984 resultados para solubility


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Stringhamite CaCuSiO4·H2O is a hydrated calcium copper silicate and is commonly known as a significant ‘healing’ mineral and is potentially a semi-precious jewel. Stringhamite is a neosilicate with Cu2+ in square planar coordination. Vibrational spectroscopy has been used to characterise the molecular structure of stringhamite. The intense sharp Raman band at 956 cm−1 is assigned to the ν1 (A1g) symmetric stretching vibration. Raman bands at 980, 997, 1061 cm−1 are assigned to the ν3 (A2u, B1g) antisymmetric stretching vibrations. Splitting of the ν3 vibrational mode supports the concept that the stringhamite SiO4 tetrahedron is strongly distorted. The intense bands at 505 and 519 cm−1 and at 570 cm−1 are assigned to the ν2 and ν4 vibrational modes. The question arises as to whether the mineral stringhamite can actually function as a healing mineral. An estimation of the solubility product at pH < 5 shows that the cupric ion can be released. The copper ion is a very powerful antibiological agent and thus the mineral stringhamite may well function as a healing mineral.


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Fouling of industrial surfaces by silica and calcium oxalate can be detrimental to a number of process streams. Solution chemistry plays a large roll in the rate and type of scale formed on industrial surfaces. This study is on the kinetics and thermodynamics of SiO2 and calcium oxalate composite formation in solutions containing Mg2+ ions, trans-aconitic acid and sucrose, to mimic factory sugar cane juices. The induction time (ti) of silicic acid polymerization is found to be dependent on the sucrose concentration and SiO2 supersaturation ratio (SS). Generalized kinetic and solubility models are developed for SiO2 and calcium oxalate in binary systems using response surface methodology. The role of sucrose, Mg, trans-aconitic acid, a mixture of Mg and trans-aconitic acid, SiO2 SS ratio and Ca in the formation of com- posites is explained using the solution properties of these species including their ability to form complexes.


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Tooeleite is an unique ferric arsenite sulfate mineral, which has the potential significance of directly fixing As(III) as mineral trap. The tooeleite and various precipitates were hydrothermally synthesized under the different of initial As(III)/As(V) molar ratios and characterized by XRD, FTIR, XPS and SEM. The crystallinity of tooeleite decreases with the amount of As(V). The precipitate is free of any crystalline tooeleite at the level of that XRD could detect when the ratio of As(III)/As(V) of 7:3 and more. The characteristic bands of tooeleite are observed in 772, 340, 696 and 304 cm−1, which are assigned to the ν1, ν2, ν3 and ν4 vibrations of AsO33−. These intensities of bands gradually decreases with the presence of As(V) and its increasing. An obviously wide band is observed in 830 cm−1, which is the ν1 vibration of AsO4. The result of XPS reveals that the binding energies of As3d increase from 44.0 eV to 45.5 eV, which indicates that the amount of As(V) in the precipitates increases. The concentrations of arsenic released of these precipitates are 350–650 mg/L. The stability of tooeleite decreases by comparison when the presence of coexisting As(V) ions.


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One of the pathways for transfer of cadmium (Cd) through the food chain is addition of urban wastewater solids (biosolids) to soil, and many countries have restrictions on biosolid use to minimize crop Cd contamination. The basis of these restrictions often lies in laboratory or glasshouse experimentation of soil-plant transfer of Cd, but these studies are confounded by artefacts from growing crops in controlled laboratory conditions. This study examined soil to plant (wheat grain) transfer of Cd under a wide range of field environments under typical agronomic conditions, and compared the solubility and bioavailability of Cd in biosolids to soluble Cd salts. Solubility of biosolid Cd (measured by examining Cd partitioning between soil and soil solution) was found to be equal to or greater than that of soluble Cd salts, possibly due to competing ions added with the biosolids. Conversely, bioavailability of Cd to wheat and transfer to grain was less than that of soluble Cd salts, possibly due to addition of Zn with the biosolids, causing reduced plant uptake or grain loading, or due to complexation of soluble Cd2+ by dissolved organic matter.


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The solubility of ibuprofen was measured in water (W) - ethanol (E) mixtures from 0 to 50% w/w ethanol at 10, 25 and 40 °C by the dissolution method using UV spectrophotometry to determine the ibuprofen concentrations. The UV calibration for ibuprofen in different water - ethanol mixtures showed Beer - Lambert linearity, however the slopes differed, which indicated the structure of the drug is influenced by the solvent system i.e. the water - ethanol ratio. The ibuprofen solubility in water (zero ethanol) is low (~ 50 ppm) but increases near exponentially with increasing ethanol content. At 40 °C, there is phase separation between 34% and 63% w/w E/(E+W). The solubility data will be used to select precipitation crystallizer conditions to directly produce free flowing ibuprofen particles (<5 m) for developing a dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulation for lung delivery.


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Investigations on the wetting, solubility and chemical composition of plasma polymer thin films provide an insight into the feasibility of implementing these polymeric materials in organic electronics, particularly where wet solution processing is involved. In this study, thin films were prepared from 1-isopropyl-4-methyl-1,4-cyclohexadiene (γ-Terpinene) using radio frequency (RF) plasma polymerization. FTIR showed the polymers to be structurally dissimilar to the original monomer and highly cross-linked, where the loss of original functional groups and the degree of cross-linking increased with deposition power. The polymer surfaces were hydrocarbon-rich, with oxygen present in the form of O–H and C=O functional groups. The oxygen content decreased with deposition power, with films becoming more hydrophobic and, thus, less wettable. The advancing and receding contact angles were investigated, and the water advancing contact angle was found to increase from 63.14° to 73.53° for thin films prepared with an RF power of 10 W to 75 W. The wetting envelopes for the surfaces were constructed to enable the prediction of the surfaces’ wettability for other solvents. The effect of roughness on the wetting behaviour of the films was insignificant. The polymers were determined to resist solubilization in solvents commonly used in the deposition of organic semiconducting layers, including chloroform and chlorobenzene, with higher stability observed in films fabricated at higher RF power.


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Organic thin films have myriad of applications in biological interfaces, micro-electromechanical systems and organic electronics. Polyterpenol thin films fabricated via RF plasma polymerization have been substantiated as a promising gate insulating and encapsulating layer for organic optoelectronics, sacrificial place-holders for air gap fabrication as well as antibacterial coatings for medical implants. This study aims to understand the wettability and solubility behavior of the nonsynthetic polymer thin film, polyterpenol. Polyterpenol exhibited monopolar behavior, manifesting mostly electron donor properties, and was not water soluble due to the extensive intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonds present. Hydrophobicity of polyterpenol surfaces increased for films fabricated at higher RF power attributed to reduction in oxygen containing functional groups and increased cross linking. The studies carried out under various deposition conditions vindicate that we could tailor the properties of the polyterpenol thin film for a given application.


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Recent investigations into plant tissues have indicated that the free form of the natural polyphenolic antioxidant, ellagic acid (EA), is much more plentiful than first envisaged; consequently a re-assessment of solvent systems for the extraction of this water-insoluble form is needed. As EA solubility and its UV-Vis spectrum, commonly used for detection and quantification, are both governed by pH, an understanding of this dependence is vital if accurate EA measurements are to be achieved. After evaluating the pH effects on the solubility and UV-Vis spectra of commercial EA, an extraction protocol was devised that promoted similar pH conditions for both standard solutions and plant tissue extracts. The extraction so devised followed by HPLC with photodiode-array detection (DAD) provided a simple, sensitive and validated methodology that determined free EA in a variety of plant extracts. The use of 100 % methanol or a triethanolamine-based mixture as the standard dissolving solvents were the best choices, while these higher pH-generating solvents were more efficient in extracting EA from the plants tested with the final choice allied to the plants’ natural acidity. Two of the native Australian plants anise myrtle (Syzygium anisatum) and Kakadu plum (Terminalia ferdinandiana) exhibited high concentrations of free EA. Furthermore, the dual approach to measuring EA UV-Vis spectra made possible an assessment of the effect of acidified eluent on EA spectra when the DAD was employed.


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Abstract is not available.


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The chemical basis of the specificity of proteinnucleic acid interaction, as seen in many biochemical phenomena such as the organization of nucleoprotein complexes (~hro~atin. ribosomes) and gene expression and its regulation, IS not yet understood.A knowledge of such specific interactions is also essential for tracing the chemical evolution of life based an the coupling between protein and nucleic acid and the origin of genetic code [I ,I?].


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The solubility of a drug, n-(4-ethoxyphenyl)ethanamide (phenacetin), in supercritical carbon dioxide was determined by a Saturation method at (308, 318, and 328) K from (9 to 19) MPa. The Solubilities in mole fraction of n-(4-ethoxyphenyl)ethanamide in supercritical carbon dioxide were in the range of 1.29.10(-5) to 2.88.10(-5), 1.13.10(-5) to 3.65.10(-5), and 0.91.10(-5) to 4.28.10(-5) at (308, 3 18, and 328) K, respectively. The solubility data were correlated with the Peng-Robinson equation of state models and the Mendez-Santiago and Teja model.


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Use of natural xanthine derivates in medicine is complicated with their physical properties. Theobromine is poorly soluble while theophylline is highly sensitive to hydration. The aim of this study was to improve bioavailability of xanthines by co-crystallization, theophylline was also cocrystallized with carboxylic acids (capric, citric, glutaric, malenic, malonic, oxalic, stearic, succinic) and HPMC. Co-crystallization was performed by slow evaporation and ball milling. Physical stability was checked by wet granulation and water sorption methods, solubility was measured by intrinsic tablet dissolution. Theobromine formed co-crystal with other xanthines and theophylline interacted with all acids except stearic and HPMC, the latter showed alternative interactions based on hydrogen bonding. Hydration resistance was good in theophylline:succinic acid co-crystal and excellent in complexes containing capric, stearic acids and HPMC. Theophylline:HPMC showed improved solubility. The reported approach can promote use of xanthines and can be recommended for other compounds with similar problems.


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Equilibrium of dissolution of sulfur dioxide at ppm levels in aqueous solutions of dilute sulfuric acid is analyzed, and a general expression is derived relating the total concentration of sulfur dioxide in the liquid phase to the partial pressure of SO2 in the gas and to the concentration of sulfuric acid in the solution. The equation is simplified for zero and high concentrations of the acid. Experiments at high concentrations of sulfuric acid have enabled the direct determination of Henry’s constant and its dependency on temperature. Heat of dissolution is -31.47 kJ/mol. Experiments in the absence of sulfuric acid and the related simplified expression have led to the determination of the equilibrium constant of the hydrolysis of aqueous sulfur dioxide and its temperature dependency.The heat of hydrolysis is 15.69 kJ/mol. The model equation with these parameters predicts the experimental data of the present work as well as the reported data very well.


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The effect of fourteen minor elements (Al, As, B, Bi, C, Ga, Ge, In, N, P, Pb, S, Sb and Sn) on the solubility of oxygen in silicon melt has been estimated using a recently developed theoretical equation, with only fundamental physical parameters such as hard sphere diameter, atomic volume and molar heat of solution at infinite dilution as inputs. The results are expressed in the form of interaction parameters. Although only limited experimental data are available for comparison, the theoretical approach appears to predict the correct sign, but underestimates the magnitude of the interaction between oxygen and alloying elements. The present theoretical approach is useful in making qualitative predications on the effect of minor elements on the solubility of oxygen in silicon melt, when direct measurements are not available.