912 resultados para social network systems (SNS)


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Social networking systems (SNS’s) such as Facebook are an ever evolving and developing means of social interaction, which is not only being used to disseminate information to family, friends and colleagues but as a way of meeting and interacting with "strangers" through the advent of a large number of social applications. The attractiveness of such software has meant a dramatic increase in the number of frequent users of SNS’s and the threats which were once common to the Internet have now been magnified, intensified and altered as the potential for criminal behaviour on SNS’s increases. Social networking sites including Facebook contain a vast amount of personal information, that if obtained could be used for other purposes or to carry out other crimes such as identity theft. This paper will focus on the security threats posed to social networking sites and gain an understanding of these risks by using a security approach known as “attack trees”. This will allow for a greater understanding of the complexity associated with protecting Social Networking systems with a particular focus on Facebook.


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This thesis presents research theorising the use of social network sites (SNS) for the consumption of cultural goods. SNS are Internet-based applications that enable people to connect, interact, discover, and share user-generated content. They have transformed communication practices and are facilitating users to present their identity online through the disclosure of information on a profile. SNS are especially effective for propagating content far and wide within a network of connections. Cultural goods constitute hedonic experiential goods with cultural, artistic, and entertainment value, such as music, books, films, and fashion. Their consumption is culturally dependant and they have unique characteristics that distinguish them from utilitarian products. The way in which users express their identity on SNS is through the sharing of cultural interests and tastes. This makes cultural good consumption vulnerable to the exchange of content and ideas that occurs across an expansive network of connections within these social systems. This study proposes the lens of affordances to theorise the use of social network sites for the consumption of cultural goods. Qualitative case study research using two phases of data collection is proposed in the application of affordances to the research topic. The interaction between task, technology, and user characteristics is investigated by examining each characteristic in detail, before investigating the actual interaction between the user and the artifact for a particular purpose. The study contributes to knowledge by (i) improving our understanding of the affordances of social network sites for the consumption of cultural goods, (ii) demonstrating the role of task, technology and user characteristics in mediating user behaviour for user-artifact interactions, (iii) explaining the technical features and user activities important to the process of consuming cultural goods using social network sites, and (iv) theorising the consumption of cultural goods using SNS by presenting a theoretical research model which identifies empirical indicators of model constructs and maps out affordance dependencies and hierarchies. The study also provides a systematic research process for applying the concept of affordances to the study of system use.


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The use of social network sites (SNS) has become very valuable to educational institutions. Some universities have formally integrated these social media in their educational systems and are using them to improve their service delivery. The main aim of this study was to establish whether African universities have embraced this emerging technology by having official presence on SNS. A purposive sampling method was used to study 24 universities from which data were obtained by visiting their official websites and following the official links to the most common SNS.


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As Social Network Sites (SNS) permeate our daily routines, the question whether participation results in value for SNS users becomes particularly acute. This study adopts a 'participation-source-outcome' perspective to explore how distinct uses of SNS generate various types of social capital benefits. Building on existing research, extensive qualitative findings and an empirical study with 253 Facebook users, we uncover the process of social capital formation on SNS. We find that even though active communication is an important prerequisite, it is the diversified network structure and the increased social connectedness that are responsible for the attainment of the four benefits of social capital on SNS: emotional support, networking value, horizon broadening and offline participation. Moreover, we propose and validate scales to measure social capital benefits in the novel context of SNS.


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This paper describes the types of support that teachers are accessing through the Social Network Site (SNS) 'Facebook'. It describes six ways in which teachers support one another within online groups. It presents evidence from a study of a large, open group of teachers online over a twelve week period, repeated with multiple groups a year later over a one week period. The findings suggest that large open groups in SNSs can be a useful source of pragmatic advice for teachers but that these groups are rarely a place for reflection on or feedback about teaching practice.


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Las redes son la esencia de comunidades y sociedades humanas; constituyen el entramado en el que nos relacionamos y determinan cómo lo hacemos, cómo se disemina la información o incluso cómo las cosas se llevan a cabo. Pero el protagonismo de las redes va más allá del que adquiere en las redes sociales. Se encuentran en el seno de múltiples estructuras que conocemos, desde las interaciones entre las proteínas dentro de una célula hasta la interconexión de los routers de internet. Las redes sociales están presentes en internet desde sus principios, en el correo electrónico por tomar un ejemplo. Dentro de cada cliente de correo se manejan listas contactos que agregadas constituyen una red social. Sin embargo, ha sido con la aparición de los sitios web de redes sociales cuando este tipo de aplicaciones web han llegado a la conciencia general. Las redes sociales se han situado entre los sitios más populares y con más tráfico de la web. Páginas como Facebook o Twitter manejan cifras asombrosas en cuanto a número de usuarios activos, de tráfico o de tiempo invertido en el sitio. Pero las funcionalidades de red social no están restringidas a las redes sociales orientadas a contactos, aquellas enfocadas a construir tu lista de contactos e interactuar con ellos. Existen otros ejemplos de sitios que aprovechan las redes sociales para aumentar la actividad de los usuarios y su involucración alrededor de algún tipo de contenido. Estos ejemplos van desde una de las redes sociales más antiguas, Flickr, orientada al intercambio de fotografías, hasta Github, la red social de código libre más popular hoy en día. No es una casualidad que la popularidad de estos sitios web venga de la mano de sus funcionalidades de red social. El escenario es más rico aún, ya que los sitios de redes sociales interaccionan entre ellos, compartiendo y exportando listas de contactos, servicios de autenticación y proporcionando un valioso canal para publicitar la actividad de los usuarios en otros sitios web. Esta funcionalidad es reciente y aún les queda un paso hasta que las redes sociales superen su condición de bunkers y lleguen a un estado de verdadera interoperabilidad entre ellas, tal como funcionan hoy en día el correo electrónico o la mensajería instantánea. Este trabajo muestra una tecnología que permite construir sitios web con características de red social distribuída. En primer lugar, se presenta una tecnología para la construcción de un componente intermedio que permite proporcionar cualquier característica de gestión de contenidos al popular marco de desarrollo web modelo-vista-controlador (MVC) Ruby on Rails. Esta técnica constituye una herramienta para desarrolladores que les permita abstraerse de las complejidades de la gestión de contenidos y enfocarse en las particularidades de los propios contenidos. Esta técnica se usará también para proporcionar las características de red social. Se describe una nueva métrica de reusabilidad de código para demostrar la validez del componente intermedio en marcos MVC. En segundo lugar, se analizan las características de los sitios web de redes sociales más populares, con el objetivo de encontrar los patrones comunes que aparecen en ellos. Este análisis servirá como base para definir los requisitos que debe cumplir un marco para construir redes sociales. A continuación se propone una arquitectura de referencia que proporcione este tipo de características. Dicha arquitectura ha sido implementada en un componente, Social Stream, y probada en varias redes sociales, tanto orientadas a contactos como a contenido, en el contexto de una asociación vecinal tanto como en proyectos de investigación financiados por la UE. Ha sido la base de varios proyectos fin de carrera. Además, ha sido publicado como código libre, obteniendo una comunidad creciente y está siendo usado más allá del ámbito de este trabajo. Dicha arquitectura ha permitido la definición de un nuevo modelo de control de acceso social que supera varias limitaciones presentes en los modelos de control de acceso para redes sociales. Más aún, se han analizado casos de estudio de sitios de red social distribuídos, reuniendo un conjunto de caraterísticas que debe cumplir un marco para construir redes sociales distribuídas. Por último, se ha extendido la arquitectura del marco para dar cabida a las características de redes sociales distribuídas. Su implementación ha sido validada en proyectos de investigación financiados por la UE. Abstract Networks are the substance of human communities and societies; they constitute the structural framework on which we relate to each other and determine the way we do it, the way information is diseminated or even the way people get things done. But network prominence goes beyond the importance it acquires in social networks. Networks are found within numerous known structures, from protein interactions inside a cell to router connections on the internet. Social networks are present on the internet since its beginnings, in emails for example. Inside every email client, there are contact lists that added together constitute a social network. However, it has been with the emergence of social network sites (SNS) when these kinds of web applications have reached general awareness. SNS are now among the most popular sites in the web and with the higher traffic. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter hold astonishing figures of active users, traffic and time invested into the sites. Nevertheless, SNS functionalities are not restricted to contact-oriented social networks, those that are focused on building your own list of contacts and interacting with them. There are other examples of sites that leverage social networking to foster user activity and engagement around other types of content. Examples go from early SNS such as Flickr, the photography related networking site, to Github, the most popular social network repository nowadays. It is not an accident that the popularity of these websites comes hand-in-hand with their social network capabilities The scenario is even richer, due to the fact that SNS interact with each other, sharing and exporting contact lists and authentication as well as providing a valuable channel to publize user activity in other sites. These interactions are very recent and they are still finding their way to the point where SNS overcome their condition of data silos to a stage of full interoperability between sites, in the same way email and instant messaging networks work today. This work introduces a technology that allows to rapidly build any kind of distributed social network website. It first introduces a new technique to create middleware that can provide any kind of content management feature to a popular model-view-controller (MVC) web development framework, Ruby on Rails. It provides developers with tools that allow them to abstract from the complexities related with content management and focus on the development of specific content. This same technique is also used to provide the framework with social network features. Additionally, it describes a new metric of code reuse to assert the validity of the kind of middleware that is emerging in MVC frameworks. Secondly, the characteristics of top popular SNS are analysed in order to find the common patterns shown in them. This analysis is the ground for defining the requirements of a framework for building social network websites. Next, a reference architecture for supporting the features found in the analysis is proposed. This architecture has been implemented in a software component, called Social Stream, and tested in several social networks, both contact- and content-oriented, in local neighbourhood associations and EU-founded research projects. It has also been the ground for several Master’s theses. It has been released as a free and open source software that has obtained a growing community and that is now being used beyond the scope of this work. The social architecture has enabled the definition of a new social-based access control model that overcomes some of the limitations currenly present in access control models for social networks. Furthermore, paradigms and case studies in distributed SNS have been analysed, gathering a set of features for distributed social networking. Finally the architecture of the framework has been extended to support distributed SNS capabilities. Its implementation has also been validated in EU-founded research projects.


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Social Networks (SN) users have various privacy requirements to protect their information; to address this issue, a six-stage thematic analysis of scholarly articles related to SN user privacy concerns were synthesized. Then this research combines mixed methods research employing the strengths of quantitative and qualitative research to investigate general SN users, and thus construct a new set of ?ve primary and Twenty-?ve secondary SN user privacy requirements. Such an approach has been rarely used to examine the privacy requirements. Factor analysis results show superior agreement with theoretical predictions and signi?cant improvement over previous alternative models of SN user privacy requirements. This research presented here has the potential to provide for the development of more sophisticated privacy controls which will increase the ability of SN users to: specify their rights in SNs and to determine the protection of their own SN data.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In studies of media industries, too much attention has been paid to providers and firms, too little to consumers and markets. But with user-created content, the question first posed more than a generation ago by the uses & gratifications method and taken up by semiotics and the active audience tradition (‘what do audiences do with media?’), has resurfaced with renewed force. What’s new is that where this question (of what the media industries and audiences did with each other) used to be individualist and functionalist, now, with the advent of social networks using Web 2.0 affordances, it can be re-posed at the level of systems and populations as well.


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In this paper we explore what is required of a User Interface (UI) design in order to encourage participation around playing and creating Location-Based Games (LBGs). To base our research in practice, we present Cipher Cities, a web based system. Through the design of this system, we investigate how UI design can provide tools for complex content creation to compliment and encourage the use of mobile phones for designing, distributing, and playing LBGs. Furthermore we discuss how UI design can promote and support socialisation around LBGs through the design of functional interface components and services such as groups, user profiles, and player status listings.


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Online dating networks, a type of social network, are gaining popularity. With many people joining and being available in the network, users are overwhelmed with choices when choosing their ideal partners. This problem can be overcome by utilizing recommendation methods. However, traditional recommendation methods are ineffective and inefficient for online dating networks where the dataset is sparse and/or large and two-way matching is required. We propose a methodology by using clustering, SimRank to recommend matching candidates to users in an online dating network. Data from a live online dating network is used in evaluation. The success rate of recommendation obtained using the proposed method is compared with baseline success rate of the network and the performance is improved by double.


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Personalised social matching systems can be seen as recommender systems that recommend people to others in the social networks. However, with the rapid growth of users in social networks and the information that a social matching system requires about the users, recommender system techniques have become insufficiently adept at matching users in social networks. This paper presents a hybrid social matching system that takes advantage of both collaborative and content-based concepts of recommendation. The clustering technique is used to reduce the number of users that the matching system needs to consider and to overcome other problems from which social matching systems suffer, such as cold start problem due to the absence of implicit information about a new user. The proposed system has been evaluated on a dataset obtained from an online dating website. Empirical analysis shows that accuracy of the matching process is increased, using both user information (explicit data) and user behavior (implicit data).


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know personally. They also communicate with other members of the network who are the friends of their friends and may be friends of their friend’s network. They share their experiences and opinions within the social network about an item which may be a product or service. The user faces the problem of evaluating trust in a service or service provider before making a choice. Opinions, reputations and ecommendations will influence users' choice and usage of online resources. Recommendations may be received through a chain of friends of friends, so the problem for the user is to be able to evaluate various types of trust recommendations and reputations. This opinion or ecommendation has a great influence to choose to use or enjoy the item by the other user of the community. Users share information on the level of trust they explicitly assign to other users. This trust can be used to determine while taking decision based on any recommendation. In case of the absence of direct connection of the recommender user, propagated trust could be useful.


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The skyrocketing trend for social media on the Internet greatly alters analytical Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Against this backdrop, the purpose of this paper is to advance the conceptual design of Business Intelligence (BI) systems with data identified from social networks. We develop an integrated social network data model, based on an in-depth analysis of Facebook. The data model can inform the design of data warehouses in order to offer new opportunities for CRM analyses, leading to a more consistent and richer picture of customers? characteristics, needs, wants, and demands. Four major contributions are offered. First, Social CRM and Social BI are introduced as emerging fields of research. Second, we develop a conceptual data model to identify and systematize the data available on online social networks. Third, based on the identified data, we design a multidimensional data model as an early contribution to the conceptual design of Social BI systems and demonstrate its application by developing management reports in a retail scenario. Fourth, intellectual challenges for advancing Social CRM and Social BI are discussed.