992 resultados para soil environments


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Acid sulfate soils (ASS) is a stress factor that is responsible for the failure of some mangrove restoration projects, including abandoned aquaculture ponds converted from mangrove ecosystems. Through experimental and field studies, this research provides a better understanding of the biogeochemistry of ASS disturbance and the response of mangrove seedlings (Rhizophoraceae) under high metal levels and acidic conditions. This study found that mangrove restorations under ASS disturbance can work but with lower numbers of survived seedlings. To prevent toxicity under high levels of metal, seedlings retained metals in their roots and sparingly distributed them into aerial parts with low mobility. The presence of high levels of potential acidity parameters would allow pyrite to oxidise, thus increasing metal levels and acidity, which in turn affected the survival and growth of the seedlings.


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Microbial inhabitants of soils are important to ecosystem and planetary functions, yet there are large gaps in our knowledge of their diversity and ecology. The ‘Biomes of Australian Soil Environments’ (BASE) project has generated a database of microbial diversity with associated metadata across extensive environmental gradients at continental scale. As the characterisation of microbes rapidly expands, the BASE database provides an evolving platform for interrogating and integrating microbial diversity and function.


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Magnetic properties of soils have been highlighted as a primary detrimental environmental effect on the performance of geophysical systems for detection of unexploded ordnance (UXO) and mine targets. A recent workshop at Cranfield University, U.K., aimed to identify knowledge gaps related to soil magnetism. Eight invited speakers from multidisciplinary areas provided briefings on state‐of‐the‐art research linked to soil magnetism and geophysical sensing. Contributions from other participants provided additional insights from a range of disciplines through case studies and applications. The workshop included break‐out sessions to identify current gaps in knowledge and to determine priority areas for investment in research to further developments in UXO and mine detection in magnetic soil environments. Key recommendations for future research investments have been grouped in categories including soils, theory and modeling, instrumentation, and communication.


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克隆植物存在于自然界几乎所有类型生态系统,在群落和生态系统中起着重要作用。作为植物群落的重要组分,克隆植物势必深刻地影响群落的结构和功能。揭示克隆植物在不同类型生态系统中的重要性及其与环境因子的关系是克隆植物生态学研究的重要内容。 本研究以东北样带为平台,通过采用野外植物和土壤调查,结合2006年23期500 m MODIS NDVI数据,重点分析环境因素和群落生产力与克隆植物丰富度和重要性的关系。主要结论如下: 1.沿东北样带自西向东的不同植被类型中,克隆植物出现的频率和重要值呈现降低的趋势,具体体现为:典型草原 > 荒漠草原 > 草甸草原 > 农田 > 森林。克隆植物丰富度、重要值和相对物种数均与海拔呈显著相关,但这种关系随克隆构型发生变化。 2.群落中克隆植物物种丰富度与土壤有机碳、全氮和全磷均有显著的相关关系,但与全钾并不呈现显著相关关系。通径分析表明,在三种草原植被中,土壤成分对克隆植物重要性的影响强度随草原类型变化而变化。 3.植被生产力与年均降水量和年均日照时数显著相关;虽然植被生产力与年均温度没有显著的相关性,但与温度季节性变化呈显著相关;植被生产力与降水和温度季节性的相关性随植被类型发生变化。 4. 就整个东北样带而言,植被生产力与群落中总的物种丰富度和克隆植物丰富度呈显著正相关,但与不同克隆构型克隆植物的丰富度相关关系不一致。在不同植被类型中,生产力与克隆植物丰富度没有相关关系,但与克隆植物重要值呈现不同相关关系。具体而言,克隆植物重要值与植被生产力的相关性在荒漠草原表现为正相关,在典型草原和草甸草原呈负相关,而在农田和森林没有显著相关性。 在土壤环境相对贫瘠和植被生产力水平较低的条件下,克隆植物可能比非克隆植物具有更强的适应能力,并在群落次生演替过程中起重要作用。在高海拔、养分贫瘠的群落中,克隆植物出现频率较高。在荒漠草原,由于土壤贫瘠、扰动频繁,因此克隆植物在群落中的重要性较高,在生产力水平高的植物群落中克隆植物重要性较高;在典型草原和草甸草原,由于土壤养分等条件的改善,克隆植物在群落中的重要性降低,在生产力水平高的植物群落中克隆植物重要性较低;在农田和森林群落中,环境质量最好,克隆植物在群落中的重要性低,对群落的结构和生产力不构成显著影响,因此克隆植物重要性与生产力相关性不显著。


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It has been found that microbial communities play a significant role in the corrosion process of steels exposed in aquatic and soil environments. Biomineralization influenced by microorganisms is believed to be responsible for the formation of corrosion products via complicated pathways of electron transfer between microbial cells and the metal. In this study, sulfide corrosion products were investigated for 316L stainless steel exposed to media with sulfate-reducing bacteria media for 7 weeks. The species of inorganic and organic sulfides in the passive film on the stainless steel were observed by epifluorescence microscope, environmental scanning electron microscope combined with energy dispersive spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The transformation from metal oxides to metal sulfides influenced by sulfate-reducing bacteria is emphasized in this paper. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It has previously been shown that across different arsenic (As) soil environments, a decrease in grain selenium (Se), zinc (Zn), and nickel (Ni) concentrations is associated with an increase in grain As. In this study we aim to determine if there is a genetic element for this observation or if it is driven by the soil As environment. To determine the genetic and environmental effect on grain element composition, multielement analysis using ICP-MS was performed on rice grain from a range of rice cultivars grown in 4 different field sites (2 in Bangladesh and 2 in West Bengal). At all four sites a negative correlation was observed between grain As and grain Ni, while at three of the four sites a negative correlation was observed between grain As and grain Se and grain copper (Cu). For manganese, Ni, Cu, and Se there was also a significant genetic interaction with grain arsenic indicating some cultivars are more strongly affected by arsenic than others.


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Nas últimas décadas tem-se assistido a uma preocupação crescente relativamente às possíveis consequências da exposição a compostosxenóbioticos capazes de modular ou causar disrupção do sistema endócrino, os denominados Compostos Disruptores Endócrinos (CDEs). A maioria dos estudos efectuados tem-se centrado principalmente nos efeitos dos CDEs em vertebrados, enquanto que os seus efeitos em invertebrados têmsido negligenciados, embora este grupo represente mais de 95% de todas asespécies animais. Isópodes como o Porcellio scaber, combinam características associadas às mudas e aos processos reprodutivos mediados por mecanismos endócrinosconhecidos com um modo de vida terrestre, tornando-os potenciais espécies sentinela para estudos de disrupção endócrina (DE) em ambientes terrestres. Neste estudo, isópodes machos adultos, machos e fêmeas juvenis e casais foram expostos a concentrações crescentes dedois CDEs, vinclozolina (Vz) e bisfenol A (BPA). Testou-se a hipótese nula que a Vz e o BPA não interferem com o desenvolvimento e reprodução deste isópode terrestre. Foi investigadaa possível ligação entre os efeitos causados pelos compostos propostos e DE assim como a ligação a outros potenciais mecanismos de toxicidade.Parâmetros como concentração de 20-hidroxiecdisona (20E), muda, crescimento, rácios sexuais ediversos parâmetros reprodutivos foram estudados. Adicionalmente, de modo a estudar os alvos moleculares destes tóxicos, analisou-se a expressão proteica do intestino, hepatopâncreas e testículos do isópode após exposição aos químicos. Os resultados demonstram que a Vz e o BPA estimulam o aumento dos níveis de 20E de um modo dependente da dose. Excepção feita para a concentração mais baixa de BPA testada (10 mg/kg solo), para a qual concentrações significativamente mais altas de 20E foram determinadas, sugerindo a ocorrência dos “efeitos de baixas doses típicos de DE” já demonstrados por outros autores. O BPA também distorceu o rácio sexual favorecendo asfêmeas na concentração mais baixa. A mortalidade devido à ecdise incompleta foi relacionada com o hiper-ecdisonismo nas concentrações mais elevadas de Vz. Mais ainda, a Vz tende a atrasar a muda e o BPA a induzi-la. Não obstante, ambos os compostos provocam toxicidade no desenvolvimento,uma vez que foi encontrada uma diminuição generalizada nos parâmetros de crescimento. Os juvenis mostraram ser mais sensíveis à exposição aos tóxicos que os adultos. Estes compostos provocaram ainda toxicidade reprodutiva, com um decréscimo generalizado do “output” reprodutivo. A toxicidadecausada pelos ecdisteróides e o seu papel na síntese de vitelogenina são alguns dos factores chave que poderão influenciar negativamente a reprodução.A Vz e o BPA afectaram a expressão de proteínas envolvidas nometabolismo energético e induziram várias respostas de stress. Interferiram ainda com proteínas intimamente ligadas com o sucesso reprodutivo. Conclui-se assim,que ambos os CDEs propostos provocam toxicidade nodesenvolvimento e na reprodução de P. scaber, tendo sido evidenciada umaligação a DE. Alvos moleculares de natureza não-endócrina foram também revelados, através da expressão diferencial de algumas proteínaspreviamente descritas para invertebrados aquáticos e mesmo alguns vertebrados.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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The Andean piedmont of eastern Bolivia is situated at the southern margin of Amazonia characterized by an overall humid climate regime with a marked contrast between the rainy and dry seasons. The nearby Subandean foothills deliver abundant sandy sediments to the piedmont, leading to a complex array of sediments and paleosol horizons. Within this setting, the presented study analyzes four profiles of paleosol-sediment-sequences along incised ephemeral streams near Santa Cruz de la Sierra with a focus on past pedogenic variability in the context of the regional late Quaternary geomorphic and environmental evolution. Based on field observations, micromorphological analysis, geochemical and clay mineralogical data five classes of paleosol horizons could be distinguished. The individual paleosol horizons as well as the sediments, in which they developed, were interpreted regarding their paleoenvironmental significance, taking into consideration the various controls on soil formation with particular focus on changes of local environmental conditions through time. Thus, three different pathways of soil formation were established. On the late Quaternary timescale, the results suggest a strong relation between paleoenvironmental conditions (climate, vegetation etc.), soil environment (soil water flow, micro-environment) and the type of paleosol horizons developed in the study area. The formation of “red beds” (Bw horizons) implies very dry soil environments under dominantly dry conditions, which seem to have prevailed in the study area some time before ∼ 18 cal ka BP. Moderately dry but markedly seasonal environmental conditions with a long dry season and strong seasonal contrasts in soil water flow could explain the formation of moderately developed Bwt horizons around ∼ 18 cal ka BP and much of the mid-Holocene. The formation of Bt horizons and/or clay lamellae in relation to intense neoformation of clay and dominant clay illuviation by soil water points to wet conditions similar to today, which have probably prevailed in the study area before ∼ 8 cal ka BP and since ∼ 5 cal ka BP.


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The manner in which remains decompose has been and is currently being researched around the world, yet little is still known about the generated scent of death. In fact, it was not until the Casey Anthony trial that research on the odor released from decomposing remains, and the compounds that it is comprised of, was brought to light. The Anthony trial marked the first admission of human decomposition odor as forensic evidence into the court of law; however, it was not "ready for prime time" as the scientific research on the scent of death is still in its infancy. This research employed the use of solid-phase microextraction (SPME) with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to identify the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released from decomposing remains and to assess the impact that different environmental conditions had on the scent of death. Using human cadaver analogues, it was discovered that the environment in which the remains were exposed to dramatically affected the odors released by either modifying the compounds that it was comprised of or by enhancing/hindering the amount that was liberated. In addition, the VOCs released during the different stages of the decomposition process for both human remains and analogues were evaluated. Statistical analysis showed correlations between the stage of decay and the VOCs generated, such that each phase of decomposition was distinguishable based upon the type and abundance of compounds that comprised the odor. This study has provided new insight into the scent of death and the factors that can dramatically affect it, specifically, frozen, aquatic, and soil environments. Moreover, the results revealed that different stages of decomposition were distinguishable based upon the type and total mass of each compound present. Thus, based upon these findings, it is suggested that the training aids that are employed for human remains detection (HRD) canines should 1) be characteristic of remains that have undergone decomposition in different environmental settings, and 2) represent each stage of decay, to ensure that the HRD canines have been trained to the various odors that they are likely to encounter in an operational situation.


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Large amounts of organic carbon are stored in Arctic permafrost environments, and microbial activity can potentially mineralize this carbon into methane, a potent greenhouse gas. In this study, we assessed the methane budget, the bacterial methane oxidation (MOX) and the underlying environmental controls of arctic lake systems, which represent substantial sources of methane. Five lake systems located on Samoylov Island (Lena Delta, Siberia) and the connected river sites were analyzed using radiotracers to estimate the MOX rates, and molecular biology methods to characterize the abundance and the community composition of methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB). In contrast to the river, the lake systems had high variation in the methane concentrations, the abundance and composition of the MOB communities, and consequently, the MOX rates. The highest methane concentrations and the highest MOX rates were detected in the lake outlets and in a lake complex in a floodplain area. Though, in all aquatic systems we detected both, Type I and II MOB, in lake systems we observed a higher diversity including MOB, typical of the soil environments. The inoculation of soil MOB into the aquatic systems, resulting from permafrost thawing, might be an additional factor controlling the MOB community composition and potentially methanotrophic capacity.


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The role of sediment diagenesis in the marine cycles of Li and B is poorly understood. Because Li and B are easily mobilized during burial and are consumed in authigenic clay mineral formation, their abundance in marine pore waters varies considerably. Exchange with the overlying ocean through diffusive fluxes should thus be common. Nevertheless, only a minor Li sink associated with the low-temperature alteration of volcanic ash has been observed. We describe a low-temperature diagenetic environment in the Black Sea dominated by the alteration of detrital plagioclase feldspars. Fluids expelled from the Odessa mud volcano in the Sorokin Trough originate from shallow (~100-400 m deep) sediments which are poor in volcanic materials but rich in anorthite. These fluids are depleted in Na+, K+, Li+, B, and 18O and enriched in Ca2+ and Sr2+, indicating that anorthite is dissolving and authigenic clays are forming. Using a simple chemical model, we calculate the pH and the partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2) in fluids associated with this alteration process. Our results show that the pH of these fluids is up to 1.5 pH units lower than in most deep marine sediments and that PCO2 levels are up to several hundred times higher than in the atmosphere. These conditions are similar to those which favor the weathering of silicate minerals in subaerial soil environments. We propose that in Black Sea sediments enhanced organic matter preservation favors CO2 production through methanogenesis and results in a low pore water pH, compared to most deep sea sediments. As a result, silicate mineral weathering, which is a sluggish process in most marine diagenetic environments, proceeds rapidly in Black Sea sediments. There is a potential for organic matter-rich continental shelf environments to host this type of diagenesis. Should such environments be widespread, this new Li and B sink could help balance the marine Li and Li isotope budgets but would imply an apparent imbalance in the B cycle.