989 resultados para sodium adsorption ratio
Changes in soil sodicity-salinity parameters are one of the most characteristic alterations after treated sewage effluent (TSE) irrigation in agro-systems. Considering the importance of these parameters for agricultural management, as well as the economical value of sugarcane for Brazil, the present study aimed at evaluating effects on soil sodicity and salinity under tropical conditions over 16 months of TSE irrigation in a sugarcane plantation at Lins, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Soil samplings were carried out in February 2005 (before planting), December 2005 (after 8 months of TSE irrigation) and September 2006 (after 16 months of TSE irrigation) following a complete block design with four treatments and four replicates. Treatments consisted of. (i) control, without TSE irrigation; (ii) T100, T150 and T200, with TSE irrigation supplying 100% (0% surplus, total of 2524 mm), 150% (50% surplus, total of 3832 mm) and 200% (100% surplus, total of 5092 mm) of crop water demand, respectively. Compared to initial soil conditions, at the end of the experiment increases of exchangeable sodium (from 2.4 to 5.9 mmol(c) kg(-1)), exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) (from 8 to 18%), soluble Na (from 1.4 to 4.7 mmol L(-1)) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of soil solution (from 3.6 to 12.6 (mmol were found in the soil profile (0-100 cm) as an average for the irrigated plots due to high SAR of TSE. Associated with the increments were mostly significant increases in clay dispersion rates at depths 0-10, 10-20 and 20-40 cm. Electrical conductivity (EC) of soil solution increased during the TSE irrigation period whereas at the end of the experiment, after short term discontinuation of irrigation and harvest, EC in the topsoil (0-10 and 10-20 cm) decreased compared to the previous samplings. Moreover, despite increasing sodicity over time mainly insignificant differences within the different irrigated treatments were found in December 2005 and September 2006. This suggests that independent of varying irrigation amounts the increasing soil sodicity over time were rather caused by the continuous use of TSE than by its quantity applied. Moreover, also plant productivity showed no significant differences within the TSE irrigated plots. The study indicates that monitoring as well as remediation of soil after TSE irrigation is required for a sustainable TSE use in order to maintain agricultural quality parameters. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Despite the increasing prevalence of salinity world-wide, the measurement of exchangeable cation concentrations in saline soils remains problematic. Two soil types (Mollisol and Vertisol) were equilibrated with a range of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) solutions at various ionic strengths. The concentrations of exchangeable cations were then determined using several different types of methods, and the measured exchangeable cation concentrations compared to reference values. At low ionic strength (low salinity), the concentration of exchangeable cations can be accurately estimated from the total soil extractable cations. In saline soils, however, the presence of soluble salts in the soil solution precludes the use of this method. Leaching of the soil with a pre-wash solution (such as alcohol) was found to effectively remove the soluble salts from the soil, thus allowing the accurate measurement of the effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC). However, the dilution associated with this pre-washing increased the exchangeable Ca concentrations while simultaneously decreasing exchangeable Na. In contrast, when calculated as the difference between the total extractable cations and the soil solution cations, good correlations were found between the calculated exchangeable cation concentrations and the reference values for both Na (Mollisol: y=0.873x and Vertisol: y=0.960x) and Ca (Mollisol: y=0.901x and Vertisol: y=1.05x). Therefore, for soils with a soil solution ionic strength greater than 50 mM (electrical conductivity of 4 dS/m) (in which exchangeable cation concentrations are overestimated by the assumption they can be estimated as the total extractable cations), concentrations can be calculated as the difference between total extractable cations and soluble cations.
The relationship between sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) for all soils has traditionally been assumed to be similar to that developed by the United States Salinity Laboratory (USSL) in 1954. However, under certain conditions, this relationship has been shown not to be constant, but to vary with both ionic strength and clay mineralogy. We conducted a detailed experiment to determine the effect of ionic strength on the Na+-Ca2+ exchange of four clay minerals (kaolinite, illite, pyrophyllite, and montmorillonite), with results related to the diffuse double-layer (DDL) model. Clays in which external exchange sites dominated (kaolinite and pyrophyllite) tended to show an overall preference for Na+, with the magnitude of this preference increasing with decreasing ESP. For these external surfaces, increases in ionic strength were found to increase preference for Na+. Although illite (2:1 non-expanding mineral) was expected to be dominated by external surfaces, this clay displayed an overall preference for Ca2+, possibly indicating the opening of quasicrystals and the formation of internal exchange surfaces. For the expanding 2:1 clay, montmorillonite, Na+-Ca2+ exchange varied due to the formation of quasicrystals (and internal exchange surfaces) from individual clay platelets. At small ionic strength and large ESP, the clay platelets dispersed and were dominated by external exchange surfaces (displaying preference for Na+). However, as ionic strength increased and ESP decreased, quasicrystals (and internal exchange surfaces) formed, and preference for Ca2+ increased. Therefore, the relationship between SAR and ESP is not constant and should be determined directly for the soil of interest.
Availability of good quality water has been reduced vertiginously, over the last decade, in the world. In some regions, the water resources have high concentration of the dissolved salts, these characteristics of the water make it s use impossible. Water quality can be a limitation for irrigated agriculture, principally in regions of arid or semiarid climate where the water resources are generally saline and are exposed at high evaporation ratio. For that reason, precipitation of the salts occurs near the soil surface and those salts themselves cumulate in the vegetal tissue, reducing the soil fertility and crop production. The adoption of tolerant crop to the water salinity and soil salinity, adaptable to the climatic conditions is other emergent necessity. This work had the goal of studying the effects of four salinity levels of the irrigation water salinity and use of mulch, dried leaves of Forest mangrove (Acacia mangiumWilld), in cultivated soil with amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus, BRS Alegria variety), in greenhouse. It was utilized the transplant of plants to PVC columns, containing 30 kg of silty loam soil, 10 days after emerging, with space of 50 x 50 cm between lines. Treatments were composed by combination of four levels of salinity (0.147; 1.500; 3.000 e 4.500 dS m-1), obtained by addition NaCl (commercial) to irrigation water and soil with and without protection, by mulch. A factorial system 4 x 2 was used with four repetitions, totalizing 32 parcels. The concentrations of nutrients in soil solution have been evaluated, in the dry matter of the vegetal tissue (roots, stem, leaves and raceme residue), at the end of the vegetative cycle. The use of soil protection reduced time for the beginning inflorescence of plants, at the same time, the increase of the salinity delayed this phase of amaranth development. The use of the mulch effectively increased the height, stem diameter, area of the larger leaf, humidity and dry matter content and amaranth grain production. The vegetal species showed salinity tolerance to experimented levels. The adopted treatments did not affect the pH values, exchangeable cation contents, electrical conductivity of soil solution (EC1:5) and saturated extract (ECSE), and Ca+2, Mg+, Fe+2 and Mn+2 contents, in the soil solution. The increase of the salinity concentration in the irrigation water inhibited the mineralization process of the organic matter (OM) and, consequently, the efficiency in the it´s utilization by plants, at the same time, produced increase in the values of the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and potassium adsorption ratio (PAR), in the soil solution. Therefore, the use of the mulch did not affect the first three parameters. The protein and nutrient contents: K+, Ca+2, P, Mg+2 e Cu+2, in amaranth grains, were improved by tillage condition. The raceme residues showed chemical/nutritional composition that makes advantageous its application in animal ration. In this context, it follows that amaranth tolerate the saline stress, of the irrigation water, until 4.500 dS m-1, temperature and relative humidity of the air predominant in the experimental environment
The Serido is a region of northeastern Brazil highlighted by its problems related to water scarcity because of its semi-arid region, large rates of evaporation and rainfall irregular and scarce. Thus, the underground dams, become a strategically important resource with a simple and inexpensive technique for storage of water. They act in a positive way in the development of inland cities that suffer from drought, because in addition to exercise a great improvement in the social role of these families, can enjoy the type of soil (silt) and provides water for both irrigation and for human consumption throughout the year. Is therefore essential to its monitoring and studies to assess its effectiveness in accordance with its purposes, along with their wells Amazons, as can occur in conditions of physical degradation, chemical and microbiological appropriate, according to the Ordinance No 518/04 Ministry of Health, however, the proposed work aims to analyze the underground dams in the municipality of Sierra Negra North-RN (semi-arid region) as to their uses and their influences on the quality and quantity of water in periods of drought and rain. Analyzing monthly these parameters: determination of pH, conductivity, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfate, RAS (sodium adsorption ratio), turbidity, total iron, nitrite, nitrate, total dissolved solids (STD), bicarbonate (HCO3), fecal coliform and pesticides compared to the standards allowed by the Ordinance in force for quality for human consumption. While at the risk of salinity and sodicity on the model proposed by the United Salinity Laboratory (USSL). Although efficient, it was found that results varied annually on water quality which may influence their specific uses, whether or irrigation water supply in the city
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Oggetto di studio del dottorato sono stati i suoli forestali in ambiente litoraneo della Regione Emilia-Romagna. In particolare sono state considerate quattro zone di studio in Provincia di Ravenna: Pineta di San Vitale, aree boscate di Bellocchio, Pineta di Classe e Pineta di Pinarella di Cervia. Lo studio in una prima fase si è articolato nella definizione dello stato del sistema suolo, mediante la caratterizzazione pedologica delle zone di studio. A tale scopo è stata messa a punto un’adeguata metodologia d’indagine costituita da un’indagine ambientale e successivamente da un’indagine pedologica. L’indagine ambientale, mediante fotointerpretazione ed elaborazione di livelli informativi in ambito GIS, ha permesso di individuare ambiti pedogenetici omogenei. L’indagine pedologica in campo ha messo in luce l’elevata variabilità spaziale di alcuni fattori della pedogenesi, in particolar modo l’andamento microtopografico tipico dei sistemi dunali costieri e la profondità della falda freatica del piano campagna. Complessivamente sono stati aperti descritti e campionati 40 profili pedologici. Sugli orizzonti diagnostici di questi sono state eseguite le seguenti analisi: tessitura, pH, calcare totale, carbonio organico, azoto kjeldahl, conduttività elettrica (CE), capacità di scambio cationico (CSC) e calcare attivo. I suoli presentano, ad eccezione della tessitura (generalmente grossolana), un’elevata variabilità delle proprietà chimico fisiche in funzione della morfologia, della profondità e della vicinanza della falda freatica. Sono state riscontrate diverse correlazioni, tra le più significative quelle tra carbonio organico e calcare totale (coeff. di correlazione R = -0.805 per Pineta di Classe) e tra calcare totale e pH (R = 0.736), dalle quali si è compreso in che misura l’effetto della decarbonatazione agisce nei diversi ambiti pedogenetici e tra suoli con diversa età di formazione. Il calcare totale varia da 0 a oltre 400 g.kg-1 e aumenta dalla superficie in profondità, dall’entroterra verso la costa e da nord verso sud. Il carbonio organico, estremamente variabile (0.1 - 107 g.kg-1), è concentrato soprattutto nel primo orizzonte superficiale. Il rapporto C/N (>10 in superficie e molto variabile in profondità) evidenzia una efficienza di umificazione non sempre ottimale specialmente negli orizzonti prossimi alla falda freatica. I tipi di suoli presenti, classificati secondo la Soil Taxonomy, sono risultati essere Mollic/Sodic/Typic Psammaquents nelle zone interdunali, Typic Ustipsamments sulle sommità dunali e Oxiaquic/Aquic Ustipsamments negli ambienti morfologici intermedi. Come sintesi della caratterizzazione pedologica sono state prodotte due carte dei suoli, rispettivamente per Pineta di San Vitale (scala 1:20000) e per le aree boscate di Bellocchio (scala 1:10000), rappresentanti la distribuzione dei pedotipi osservati. In una seconda fase si è focalizzata l’attenzione sugli impatti che le principali pressioni naturali ed antropiche, possono esercitare sul suolo, condizionandone la qualità in virtù delle esigenze del soprasuolo forestale. Si è scelta la zona sud di Pineta San Vitale come area campione per monitorarne mensilmente, su quattro siti rappresentativi, le principali caratteristiche chimico-fisiche dei suoli e delle acque di falda, onde evidenziare possibili correlazioni. Le principali determinazioni svolte sia nel suolo in pasta satura che nelle acque di falda hanno riguardato CE, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, Cl-, SO4 2-, HCO3 - e SAR (Sodium Adsorption Ratio). Per ogni sito indagato sono emersi andamenti diversi dei vari parametri lungo i profili, correlabili in diversa misura tra di loro. Si sono osservati forti trend di aumento di CE e degli ioni solubili verso gli orizzonti profondi in profili con acqua di falda più salina (19 – 28 dS.m-1) e profonda (1 – 1.6 m dalla superficie), mentre molto significativi sono apparsi gli accumuli di sali in superficie nei mesi estivi (CE in pasta satura da 17.6 a 28.2 dS.m-1) nei profili con falda a meno di 50 cm dalla superficie. Si è messo successivamente in relazione la CE nel suolo con diversi parametri ambientali più facilmente monitorabili quali profondità e CE di falda, temperatura e precipitazioni, onde trovarne una relazione statistica. Dai dati di tre dei quattro siti monitorati è stato possibile definire tali relazioni con equazioni di regressione lineare a più variabili. Si è cercato poi di estendere l’estrapolabilità della CE del suolo per tutte le altre casistiche possibili di Pineta San Vitale mediante la formulazione di un modello empirico. I dati relativi alla CE nel suolo sia reali che estrapolati dal modello, sono stati messi in relazione con le esigenze di alcune specie forestali presenti nelle zone di studio e con diverso grado di tolleranza alla salinità ed al livello di umidità nel suolo. Da tali confronti è emerso che per alcune specie moderatamente tolleranti la salinità (Pinus pinea, Pinus pinaster e Juniperus communis) le condizioni critiche allo sviluppo e alla sopravvivenza sono da ricondursi, per la maggior parte dei casi, alla falda non abbastanza profonda e non tanto alla salinità che essa trasmette sull’intero profilo del suolo. Per altre specie quali Quercus robur, Populus alba, Fraxinus oxycarpa e Ulmus minor moderatamente sensibili alla salinità, ma abituate a vivere in suoli più umidi, la salinità di una falda troppo prossima alla superficie può ripercuotersi su tutto il profilo e generare condizioni critiche di sviluppo. Nei suoli di Pineta San Vitale sono stati inoltre studiati gli aspetti relativi all’inquinamento da accumulo di alcuni microtossici nei suoli quali Ag, Cd, Ni e Pb. In alcuni punti di rilievo sono stati osservati moderati fattori di arricchimento superficiale per Pb e Cd riconducibili all’attività antropica, mentre le aliquote biodisponibili risultano maggiori in superficie, ma all’interno dei valori medi dei suoli italiani. Lo studio svolto ha permesso di meglio conoscere gli impatti sul suolo, causati dalle principali pressioni esistenti, in un contesto dinamico. In particolare, si è constatato come i suoli delle zone studiate abbiano un effetto tampone piuttosto ridotto sulla mitigazione degli effetti indotti dalle pressioni esterne prese in esame (salinizzazione, sodicizzazione e innalzamento della falda freatica). Questo è dovuto principalmente alla ridotta presenza di scambiatori sulla matrice solida atti a mantenere un equilibrio dinamico con le frazioni solubili. Infine le variabili ambientali considerate sono state inserite in un modello concettuale DPSIR (Driving forces, Pressures, States, Impacts, Responces) dove sono stati prospettati, in via qualitativa, alcuni scenari in funzione di possibili risposte gestionali verosimilmente attuabili, al fine di modificare le pressioni che insistono sul sistema suolo-vegetazione delle pinete ravennati.
El objetivo del trabajo fue identificar las características físico-químicas y biológicas en dos suelos superficiales fertilizados con nitrógeno y enmienda orgánica en el Alto Valle de Río Negro (huertos H1 y H2). En ambos huertos se aplicó fertilizante nitrogenado durante las temporadas 2008-2009 y 2009-2010 y en H2 se aplicó estiércol de pollo. Se extrajeron muestras de suelos en primavera y otoño y se determinó: carbono orgánico total, conductividad eléctrica, cationes de intercambio, relación de adsorción de sodio y nitratos, respiración microbiana, carbono de la biomasa microbiana, actividad de la deshidrogenasa y el índice de mineralización. La concentración de carbono orgánico total, potasio y nitrógeno fueron adecuadas para la producción de pera. El comportamiento de las variables biológicas fue diferente en los huertos. En H1 fueron mayores en primavera, en ambas temporadas y el índice de mineralización fue ligeramente superior a 1 en otoño, indicando equilibrio entre la mineralización y la humificación del carbono. En H2 las mediciones biológicas fueron similares entre las estaciones como consecuencia de realizar fertilización nitrogenada (N) en primavera y en otoño. La enmienda orgánica no reflejó un aumento de la actividad biológica en primavera. La actividad microbiana y enzimática en H1 y H2 fue sensible a los cambios que ocurrieron en los suelos.
The measurement of exchangeable cations in saline soils is limited by the difficulty in accurately separating soluble cations from exchangeable cations. A method is examined for saline soils in which exchangeable cations are calculated as the total extractable cations minus the concentration of soil solution (soluble) cations. In addition, a further two standard methods were investigated, one which assumes the total soil extractable cations are exchangeable, the other utilises a pretreatment to remove soluble salts prior to measurement of the remaining (exchangeable) cations. After equilibration with a range of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) solutions at various ionic strengths, the exchangeable cation concentrations of two soils (Dermosol and Vertosol) were determined by these methods and compared to known values. The assumption that exchangeable cations can be estimated as the total soil extractable cations, although valid at low ionic strength, resulted in an overestimation of exchangeable Na and Ca concentrations at higher ionic strengths due to the presence of soluble salts. Pretreatment with ethanol and glycerol was found to effectively remove soluble salts thus allowing the accurate measurement of the effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC), however, dilution associated with the pretreatment process decreased concentrations of exchangeable Ca while simultaneously increasing exchangeable Na. Using the proposed method, good correlations were found between known and measured concentrations of exchangeable Na (Dermosol: y=0.873x and Vertosol: y=0.960x) and Ca (Dermosol: y=0.906x, and Vertosol: y=1.05x). Therefore, for soils with an ionic strength of approximately 50 mM (ECse 4 dS m-1) or greater (in which exchangeable cation concentrations are overestimated by assuming the total soil cations are exchangeable), concentrations can be calculated as difference between total extractable cations and soluble cations.
Assessment of hydrochemical quality of ground water under some urban areas within sana'a secreteriat
Groundwater from nine wells of three different districts, located at Sana'a secretariat was analyzed for hydrochemical quality assessment. Measurements of water quality parameters including pH, EC, CO3(2-), HCO3-, Cl-, NO3-, SO4(2-), Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe3+, K+, and Na+ were carried out . Classification of the groundwater samples according to Cl, SO4(2-), CO3(2-) and HCO3-, hardness (H), total dissolved solids (TDS), base-exchange, and meteoric genesis was demonstrated. Suitability of ground water samples for irrigation and industrial uses according to sodium adsorption ration (SAR), ratio of dissolved sodium (RDS), residual sodium carbonate (RSC) and saturation index (SI) was also investigated. The results of this study showed that almost all ground water samples were of good quality that makes them suitable for drinking and domestic uses. Results also indicated that even though some of the ground water samples were suitable for irrigation purposes, almost all of them were found not be good for industrial uses. Despite all drawbacks of the sewerage system built around Sana'a secretariat at the beginning of the first decade of the third millennium, the results of this study indicate that there is scope of significant improvement in Sana'a secretariat ground water quality.
The final disposal of municipal solid waste in unsuitable areas without an infrastructure that meets the health measures and environmental protection, coupled with the lack of technical criteria in phase and decommissioning of the dump can promote environmental degradation. Alternatively to minimize the impacts of this activity for the stabilization of the area by isolating the massive waste with implementation of an adequate and finished by a layer of soil for plant growth final cover system. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the quality of the final cover in the area of a disabled dump the tropical semi-arid region in order to assist the process of recovery of these areas. The study area is located in the tropical semi-arid region in São João do Sabugi /RN. Soil samples were collected in the dump area and bushland as a benchmark of quality. To which they were subjected to analysis of physical attributes (particle density, bulk density, grain size and porosity), chemical properties (pH, K + , Na+ , Ca2 + , Mg2 + and Al3 + exchangeable, potential acidity, available phosphorus, sum of bases, CEC, base saturation, aluminum saturation, saturation Na + and adsorption ratio sodium, total organic carbon and total nitrogen) and total and soluble concentrations of heavy metals (Mn, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Mo, Co, Cr, Ba and Ni). The differences between physical and chemical soil under native forest and final cover showing reduction of soil quality in the area off to the dump, which hinders the development of native vegetation and the recovery of the area. The absence of superior waterproofing to allow vertical transfer between the solid waste and the final cover promoted enrichment by chemical elements and heavy metals in excess can impair revegetation. Deficiencies found in the construction process of the final cover point to the need for intervention to accelerate the process of stabilization and recovery of the area of the local ecosystem
This study compares the chemical composition of the solution and exchange complex of soil in a 3-year-old irrigated vineyard (Vitis vinifera L., Red Globe cultivar) with that of adjacent clearing in the native hyperxerophyllic 'caatinga' vegetation. The soils are classified as Plinthic Eutrophic Red-Yellow Argisol; according to Soil Taxonomy they are isohyperthermic Plinthustalfs. Detailed physiographic characterization revealed an impermeable gravel and cobble covering the crystalline rocks; the relief of this layer was more undulating than the level surface. Significant higher concentrations of extractable Na, K, Mg and Ca were observed within the vineyard. Lower soil acidity, higher Ca/Mg ratios, as well as lower sodium adsorption and Na/K ratios reflected additions of dolomitic lime, superphosphate and K-bearing fertilizers. As the water of the São Francisco River is of good quality for irrigation (C1S1), the increases in Na were primarily attributed to capillary rise from the saline groundwater table. None of the soil in the study area was found to be sodic. About 62% of the vineyard had an Ap horizon with salinity levels above 1.5dSm-1 (considered detrimental for grape production); according to average values for this horizon, a potential 13% reduction in grape production was predicted. Differences in chemical composition in function of distance to the collector canals were observed in the clearing, but not in the vineyard. The influence of differences in the elevations of the surface and impermeable layers, as well as pediment thickness, was generally weaker under irrigation. Under irrigation, soil moisture was greater in points of convergent surface waterflow; the effect of surface curvature on chemical properties, though less consistent, was also stronger in the vineyard.
Cirrhosis is a frequent and severe disease, complicated by renal sodium retention leading to ascites and oedema. A better understanding of the complex mechanisms responsible for renal sodium handling could improve clinical management of sodium retention. Our aim was to determine the importance of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) in collecting ducts in compensate and decompensate cirrhosis. Bile duct ligation was performed in control mice (CTL) and collecting duct-specific αENaC knockout (KO) mice, and ascites development, aldosterone plasma concentration, urinary sodium/potassium ratio and sodium transporter expression were compared. Disruption of ENaC in collecting ducts (CDs) did not alter ascites development, urinary sodium/potassium ratio, plasma aldosterone concentrations or Na,K-ATPase abundance in CCDs. Total αENaC abundance in whole kidney increased in cirrhotic mice of both genotypes and cleaved forms of α and γ ENaC increased only in ascitic mice of both genotypes. The sodium chloride cotransporter (NCC) abundance was lower in non-ascitic KO, compared to non-ascitic CTL, and increased when ascites appeared. In ascitic mice, the lack of αENaC in CDs induced an upregulation of total ENaC and NCC and correlated with the cleavage of ENaC subunits. This revealed compensatory mechanisms which could also take place when treating the patients with diuretics. These compensatory mechanisms should be considered for future development of therapeutic strategies.