999 resultados para sol-gels (xerogels)


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Sol-gel synthesis in varied gravity is only a relatively new topic in the literature and further investigation is required to explore its full potential as a method to synthesise novel materials. Although trialled for systems such as silica, the specific application of varied gravity synthesis to other sol-gel systems such as titanium has not previously been undertaken. Current literature methods for the synthesis of sol-gel material in reduced gravity could not be applied to titanium sol-gel processing, thus a new strategy had to be developed in this study. To successfully conduct experiments in varied gravity a refined titanium sol-gel chemical precursor had to be developed which allowed the single solution precursor to remain un-reactive at temperatures up to 50oC and only begin to react when exposed to a pressure decrease from a vacuum. Due to the new nature of this precursor, a thorough characterisation of the reaction precursors was subsequently undertaken with the use of techniques such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Infra-red and UV-Vis spectroscopy in order to achieve sufficient understanding of precursor chemistry and kinetic stability. This understanding was then used to propose gelation reaction mechanisms under varied gravity conditions. Two unique reactor systems were designed and built with the specific purpose to allow the effects of varied gravity (high, normal, reduced) during synthesis of titanium sol-gels to be studied. The first system was a centrifuge capable of providing high gravity environments of up to 70 g’s for extended periods, whilst applying a 100 mbar vacuum and a temperature of 40-50oC to the reaction chambers. The second system to be used in the QUT Microgravity Drop Tower Facility was also required to provide the same thermal and vacuum conditions used in the centrifuge, but had to operate autonomously during free fall. Through the use of post synthesis characterisation techniques such as Raman Spectroscopy, X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and N2 adsorption, it was found that increased gravity levels during synthesis, had the greatest effect on the final products. Samples produced in reduced and normal gravity appeared to form amorphous gels containing very small particles with moderate surface areas. Whereas crystalline anatase (TiO2), was found to form in samples synthesised above 5 g with significant increases in crystallinity, particle size and surface area observed when samples were produced at gravity levels up to 70 g. It is proposed that for samples produced in higher gravity, an increased concentration gradient of water is forms at the bottom of the reacting film due to forced convection. The particles formed in higher gravity diffuse downward towards this excess of water, which favours the condensation reaction of remaining sol gel precursors with the particles promoting increased particle growth. Due to the removal of downward convection in reduced gravity, particle growth due to condensation reaction processes are physically hindered hydrolysis reactions favoured instead. Another significant finding from this work was that anatase could be produced at relatively low temperatures of 40-50oC instead of the conventional method of calcination above 450oC solely through sol-gel synthesis at higher gravity levels. It is hoped that the outcomes of this research will lead to an increased understanding of the effects of gravity on chemical synthesis of titanium sol-gel, potentially leading to the development of improved products suitable for diverse applications such as semiconductor or catalyst materials as well as significantly reducing production and energy costs through manufacturing these materials at significantly lower temperatures.


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Transparent and homogeneous aluminophosphate gels and glasses have been widely synthesized through an aqueous sol-gel route, extending significantly the glass-forming range compared to that accessible via the melt-cooling route. Different phosphorus precursors, sodium polyphosphate (NaPO3) and orthophosphate species (NaH2PO4 and/or H3PO4) were compared with regard to the macroscopic properties and the microscopic structure of the resultant gels and glasses as characterized by extensive high-resolution liquid- and solid-state NMR. Sodium polyphosphate solution results in a substantially wider composition range of homogenous gel formation than orthophosphate solutions, and the two routes produce significant structural differences in the sol and xerogel states. Nevertheless, the structures of the glasses obtained upon gel annealing above 400 degrees C are independent of the P-precursors used. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aware of the difficulties in applying sol-gel technology on the preparation of thin films suitable for optical devices, the present paper reports on the preparation of crack-free erbium- and ytterbium-doped silica: hafnia thick films onto silica on silicon. The film was obtained using a dispersion of silica-hafnia nanoparticles into a binder solution, spin-coating, regular thermal process and rapid thermal process. The used methodology has allowed a significant increase of the film thickness. Based on the presented results good optical-quality films with the required thickness for a fiber matching single mode waveguide were obtained using the erbium- and ytterbium-activated sol-gel silica:hafnia system. The prepared film supports two transversal electric modes at 1550 nm and the difference between the transversal electric mode and the transversal magnetic mode is very small, indicating low birefringence. Photoluminescence of the I-4(13/2) -> I-4(15/2) transition of erbium ions shows a broad band centered at 1.53 mu m with full width at a half maximum of 28 nm. Up-conversion emission was carried out under different pump laser powers, and just one transition at red region was observed. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Diphasic gel in the mullite composition was prepared from a colloidal sol of boehmite mixed with a hydrolyzed tetraethoxisilane (TEOS) solution. The boehmite sol was obtained by peptization of a poorly crystallized or very small mean crystallite size (∼34 Å) precipitate, resulting from the reaction between solutions of aluminum sulfate and sodium hydroxide. Ultrasound was utilized in the processes of the TEOS hydrolysis and the boehmite peptization, and also for complete homogenization of the mixture to gel. The wet gel is almost clear and monolithic. The gel transparency is lost on drying, when syneresis has ended, so that the interlinked pore structure starts to empty and is recovered upon water re-absorption. Cracking closely accompanies this critical drying process. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) show that the solid structure of the gel is composed of an amorphous silica phase, as a matrix, and a colloidal sized crystalline phase of boehmite. Upon heat treatment, the boehmite phase within the gel closely follows the same transition sequence as in pure alumina shifted towards higher temperatures. Orthorhombic mullite formation was detected at 1300°C. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Good optical quality Eu3+-doped silica-polyethyleneglycol hybrids were prepared by the sol-gel process. Thermomechanical analysis showed an increase of the glass transition temperature, due to the stiffness of the polymeric network, as the amount of Eu3+ increased. Europium luminescent properties were used to study structural evolution during the sol-gel transition. For lower doping concentrations dried gels present statistical distributions of Eu3+, typical of an amorphous environment, while for higher concentrations a crystalline-like environment of Eu3+ was observed. A broad emission band was observed in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum and assigned to the intrinsic emission from the hybrid polymeric network.


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A indústria aeronáutica utiliza ligas de alumínio de alta resistência para o fabrico dos elementos estruturais dos aviões. As ligas usadas possuem excelentes propriedades mecânicas mas apresentam simultaneamente uma grande tendência para a corrosão. Por esta razão essas ligas necessitam de protecção anticorrosiva eficaz para poderem ser utilizadas com segurança. Até à data, os sistemas anticorrosivos mais eficazes para ligas de alumínio contêm crómio hexavalente na sua composição, sejam pré-tratamentos, camadas de conversão ou pigmentos anticorrosivos. O reconhecimento dos efeitos carcinogénicos do crómio hexavalente levou ao aparecimento de legislação banindo o uso desta forma de crómio pela indústria. Esta decisão trouxe a necessidade de encontrar alternativas ambientalmente inócuas mas igualmente eficazes. O principal objectivo do presente trabalho é o desenvolvimento de prétratamentos anticorrosivos activos para a liga de alumínio 2024, baseados em revestimentos híbridos produzidos pelo método sol-gel. Estes revestimentos deverão possuir boa aderência ao substrato metálico, boas propriedades barreira e capacidade anticorrosiva activa. A protecção activa pode ser alcançada através da incorporação de inibidores anticorrosivos no prétratamento. O objectivo foi atingido através de uma sucessão de etapas. Primeiro investigou-se em detalhe a corrosão localizada (por picada) da liga de alumínio 2024. Os resultados obtidos permitiram uma melhor compreensão da susceptibilidade desta liga a processos de corrosão localizada. Estudaram-se também vários possíveis inibidores de corrosão usando técnicas electroquímicas e microestruturais. Numa segunda etapa desenvolveram-se revestimentos anticorrosivos híbridos orgânico-inorgânico baseados no método sol-gel. Compostos derivados de titania e zirconia foram combinados com siloxanos organofuncionais a fim de obter-se boa aderência entre o revestimento e o substrato metálico assim como boas propriedades barreira. Testes industriais mostraram que estes novos revestimentos são compatíveis com os esquemas de pintura convencionais actualmente em uso. A estabilidade e o prazo de validade das formulações foram optimizados modificando a temperatura de armazenamento e a quantidade de água usada durante a síntese. As formulações sol-gel foram dopadas com os inibidores seleccionados durante a primeira etapa e as propriedades anticorrosivas passivas e activas dos revestimentos obtidos foram estudadas numa terceira etapa do trabalho. Os resultados comprovam a influência dos inibidores nas propriedades anticorrosivas dos revestimentos sol-gel. Em alguns casos a acção activa dos inibidores combinou-se com a protecção passiva dada pelo revestimento mas noutros casos terá ocorrido interacção química entre o inibidor e a matriz de sol-gel, de onde resultou a perda de propriedades protectoras do sistema combinado. Atendendo aos problemas provocados pela adição directa dos inibidores na formulação sol-gel procurou-se, numa quarta etapa, formas alternativas de incorporação. Na primeira, produziu-se uma camada de titania nanoporosa na superfície da liga metálica que serviu de reservatório para os inibidores. O revestimento sol-gel foi aplicado por cima da camada nanoporosa. Os inibidores armazenados nos poros actuam quando o substrato fica exposto ao ambiente agressivo. Numa segunda, os inibidores foram armazenados em nano-reservatórios de sílica ou em nanoargilas (halloysite), os quais foram revestidos por polielectrólitos montados camada a camada. A terceira alternativa consistiu no uso de nano-fios de molibdato de cério amorfo como inibidores anticorrosivos nanoparticulados. Os nano-reservatórios foram incorporados durante a síntese do sol-gel. Qualquer das abordagens permitiu eliminar o efeito negativo do inibidor sobre a estabilidade da matriz do sol-gel. Os revestimentos sol-gel desenvolvidos neste trabalho apresentaram protecção anticorrosiva activa e capacidade de auto-reparação. Os resultados obtidos mostraram o elevado potencial destes revestimentos para a protecção anticorrosiva da liga de alumínio 2024.


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Silica xerogels were prepared from sonohydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane and exchange of the liquid phase of the wet gel by acetone. Monolithic xerogels were obtained by slow evaporation of acetone. The structural characteristics of the xerogels were studied as a function of temperature up to 1100 degrees C by means of bulk and skeletal density measurements, linear shrinkage measurements and thermal analyses (DTA, TG and DL). The results were correlated with the evolution in the UV-Vis absorption. Particularly, the initial pore structure of the dried acetone-exchanged xerogel was studied by small-angle X-ray scattering and nitrogen adsorption. The acetone-exchanged xerogels exhibit greater porosity in the mesopore region presenting greater mean pore size (similar to 4 nm) when compared to non-exchanged xerogels. The porosity of the xerogels is practically stable in the temperature range between 200 degrees C and 800 degrees C. Evolution in the structure of the solid particles (silica network) is the predominant process upon heating up to about 400 degrees C and pore elimination is the predominant process above 900 degrees C. At 1000 degrees C the xerogels are still monolithic and retain about 5 vol.% pores. The xerogels exhibited foaming phenomenon after hold for 10 h at 1100 degrees C. This temperature is even higher than that found for foaming of non-exchanged xerogels. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Thin films of undoped and Sb-doped SnO2 have been prepared by a sol-gel dip-coating technique. For the high doping level (2-3 mol% Sb) n-type degenerate conduction is expected, however, measurements of resistance as a function of temperature show that doped samples exhibit strong electron trapping, with capture levels at 39 and 81 meV. Heating in a vacuum and irradiation with UV monochromatic light (305 nm) improve the electrical characteristics, decreasing the carrier capture at low temperature. This suggests an oxygen related level, which can be eliminated by a photodesorption process. Absorption spectral dependence indicates an indirect bandgap transition with Eg ≅ 3.5 eV. Current-voltage characteristics indicate a thermionic emission mechanism through interfacial states.