978 resultados para solid boundary treatment


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The present work explores the potential of semi-solid heat treatment technique by elucidating its effect on the plastic behavior of 304L SS in hot working domain. To accomplish this objective, hot isothermal compression tests on 304L SS specimens with semi-solid heat treatment and conventional annealing heat treatment have been carried out within a temperature range of 1273-1473 K and strain rates ranging from 0.01 to 1 s(-1). The dynamic flow behavior of this steel in its conventional heat-treated condition and semi-solid heat-treated condition has been characterized in terms of strain hardening, temperature softening, strain rate hardening, and dynamic flow softening. Extensive microstructural investigation has been carried out to corroborate the results obtained from the analysis of flow behavior. Detailed analysis of the results demonstrates that semi-solid heat treatment moderates work hardening, strain rate hardening, and temperature sensitivity of 304L SS, which is favorable for hot deformation. The post-deformation hardness values of semi-solid heat-treated steel and conventionally heat-treated steel were found to remain similar despite the pre-deformation heat treatment conditions. The results obtained demonstrate the potential of semi-solid heat treatment as a pre-deformation heat treatment step to effectively reduce the strength of the material to facilitate easier deformation without affecting the post-deformation properties of the steel.


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A quadtree-based adaptive Cartesian grid generator and flow solver were developed. The grid adaptation based on pressure or density gradient was performed and a gridless method based on the least-square fashion was used to treat the wall surface boundary condition, which is generally difficult to be handled for the common Cartesian grid. First, to validate the technique of grid adaptation, the benchmarks over a forward-facing step and double Mach reflection were computed. Second, the flows over the NACA 0012 airfoil and a two-element airfoil were calculated to validate the developed gridless method. The computational results indicate the developed method is reasonable for complex flows.


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Gaseous emissions are an important problem in municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment plants. The sources points of emissions considered in the present work are: fresh compost, mature compost, landfill leaks and leachate ponds. Hydrogen sulphide, ammonia and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were analysed in the emissions from these sources. Hydrogen sulphide and ammonia were important contributors to the total emission volume. Landfill leaks are significant source points of emissions of H2S; the average concentration of H2S in biogas from the landfill leaks is around 1700 ppmv. The fresh composting site was also an important contributor of H2S to the total emission volume; its concentration varied between 3.2 and 1.7 ppmv and a decrease with time was observed. The mature composting site showed a reduction of H2S concentration (<0.1 ppmv). Leachate pond showed a low concentration of H2S (in order of ppbv). Regarding NH3, composting sites and landfill leaks are notable source points of emissions (composting sites varied around 30–600 ppmv; biogas from landfill leaks varied from 160 to 640 ppmv). Regarding VOCs, the main compounds were: limonene, p-cymene, pinene, cyclohexane, reaching concentrations around 0.2–4.3 ppmv. H2S/NH3, limonene/p-cymene, limonene/cyclohexane ratios can be useful for analysing and identifying the emission sources.


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耗散粒子动力学(dissipative particle dynamics,DPD)作为一种介观尺度拉格朗日型粒子方法,已经成功地应用于微纳米流动和生化科技的研究中. 复杂固体壁面的处理和壁面边界条件的实施一直是DPD方法发展及应用的一个障碍. 提出了处理复杂固体壁面的一种新的方法. 复杂固体区域通过冻结随机分布并且达到平衡状态的DPD粒子代表;所冻结的DPD粒子位于临近流动区域的一个截距内;在靠近固体壁面的流动区域中设置流动反弹层,当流动DPD粒子进入此流动层后反弹回流动区域. 应用这种固体壁面处理方法.


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[EN]This work introduces a new technique for tetrahedral mesh optimization. The procedure relocates boundary and inner nodes without changing the mesh topology. In order to maintain the boundary approximation while boundary nodes are moved, a local refinement of tetrahedra with faces on the solid boundary is necessary in some cases. New nodes are projected on the boundary by using a surface parameterization. In this work, the proposed method is applied to tetrahedral meshes of genus-zero solids that are generated by the meccano method. In this case, the solid boundary is automatically decomposed into six surface patches which are parameterized into the six faces of a cube with the Floater parameterization...


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This paper is concerned with some plane strain and axially symmetric free surface problems which arise in the study of static granular solids that satisfy the Coulomb-Mohr yield condition. Such problems are inherently nonlinear, and hence difficult to attack analytically. Given a Coulomb friction condition holds on a solid boundary, it is shown that the angle a free surface is allowed to attach to the boundary is dependent only on the angle of wall friction, assuming the stresses are all continuous at the attachment point, and assuming also that the coefficient of cohesion is nonzero. As a model problem, the formation of stable cohesive arches in hoppers is considered. This undesirable phenomena is an obstacle to flow, and occurs when the hopper outlet is too small. Typically, engineers are concerned with predicting the critical outlet size for a given hopper and granular solid, so that for hoppers with outlets larger than this critical value, arching cannot occur. This is a topic of considerable practical interest, with most accepted engineering methods being conservative in nature. Here, the governing equations in two limiting cases (small cohesion and high angle of internal friction) are considered directly. No information on the critical outlet size is found; however solutions for the shape of the free boundary (the arch) are presented, for both plane and axially symmetric geometries.


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This paper is concerned with applying a particle-based approach to simulate the micro-level cellular structural changes of plant cells during drying. The objective of the investigation was to relate the micro-level structural properties such as cell area, diameter and perimeter to the change of moisture content of the cell. Model assumes a simplified cell which consists of two basic components, cell wall and cell fluid. The cell fluid is assumed to be a Newtonian fluid with higher viscosity compared to water and cell wall is assumed to be a visco-elastic solid boundary located around the cell fluid. Cell fluid is modelled with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) technique and for the cell wall; a Discrete Element Method (DEM) is used. The developed model is two-dimensional, but accounts for three-dimensional physical properties of real plant cells. Drying phenomena is simulated as fluid mass reductions and the model is used to predict the above mentioned structural properties as a function of cell fluid mass. Model predictions are found to be in fairly good agreement with experimental data in literature and the particle-based approach is demonstrated to be suitable for numerical studies of drying related structural deformations. Also a sensitivity analysis is included to demonstrate the influence of key model parameters to model predictions.


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Impinging flow occurs when a fluid impacts a comparatively solid boundary upon which divergence occurs. A perfect example of an impinging flow is the impact and divergence of air at ground level during a thunderstorm outflow. The importance of modelling thunderstorm outflows, and in particular the downburst is now well-known to the wind engineering community and research into many of its characteristics is underway throughout the world. The reader is directed to the text by Fujita [I] for an introduction to downburst concepts and theory.


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Mean velocity profiles were measured in the 5” x 60” wind channel of the turbulence laboratory at the GALCIT, by the use of a hot-wire anemometer. The repeatability of results was established, and the accuracy of the instrumentation estimated. Scatter of experimental results is a little, if any, beyond this limit, although some effects might be expected to arise from variations in atmospheric humidity, no account of this factor having been taken in the present work. Also, slight unsteadiness in flow conditions will be responsible for some scatter.

Irregularities of a hot-wire in close proximity to a solid boundary at low speeds were observed, as have already been found by others.

That Kármán’s logarithmic law holds reasonably well over the main part of a fully developed turbulent flow was checked, the equation u/ut = 6.0 + 6.25 log10 yut/v being obtained, and, as has been previously the case, the experimental points do not quite form one straight line in the region where viscosity effects are small. The values of the constants for this law for the best over-all agreement were determined and compared with those obtained by others.

The range of Reynolds numbers used (based on half-width of channel) was from 20,000 to 60,000.


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This thesis examines two problems concerned with surface effects in simple molecular systems. The first is the problem associated with the interaction of a fluid with a solid boundary, and the second originates from the interaction of a liquid with its own vapor.

For a fluid in contact with a solid wall, two sets of integro-differential equations, involving the molecular distribution functions of the system, are derived. One of these is a particular form of the well-known Bogolyubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon equations. For the second set, the derivation, in contrast with the formulation of the B.B.G.K.Y. hierarchy, is independent of the pair-potential assumption. The density of the fluid, expressed as a power series in the uniform fluid density, is obtained by solving these equations under the requirement that the wall be ideal.

The liquid-vapor interface is analyzed with the aid of equations that describe the density and pair-correlation function. These equations are simplified and then solved by employing the superposition and the low vapor density approximations. The solutions are substituted into formulas for the surface energy and surface tension, and numerical results are obtained for selected systems. Finally, the liquid-vapor system near the critical point is examined by means of the lowest order B.B.G.K.Y. equation.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo, a apresentação de uma proposta para os resíduos agroextrativistas a fim de encontrar um composto orgânico ideal para ser utilizado na agricultura do Município de Laranjal do Jari, no Estado do Amapá. A técnica em questão será a compostagem, gerando uma alternativa de utilização para os resíduos de natureza local, onde atualmente não vêm sendo aproveitados. Para se chegar ao composto ideal serão utilizados basicamente: caroços de açaí e cascas de castanha. Esses resíduos vêm sendo relegados através dos Serviços de Limpeza Pública, constituindo não só um problema estético ou ambiental, mas de desperdício de energia e materiais que poderiam ser utilizados na recuperação de áreas degradadas ou como composto orgânico, na fixação de nutrientes e água no solo a fim de melhorar as práticas agrícolas, reduzir custos e a importação de fertilizantes químicos. A metodologia envolve estudo bibliográfico sobre a técnica de compostagem, consistindo em desenvolver todas as etapas que se darão mais claras, no desenvolver dos trabalhos de campo, para uma futura implantação de uma Unidade de Compostagem, a ser aplicável para a agricultura do referido município.


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A partir do consenso já existente, de que o desenvolvimento urbano é responsável, em parte, pelo desequilíbrio ambiental predominante nas cidades mais populosas, nas quais a administração dos resíduos gerados torna-se um grande desafio, este estudo foi realizado com a finalidade de desenvolver um modelo de gerenciamento para os resíduos de poda de árvores de espaços públicos, visando a utilização do material podado, considerado de boa qualidade, o que minimizaria a disposição de resíduos em aterros sanitários. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido um modelo diferenciado do ponto de vista de legal, gerencial, tecnológico e econômico, que pudesse servir de base à pesquisa e gerar estratégias para beneficiar o meio ambiente. A Unidade de Conservação, que pertence à Fundação Parques e Jardins da Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, localizada na Taquara, foi analisada no Estudo de Caso. As espécies arbóreas que produzem maior volume de poda nessa seção foram selecionadas de modo que fosse possível o seu aproveitamento econômico-ecológico. Concluiu-se que há uma inviabilidade para segregação dos resíduos de poda por parte da Fundação Parques e Jardins e que os mesmos poderiam ser transferidos diretamente para o aterro receptor, em fase de encerramento de atividades, sem custos excedentes. Foi feita uma apreciação especial do Centro de Tratamento de Resíduos Sólidos de Gericinó, por ser grande receptor dos resíduos produzidos nas operações de manejo da área em evidência. Foi elaborada a proposta de criação de uma Usina Verde nas áreas já desativadas do aterro, como forma complementar ao processo de revitalização da área aterrada após o término de suas atividades. Esta ação contemplaria a região com um bosque, onde seriam absorvidos todos os produtos dos resíduos de poda. Haveria, também, a probabilidade de utilização operacional dos catadores nas etapas de obtenção de compostos orgânicos, cobertura morta e equipamentos paisagísticos entre outros.


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In concentrated contacts the behaviour of lubricants is much modified by the high local pressures: changes can arise both from molecular ordering within the very thin film lubricant layers present at the interface as well as from the deposition on the component surfaces of more solid-like polymeric boundary layers. These 'third bodies' separating the solid surfaces may have rheological or mechanical properties very different from those observed in the bulk. Classical elasto-hydrodynamic theory considers the entrapped lubricant to exhibit a piezo-viscous behaviour while the conventional picture of more solid boundary lubricant layers views their shear strength r as being linearly dependent on local pressure p, so that T = TO + ap where TO and a are constants. If TO is relatively small, then the coefficient of friction \i = T Ip ~ a and so Amonton's laws are recovered. However, the properties of adsorbed or deposited surface films, or indeed other third bodies such as debris layers, may be more complex than this. A preliminary study has looked quantitatively at the influence of the pressure dependence of the shear strength of any surface layer on the overall friction coefficient of a contact which is made up of an array of asperities whose height varies in a Gaussian manner. Individual contact points may be elastic or plastic. The analysis results in plots of coefficient of friction versus the service or load parameter PIH&NRa where P is the nominal pressure on the contact, HS the hardness of the deforming surface, N the asperity density, R the mean radius of curvature of the asperities, and a is the standard deviation of their height distribution. In principle, any variation oft withp can be incorporated into the model; however, in this initial study we have used data on colloidal suspensions from the group at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon as well as examining the effect of functional relationships of somewhat greater complexity than a simple linear form. Results of the analysis indicate that variations in fj. are possible as the load is varied which depend on the statistical spread of behaviour at individual asperity contacts. The value of this analysis is that it attempts to combine the behaviour of films on the molecular scale with the topography of real engineering surfaces and so give an indication of the effects at the full-size or macro-scale that can be achieved by chemical or molecular surface engineering.


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Hydrodynamic properties of the surface vortex have been investigated. Based on the Navier-Stokes equations, three sets of the new formulations for the tangential velocity distributions are derived, and verified against the experimental measurements in the literature. It is shown that one modification greatly improves the agreement with the experimental data. Physical model experiments were carried out to study the intake vortex related to the Xiluodu hydropower project. The velocity fields were measured using the Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) technique. The proposed equation for tangential velocity distribution is applied to the Xiluodu project with the solid boundary being considered by the method of images. Good agreement has been observed between the formula prediction and the experimental observation. © 2010 Publishing House for Journal of Hydrodynamics.