851 resultados para solid biofuels
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Diplomityö tehtiin Anjalankoskella sijaitsevalle Vattenfallin tytäryhtiölle, Vamy Oy:lle. Vamy toimittaa Myllykoski Paper Oy:lle prosessilämpöä ja sähköä. Vuotuinen energiantuotanto on noin 700- 900 GWh prosessilämpöä ja 150- 190 GWh sähköä paperin tuotantomäärästä riippuen. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli parantaa voimalaitoksen kiinteän polttoaineen näytteenottojärjestelmää ja sitä kautta parantaa biokattilan hyötysudetta. Voimalaitoksen biokattila on leijupetikattila, jossa poltetaan tehtaalta tulevaa kuorta ja lietettä sekä tehtaan ulkopuolisia puuperäisiä biopolttoaineita ja turvetta. Työn aikana tehtyjen selvitysten perusteella voimalaitokselle hankittiin polttoainetietojärjestelmä. Lisäksi näytteenotto- ja näytteiden käsittelyohjeet päivitettiin energiaturpeen laatuohjeen 2006 ja kiinteiden biopolttoaineiden CEN teknisten spesifikaatioiden mukaiseksi.
The thesis was made for Hyötypaperi Oy. To the business activity of the company belongs the recycling of materials and carry out for re-use and the manufacture of solid biofuels and solid recovered fuels. Hyötypaperi Oy delivers forest chips to its partner incineration plants by day and night though the year. The value of the forest chips is based on its percentage of dry material. It is important to dry forest chips well before its storage in piles and delivering to incineration plants. In the thesis was examed the increasing of the degree of refinement of forest chips by different drying methods. In the thesis was examined four different drying methods of the forest chips. The methods were field-, plate-, platform- and channel drying. In the channel drying was used a mechanical blower and the other drying methods were based on the weather conditions. By all drying methods were made test dryings during the summer 2007. In the thesis was examined also the economical profitableness of the field- and channel drying. The last examination in the thesis was measuring of the forest chips’s humidity by humidity measuring equipment of sawn timber during November 2007. The field drying on the surface of asphalt is the only method of drying, which is used by Hyötypaperi Oy in its own production. There do not exist earlier properly examined facts of any drying methods of forest chips, because the drying of forest chips is a new branch. By field- and platform drying achieved lower humidity of forest chips than by plate drying. The object by using the humidity measuring equipment was to be informed of the humidity of forest chips. At present the humidity will find out after 24 hours when the sample of humidity quantity has been dried in the oven. The Lappeenranta University of Technology had the humidity measuring equipment of sawn timber. The values of humidity measured by the equipment from the sample of forest chips were 2 – 9 percent lower than the real values of humidity specified by drying in oven.
Tämä diplomityö on tehty IMMU-hankkeeseen, jossa selvitetään konkreettisia keinoja ilmastonmuutoksen hillintään Lahden seudulla. Diplomityössä tarkastellaan mahdollisuuksia lisätä biopolttoaineita pienen kokoluokan kaukolämmön tuotantolaitoksissa. Teoria osuuden pohjalta luodaan skenaariot Nastolaan ja Vääksyyn (Asikkala). Skenaarioissa tarkastellaan biopolttoaineiden lisäämisen vaikutuksia kasvihuonekaasu- ja hiukkaspäästöihin käyttämällä elinkaariarviointimenetelmää. Taloudellisia seikkoja tarkastellaan laskemalla takaisinmaksuaikoja eri biolaitosratkaisuille nettonykyarvomenetelmällä. Tutkimuksen tuloksena saatiin, että kasvihuonekaasupäästöt tuotannon elinkaaren ajalta vähenevät eniten tuottamalla kaukolämmön perustuotanto Nastolassa ja Vääksyssä bio-CHP-laitoksella haketta polttamalla. Kiinteitä biopolttoaineita poltettaessa tulevat kuitenkin suurimmat hiukkaspäästöt, mikä vaikuttaa asuinympäristön viihtyvyyteen tuotantolaitoksen läheisyydessä. Bio-CHP-laitoksen investointikustannukset ovat suurimmat ja takaisinmaksuaika pisin. Nastolan kulutusperusteisiä päästöjä pystytään vähentämään eniten investoimalla biolämpölaitokseen tai bio-CHP-laitokseen. Päästöjä Nastolassa pystyttäisiin kyseisillä investoinneilla vähentämään enimmillään 6,4 %. Lahti energian kokonaispäästöjä pystyttäisiin enimmillään vähentämään noin 1,6 %. Johtopäätöksenä tutkimuksesta voidaan sanoa, että kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä pystytään vähentämään investointien avulla. Toiset ratkaisut ovat vain kalliimpia kuin toiset. Lisäksi kiinteitä biopolttoaineita käytettäessä jotkut poltto-ominaisuudet voivat heiketä esim. verrattuna maakaasun polttoon. Biopolttoaineiden lisäämisellä kuitenkin päästään irti riippuvuudesta fossiilisiin polttoaineisiin kuten öljyyn ja maakaasuun. Investointeja tehdessä on vaikea sanoa suoraan, mikä vaihtoehto on paras tapa tuottaa kaukolämpöä. Investointipäätöksiä tehdessä päätökseen vaikuttaa se, mitä tuotannon ominaispiirteitä painotetaan eniten.
The work is mainly focused on the technology of bubbling fluidized bed combustion. Heat transfer and hydrodynamics of the process were examined in the work in detail. Special emphasis was placed on the process of heat exchange in a freeboard zone of bubbling fluidized bed boiler. Operating mode of bubbling fluidized bed boiler depends on many parameters. To assess the influence of some parameters on a temperature regime inside the furnace a simplified method of zonal modeling was used in the work. Thus, effects of bed material fineness, excess air ratio and changes in boiler load were studied. Besides the technology of combustion in bubbling fluidized bed, other common technologies of solid fuels combustion were reviewed. In addition, brief survey of most widely used types of solid fuel was performed in the work.
Työssä suunniteltiin pienten kiinteistöjen keskuslämmityksen käyttöön kiinteää polttoainetta käyttävä palopää, jossa palopään pyörimisliike sekoittaa polttoainetta palamisen aikana. Polttoaineen sekoittamisella pyritään parantamaan palamisen hyötysuhdetta ja vähentämään haitallisia päästöjä. Laitteen suunnittelu toteutettiin systemaattista koneensuunnittelun metodia mukaillen. Työn aihe rajattiin koskemaan ainoastaan palopään mekaniikan suunnittelua ja mitoitusta. Suunnittelussa pyrittiin huomioimaan valmistusystävällisyys ja minimoimaan kustannukset. Laitteen suunnittelussa käytettiin SolidWorks 2014 – ohjelmaa.
Diplomityössä selvitettiin rankahakeaumojen peittämisen vaikutuksia laatuun voimalaitoksen polttoaineena. Selvityksen kohteena olivat aumojen sisälämpötilat eri kohdissa aumoja sekä hakkeen kosteuden muutos ja kuiva-ainetappiot varastoinnin aikana. Tutkimuksen kohteena olivat Etelä-Savon Energian polttoaineterminaaliin kootut hakeaumat. Aumojen sisäistä lämpötilaa asennettiin mittaamaan yhdeksän lämpötilasensoria kuhunkin aumaan. Hakkeiden kokonaismassat tutkimuksen alussa laskettiin aumoihin purettujen kuormien massoista. Kuormista määritettiin kosteudet ja lämpöarvot standardien mukaisesti. Näytteiden käsittely tapahtui terminaalilla ja niiden kosteus selvitettiin uunikuivausmenetelmällä. Käyttöpaikalle kuljetuksen yhteydessä kuormat punnittiin ja kosteudet mitattiin uudestaan. Tutkimuksen aikana havaittiin langattomien lämpötilasensorien lukemisen hakeaumojen sisältä olevan vaikeaa. Sensorit olivat kuitenkin pääsääntöisesti säilyneet toimintakuntoisina varastoinnin aikana ja niiden sisältämät lämpötilatiedot päästiin lukemaan aumojen purkamisen jälkeen. Tutkimuksen perusteella hakeaumojen peittäminen on kannattavaa. Hake säilyi tutkimuksen ajankohtana peitetyssä aumassa kuivempana kuin peittämättömässä. Hake ei myöskään jäädy peitteen alla yhtä paljon kuin peittämättömänä, mikä parantaa hakkeen käsiteltävyyttä kuormaa tehdessä ja voimalaitoksella. Kuiva-ainetappioista ei voitu esittää luotettavia tuloksia kokeen keskeydyttyä sään takia.
En el presente trabajo se estudia la producción potencial de biomasa procedente de los cultivos de centeno y triticale en las seis comarcas agrarias de la Comunidad de Madrid (CM) y la posibilidad de su aplicación a la producción de bioelectricidad en cada una de ellas. En primer lugar se realiza un estudio bibliográfico de la situación actual de la bioelectricidad. Uno de los principales datos a tener en cuenta es que en el PER 2011- 2020 se estima que el total de potencia eléctrica instalada a partir de biomasa en España en el año 2020 sea de 1.350 MW, unas dos veces y media la existente a finales de 2010. Además, se comenta el estado de la incentivación del uso de biomasa de cultivos energéticos para producción de electricidad, la cual se regula actualmente según el Real Decreto-ley 9/2013, de 12 de Julio, por el que se adoptaron medidas urgentes para garantizar la estabilidad financiera del sistema eléctrico, y se consideran los criterios de sostenibilidad en el uso de biocombustibles sólidos. Se realiza una caracterización de las seis comarcas agrarias que forman la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid: Área Metropolitana, Campiña, Guadarrama, Lozoya- Somosierra, Sur-Occidental y Vegas, la cual consta de dos partes: una descripción de la climatología y otra de la distribución de la superficie dedicada a barbecho y cultivos herbáceos. Se hace una recopilación bibliográfica de los modelos de simulación más representativos de crecimiento de los cultivos (CERES y Cereal YES), así como de ensayos realizados con los cultivos de centeno y triticale para la producción de biomasa y de estudios efectuados mediante herramientas GIS y técnicas de análisis multicriterio para la ubicación de centrales de bioelectricidad y el estudio de la logística de la biomasa. Se propone un modelo de simulación de la productividad de biomasa de centeno y de triticale para la CM, que resulta de la combinación de un modelo de producción de grano en base a datos climatológicos y a la relación biomasa/grano media de ambos cultivos obtenida en una experiencia previa. Los modelos obtenidos responden a las siguientes ecuaciones (siendo TN = temperatura media normalizada a 9,9 ºC y PN = precipitación acumulada normalizada a 496,7 mm): - Producción biomasa centeno (t m.s./ha) = 2,785 * [1,078 * ln(TN + 2*PN) + 2,3256] - Producción biomasa triticale (t m.s./ha) = 2,595 * [2,4495 * ln(TN + 2*PN) + 2,6103] Posteriormente, aplicando los modelos desarrollados, se cuantifica el potencial de producción de biomasa de centeno y triticale en las distintas comarcas agrarias de la CM en cada uno de los escenarios establecidos, que se consideran según el uso de la superficie de barbecho de secano disponible (25%, 50%, 75% y 100%). Las producciones potenciales de biomasa, que se podrían alcanzar en la CM utilizando el 100% de la superficie de barbecho de secano, en base a los cultivos de centeno y triticale, se estimaron en 169.710,72 - 149.811,59 - 140.217,54 - 101.583,01 - 26.961,88 y 1.886,40 t anuales para las comarcas de Campiña - Vegas, Sur - Occidental - Área Metropolitana - Lozoya-Somosierra y Guadarrama, respectivamente. Se realiza un análisis multicriterio basado en la programación de compromiso para definir las comarcas agrarias con mejores características para la ubicación de centrales de bioelectricidad en base a los criterios de potencial de biomasa, infraestructura eléctrica, red de carreteras, espacios protegidos y superficie de núcleos urbanos. Al efectuar el análisis multicriterio, se obtiene la siguiente ordenación jerárquica en base a los criterios establecidos: Campiña, Sur Occidental, Vegas, Área Metropolitana, Lozoya-Somosierra y Guadarrama. Mediante la utilización de técnicas GIS se estudia la localización más conveniente de una central de bioelectricidad de 2,2 MW en cada una de las comarcas agrarias y según el uso de la superficie de barbecho de secano disponible (25%, 50%, 75% y 100%), siempre que exista potencial suficiente. Para el caso de la biomasa de centeno y de triticale en base seca se considera un PCI de 3500 kcal/kg, por lo que se necesitarán como mínimo 17.298,28 toneladas para satisfacer las necesidades de cada una de las centrales de 2,2 MW. Se analiza el potencial máximo de bioelectricidad en cada una de las comarcas agrarias en base a los cultivos de centeno y triticale como productores de biomasa. Según se considere el 25% o el 100% del barbecho de secano para producción de biomasa, la potencia máxima de bioelectricidad que se podría instalar en cada una de las comarcas agrarias variaría entre 5,4 y 21,58 MW en la comarca Campiña, entre 4,76 y 19,05 MW en la comarca Vegas, entre 4,46 y 17,83 MW en la comarca Sur Occidental, entre 3,23 y 12,92 MW en la comarca Área Metropolitana, entre 0,86 y 3,43 MW en la comarca Lozoya Somosierra y entre 0,06 y 0,24 MW en la comarca Guadarrama. La potencia total que se podría instalar en la CM a partir de la biomasa de centeno y triticale podría variar entre 18,76 y 75,06 MW según que se utilice el 25% o el 100% de las tierras de barbecho de secano para su cultivo. ABSTRACT In this work is studied the potential biomass production from rye and triticale crops in the six Madrid Community (MC) agricultural regions and the possibility of its application to the bioelectricity production in each of them. First is performed a bibliographical study of the current situation of bioelectricity. One of the main elements to be considered is that in the PER 2011-2020 is estimated that the total installed electric power from biomass in Spain in 2020 was 1.350 MW, about two and a half times as at end 2010. Also is discussed the status of enhancing the use of biomass energy crops for electricity production, which is currently regulated according to the Real Decreto-ley 9/2013, of July 12, by which urgent measures were adopted to ensure financial stability of the electrical system, and there are considered the sustainability criteria in the use of solid biofuels. A characterization of the six Madrid Community agricultural regions is carried out: Area Metropolitana, Campiña, Guadarrama, Lozoya-Somosierra, Sur-Occidental and Vegas, which consists of two parts: a description of the climatology and another about the distribution of the area under fallow and arable crops. It makes a bibliographic compilation of the most representative crop growth simulation models (CERES and Cereal YES), as well as trials carried out with rye and triticale crops for biomass production and studies conducted by GIS tools and techniques multicriteria analysis for the location of bioelectricity centrals and the study of the logistics of biomass. Is proposed a biomass productivity simulation model for rye and triticale for MC that results from the combination of grain production model based on climatological data and the average relative biomass/grain of both crops obtained in a prior experience. The models obtained correspond to the following equations (where TN = normalized average temperature and PN = normalized accumulated precipitation): - Production rye biomass (t d.m./ha) = 2.785 * [1.078 * ln (TN + 2*PN) + 2.3256] - Production triticale biomass (t d.m./ha) = 2,595 * [2.4495 * ln (TN + 2*PN) + 2.6103] Subsequently, applying the developed models, the biomass potential of the MC agricultural regions is quantified in each of the scenarios established, which are considered as the use of dry fallow area available (25%, 50%, 75 % and 100%). The potential biomass production that can be achieved within the MC using 100% of the rainfed fallow area based on rye and triticale crops, were estimated at 169.710,72 - 149.811,59 - 140.217,54 - 101.583,01 - 26.961,88 and 1.886,40 t annual for the regions of Campiña, Vegas, Sur Occidental, Area Metropolitana, Lozoya- Somosierra and Guadarrama, respectively. A multicriteria analysis is performed, based on compromise programming to define the agricultural regions with better features for the location of bioelectricity centrals, on the basis of biomass potential, electrical infrastructure, road network, protected areas and urban area criteria. Upon multicriteria analysis, is obtained the following hierarchical order based on criteria: Campiña, Sur Occidental, Vegas, Area Metropolitana, Lozoya-Somosierra and Guadarrama. Likewise, through the use of GIS techniques, the most suitable location for a 2,2 MW bioelectricity plant is studied in each of the agricultural regions and according to the use of dry fallow area available (25%, 50% , 75% and 100%), if there is sufficient potential. In the case of biomass rye and triticale dry basis is considered a PCI of 3500 kcal/kg, so it will take at least 17,298.28 t to satisfy the needs of each plant. Is analyzed the maximum bioelectricity potential on each of the agricultural regions on the basis of the rye and triticale crops as biomass producers. As deemed 25% or 100% dry fallow for biomass, the maximum bioelectricity potential varies between 5,4 and 21,58 MW in the Campiña region, between 4,76 and 19,05 MW in the Vegas region, between 4,46 and 17,83 MW in the Sur Occidental region, between 3,23 and 12,92 MW in the Area Metropolitana region, between 0,86 and 3,43 MW in the Lozoya-Somosierra region and between 0,06 and 0,24 MW in the Guadarrama region. The total power that could be installed in the CM from rye and triticale biomass could vary between 18.76 and 75.06 MW if is used the 25% or 100% of fallow land for rainfed crop.
The use of residual biomass for energy purposes is of great interest in isolated areas like Majorca for waste reduction, energy sufficiency and renewable energies development. In addition, densification processes lead to easy-to-automate solid biofuels which additionally have higher energy density. The present study aims at (i) the estimation of the potential of residual biomass from woody crops as well as from agri-food and wood industries in Majorca, and (ii) the analysis of the optimal location of potential pellet plants by means of a GIS approach (location-allocation analysis) and a cost evaluation of the pellets production chain. The residual biomass potential from woody crops in Majorca Island was estimated at 35,874 metric tons dry matter (t DM) per year, while the wood and agri-food industries produced annually 21,494 t DM and 2717 t DM, respectively. Thus, there would be enough resource available for the installation of 10 pellet plants of 6400 t·year−1 capacity. These plants were optimally located throughout the island of Mallorca with a maximum threshold distance of 28 km for biomass transport from the production points. Values found for the biomass cost at the pellet plant ranged between 57.1 €·t−1 and 63.4 €·t−1 for biomass transport distance of 10 and 28 km. The cost of pelleting amounted to 56.7 €·t−1; adding the concepts of business fee, pellet transport and profit margin (15%), the total cost of pelleting was estimated at 116.6 €·t−1. The present study provides a proposal for pellet production from residual woody biomass that would supply up to 2.8% of the primary energy consumed by the domestic and services sector in the Balearic Islands.
La présente étude avait pour objectif de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension de la granulation des bois feuillus par l’évaluation de la possibilité technique de transformer des bois feuillus de faible vigueur (l’érable à sucre et le bouleau jaune) en granules conventionnels et granules de haute qualité, un type prometteur de transport énergétique. Trois études individuelles ont été réalisées et présentées dans cette thèse. La première étude visait à déterminer s’il y a des changements de teneur en extractibles, cendres, et lignine du bois entre les classes de vigueur des arbres. Les teneurs plus élevées en extractibles et en lignine dans les arbres peu vigoureux ont suggéré que ces derniers sont plus appropriés par rapport aux arbres vigoureux pour la conversion en biocombustibles solides. La deuxième étude visait à optimiser des procédés de granulation des bois feuillus. L’étude a porté sur l’influence des paramètres du procédé (la température et la force de compression) et des caractéristiques de la matière première (la taille des particules et la teneur en humidité) sur les propriétés physiques et mécaniques des granules de bois. Le procédé de granulation doit être effectué à une température d’environ 100 °C pour minimiser la force de friction dans le granulateur et à une teneur en humidité d’environ 11,2% pour maximiser la masse volumique et la résistance mécanique des granules produites. Cette étude a également confirmé que les arbres de faible qualité sont plus appropriés pour la fabrication de granules de bois que les arbres vigoureux. La troisième étude visait l’élaboration de granules de haute qualité. L’eau chaude à température élevée a été utilisée pour modifier les propriétés de la matière première avant granulation. Les caractéristiques de granulation du matériau traité ont été significativement améliorées. Les granules produites ont montré des propriétés améliorées incluant une plus faible teneur en cendres, une plus haute densité énergétique, une meilleure résistance à l’eau, et une meilleure résistance mécanique. Les résultats obtenus de toutes ces études ont démontré la nécessité de bien connaître les fondements de la granulation des bois feuillus et les solutions pratiques pour l’utilisation d’arbres feuillus de faible qualité, le premier peut être applicable pour le développement de procédés de granulation et le dernier peut contribuer à long terme à la restauration des forêts feuillues dégradées en termes de santé des forêts et de leur valeur.
This study considered the current situation of solid and liquid biofuels markets and international biofuels trade in Finland and identified the challenges ofthe emerging international biofuels markets for Finland. The fact that industryconsumes more than half of the total primary energy, widely applied combined heat and power production (CHP) and a high share of biofuels in the total energy consumption are specific to the Finnish energy system. One third of the electricity is generated in CHP plants. As much as 27% of the total energy consumption ismet by using wood and peat, which makes Finland the leading country in the use of biofuels. Finland has made a commitment to maintain greenhouse gas emissions at the 1990 level at the highest during the period 2008-2012. The Finnish energypolicy aims to achieve the target, and a variety of measures are taken to promote the use of renewable energy sources and especially wood fuels. In this study, the wooden raw material streams of the forest industry were included the international biofuels trade in addition to biomass streams that are traded for energy production. In 2004, as much as 45% of the raw wood importedinto Finland ended up in energy production. The total international trading of biofuels was evaluated at 72 PJ, of which the majority, 58 PJ, was raw wood. About 22% of wood based energy in Finland originated from imported raw wood. Tall oil and wood pellets composed the largest export streams of biofuels. The annual turnover of international biofuels trade was estimated at about ¤ 90 million fordirect trade and at about ¤ 190 million for indirect trade. The forest industryas the biggest user of wood, and the producer and user of wood fuels has a central position in biomass and biofuels markets in Finland. Lately, the international aspects of Finnish biofuels markets have been emphasised as the import of rawwood and the export of wood pellets have increased. Expanding the use of biofuels in the road transportation sector would increase the international streams ofbiofuels in Finland. In coming years, the international trading of biomass for energy purposes can be expected to continue growing.
Dwindling fossil fuel reserves, and growing concerns over CO2 emissions and associated climate change, are driving the quest for renewable feedstocks to provide alternative, sustainable fuel sources. Catalysis has a rich history of facilitating energy efficient, selective molecular transformations, and in a post-petroleum era will play a pivotal role in overcoming the scientific and engineering barriers to economically viable, and sustainable, biofuels derived from renewable resources. The production of second generation biofuels, derived from biomass sourced from inedible crop components, e.g. agricultural or forestry waste, or alternative non-food crops such as Switchgrass or Jatropha Curcas that require minimal cultivation, necessitate new heterogeneous catalysts and processes to transform these polar and viscous feedstocks [1]. Here we show how advances in the rational design of nanoporous solid acids and bases, and their utilisation in novel continuous reactors, can deliver superior performance in the energy-efficient esterification and transesterification of bio-oil components into biodiesel [2-4]. Notes: [1] K. Wilson, A.F. Lee, Cat. Sci. Tech. 2012 ,2, 884. [2] J. Dhainaut, J.-P. Dacquin, A. F. Lee, K. Wilson, Green Chem. 2010 , 12, 296. [3] C. Pirez, J.-M. Caderon, J.-P. Dacquin, A.F. Lee, K. Wilson, ACS Catal. 2012 , 2, 1607. [4] J.J. Woodford, J.-P. Dacquin, K. Wilson, A.F. Lee, Energy Environ. Sci. 2012 , 5, 6145.
Novel macroporous solid bases have been developed as alternative clean technologies to existing commercial homogeneous catalysts for the production of biodiesel from triglycerides; the latter suffer process disadvantages including complex separation and associated saponification and engine corrosion, and are unsuitable for continuous operation. To this end, tuneable macroporous MgAl hydrotalcites have been prepared by an alkali-free route and characterised by TGA, XRD, SEM and XPS. The macropore architecture improves diffusion of bulky triglyceride molecules to the active base sites, increasing activity. Lamellar and macroporous hydrotalcites will be compared for the transesterification of both model and plant oil feedstocks, and structure-reactivity relations identified.
In this dissertation the pyrolytic conversion of biomass into chemicals and fuels was investigated from the analytical point of view. The study was focused on the liquid (bio-oil) and solid (char) fractions obtainable from biomass pyrolysis. The drawbacks of Py-GC-MS described so far were partially solved by coupling different analytical configurations (Py-GC-MS, Py-GC-MIP-AED and off-line Py-SPE and Py-SPME-GC-MS with derivatization procedures). The application of different techniques allowed a satisfactory comparative analysis of pyrolysis products of different biomass and a high throughput screening on effect of 33 catalysts on biomass pyrolysis. As the results of the screening showed, the most interesting catalysts were those containing copper (able to reduce the high molecular weight fraction of bio-oil without large yield decrease) and H-ZSM-5 (able to entirely convert the bio-oil into “gasoline like” aromatic products). In order to establish the noxious compounds content of the liquid product, a clean-up step was included in the Py-SPE procedure. This allowed to investigate pollutants (PAHs) generation from pyrolysis and catalytic pyrolysis of biomass. In fact, bio-oil from non-catalytic pyrolysis of biomass showed a moderate PAHs content, while the use of H-ZSM-5 catalyst for bio-oil up-grading determined an astonishing high production of PAHs (if compared to what observed in alkanes cracking), indicating an important concern in the substitution fossil fuel with bio-oil derived from biomass. Moreover, the analytical procedures developed in this thesis were directly applied for the detailed study of the most useful process scheme and up-grading route to chemical intermediates (anhydrosugars), transportation fuels or commodity chemicals (aromatic hydrocarbons). In the applied study, poplar and microalgae biomass were investigated and overall GHGs balance of pyrolysis of agricultural residues in Ravenna province was performed. A special attention was put on the comparison of the effect of bio-char different use (fuel or as soil conditioner) on the soil health and GHGs emissions.
Biomass-To-Liquid (BTL) is one of the most promising low carbon processes available to support the expanding transportation sector. This multi-step process produces hydrocarbon fuels from biomass, the so-called “second generation biofuels” that, unlike first generation biofuels, have the ability to make use of a wider range of biomass feedstock than just plant oils and sugar/starch components. A BTL process based on gasification has yet to be commercialized. This work focuses on the techno-economic feasibility of nine BTL plants. The scope was limited to hydrocarbon products as these can be readily incorporated and integrated into conventional markets and supply chains. The evaluated BTL systems were based on pressurised oxygen gasification of wood biomass or bio-oil and they were characterised by different fuel synthesis processes including: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, the Methanol to Gasoline (MTG) process and the Topsoe Integrated Gasoline (TIGAS) synthesis. This was the first time that these three fuel synthesis technologies were compared in a single, consistent evaluation. The selected process concepts were modelled using the process simulation software IPSEpro to determine mass balances, energy balances and product distributions. For each BTL concept, a cost model was developed in MS Excel to estimate capital, operating and production costs. An uncertainty analysis based on the Monte Carlo statistical method, was also carried out to examine how the uncertainty in the input parameters of the cost model could affect the output (i.e. production cost) of the model. This was the first time that an uncertainty analysis was included in a published techno-economic assessment study of BTL systems. It was found that bio-oil gasification cannot currently compete with solid biomass gasification due to the lower efficiencies and higher costs associated with the additional thermal conversion step of fast pyrolysis. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis was the most promising fuel synthesis technology for commercial production of liquid hydrocarbon fuels since it achieved higher efficiencies and lower costs than TIGAS and MTG. None of the BTL systems were competitive with conventional fossil fuel plants. However, if government tax take was reduced by approximately 33% or a subsidy of £55/t dry biomass was available, transport biofuels could be competitive with conventional fuels. Large scale biofuel production may be possible in the long term through subsidies, fuels price rises and legislation.