971 resultados para software distribution
As a discipline, supply chain management (SCM) has traditionally been primarily concerned with the procurement, processing, movement and sale of physical goods. However an important class of products has emerged - digital products - which cannot be described as physical as they do not obey commonly understood physical laws. They do not possess mass or volume, and they require no energy in their manufacture or distribution. With the Internet, they can be distributed at speeds unimaginable in the physical world, and every copy produced is a 100% perfect duplicate of the original version. Furthermore, the ease with which digital products can be replicated has few analogues in the physical world. This paper assesses the effect of non-physicality on one such product – software – in relation to the practice of SCM. It explores the challenges that arise when managing the software supply chain and how practitioners are addressing these challenges. Using a two-pronged exploratory approach that examines the literature around software management as well as direct interviews with software distribution practitioners, a number of key challenges associated with software supply chains are uncovered, along with responses to these challenges. This paper proposes a new model for software supply chains that takes into account the non-physicality of the product being delivered. Central to this model is the replacement of physical flows with flows of intellectual property, the growing importance of innovation over duplication and the increased centrality of the customer in the entire process. Hybrid physical / digital supply chains are discussed and a framework for practitioners concerned with software supply chains is presented.
A new electronic software distribution (ESD) life cycle analysis (LCA)methodology and model structure were constructed to calculate energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In order to counteract the use of high level, top-down modeling efforts, and to increase result accuracy, a focus upon device details and data routes was taken. In order to compare ESD to a relevant physical distribution alternative,physical model boundaries and variables were described. The methodology was compiled from the analysis and operational data of a major online store which provides ESD and physical distribution options. The ESD method included the calculation of power consumption of data center server and networking devices. An in-depth method to calculate server efficiency and utilization was also included to account for virtualization and server efficiency features. Internet transfer power consumption was analyzed taking into account the number of data hops and networking devices used. The power consumed by online browsing and downloading was also factored into the model. The embedded CO2e of server and networking devices was proportioned to each ESD process. Three U.K.-based ESD scenarios were analyzed using the model which revealed potential CO2e savings of 83% when ESD was used over physical distribution. Results also highlighted the importance of server efficiency and utilization methods.
This paper presents the work in progress of an on-demand software deployment system based on application virtualization concepts which eliminates the need of software installation and configuration on each computer. Some mechanisms were created, such as mapping of utilization of resources by the application to improve the software distribution and startup; a virtualization middleware which give all resources needed for the software execution; an asynchronous P2P transport used to optimizing distribution on the network; and off-line support where the user can execute the application even when the server is not available or when is out of the network. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.
"L’auteure Lucie Guibault aborde la question des ""logiciels libres"" dans le cadre des droits d’auteurs et des brevets. Ces logiciels sont des programmes informatiques qui sont gratuitement distribués au public, dont la modification et la redistribution sont fortement encouragées, mais dont la vente ou la commercialisation est découragée ou même carrément prohibée. Ces caractéristiques particulières distinguent les logiciels libres des ""programmes propriétés"" traditionnels, qui se basent sur le principe que le créateur d’un programme en possède les droits de propriété et qu’il est le seul autorisé à le modifier ou le vendre, sous réserve de sa capacité à faire cession de ces droits. Les logiciels libres sont fondés sur une idéologie de coopération, qui promeut la propagation des idées et des connaissances et qui favorise ainsi la création de meilleurs logiciels. L’auteure présente les grandes caractéristiques des trois principales licences de logiciels libres, soit la ""General Public License"", la licence ""Berkeley Software Distribution"" et la ""Mozilla Public License"". Elle soutient que ces logiciels libres et les régimes normatifs qui les encadrent sont à l’origine d’un changement de paradigme au sein des régimes européens et hollandais de protection des droits d’auteurs et des brevets. La première partie de l’article analyse les régimes des droits d’auteur des trois licences de logiciels libres. L’auteure souligne que ces régimes ont été établis en se basant sur la prémisse qu’il n’y a pas de distinction significative entre les créateurs et les utilisateurs de logiciels libres. Les régimes normatifs reflètent cette situation en prévoyant un ensemble de droits et d’obligations pour les utilisateurs dans le cadre de l’utilisation, de la reproduction, de la modification et de la redistribution gratuite des logiciels libres. L’auteur explique comment ces régimes normatifs s’intègrent au sein de la législation européenne et hollandaise, entre autre au niveau du droit de propriété, du droit commercial, du droit des communications et du droit des obligations. L’auteur démontre que, de façon générale, ces régimes normatifs législatifs semblent s’être adéquatement adaptés aux nouvelles réalités posées par les règles de droits d’auteurs des logiciels libres. La seconde partie aborde la problématique du droit des brevets, tel que défini par la législation européenne et hollandaise. La plupart des utilisateurs et créateurs de logiciels libres s’opposent aux régimes de brevets traditionnels, qui limitent l’innovation et les possibilités de développement techniques. L’auteur décrit les différents régimes alternatifs de brevets offerts par les trois licences de logiciels libres. De plus, l’auteur présente l’encadrement légal pour ces nouveaux brevets, tel que défini par les législations européennes et hollandaises. Elle soutient que cet encadrement légal est inadéquat et qu’il n’est pas adapté aux besoins des utilisateurs de logiciels libres."
Service discovery is a critical task in service-oriented architectures such as the Grid and Web Services. In this paper, we study a semantics enabled service registry, GRIMOIRES, from a performance perspective. GRIMOIRES is designed to be the registry for myGrid and the OMII software distribution. We study the scalability of GRIMOIRES against the amount of information that has been published into it. The methodology we use and the data we present are helpful for researchers to understand the performance characteristics of the registry and, more generally, of semantics enabled service discovery. Based on this experimentation, we claim that GRIMOIRES is an efficient semantics-aware service discovery engine.
Service discovery is a critical task in service-oriented architectures such as the Grid and Web Services. In this paper, we study a semantics enabled service registry, GRIMOIRES, from a performance perspective. GRIMOIRES is designed to be the registry for myGrid and the OMII software distribution. We study the scalability of GRIMOIRES against the amount of information that has been published into it. The methodology we use and the data we present are helpful for researchers to understand the performance characteristics of the registry and, more generally, of semantics enabled service discovery. Based on this experimentation, we claim that GRIMOIRES is an efficient semantics-aware service discovery engine.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Durante el siglo XXI hemos sido testigos de cambios con una gran trascendencia en el campo de las tecnologías tanto a nivel de hardware como software, aunque uno de los más notables ha sido el cambio del paradigma de la distribución del software, donde la instalación de herramientas de escritorio queda relegada a un segundo plano y toman fuerza las aplicaciones que consumen servicios web o que, simplemente, son aplicaciones web, que no requieren de un proceso de instalación y siempre que tengamos una conexión a internet activa podremos acceder a nuestra aplicación y datos, sin importar desde donde nos conectemos. Gracias a este cambio, últimamente han proliferado distintas tecnologías para la creación de aplicaciones web, entre estas encontramos los componentes web basados en tecnología Polymer como herramienta para el desarrollo de aplicaciones modulares y componentes reutilizables en distintos sitios web, modificando y añadiendo funcionalidad a las etiquetas de HTML, de esta manera una vez desarrollado un componente, volver a utilizarlo es realizar un trabajo de unos cuantos segundo añadiendo la etiqueta necesaria en nuestro código HTML, esta ventaja es la principal característica de Polymer. En paralelo al desarrollo de tecnologías web, y gracias a su masificación, se han generado herramientas y frameworks a través de los cuales se pueden desarrollar aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles mediante tecnologías web, esto beneficia directamente a los ecosistemas de desarrolladores, herramientas, frameworks y aplicaciones ya que los hace más amplios y accesibles a todo aquel que sea capaz de programar una aplicación web basada en HTML, CSS y Javascript. El objetivo de este trabajo es generar un canal de movilidad definiendo una metodología eficaz para portar las ventajas de los componentes web de Polymer a entornos móviles, conservando su capacidad de ser reutilizados de manera sencilla y sin perder, dentro de lo posible, la usabilidad de los mismos teniendo en cuenta las particularidades de los dispositivos móviles, esto se realizará mediante pruebas de usabilidad para posteriormente validar la metodología generada aplicándola a un caso real.---ABSTRACT---During 21st century we have witness the important changes in technologies field, involving both hardware and software level, but one of the most relevant ones has been the software distribution paradigm change, where desktop tools has lost their importance to benefit web services or just web applications, among which the web components are included. Web components are based on Polymer technology as its main tool for developing modular applications and reusable components in different web sites, adding and modifying functionality to HTML tags. So, when a components is developed, reusing it is possible just adding its correspondant tag inour HTML code. This is the main Polymer feature. As web technologies grow, different tools and frameworks has been created. They can be used to develop applications for web devices though web technologies, which is a benefit for developer, tools, frameworks and applications ecosystems, in such a way this new tools make them wider and more accessible for every one able to develop web applications with HTML, CSS and Javascript languages. The goal of this work is to generate a mobility channel defining an efficient methodology to carry the Polymer web components advantages to mobile environments, keeping their features of being reused in an easy way and without losing, when possible, their usability being aware the special features of mobile devices. This work will be evaluated through usability tests to validate then the generated methodology applying it to a real case.
Software deployment, eller mjukvarudistribution översatt till svenska kan ses som processen där alla aktiviteter ingår för att göra en mjukvara tillgänglig för användare utan en manuell installation på användarens dator eller annan maskin. Det finns ett flertal software deployment-verktyg, som hanterar automatiska installationer, tillgängliga för företag på marknaden idag. Avdelningen HVDC på ABB i Ludvika har behov att börja använda ett verktyg för automatiserade installationer av mjukvaror då installationer idag utförs manuellt och är tidsödande. Som Microsoftpartners vill ABB se hur Microsofts verktyg för mjukvarudistribution skulle kunna hjälpa för detta behov. Vår studie syftade till att undersöka hur arbetet med installationer av mjukvara ser ut idag, samt hitta förbättringsmöjligheter för installationer som inte kan automatiseras i nuläget. I studien ingick även att ta fram ett generellt ramverk för hur verksamheter kan gå tillväga när de vill börja använda sig utav software deployment-verktyg. I ramverket ingår en utformad kravspecifikation som ska utvärderas mot Microsofts verktyg. För att skapa en uppfattning om hur arbetet i verksamheten ser ut idag har vi utfört enkätundersökning och intervjuer med personal på HVDC. För att utveckla ett ramverk har vi använt oss av insamlade data från de intervjuer, enkätundersökning och gruppintervju som utförts, detta för att identifiera krav och önskemål från personalen hos ett software deployment-verktyg. Litteraturstudier utfördes för att skapa en teoretisk referensram att utgå ifrån vid utvecklande av ramverket och kravspecifikationen. Studien har resulterat i en beskrivning av software deployment, förbättringsmöjligheter i arbetet med installationer av mjukvara samt ett generellt ramverk som beskriver hur verksamheter kan gå tillväga när de ska börja använda ett software deployment-verktyg. Ramverket innehåller också en kravspecifikation som använts för att utvärdera Microsofts verktyg för mjukvarudistribution. I vår studie har vi inte sett att någon tidigare har tagit fram ett generellt ramverk och kravspecifikation som verksamheter kan använda sig av som underlag när de ska börja använda ett software deployment-verktyg. Vårt resultat av studien kan täcka upp detta kunskapsgap.
Embedded siloxane polymer waveguides have shown promising results for use in optical backplanes. They exhibit high temperature stability, low optical absorption, and require common processing techniques. A challenging aspect of this technology is out-of-plane coupling of the waveguides. A multi-software approach to modeling an optical vertical interconnect (via) is proposed. This approach utilizes the beam propagation method to generate varied modal field distribution structures which are then propagated through a via model using the angular spectrum propagation technique. Simulation results show average losses between 2.5 and 4.5 dB for different initial input conditions. Certain configurations show losses of less than 3 dB and it is shown that in an input/output pair of vias, average losses per via may be lower than the targeted 3 dB.