9% or more green seed was significantly reduced to the point that their commercialization is not recommended.


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Breeding soybean for high seed quality is an important approach for developing cultivars for tropical regions, and the lignin content in the seed coat is one of the screening parameters for this trait. Considering that many breeding lines are evaluated in each growing season using the presently recommended method for lignin determination, a long period is required for the evaluation of the whole breeding program. This time limitation may influence lignin content assessment, if lignin is degraded during storage. This research reported was designed to determine whether lignin was degraded in the seed coat of soybean seed cultivars stored for one year in a controlled environment (10°C temperature and 50% air relative humidity). Seeds of 12 selected soybean cultivars that had a range in seed coat lignin content were evaluated. Seeds were hand harvested just after physiological maturity and evaluated for seed coat lignin content at harvest and after one year of storage in a cold room (10°C and 50% RH). The lignin content in seed coats differed significantly among cultivars in both analyses, but for both results the sequence of cultivar classification and the lignin content values of each cultivar did not change. A regression analysis of lignin content at harvest and after one year of storage indicated a direct relationship between both lignin determinations suggesting no differences between the lignin content of each cultivar due to prolonged storage (r² = 0.98***). This indicates that the lignin determination in the soybean seed coat can be performed over a long time period without any bias due to change in its content.


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The occurrence of green seeded soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] is a problem closely related to unfavorable climatic conditions, mainly drought, that occurs during the final stages of seed maturation. This problem causes serious losses to soybean seed quality in Brazil. In these seeds, chlorophyll is not properly degraded during maturation, drastically reducing seed quality. Using the chlorophyll fluorescence technique, it is possible to remove green seeds from the seed lot, improving seed quality in several species in which the occurrence of green seeds is also a problem. The objective of this research was to study the use of the chlorophyll fluorescence technique in sorting green seeds from soybean seed samples and its effects on quality. Five seed samples of soybean, cultivar TMG 113 RR, with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of green seeds were used in this study. Seeds from each sample were sorted into two fractions based on the chlorophyll fluorescence signals and then compared to the control (non-sorted seeds). The sorting process showed great differences between the low and high chlorophyll fluorescence fractions. It was concluded that: green seeds of soybeans present high chlorophyll fluorescence and that this characteristic affects the quality of the seeds; it is possible to improve the quality of soybean seed by removing green seeds using the chlorophyll fluorescence sorting technique.


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Seed vigor is one of the factors that determines the speed and uniformity of seedling emergence and initial plant growth, which are crucial aspects in the competition against weeds. The objective of this study was to verify the direct effects of soybean seed vigor on weed competition and grain yield. A field experiment was conducted with three seed lots of the "Conquista" cultivar, previously characterized by physiological tests as having high, intermediate and low vigor. The experiment was divided into weeded and unweeded plots with six treatments. Crop plant height, weed dry mass accumulation and crop grain yield data were recorded. Seed vigor did not affect plant height and grain yield. Plants which developed from seeds with high and intermediate vigor showed the best results for competition against weeds, reducing weed dry mass accumulation. Plants which developed from high vigor seeds give the best results for grain yield for both weeded and unweeded treatments.


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Most soybean pathogens are seed transmitted, deserving emphasis the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, which has been presenting worrying levels of field incidence in some soybean cropping areas in several Brazilian states. The objective of this study was to verify the efficiency of different methods for detecting S. sclerotiorum on soybean seeds artificially infected in the laboratory and from field production areas with a historical disease incidence. Seed samples of seven different cultivars collected from naturally infested fields, and one seed sample artificially inoculated in the laboratory were used. The following detection methods recommended in the literature were compared: Blotter test at 7 ºC, 14 ºC, and 21 ºC; Rolled Paper; and Neon-S. Results demonstrated that these methods showed no repeatability and had a low sensitivity for detecting the pathogen in seeds from areas with disease incidence. They were effective, however, for its detection on artificially inoculated seeds. In the Blotter test method at 7 ºC, there was a lower incidence of other fungi considered undesirable during seed analysis.


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In consequence of several studies and speculations concerning the issue of RR transgenic soybean after the application of glyphosate, additional scientific investigations became necessary to clarify the actual viability of the product use when applied in different developmental stages of the soybean crop. Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate the physiological quality as well as seed health quality of RR soybean subjected to application of the herbicide glyphosate in different phonological stages of the transgenic soybean, cultivar CD 219RR. For this, an experiment with a complete block experimental design with treatments randomly distributed within the block, with four replications, was carried out. The assessed treatments were foliar sprayings of glyphosate in three increasing dosages [0 (control); 1,440 g ha-1; and 2,880 g ha-1] of acid equivalent, applied in two crop developmental stages: vegetative (V6) and reproductive (R2). The variables assessed were: germination; first count of germination; fresh and dry mass of seedlings, lengths of seedling and root; vigor and viability by the tetrazolium test; and seed health quality. Glyphosate application may adversely affect physiological quality of RR soybean seeds, when applied in dosages varying from 1,440 to 2,880 g acid equivalent per hectare at the stages V6 and R2.


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Seed quality may be affected by several factors, including permeability, color, and lignin content in the seed coat. This study aimed at evaluating influence of lignin content in the tegument of seed samples of six different soybean cultivars, in which half of each sample was inoculated with the fungus Aspergillus flavus, on the physical and physiological quality, and on the seed health, during 180 days storage period, under cold chamber with controlled conditions of temperature and RH. For that, at each interval of 60 days, samples were removed, and the physiological quality of these seeds was assessed by means of moisture and lignin contents; and by tests of seed health, germination, and electrical conductivity. The moisture content of seeds remained constant during all storage period. In the seed health test, it was found that inoculation was efficient, once the minimum incidence of the fungus in the inoculated seeds was 85%. In the germination test, there was a trend of reduction on percentage germination with the increase in storage period. However, there was an increase on electrical conductivity of seeds assessed. It was concluded that there is no interference of the lignin content in the seed coat on the resistance to infection by the fungus Aspergillus flavus, even after seed storage for a period of 180 days.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The effect of thiamethoxam on germination of soybean (Glycine max L.) seeds cv. Pintado under water deficit was studied. When used as insecticide at the recommended level (100/100 kg seeds) in the treatment of soybean seeds. thiamethoxam accelerated germination. Soybean germination was delayed under lower water availability: however pretreatment of seeds with thiamethoxam reduced the negative effects of water deficit on such process.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this work we applied mercury porosimetry for the investigation of soybean seed coats. By using this method it was possible to determine the pore size distribution and also the pore size dispersion that is present in seed coats. The results showed that for the studied soybean genotype the seed coats had a characteristic pore diameter, but deviation of this size was not negligible. Finally, the results were confirmed by electron microscopy.


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This trial was carried out under laboratory conditions, with three lots of Iguacu soybean seeds, to determine the respiration rate by the titulation method. A randomized complete block design was used, with four repetitions, each one of them with 50 seeds and a control without seeds for each lot. The seeds were placed in gerbox with 40 mi of KOH 0.1N, on distilled water wet blotting paper for fixing the CO2 produced by seeds respiration. The material was placed in germinator at constant 25 degrees C for 16, 24 and 48 hours. After these periods, the titulation of the fixative solution was performed with HCl 0.1N to check the respiration rate. The most deteriorated seeds were those that presented the highest respiration rates, which were measured in mg of CO2/g of dry matter, when compared with the most vigorous lots. The titulation method was suitable for the evaluation of soybean seed respiration rate because the final results separated the lots in three different quality levels that were compatible with the results obtained from the accelerated aging and emergence.