918 resultados para sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors


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INTRODUCTION: Inhibitors of the sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) promote the excretion of glucose to reduce glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels. Canagliflozin was the first SGLT2 inhibitor to be approved by the US FDA for use in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, and recently dapagliflozin has also been approved. AREAS COVERED: We evaluated a recent Phase III clinical trial with dapagliflozin. EXPERT OPINION: Dapagliflozin was studied as add-on therapy to sitagliptin with or without metformin, and was shown to lower HbA1c levels and body weight. The incidence of hypoglycaemia was low with dapagliflozin, but it did increase the incidence of urogenital infections. As no clear benefits have been identified for dapagliflozin over canagliflozin, which was the first gliflozin registered by the FDA, we do not fully understand why it was necessary to register dapagliflozin. Given that there are no completed cardiovascular/clinical outcome studies with dapagliflozin, and therefore no evidence of beneficial effect, it also seems premature to be using it extensively or considering it as an alternative to the clinically proven metformin.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Sodium glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors offer a novel approach to treat diabetes by reducing hyperglycaemia via increased glucosuria. This approach reduces renal glucose reabsorption in the proximal renal tubules providing an insulin-independent mechanism to lower blood glucose. The glucuretics are advanced in clinical development and dapagliflozin has received most extensive study. Once daily dapaglifolozin as monotherapy or as add-on to metformin for 12-24 weeks in type 2 diabetic patients (baseline HbA 8-9%) reduced HbA by about 0.5-1%, accompanied by weight loss (2-3 kg) and without significant risk of hypoglycaemia. Dapagliflozin has reduced insulin requirement and improved glycaemic control without weight gain in insulin-treated patients. A mild osmotic diuresis associated with glucuretic therapy may account for a small increase in haematocrit (1-2%) and reduced blood pressure (2-5 mmHg). Dehydration and altered electrolyte balance have not been encountered. Urinary tract and genital infections increased in most studies with dapagliflozin, but were typically mild - resolving with selfmedication or standard intervention. Thus glucuretics provide a novel insulin-independent approach for control of hyperglycaemia which does not incur hypoglycaemia, promotes weight loss, may reduce blood pressure and offers compatibility with other glucose-lowering agents. © 2010 The Author(s).


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Aims: Many patients with type 2 diabetes are suboptimally managed with currently available therapies. Dapagliflozin, a sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitor, has shown efficacy in reducing diabetic hyperglycaemia. This study assessed efficacy of three lower doses in recently diagnosed patients. Methods: This phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study assigned treatment-naïve patients to placebo or dapagliflozin monotherapy (1, 2.5 or 5 mg) daily for 24 weeks. Patients were antidiabetic drug-naïve with inadequate glycaemic control [haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) =7.0 and =10.0%]. The primary efficacy endpoint was change in HbA1c from baseline. Secondary endpoints included changes in body weight and fasting plasma glucose (FPG), and proportions achieving HbA1c


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The multivariable and progressive natural history of type 2 diabetes limits the effectiveness of available glucose-lowering drugs. Constraints imposed by comorbidities (notably cardiovascular disease and renal impairment) and the need to avoid hypoglycaemia, weight gain, and drug interactions further complicate the treatment process. These challenges have prompted the development of new formulations and delivery methods for existing drugs alongside research into novel pharmacological entities. Advances in incretin-based therapies include a miniature implantable osmotic pump to give continuous delivery of a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist for 6-12 months and once-weekly tablets of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors. Hybrid molecules that combine the properties of selected incretins and other peptides are at early stages of development, and proof of concept has been shown for small non-peptide molecules to activate glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors. Additional sodium-glucose co-transporter inhibitors are progressing in development as well as possible new insulin-releasing biological agents and small-molecule inhibitors of glucagon action. Adiponectin receptor agonists, selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor modulators, cellular glucocorticoid inhibitors, and analogues of fibroblast growth factor 21 are being considered as potential new approaches to glucose lowering. Compounds that can enhance insulin receptor and post-receptor signalling cascades or directly promote selected pathways of glucose metabolism have suggested opportunities for future treatments. However, pharmacological interventions that are able to restore normal β-cell function and β-cell mass, normalise insulin action, and fully correct glucose homoeostasis are a distant vision.


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Intrauterine dietary restriction may cause changes in the functioning of offspring organs and systems later in life, an effect known as fetal programming. The present study evaluated mRNA abundance and immunolocalization of nutrient transporters as well as enterocytes proliferation in the proximal, median and distal segments of small intestine of rats born to protein-restricted dams. Pregnant rats were fed hypoproteic (6% protein) or control (17% protein) diets, and offspring rats were evaluated at 3 and 16 weeks of age. The presence of SGLT1 (sodium-glucose co-transporter 1), GLUT2 (glucose transporter 2), PEPT1 (peptide transporter 1) and the intestinal proliferation were evaluated by immunohistochemical techniques and the abundance of specific mRNA for SGLT1, GLUT2 and PEPT1 was assessed by the real-time PCR technique. Rats born to protein-restricted dams showed higher cell proliferation in all intestinal segments and higher gene expression of SGLT1 and PEPT1 in the duodenum. Moreover, in adult animals born to protein-restricted dams the immunoreactivity of SGLT1, GLUT2 and PEPT1in the duodenum was more intense than in control rats. Taken together, the results indicate that changes in the small intestine observed in adulthood can be programmed during the gestation. In addition, they show that this response is caused by both up-regulation in transporter gene expression, a specific adaptation mechanism, and intestinal proliferation, an unspecific adaptation mechanism.


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The role for the novel treatment approach of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) in type 2 diabetes is increasing. Structured self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG), based on a less intensive and a more intensive scheme, may contribute to an optimization of SGLT-2 inhibitor based treatment. The current expert recommendation suggests individualized approaches of SMBG, using simple and clinically applicable schemes. Potential benefits of SMBG in SGLT-2 inhibitor based treatment approaches are early assessment of treatment success or failure, timely modification of treatment, detection of hypoglycemic episodes, assessment of glucose excursions, and support of diabetes management and education. The length and frequency of SMBG should depend on the clinical setting and the quality of metabolic control.


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Mutations in Na+-glucose transporters (SGLT)-2 and hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-1 alpha genes have been related to renal glycosuria and maturity-onset diabetes of the young 3, respectively. However, the expression of these genes have not been investigated in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Here in kidney of diabetic rats, we tested the hypotheses that SGLT2 mRNA expression is altered; HNF-1 alpha is involved in this regulation; and glycemic homeostasis is a related mechanism. The in vivo binding of HNF-1 alpha into the SGLT2 promoter region in renal cortex was confirmed by chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. SGLT2 and HNF-1 alpha mRNA expression (by Northern and RT-PCR analysis) and HNF-1 binding activity of nuclear proteins (by EMSA) were investigated in diabetic rats and treated or not with insulin or phlorizin (an inhibitor of SGLT2). Results showed that diabetes increases SGLT2 and HNF-1 alpha mRNA expression (similar to 50%) and binding of nuclear proteins to a HNF-1 consensus motif (similar to 100%). Six days of insulin or phlorizin treatment restores these parameters to nondiabetic-rat levels. Moreover, both treatments similarly reduced glycemia, despite the differences in plasma insulin and urinary glucose concentrations, highlighting the plasma glucose levels as involved in the observed modulations. This study shows that SGLT2 mRNA expression and HNF-1 alpha expression and activity correlate positively in kidney of diabetic rats. It also shows that diabetes-induced changes are reversed by lowering glycemia, independently of insulinemia. Our demonstration that HNF-1 alpha binds DNA that encodes SGLT2 supports the hypothesis that HNF-1 alpha, as a modulator of SGLT2 expression, may be involved in diabetic kidney disease.


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The Ctr family is an essential part of the copper homeostasis machinery and its members share sequence homology and structural and functional features. Higher eukaryotes express two members of this family Ctr1 and Ctr2. Numerous structural and functional studies are available for Ctr1, the only high affinity Cu(I) transporter thus far identified. Ctr1 holigotrimers mediate cellular copper uptake and this protein was demonstrated to be essential for embryonic development and to play a crucial role in dietary copper acquisition. Instead very little is known about Ctr2, it bears structural homology to the yeast vacuolar copper transporter, which mediates mobilization of vacuolar copper stores. Recent studies using over-expressed epitope-tagged forms of human Ctr2 suggested a function as a low affinity copper transporter that can mediate either copper uptake from the extracellular environment or mobilization of lysosomal copper stores. Using an antibody that recognizes endogenous mouse Ctr2, we studied the expression and localization of endogenous mouse Ctr2 in cell culture and in mouse models to understand its regulation and function in copper homeostasis. By immunoblot we observed a regulation of mCtr2 protein levels in a copper and Ctr1 dependent way. Our observations in cells and transgenic mice suggest that lack of Ctr1 induces a strong downregulation of Ctr2 probably by a post-translational mechanism. By indirect immunofluorescence we observed an exclusive intracellular localization in a perinuclear compartment and no co-localization with lysosomal markers. Immunofluorescence experiments in Ctr1 null cells, supported by sequence analysis, suggest that lysosomes may play a role in mCtr2 biology not as resident compartment, but as a degradation site. In appendix a LC-mass method for analysis of algal biotoxins belonging to the family of PsP (paralytic shellfish poisoning) is described.


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Genetic defects of the Na+-K+-2Cl- (NKCC2) sodium potassium chloride co-transporter result in severe, prenatal-onset renal salt wasting accompanied by polyhydramnios, prematurity, and life-threatening hypovolemia of the neonate (antenatal Bartter syndrome or hyperprostaglandin E syndrome). Herein are described two brothers who presented with hyperuricemia, mild metabolic alkalosis, low serum potassium levels, and bilateral medullary nephrocalcinosis at the ages of 13 and 15 yr. Impaired function of sodium chloride reabsorption along the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop was deduced from a reduced increase in diuresis and urinary chloride excretion upon application of furosemide. Molecular genetic analysis revealed that the brothers were compound heterozygotes for mutations in the SLC12A1 gene coding for the NKCC2 co-transporter. Functional analysis of the mutated rat NKCC2 protein by tracer-flux assays after heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes revealed significant residual transport activity of the NKCC2 p.F177Y mutant construct in contrast to no activity of the NKCC2-D918fs frameshift mutant construct. However, coexpression of the two mutants was not significantly different from that of NKCC2-F177Y alone or wild type. Membrane expression of NKCC2-F177Y as determined by luminometric surface quantification was not significantly different from wild-type protein, pointing to an intrinsic partial transport defect caused by the p.F177Y mutation. The partial function of NKCC2-F177Y, which is not negatively affected by NKCC2-D918fs, therefore explains a mild and late-onset phenotype and for the first time establishes a mild phenotype-associated SLC12A1 gene mutation.


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Expression of the Na$\sp+$/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1), a differentiated function of the pig kidney epithelial cell line LLC-PK$\sb1$ derived from proximal tubule, was further investigated. The differentiation inducer hexamethylene bisacetamide (HMBA) and IBMX, an inhibitor of cAMP phosphodiesterase, each stimulated a significant increase in Na$\sp+$/glucose cotransport activity, levels of the 75 kD cotransporter subunit and steady-state levels of the SGLT1 message. The action of HMBA is associated with involvement of polyamines and protein kinase C, and is synergistic with cAMP. We provide evidence that cAMP-elevating agents increase Na$\sp+$/glucose cotransporter expression, at least in part, via a post-transcriptional mechanism. Two molecular species of SGLT1 mRNA (3.9 kb and 2.2 kb) are transcribed from the same gene in LLC-PK$\sb1$ cells and differ only in the length of the 3$\sp\prime$ untranslated region (3$\sp\prime$ UTR). cAMP elevation differentially stabilized the 3.9 kb SGLT1 transcript from degradation but not the 22 kb species. UV-cross-linking and label transfer experiments indicated that cyclic AMP elevation was associated with formation of a 48 kD protein complex with a specific domain within the 3$\sp\prime$ UTR of SGLT1 mRNA. The binding was competitively inhibited by poly (U) and other U-rich RNA species such as c-fos ARE, and modulated by a protein kinase A-mediated phosphorylation/dephosphorylation mechanism. The binding site was mapped to a 120-nucleotide 3$\sp\prime$ UTR sequence which contains a uridine-rich region (URE). Our study provides the first demonstration that renal SGLT1 is post-transcriptionally regulated by a phosphorylation/dephosphorylation mechanism, and provides a deeper insight into gene regulation of this physiologically important cotransporter. ^


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Bile secretion involves the structural and functional interplay of hepatocytes and cholangiocytes, the cells lining the intrahepatic bile ducts. Hepatocytes actively secrete bile acids into the canalicular space and cholangiocytes then transport bile acids in a vectorial manner across their apical and basolateral plasma membranes. The initial step in the transepithelial transport of bile acids across rat cholangiocytes is apical uptake by a Na+-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT). To date, the molecular basis of the obligate efflux mechanism for extrusion of bile acids across the cholangiocyte basolateral membrane remains unknown. We have identified an exon-2 skipped, alternatively spliced form of ASBT, designated t-ASBT, expressed in rat cholangiocytes, ileum, and kidney. Alternative splicing causes a frameshift that produces a 154-aa protein. Antipeptide antibodies detected the ≈19 kDa t-ASBT polypeptide in rat cholangiocytes, ileum, and kidney. The t-ASBT was specifically localized to the basolateral domain of cholangiocytes. Transport studies in Xenopus oocytes revealed that t-ASBT can function as a bile acid efflux protein. Thus, alternative splicing changes the cellular targeting of ASBT, alters its functional properties, and provides a mechanism for rat cholangiocytes and other bile acid-transporting epithelia to extrude bile acids. Our work represents an example in which a single gene appears to encode via alternative splicing both uptake and obligate efflux carriers in a bile acid-transporting epithelial cell.


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The chemically reversible solid−solid phase transformation of a TCNQ-modified glassy carbon, indium tin oxide, or metal electrode into Co\[TCNQ]2(H2O)2 material in the presence of Co2+(aq) containing electrolytes has been induced and monitored electrochemically. Voltammetric data reveal that the TCNQ/Co\[TCNQ]2(H2O)2 interconversion process is independent of electrode material and identity of cobalt electrolyte anion. However, a marked dependence on electrolyte concentration, scan rate, and method of electrode modification (drop casting or mechanical attachment) is found. Cyclic voltammetric and double potential step chronoamperometric measurements confirm that formation of Co\[TCNQ]2(H2O)2 occurs through a rate-determining nucleation and growth process that initially involves incorporation of Co2+(aq) ions into the reduced TCNQ crystal lattice at the TCNQ|electrode|electrolyte interface. Similarly, the reverse (oxidation) process, which involves transformation of solid Co\[TCNQ]2(H2O)2 back to parent TCNQ crystals, also is controlled by nucleation−growth kinetics. The overall chemically reversible process that represents this transformation is described by the reaction:  2TCNQ0(s) + 2e- + Co2+(aq) + 2H2O \[Co(TCNQ)2(H2O)2](s). Ex situ SEM images illustrated that this reversible TCNQ/Co\[TCNQ]2(H2O)2 conversion process is accompanied by drastic size and morphology changes in the parent solid TCNQ. In addition, different sizes of needle-shaped nanorod/nanowire crystals of Co\[TCNQ]2(H2O)2 are formed depending on the method of surface immobilization.